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Warrior Dark Void

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((@Majestic I'm on a side boss. Humbug needs a very important drop.))



Humbug stumbled as she was side swiped by a granular claw, her body etched a silhouette where the massive palm met resistance. It was Darude: An entity of sand and fire. The dragon had been packed of sand and imbued with magical prowess, thus granting it immense strength and power. Defeating it would boost her levels and give her an item that she desperately needs: The Heart of the Sandstorm. From local NPC Legend, The item would grant 30% max health and can filled with health potions that would passively drain into the player, healing them until it ran empty.




"Feel the power of the Humbeserker!"

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Tempest and Gale arrived at the floor dungeon and made their way to the main chamber. When they for to the boss, they were at the bottom of a canyon. "Well, this is interesting." Tempest said, looking around. He felt the ruble beneath his feet and a large snake slithered out of one of the caves that adorned the wall. The bat pony then smiled and drew his blades as Gale got a spell ready.


"I guess he wasn't expecting company." Gale said as she launched a fireball at the serpent. The attack hit and the snake lunged at the Gale and Tempest,aiming for the dragoness specifically, causing the two to dodge to the side.


The bat pony noticed that the snake was aiming for Gale and grit his teeth in anger. "Hey long dry and scaley, over here." He yelled as he stabbed at the boss with one of his swords.

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((yeah I know that, I do read the other post, so I know that there's others on the third floor))


"Ok we need to keep going, and maybe go to a village after this so we can sell some of the stuff that we have" Cecilia said looking around to see if there are any monsters or maybe ponies near by the place. "Yeah that would be for the best" Cecilia said to herself.

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Raven held a black and red blade as he hurried through the third floor dungeon with Cecilia. "Yeah we need to worry about Trinity also since she tried to kill us again" Raven said slashing at more monsters before he looked at Dusk. "You okay Dusk you haven't said anything in a while"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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not this again, I hate this curse, that b*tch , when I find her I will definitely kill her, 
(dusk's voice sounded like a girl now)


raven, don't you dare say I word.
celia I need help here, I need a dress, can you help me?


( sorry guys, school started again , feel free to use my character in a good way, please treat him nicely as you treat your OC's)


Sebastion Castellano

 ill be reading the post's once in a while)

Edited by dusk.night
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Raven laughed. "YOU SOUND LIKE A GIRL NOW" He said out loud laughing a lot. "I'm sorry but this is just hilarious to me" Raven said laughing. "Wait curse...what curse exactly...wait you got changed to a girl...oh this is just too good" Raven said snickering. "Again I am truely sorry but this is just funny"




(You are allowing us to control Dusk?) 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"A dress, well I don't usually wear dresses, I don't really like them, but a made can still look nice, even without a dress or makeup, I just think its a waste wearing those, I mean really what's the point in them" Cecilia said doing her best not to laugh because she knows its not appropriate to laugh at the time.


((Are you sure that you want us to control your character, I'll read your characters background and stuff and try to think of how he acts))

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Tempest and Gale fought valiantly, but eventually one of them had to fall. Gale was unfortunately slammed into the wall of the canyon and slumped to the ground, unconscious. Tempest mentally cursed and glared at the snake. "I don't care what you are. I'm getting to the next floor." He roared as the strange energy from before surrounded him. Tempest then lunged forward and slashed at the snake multiple times, his swords giving off a red aura. "I am the aura warrior. I am the best fighter in this game and I will not stop until Discord is dead." The bat pony then sliced off the head of the snake and received a golden scarab that would increase one's health by 20% and increase their health regeneration rate. "I hope your listening, Discord. I'm coming for you." The bat pony then lifted Gale onto his back and trotted to the next floor. The first thing he noticed was the amount of forest on the level and it seemed that they were on some sort of coast. Tempest couldn't drag Gale to the next town, so he set her down and stood guard.


(I'll give all of you time to catch up so we can have some more interaction between characters.)

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I said not to laugh. (Bubble cute face)


I'm hating this form, especially this huge bubble thing in front of me.


What is this???

Anyway, could you make me a dress Celia??

And need tips on how to dress like one..

Cause just like what happened last month...




I don't wanna talk about it.


And the curse?

Well , long story short.


You know how I react at bosses right??

Well the one who made me this, is

Tears began to drop.


The one who killed my friends..

Because we trusted a stranger.


And that witch let me lived but put me a curse.

This curse will last another month.


I'm hating this.....



(Yes , I trust you guys to take care of my OC, just don't do humiliating or perverted things to him/her??? I'm getting confused to my OC) :P

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"Ok fine I'll make a dress, but I'll need some fabric, a sewing machine, and thread to go with the fabric, I have an idea for a dress, and well I was going to make it for my friend, but well I'm hear in this game, but I'll still make it though, and you know, you already look cute the way you are, but I still don't know why you would want to wear a dress though, I don't wear dresses" Luna said with a smile on her face.


((If you watched Vampire Knightyou might know the dress I'm talking about but if not then go to YouTube type in Vampire Knight Ending Song (Season 1) and she is talking about the black dress (the first one you should see) I think the dress is beautiful, and will suit the female version of the character, excpecially after everything he went through))

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"Thats why you didn't trust Trinity when we had her with us..." Raven said looking at Dusk who nodded in response. "Let's get going the boss should be up ahead do you think you can still fight Dusk?' Raven asked as he looked at the fog gate that leads to the boss arena.





(A cookie to anyone who knows what the fog gate entrance to a boss is from)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I think that Dusk should be careful at the time, oh and Dusk, you might want to be careful of what you say and do at the time if your a mare, meaning, don't let the hormones get to you, if you understand, wait how long has this been going on for you" Cecilia said thinking that if this happened before then he should understand what she meant.



((I don't know, sorry))

Edited by LunaFlower226
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"Got to admit though he sounds and looks cute" Raven said smiling. "Come on the boss is through this you ready guys because I am" Raven said. "Better hope you don't grab some stallions eye while you are like this"



(I don't like controlling other peoples characters....))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"You know I said something like that earlier right, and besides a mare might like him better that way too, you never know, but yeah Dusk needs to be careful, and I still think that you don't really need a dress, but it's your chose" Cecilia said looking at Dusk, feeling kind of sorry for him.


((yeah same here, I'm not the controlling type, unless its my own characters, then I'll force them to do something that they would hate))

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((Guess I'll control him/her thne))


"Ha ha very funny" Dusk said. "Hey I'm sorry but when we get to town we can try to break the curse...unless you want to stay like this" Raven said. "No I don't want to stay like this" Dusk said. "Alright lets go then" Raven said as he entered through the fog gate and was met with....


((BOSS BATTLE....what shoul it be)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Yep controlling dusk Makes me fell awkward, all righty then, don't control her/him)



On second thought Celia, this suit will be good for a month, and ohh there is the boss....


Thanks or understanding me guys, would you take care o the monsters for me???

I'll handle the boss, you may not know, the witch may be there inside that boss, feeding herself??




Dusk eyes became dark green...

Then he charged the boss and stopped, that's a pretty huge boss....

Anyways CHARGE!!!!!!!!


Dusk attacked the boss, she keeps on slashing and slashing it, but no effect.....




What the ???

Dusk noticed a laugh..

Did you guys hear that??


Dusk saw a blurred Image at the back of the beast...

Dusk wagged his head and attacked again but still no damage, how can this be???

I had enough, you must feel delighted that I'm gonna use my full strength on you beasty..


Dual began to charge his power, (ahhhhhhh)


Dusk's body began to release dark green aura...


Then dusk charge and slashed the boss..

One slash contained a thousand ..


One to thousand slash..


Then the floor and roof cracked and exploded...

That was....



(Ha hahahha)


Voice- hello there darling, I see your well

Dusk- (gasp) YOUUUIUUUUU!!!!!!

Voice-hahaha, you still never learn huh??

You cannot defeat me..


Then out of no where the voice became an alicorn..


Shiri- hello darling

Dusk- stop calling me that Shiri. We already broke up, because of what you did , dusk's face was full of rage..

Shiri leaned


Ohhhh you brought food for me... And ponies again..

Said Shiri.


Dusk jumped in front of her..

Don't even think about it bitch..


Then she dispersed ( chuckles )

Then dusk leaned to raven and Celia but they disappeared also ..


Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! SHIRII!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna kill you!!!!!


Shiri laughed..



Dusk used a technique to break the chain off Shiri on raven and Celia.

Electric charge flowed around the stage..


Dusk, what did you do!!!!!


I broke your magic, it's better to scatter ourselves that to be eaten by you..


The dusk collapsed..


(I hope there ok)


They are not far from each other....


Last technique for now.


Mind link.


Guys if your getting this, lets meet agin on the fifth floor.

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Raven sighed. "Again he does this...WHY" Raven said before offing the monster. "Always putting himself in harms way...we can fight Shiri without him risking his own damn life" Raven said. "I don't care if we don't know her either" Raven said as his weapon glowed red to signal his anger. "Let's go Cecilia...I got a message from my sister telling me she is in the game at the village on the next floor and also Dusk is on the fifth floor"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Wait what happened, where are we, I don't like this, grrrrrr, wait so your sister is stuck here too, t-that must be harsh, I wouldn't want my brother in this game, I know how easily he could have died, I hope your sister will be safe" Cecilia said somewhat glade her brother isn't stuck in this game.

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"It all depends on how well she is doing...she used to be bullied a lot but I protect her...now she is in this game and she didn't tell me until now..." Raven said sounding worried. "I really hope no one has tried to hurt her" Raven said as he left the dungeon with Cecilia. "Well lets head on to the next town."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"W-wait what about Dusk, we can't just leave him, we have to find him" Cecilia said worried about what will happen, and why things turned out like this. She just couldn't accept this, something was different, she just dident know what though, but Luna has to find out.

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"I know but he is at the fifth floor" Raven said. "Right now we are heading to the fourth floor" Raven said as he left the dungeon and was on the fifth floor.


(( we should all meet up on the fifth floor then do a major time skip to floor 70 or 60 like the anime does))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest was about to fall asleep when he saw Raven come to the fifth floor. "I don't believe I've seen you before." He said as he drew a sword. "Mind telling me your name." The bat pony figure that he might as well be cautious if he and Gale were to survive to see the end of this.

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"I should be saying the same but don't worry we are not enemies my name is Raven and this is Cecilia" Raven said putting his weapon away glad the arrow above his head was green instead of Orange. "Might I ask who you are after what happened with the las pony we met trying to kill us" Raven said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Tempest nodded slightly and understood Raven's reasoning. "Believe me. I have no intention to harm . My name is Temoest. And the sleeping dragoness behind me is Gale." He said, before looking out into the ocean. "I can't put my hoof on it, but this place seems familiar." He thought to himself.

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"The area looks like a place you have been to I assume" Raven said looking out to the ocean. "I must say though I'm glad you're not the pegasus who has been trying to kill us" Raven said as he looked back to Cecilia. "I know we can trust them but what about you Cecilia" Raven asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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