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Warrior Dark Void

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From a distance, a dragoness spied on Tempest and smiled slightly. "At least he's in this as well." She thought. The dragoness had come into the game as a spell caster and had already learned quite a few spells that would hopefully prove useful in the future.


When Tempest reached the nearest town, he sold his old gear and sat on a bench, looking into the sky.

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"Are you sure, and why would there be a boss here, it's unheard to have a boss running around in town" Cecilia said couriuse of why it's there. "Wait there might be a book that might have something to say about this" Cecilia said going over to the pile of books on the floor and looking through them.

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"Okay well read up on it" Raven said. "Because the pegasus took a b-" Raven stopped when he saw the arrow above the mares head was orange.



the mare was panting as she lost a bit of health form the Queens attacks. "You are a stubborn one you damn queen" The mare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The next level's threat she couldn't contend with without difficulty. Though her sound based weaponry were very effective against slimes, she was far over leveled by it. Its hp bars were going down in slivers. In the beta testing she heard of a technique that needed two ponies or two groups to achieve: Switching. No time now to get a suitable partner, she was determined to kill one. At least. Humbug took much more damage she inflicted but regenerated faster. When her health was running low, she was running as well. Round and round. Mechanically slimes are slow and don't regenerate fast due to her type of attack. I took a full hour to take one down by herself. Only by luck none other respawned


"I need a partner... real bad." She warped to the level under. "Dam, I'm not as powerful am I?"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"What about a book again, what's wrong, did something happened that I would be worried about, what were you going to say" Cecilia said mad that he stopped talking all of the sudden. She still searched through the book to see if she could find something though.

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"Nothing" Raven said before grabbing Dragons Scale and heading out before slashing at the queen. "Looked like you needed help" Raven said. "Heh I was doing fine...but a bit of help is appreciated...you know how to switch?" The mare asked. "Heard  of it...shouldn't be hard" Raven said before blocking one of the Queens attacks. "Switch now" THe mare said as Raven jumped back before the mare struck the queen with a brrage of attacks.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest was brought out of his musings when he noticed a familiar black dragoness. "I was hoping you wouldn't be here." He said. "Either way, I'm happy to see you Gale."


The dragoness smirked. "Of course I'm here. Somepony needs to makesre you don't get yourself killed." She said, smiling slightly. "Anyway, it looks like the monsters on this level are tougher so we should probably work together."


The bat pony thought about this for a second and nodded. "Might as well, consideringthe fact that our thought patterns are in sync." He said. "We should prbaly rest at an inn though." With that, the two rented a room and slept in relative omfort.

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i've been tricked.

wait, what's happening to the town?

dusk heard so many blasting and slashing and shouting.

dusk saw raven and A Blue pegasus?

"what?- the queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

finally , I can kill you, 
dusk sat down and focus his shadows and other shadow's to him.

all the shadow that were in range to dusk , began to split to there ponies.

then dusk began to embrace the darkness.

(OTHER DUSK) come on, let me lead you, just for a bit.

dusk- kss, I can defeat her, just lend me some.
or my friends are gonna die, they can't defeat by weapon's  only, they have have a specific energy.

only an enough energy can Smash that hard shell of the queen.


Other dusk- fine but can you control it?

Dusk- I have to.

dusk's eyes  became black with  green.
and flew to the battle field interrupting the two ponies.


Sorry- I'm late

dusk began to slash the queen's body guard's and killing them.

(YES YES, more blood!!!!!)

then dusk was sent flying by the tentacles, of the queen.


i was away again, damn,
I know I can't defeat without, 

dusk leaned to the two ponies and asked them, hey you two, distract the queen 


the two said simultaneously : DON'T ORDER US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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"Screw this" Raven said as his blade was covered in fire. "I guess I can distract it while you two charge you sword art" The mare said. "I however can pierce that damn shell" She said holding up the rapier as he glowed purple. "Piercing Arrow" The Mare Flew forward and struck the same spot with the same attack three times causing a crack in the shell.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Humbug traversed the lower level, killing as many things as she could. Mobs of enemies died as she ran past with her damaging area of effect, the ones that survive met a sharp cone to the head and an ending tune. For hours she just ran in large curves that ended up to be circles, nothing hostile was safe. After awhile, she stopped running and humming and practiced her sword skill. Alone, The green mare developed techniques that used both sword skill and her special talent.


Spinning hollow cone tackle, Downward Hell-hole smash, Sound propulsion.


She was faster and stronger. She knew more the extent of her power but still needed a Duo switch.


A colt was slowly clapping. Humbug turned around. "I'm impressed. You seem to be very powerful." He was whiter than ashen coal and so very pale, his armor was heavy yet he carried a bow. "I am the Myst of Re, and you?"



"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Dusk is almost done charging.


Okay!!!! Get out of the way.

I'm gonna kill that b*tch .....!!!!!!!


Then dusk unleashes his power.


Electro magnetic blast!!!!!!



Dusk hit the cracked shell and obliterated the queen and dusk collapsed




Dusk lost conciousness again.


Damn , why am I so weak??

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Raven didn't look at Dusk. "You are weak because you try to do everything yourself" Raven said before he headed out of town before the mare stopped him. "Hey...you trying to be a player killer also" The mare asked. "No...I'm not I only killed a player because he tried to kill me" Raven said. "If you want kill Dusk for his stupidity...joking" Raven said as he left town getting a annoyed sighed from the mare

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"What just happened" Cecilia quickly flew over to Dusk. "Dusk, Dusk, are you ok, oh what should I do" Cecilia said shaking him. She didn't know what to do, so she put him on her back and start walking back to there apartment, without Raven. Cecilia realized that after this she might be left alone for a while.

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Raven went into the forest and killed the mosnters there till he was a low health and smiled before healing himself. "I'll keep fighting..." Raven said as he headed back to the inn before seeing Cecilia. "We need to get going to the other floors now we stayed here long enough" Raven said before picking up Dusk. "The town on the next floor which is beyond the Dungeon will have something for him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh your back, and you want to leave now, why are we in such a hurry" Cecilia wasent expecting on him actually returning, she thought that after Dusk came to, he would leave her and she would be compleatly alone. She wouldn't mind though, she was already use to be like that.

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"Dusk will be out of it but I'll be carrying him we need to go to the next floor now" Raven said picking Dusk up before he headed out of the inn. "You are going to need help if you plan on carrying that pony...and I doubt she can ight on her own" Trinity said walking up to Raven. "I highly doubt you can fight while carying him and also the second floor want people to team up so how about I help you all out" Trinity asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Switch!" Humbug and Myst struck to the beat of the anvil. Incoming metal swipes were deflected by him and she was given the chance to strike. She flew through the air and struck left, right then down. Afterward her hum blew her back while simultaneously damaging the metal wolf. It was her turn to deflect. The beast struck and the megaphone funneled the force of the strong swipe sideways, user and all. She was dragging dirt in her defense.


"Switch!" The stallion aimed to the air and charged his sword. The glow turned the blade white and he fired while swinging down. The move imitated a downward slash as if he were wielding a sword, but a bow he held. 


A garbling cry as a its last hp bars fell. "Good, now i can make better swords. Thank you for teaming up with me."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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dusk is regaining his consciousness, what happened, 
damn I can't my body, am I moving?

ksss, is this?


tsss, sorry rave please leave me if you want, I'm useless hehe , I can't even protect My friends.

Dusk then lost his consciousness again.

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"Now what he's unconscious again, and I don't care what he says, I won't leave him behind, now matter what happens, he's a part of the group" Cecilia said willing to carry him if she has to. "No pony gets left behind, or forgotten" Cecilia said dead serious, she dosent like leavening any pony behind.

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Tempest and Gale woke up and ate at a restaurant before deciding on what to do for the rest of the day. Gale, thankfully, had both combat and healing magic so they could go longer without worrying about death. After forming a two player party, the bat pony and dragoness exited the town and began to grind for experience and money via killing monsters and selling whatever they didn't need. Gale also managed to get stronger armor as the day progressed.

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"Are you sure that should be working here?" Humbug cringed at the sound of the constant anvil. "Monsters, we could die. This is careless."


"Its okay, The game recognizes this area as a shop because of my anvil, so no monsters can get to us." Re reset the forming animation, over and over. "Just stay as close as possible. By the way this doesn't work in dungeons or boss areas.


The stallion struck his hammer for the last time, forming a bladed megaphone. The edge was serrated to deflect and damage anything that hit it. Inside had been fitted with a silver speaker that amplified sound. "Woah..." She stared in awe at her new weapon.


"It's been made with living metal. This baby will scale as much as you do. Your welcome."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Hello I am right here like I said I can help you ponies out" Trinity said waving her Hoff in front of them. "What do you say you want my help or no?" Trinity asked


"I guess we could do with some more help" Raven said. "Alright help us out then" Raven said. " Alright then I'll carry him you can fight of the monsters" Trinity answered

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Are you sure that you want to carry him, he is kind of heavy, so if you ever get tired I won't Ming carrying him, besides if I'm at a low level, the lest I could if be somewhat helpful" Cecilia said hating the fact she's trying to be nice like her friend. "Man I hate this "being nice" thing" Cecilia whispered to herself kind of harshly.

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"Then stop being nice and start killing monsters so you won't at a low level" Trinity said. Raven sighed. "Not to be mean but she's right" Raven said as they approached the dungeon entrance. "Well...here we are..you ready Cecilia" Raven asked as he held the blade. "Because neither of us have a way to escape the dungeon if one of us gets badly injured" Raven said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Sure, and yeah I know that we need to HHS careful" Cecilia said still kind of upseat that they heard her earlier. She's mainly in a bad mood though because she's worried about some ponies. "Let's go then, oh and we have to make sure that the monsters stay away from... wait what your name, and if you did say it, I might have forgotton" Cecilia said looking at the mare carring Dusk.

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