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open Resurgence RP (Sci-fi, Post-apocalyptic, AU, Anthro, Adventure)


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@@IridscentNionios@@Commander Tangent@@@Windbreaker


Verdant Veil


"That's right. I'll be safely behind a rock, shooting the fuckers you don't see coming. Have fun out there covering yourself in blood, I'll be dealing the real damage." Stinger replied the hyppogriff who he hadn't even caught the name of. "Name's Stinger." He paused for a moment with gathering his equipment and jabbed his right index finger in the air. "Because I sting... y'know. With big bullets from long distances." He continued gathering his equipment, grabbing the four frag grenades, his flight-assiting jetpack and armour. Rather quickly he donned all of it as if he had done it a hundred times before. Finally, he attached the sniper rifle to the back of his armour between his wings. The barrel was so long it almost reached the ground behind him. Very impractical, but badass as fuck. "Care to tell me yours?" He said, looking at her quite randomly put together gear. He had been right. Tough as rock with a sense of humor. Her weapons were a joke. But hew as smart enough not to tell her that. He'd tell her over the comms, when he was at a considerable distance from her large metal talons.


He looked at the situation that started to develop around the poor little mare. Indeed, she did seem very anxious, but unlike the hyppogriff he noticed the medkit as a part of her gear. She wasn't nescesarily a soldier, she'd be patching them up, especially the ones who'd be in the front lines like the Hyppogriff herself. Quite a stupid move to make fun of her like that. But at the same time, he couldn't really care less. He stepped up to the blue stallion with the funny bird, but a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him sarcastically. "Alright mate, you go ahead and have an emotional intervention about the theories of evolution, and while you're at it, do some trust and teambuilding exercises. I'll be shooting the bad guys." A few seconds he stared into the stallions eyes, with the same sarcastic smile on his face. Then he smirked. "Stop taking yourself so seriously. It's not like the fate of the world rests on our shoulders. I'm just here to shoot things, preferably before they get to hurt any of you guys. I'll have your back. Just make sure they don't come my way will you..?" He exclaimed, with a crude smile on his face he moved into the direction of the hangars, following Gilda. 


Merdyn Kael-Zúr


Finally, Merdyn recieved an actual order. They were moving to the hangars. He'd been waiting for them to get to action for a while now, and it was tiring to watch these fools converse about things not worth discussing over. He stood up, ignored all the others and walked straight through their group to follow the Gryffon. "I don't think you'd want to make her wait." He said suggestively, pointing at Gilda while looking at the group of misfits. "Although it might be very amusing to see the gryffon become infuriated even further by your incompetence, I don't think it will benefit the progression of our mission. So take my advise and haste yourselves." 


He turned around and followed the Gryffon to the hangars, smiling to himself. He hoped that this would trigger some sort of reaction from the others. Hopefully something he could turn into an argument. He'd love to smash one of these imbeciles into the ground if they thought they could provoke him. Maybe they'd say something about his lack of equipment? Or his preposterous armour? "Please, please be so stupid. I would enjoy it immensely..."

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Atheia." The Hippogriff said simply when asked her name. It didn't mean anything, as far as she knew. It wasn't a nickname or a title - just her name. She quite liked it. "Try not to hit me and we'll get on just fine."


The sniper seemed okay, as far as they went. If he was any good at his job, they could probably world together well enough. He wasn't as freaking uptight as some if the rest. Most notably...




She turned to the fancy-speaking one with the shield.


"Listen Straight Shirt, folks die when guns start shooting. You want her along so you can stare at her backside - that's fine! Personally though? I put keeping her alive ahead of that on my list of priorities. So when she gets shot, or bitten, or stabbed, or incinerated because of you telling her she's some kind of invincible war-hero, i'm not taking the blame for it, got that?"


It wasn't a question: she turned on a heel and stormed away.




This was stupid: why did she even bother bringing it up? Wasn't like it was her job to keep the girl alive - didn't matter to her one way or the other!


Though, despite these thoughts, she still paused as she passed the girl.


"You can listen to Boy-Scout over there and hope that the 'magical power of friendship' can stop bullets or monsters or... whatever we find. Or, you can keep your head down and your gun loaded when the shots start singin'. Personally always found fancy words and flowery sentiment to be pretty shitty for self defence, but hey - what do I know?"


She shook her head and smirked - taking a long drag of the cigarette before flicking it across the bay, to where it lay smouldering on the ground. For a moment, it looked like she had more to say, but instead she just grunted something illegible and strode after the Griffon.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Listening to his allies bickering get finally decides he has had enough. "Will you snack sized pines be quiet already? Seriously it is getting on my nerves. I already like the robot best now. Damn it, tjhis what I get stuck with? At least I don't have yo worry about shooting you idiots accidentally, just hitting you like a freight train. Is my point understood?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Faithful Belief


Faith grew increasingly disheartened as the squad continued to fight. She had been told that the medic plays a vital role in any Ranger squad, yet half the squad seemed to think she was there as a joke. Then there was the one who was doing those strange gestures. Already pretty scary before now, then when he spoke...


'Losing your nerve, Faith? C'mon, Sis. Don't listen to what they're saying about you. Because you're stronger than you think. I know I can be an idiot sometimes... Ok, a lot of the time. But that never stopped you believing in me. So I believe in you, Sis.'


Faith started to tear up behind her visor as she listened to her brother's voice and put on her helmet to hide it.


'Listen, I need a favour. Don't worry, it's not a hard one. Keep this recording around for those times when you start losing faith. As a way to remember your idiot brother. Be strong, ok? I love you.'


She gave a small smile as the recording finished on their way to the hangar. Her brother always knew how to cheer her up, even when he wasn't there.




This all had to be a joke. A disjointed pack of morons and the only smart one seemed to be that robot. Any of the others seemed as if they'd let their flaws get in the way, which led to people dying. She was all too familiar with that. It happened before. He was a sweet pony. Charming and kind, but quiet and not much good in a fight. They'd joined the Rangers, and a similar situation to this new squad happened. Except they chose the quiet one to be leader. Her predatory eyes narrowed as she tried to push those memories out of her head. Which was hard when half of this new squad was so bucking identical to her own squad when she was a recruit. From the quiet one everyone seemed to pick on to the arrogant mage who thought he was smarter than everyone else, if his apparent inability to pay attention to his handler was anything to go by.


After speaking to the staff at the hangars, she climbed aboard one of the sleeker ships, a model known as the Phoenix, though she never understood why they called it that. It didn't look anything like a phoenix. A flat-ish beak, maybe, but then you could call it the name of any bird with that beak shape and it would fit just as well. As she set up the mobile command post inside, she thought of her own squad.


"...Fine. I'll give 'em a chance. I don't need you haunting me about it."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Scribblegroove, Terra shrugged as if the remarks didn't reach him at all. He smiled... "Regardless combat is combat... if you're not careful, if you can't adapt then you will die... simple and cold like that. Doesn't matter what you do! But anyways we'll see everyone in action! It's the best way to determine each other's worth, skills, and greatness." he did the victory shine and gave everyone a toothly smile. Unfortunately the hippogryph made a remark that... well... irked him.

@, "EXCUUUUSE me but if manners are mistaken sexual harassment here then the word has gone more wrong that i'd expect. But anyways... we all need a little chill pill here. I am Terra by the way... nice to meet you Stinger and... Atheia right? Oh and this is Fenix my phoenix." as he said that the bird flew a spiral up and let his fire shine a bit brighter. He laughed a bit "Calm down Fenix stop being a showoff!"

@@Commander Tangent, "Agnus is right... everyone has a part to play. Let's just satisfy ourselves by doing what we do best!" A simple answer yet satisfactory... well to most at least. Everyone seemed to be overwhelmed by the coldness of combat yet this wasn't what bothered him, at least not directly... He was a bit dissapointed that the environment had gotten to them so much over the time.

@@Windbreaker, Terra couldn't be fooled, past the skin Faith was... taken aback from what was said here. Fenix bit his ear a bit shaking him from his inactivity, like if trying to tell him to do something. Fenix took a feather from his many and gave it to him, Terra in turn smiled as he took it and handed it to Faith. "Take this... now you have a piece of us whenever you need it. Oh... and if you are in need burn the feather and Fenix will tell me. Sounds cool?" he gave her a friendly salute before continuing to follow Gilda. It was all he could do not knowing what lied ahead, he wished the briefing would be quick.

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Agnus felt a rise in tension between the group. Though the most affected seemed to bee faith. She had covered her face with her visor. It knew something was up. After the pony  with the bird walked away, he bumped Faith's shoulder lightly and smiled to her.


"Don't worry about what the others say, they will be thanking you if your medical training comes to be used on them" Agnus said, his eyes glowing a soft yellow, " I am glad to have you on this team" It warmly said. With that it walked towards the drop-ship and began to process the profiles of its squad mates, what their capabilities and training were, and how it could use that to an advantage in combat.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Faith wasn't sure how to react. Terra had just handed her a feather, said some encouraging words and walked off. It all happened so quickly that it just left her confused. But she couldn't deny that the feather was pretty and despite the lack of warning, it was an act of kindness. "Umm...Th-thanks." She said, holding the feather close to her. She could feel the warmth from it through her Exo.


@@Commander Tangent,


Agnus had a gentler approach to trying to encourage Faith. His words seemed so soft and warm, a contrast to other robots she'd seen and heard who all had cold and harsh monotones. With all the encouragement, she felt her spirits rise though the attention made her feel shy. Well, moreso than usual.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"I swear, the only smart one here us three medic. I didn't go through trying to path anypony up. Machines I can do, any if y'all, well we will need her. We need time set up a guard for her to protect her. Am I right, Agnus was it? And not the hand wavy hit over there. He is gonna get himself shot up."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Sauntering away without anything else to say to any of the group of misfits, Atheia looked forwards towards the ship as she approached. All sleek lines and clean whites... everything that the straight shirts liked to think that the rangers were about.


She hated it.


Skill, if it got her down to the old world, then it would be her best friend this was her ticket out if this place - best not to judge it too early. She groaned and trudged on: once more noticing the effects if the hangover that had almost been forgotten in the excitement.


All in all, this might not be too bad, she figured. Boy-Scout was a straight shirt yes man if she ever saw one, but he'd be funny to role up. She wondered how far she could push him before he lost it...


The girl... that was a tragedy just waiting to happen, and Atheia wanted nothing to do with it. She was never going to grow up in someone else's shadow, being coddled and wrapped in cotton wool. Apparently nobody else saw that though, so they were stuck with a liability until she either got maimed, or started to stand up for herself - which wasn't likely to happen with the way things were going at the moment.


The robot was... well, pretty much as expected. It did what It was told: it was a robot.


The sniper wasn't too uptight: they managed a wisecrack or two. Hopefully that meant that he was good at his job:, and that she wasn't going to be the only one able to kick back once in a while.


There had been a bull blustering about something if other, but she hardly understood their none sense at the best of times. So long as he was there though, she wasn't the most obvious target on the battlefield, which was good.


And the Mage... well, she supposed he might be fun to tease if Boy-Scout ever got boring. She didn't really know much about his yet though.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Commander Tangent@@IridscentNionios@@@Scribblegroove@@,



When the squad arrived at the hangar, Gilda had finished the preparations. She turned to look at them and smirked. "And here I thought you guys weren't coming. Well, this is it. Engines are primed, full tank's full and everything's all set. Make sure you've got everything and get on board. Anyone with second thoughts can stay behind. Fill out their stupid paperwork to be assigned to another squad. I don't really care that much what you do if you stay behind. But if you're brave, stubborn or stupid, then come aboard."


She patted the side of the ship and grinned, as if something was putting her in a better mood. Faith began to think she preferred it when Gilda was pissed off. "This thing's a bit flimsy-lookin' for my taste, but it comes with a stocked kitchen so we don't need to use up rations on long flights. If you guys live long enough to be promoted to Sergeant, you'll get perks like this, too. Not to mention they'll eventually cave in after a while. You'd know about that, wouldn't you, Hippogriff girl?"


Inside the ship was a comfortable living space, as if the ship was also intended to be used as a living quarters away from the Citadel, though given that Gilda said she had to argue with the suits to get it, it wasn't being issued to every squad yet. A small retractable ramp led up to the cockpit and command centre area, and there was a bathroom in the back with a medical bay next door to it. The kitchen was just off the common area, which also doubled as a shared bedroom for the squad, though this one was meant for a squad of six, as there were 3 bunks on each side, making a total of 6 bunks.


As Gilda walked inside, she got a pair of sleeping bags out from underneath the bottom bunks. "So who's sleeping on the floor? 'cause I'm stationed upstairs."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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The griffons remark didn't go unnoticed, though Atheia didn't really know what to think of it. Was she being taunted or applauded?


At the very least, she appreciated someone referring to her race without it sounding like some kind of slur or insult. She gave a motion of vague acknowledgement in response and followed Gilda aboard.




"Sure Boy-Scout won't mind giving up his bunk for his new lady friend anyway, so that's one less problem." Snarked Atheia as she lay claim to the middle bunk on the starboard side of the ship. Everything here was too 'neat for her liking... but that could be changed. Why hadn't she brought anything to drink? Hopefully there'd be some booze in the kitchen, though she doubted it sadly.


"How long 'till we get there anyway?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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 @IridscentNionios@Tyranosuarus in F18s@Scribblegroove@Mr Suit And Tie@Cinderscribe,


"I'll take the floor, I don't really need to much comfort" Agnus said to the group. Looking around at the group, he continued, "We'll do rotations on the beds,  so Deciding who should get them first will be the hardest part." Agnus said.


It ran a random process through its head and tried to select a group that could get the beds, but first it wanted to hear everyone's input.


" I think I have been able to randomly decide who should get the beds, but I am open to input before giving the names" It said.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@, @@Commander Tangent, @,"At least i'm not behaving like a little chick that needs a cushion on her fluffy butt in case it gets a boo-boo."  he mumbled beneath his teeth and coughed as he looked around. He looked around not sure of what to think. Agnus seemed to be the one coldly, but reasonably understanding. Well "coldly" as in logical, every argument he made bore logic behind it and that was something Terra understood perfectly.

Sometimes however passion has a funny way of trumping logic, sometimes the numbers don't add up. Sometimes... when others tell you that you will fail, when they tell you things will stay the same all you gotta do is be stubborn and go forth.

"I don't care which one I take Agnus put mine on a randomizer or something. Let's keep things fair. That way if anyone complains to someone they'll be complaining to Lady Luck if anything." he said secretly snickering at the though that one of them might get unluckier than him. Even if they didn't and started teasing him about his luck of the draw then he'd just wait till they get bored.

They all get bored from the teasing... and then reality shoves them back to their places and they all understand, they all do so in the end.

Edited by IridscentNionios
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"I am part bull, stubborn kind of goes with it. And I hope there is a bunk that actually holds me. I ain't exactly a light weight. Nice ship though. Not standard issue. That is obvious. She has got some luxuries in her, and, I hope a ton of weapons. A ship is useless unarmed.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Gilda raised an eyebrow (or the gryphon equivalent thereof) at the minotaur. "We've got a chaingun and homing rockets for any flyers that come our way, and a pair of retractable gun turrets up top. You want more guns? Build your own ship. This is a drop-ship, not a warship." She said in a dry manner. By the sounds of it, she'd heard that kind of comment before.


@@Commander Tangent, @@IridscentNionios,


She then turned to the others as they started figuring out who slept where. "I don't really care what you do. Just don't mess up my ship or I'll kick your flanks until you pay for the damages." When Faith stepped on board, Gilda grinned evilly. "You're in luck, little missy. Your coltfriend over there offered to let you share his bunk."


Faith blushed and stammered incoherently, as if trying to say something but failing. Eventually, Gilda just covered the girl's mouth to stop the rush of babbling. "Relax. I'm just messin' with ya. You're gonna have to get used to being teased, missy. Especially around me. Think of it as a learning exercise."




While the now red-faced and speechless Faith took a seat on one of the beds to recover from the shock, Gilda went to the kitchen and got a bunch of cans from one of the cupboards while answering the hippogriff's question. "We'll be taking off as soon as they give us the all clear, then it's about 3 hours to the LZ. Once everyone's on board and you've got your stuff in order, we're heading up that ramp to the command centre for the briefing. Our medic should be recovered by then." Gilda said with a sly grin at Faith.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"What was that Boy-Scout? Couldn't hear you from way over there, behind your massive ego." Atheia chuckled, flexing her talons and stretching her neck as she hopped upright - finally starting to wake up for real. The headache was fading a little, only to replaced by the stiffness in her joints that always followed... whatever the hell it was that she managed to do to herself when she started drinking.




"Three hours? Huh, expected it to be longer. That's great - wont be cooped up for too long then." Atheia nodded: quite happy with the arrangement. It was just about long enough for her to limber up and properly clear her head again... presuming she wasn't going to be disturbed constantly by the others constant whining.


She briefly considered pressing her luck by asking Gilda about more important provisions - namely booze - that she doubted they would have.


Probably not a great idea.


No, she'd manage without if the stockpile didn't include any of the stuff - did alcohol spoil? Maybe she might stumble across sone of the old-world stuff, though that was even more like wishful thinking...


She saluted - genuinely if not quite smartly or correctly - and turned to inspect the rest of the incomplete group.


"Oh come on!" She said impatiently. "What's taking them?"

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Windbreaker@Tyranosuarus in F18s@

"Alrighty then, three names have been selected. Atheia, Faith, Terra, Stronghammer,Merdyn and Chains  you six get first shift on the bunks. Everyone else will have to find a comfortable spot to sleep unill htey are rotated in, a sleeping scheduled will be administered later.
Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Now that they had entered the ship, Stinger had decided to step up his attitude a little. He threw his bag with the few belongings that he had decided to bring along on one of the sleeping bags on the floor. "I'll sleep on the ground." He said, ending the discussion. "Random selections? Rotations? We are professionals, no? All a situation like this needs is somepony to make a simple and quick decision. Not that hard." He explained, commenting on the bickering between everypony.


Looking at Atheia, he smirked at her the exchange of sneers between her and Lionmane. The both of them were acting like children. He was smart enough not to join them. Knowing that this group could turn into an unstable concoction if he started acting like a fool as well. As much as he liked to mess around with ponies, and laugh a little, he could also be very selfless. This team required somepony who'd count himself out and silently solve stupid problems like these. If it weren't for Atheia, he would be just as much of a troublemaker just because he enjoyed it, but clearly Atheia wasn't clever enough to eventually stop. So that was up to him now.


Keeping his thoughts to himself, he leaned against the side of one of one of the bunks, waiting for the others to get ready to head to the command center. Exhaling slowly, he pressed his index fingers against his forehead. His headache was still quite bad, and as determined he was to do things quickly, he had to slow down for a second to just appreciate the silence in his head. He was Gilda grabbing some food cans. "Are we going to eat?" He asked, not implying anything, even though he really was very hungry.


Merdyn Kael-Zúr


Merdyn hadn't been paying attention to anything again. Almost immediately after entering the ship, he decided that this entire endeavor was pointless, and was hardly worth his notice. Proceeding to continue practicing again, he hoped he would finally experience the bliss of comprehension. For weeks now he had been trying to master the final spell of his tri-orbant arsenal. Reaching this level of totality would be vital for his progression. Excelling to the next tier was still a long time away, but every second he spent practicing and studying brought him a step closer.


Proceeding to the back of the living quarters, he sat down again, this time on one of the seats there. Again he was making strange gestures with his fingers, with precise configurations of his fingers, and placement in relativity to each other. It was almost as if he was invisibly drawing something in the air. Almost all of his conscience was in deep concentration, his horn softly glowing again. Of course, he knew that the others were discussing who would be sleeping where. It didn't bother him in the slightest, since he spent most of his nights meditating and studying. The life of a magus was similar to that of a monk after all. 

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Windbreaker, @@Commander Tangent, @, @@Scribblegroove, "..." Terra didn't want to say anything else in response so he proceeded to answer the assignments of the sleeping patterns. Everyone right here tried to act like superior right now. Some tried to keep their level up but they didn't know they were part of the problem.

He settled his things in silence observing his surroundings. Nothing much to see really... He just spent the time tidying up his place and quietly fixing Fenix's new nest upon a corner. The bird quietly nuzzled his own nose and he petted him a bit trying to get his normal self back. Well as normal as he could get... with the situation. Everyone loved a good fight here, everyone wanted to coax each other on. He wondered how much of this bullshit won them in the military. Wasn't there anyone after his own heart? That was a figure of speech of course.

He looked at Faith a bit wishing he could help her a bit more without actually appearing to have a favoritism or attraction towards her. He didn't know if she saw him. It was true she was pretty but it would be real fake from him to try and approach her all of a sudden. Maybe the events that happened to this team could bond them together more. If he saved few lives, if some were thankful for his aid maybe there would be a peace within them.

Or it would all just go to Tartarus and they would die soon. Regardless he listened to the griffon that gave them more instructions. 3 hours huh? This would be time to think, mentally prepare. In the meantime he would have to make sure he followed the rest of the squad and not get lost. A murmur of hunger was heard from behind him and he saw Fenix with a pleading look. He looked around at his own stuff... he had sunflower seeds just for him. He got the gauntlet of his hand and placed some on his hand and gave them to him. The phoenix hungrily ate them bitting his palm a bit as he did. But he didn't mind... he was used to it.

He sighed... sometimes it was just him and Fenix.

"I was lucky to find you..." he said to himself  as he looked at him.

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Walking in, he immediately starts looking for a workbench. "Would be nice if I can find something to work with. The weapons will work in a small skirmish, but we might need more firepower. Given the chance I would gladly build my own ship. I don't feel like dying on the way there." Going through his gear again, he checks the hammers functions, making sure they are in order. Tweaking three adjustments slightly, he makes it.more suitable for defensive positions. "Leave the offence to them. I'm nit Stupid or gung-ho"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Gilda looked up as she got a pan out of another cupboard. "Yeah. Aren't you hungry? It's just canned pasta and sauce without any meat, but it's better than what they serve up in the barracks. Any of you who have your own apartments, be glad you don't have to eat that crap."




Gilda resisted the urge to facepalm. This minotaur was starting to get to her with his fixation on guns and working with metal. "If you want more firepower, then go build your own ship. I don't know what you've heard, but we're not going to be attacked by another ship. The crazies down there don't have them. They don't have anti-air because they're doing more important things, like surviving raids by the more vicious animals down there. Our weapons are meant to fend off the larger flying animals. There's no workbench in here, either."




"They'll be along or they get left behind when we get the all clear. Siddown and take it easy for a bit. Takes a bit for the suits to figure out their own damn system." Gilda said to Atheia as she cut into a can and emptied it into the pan over the electric hotplate. After that, she went to the fridge and got eight cans, shaped differently from the ones she got from the cupboard. "Anyone thirsty? It's just carbonated apple juice, but it's still pretty good."


A buzz and a light flashing on the wall alerted Gilda to an incoming message. She waved a hand over the light and a holographic panel appeared, the message playing not long after. >Sergeant Gilda, you have been given clearance to launch. Ensure your squad is prepared. Command out.<


"Or they can be on top of things for once. Anyone here good at cooking?" Gilda asked, looking to the squad.


Meanwhile, Faith had moved closer to Agnus, since the robot was the one she was most comfortable around. She'd anticipated having a rough start, but not quite to this extent. She'd have to start standing up for herself...eventually. For now, she'd just make sure she took the Hippogriff's advice of keeping her gun loaded and keeping them alive.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker, @, @@Scribblegroove, @@Commander Tangent, @,Terra lifted his head as she heard Gilda ask for someone good at cooking. Of course to be able to grow strong you'd have to know how to make your own meal. His mother and father were in the army as well... so a lot of the time he'd have to make the food on his own.

"That would be me... just point me to the supplies and leave the rest to me." he wondered what he could make in this ship. Doubtful he could make a feast out of this but at least when he was the one in the lead it would at least be made sure that everyone had a fair share of food clean, healthy, and nutritious. He'd have to be careful with the diet though, but in any case he wasn't afraid of the heat of the kitchen sort of speaking. The heat of the anvil, the forge, the combat... they were stronger.

But there were no flames stronger than the one of the heart.

Edited by IridscentNionios
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"This is a fully stocked kitchen, if you couldn't already tell. And I don't need a master chef, Boy Scout. Just seal up the pot on the stove and stick it in the fridge until we're steady. Everyone else, strap in. We're movin' out." Gilda said, already on her way up the ramp to the pilot's seat. She muttered something under her breath as she took her seat and started firing up the engines, eager to get this mission underway. Anyone who wasn't on the ship was getting left behind, as the door sealed shut.


There was a rumble through the ship as it started to take off. "Fasten your seatbelts, bozos!" Gilda called out, waiting for a minute before engaging thrusters and heading out from the Citadel. Holographic panels that substituted for windows flashed on the walls by the bunks, showing them moving over the Citadel until it gave way to vast alien landscapes barely recognized by anyone. The mission had officially begun.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Atheia could cook... barely. Okay, most of the stuff she could make was hardly fit to be called 'food' in all honesty, but she wouldn't starve. At any rate, she kept quiet when questioned. It dawned on her that with a Griffon in command, there might well be meat stocked on the ship. That would be a pleasant suprise.


She couldn't resist a smirk as Gilda mirrored her nickname for whatever-his-name-was. Nicknames were great - somehow managing to be both more personal and simultaneously less so... to convey both emotion and distance at the same time. They came to her so naturally too - to the point where it wasn't uncommon for her to forget their birth names unless reminded occasionally.


Why bother? You only ended up getting too attached to folks that way - and that was dangerous. Got you hurt, inside, outside... somewhere. Wasn't worth the hassle, and anyway - nicknames were more accurate!




The sudden lurch of the ship caused Atheia to reach out and grasp at the wall to steady herself - these things always made her feel queasy. Her stomach tensed as their speed shifted, before gradually levelling out. Even then, she remained seated, not wanting to chance moving until she was certain that the unnatural motion had subsided enough for her to keep her balance.


It would have been better without the screens: those facades of the outside just made her feel worse. What was wrong with good old fashioned windows anyway? These tin-boxes were so wrong...

Never quite forgotten.

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With the lurch of the ship, Agnus knew they had launched. He stabilized himself against the motion of the ship and watched the screens as the ship accelerated forward out into the air. Gilda's Question was in it's head. Agnus was able to cook, but it required it to receive very specific  instructions to cook, or had the manual in front of it. If they needed it, Agnus could cook in emergencies, or assist with cooking using some of his parts.The robot noticed Faith had moved closer to him, he looked to her and gave her a smile before looking up at the monitors.


The landscape was....familiar. He had seen thee place many times from books,  recordings, and by loooking off the ship. But it always had felt like he had seen it all before. Perhaps before his memory banks had corrupted. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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