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private Five Nights at Freddy's: Grand Reopening


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5 years After the original Five Nights at Freddy's pizzeria gets condemned and shut down due to dozens of mysterious disappearances, a new one is about to open. Bigger, better, and now, with more animatronics! The lovable characters you've enjoyed before are joined by several new companions! But even with all of the new animatronics, bigger building and brand new equipment, we still can't seem to find new night guards. I wonder why? Anyways, we will be hiring four new guards. Due to the sheer size of the new building being over three times as big as the old establishment, we need more eyes and hands. Can you survive Five Nights at Freddy's Grand Reopening?



1: Freddy Fazbear

2: Bonny Bunny

3: Chica Chicken

4: Foxy the Pirate

5: Walter Wolf

6: Lizzy the Sailor (lizard)


The characters can chat via Walkie-talkies, and each has his/her own office.


-North Office has two doors on the left and right, similar to the original office, but it also has a large glass window directly in front of the desk that shows the main hall.


- West Office has only one hallway to the left, but an employee-only door to the children's play room in the front. There is a window next to both doors.


-East Office has one door to the front, leading to the main hall, one to the right that leads to the North wing of the building near the animatronic maintenance area, and a large window to the left that shows the south wing hall.


-South Office has a left door leading to North wing, a right door leading toward the East and a front large window showing the lounge area for parents.


Thanks to the new building and equipment, there are no more power outages. But... If the doors are closed for over 120 seconds, or two minutes, then the doors will deactivate for a full minute. This is done for the safety of yourself as well as maintenence. Any longer and they'd risk overheating.




It is now 12 A.M., you and all of your co-workers are in your respective offices as you hear a buzzing sound and several simultanious clicks. The animatronics have been set free for the night. As you can see on your cameras, Freddy, Bonny, Chica and Walter are still on stage, and Foxy and Lizzy are still behind thier curtains in Pirate cove 2.0. They could move at any moment. what will you do?


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lilly sighed. The buzzing might mean that the animatronics might need repairing, but she didn't know much about machines, and started walking out of her office. "Hello? Anyone still here? I'm locking up!" She called as she walked down the hallway. As she walked, she saw the animatronics standing there. "Odd, I wonder why those are still out." She shrugged. "Maybe the boss has something planed for early tomorrow and didn't want to mess with dragging them out early." She said, though not very convinced.


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Dusty clapped his hands. "Well, looks like the fresh meat are gonna have some fun tonight." he chuckled to himself as he looked through the cameras, checking around. "Typical. No one's moving yet. They never do move this early, not on mondays." He said, taking a last bite of his Taco Bell Quessarito. Maybe after work, he'd meet that new girl for coffee. Well, if she made it that long. 



Thanks to Altrunchen for creating both the banner and my avatar!

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Tempest sighed as he heard the buzzer ring and felt his body tense. "I wonder how the others are going to get through the night." He thought to himself, as he looked at the cameras. "It could be worse, though. There could still be a power limit." The bat pony didn't know why he took this job, but he had bills to pay so he figured that there was nothing better.

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Dusty clapped his hands. "Well, looks like the fresh meat are gonna have some fun tonight." he chuckled to himself as he looked through the cameras, checking around. "Typical. No one's moving yet. They never do move this early, not on mondays." He said, taking a last bite of his Taco Bell Quessarito. Maybe after work, he'd meet that new girl for coffee. Well, if she made it that long.


(you have not been invited to, nor applied for this rp. Please do not post here again, all positions are filled at the moment. If you have any questions or comments, please post in the OOC/planning thread in the link provided. http://mlpforums.com/topic/112887-five-nights-at-freddys-grand-reopening/#entry3202006 thank you for your cooperation, and please follow forum rules next time)


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lilly noticed a small movement never where the animatronics were standing, and started to panic."Why did I even take this job? Why do they have to move?" She mumbled to herself. She turned and started to walk slowly down the hall, but as she heard more movement, she started to run. She threw open the door to her office, locked the door, and closed the curtains of the window. She sat in her chair, as far from the door and window as possible. She leaned over and grabbed a walkie-talkie off her desk. "Hello? Everyone alright? They are moving now...." She said into the walkie-talkie.


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@@Melody Word


Dante picked up the walkie talkie from his table and spoke into it, " 1, 2, 3 North Office checking in, it seems servos of the animatronics have unlocked and have now entered free roam mode. Suspect movement of the animatronics throughout the building."

He put his walkie talkie down and took a deep breathe, he could tell this wasn't going to be his most enjoyable job ever, but at least it paid.

He picked up his walkie talkie once more, "I suggest continuous check ins from all Offices." He certainly didn't want to feel like the only one here.

Edited by I Blaze I


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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(I was waiting for everyone to post, but I'm just gonna go ahead and post.)


After a few moments of clicking and whirring the animatronics began to stir and blink. With a clang Bonny flexed his jaw "free at last! It's so nice to move again after all these years." He said, turning to look at Freddy "may I go and startle the newcomers?" He asked, as Freddy simply gave a nod. Bonnie happily jumped off stage and walked calmly down the main hall, where he stopped to look directly at the camera place in the corner above and waved


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Lilly looked at her computer, witch had a button on it that showed what the security cameras saw. She wheeled her chair closer, and hit the button. One of the cameras showed Bonnie waving, and Lilly quickly turned off her computer. After a few minutes of sitting there, she turned the computer back on. [better to know when they're coming...] she though. She heard the walkie-talkie go off, and when Dante finished talking, she responded. "East office checking in. Bonnie is up and freely moving. Over." She said, already terrified. [How can the others be so calm?!] She wondered.


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Dante put the walkie talkie down and was glad to know at least one of the other workers were checking in. He opened his computer and went through all the cameras, the only one that stuck out of was the main Hall, Bonnie was there looking into the camera. "Ugh and so it begins." Dante said aloud, and then proceeded to check the rest of his cameras and then put the computer away. He would do another check in later.


@@Melody Word




Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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South wing here and kicking." Tempest said, feeling a bit tense. He kept his eyes on the other animatronics and kept in mind that Bonnie was on the move. "This could get interesting." He muttered to himself as he checked each of the security cameras, especially the ones closest to Foxy.

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As Bonnie moved out of the main hall, slowly walking down east hall, Foxy peeked out of the curtain with a chuckle "they be preoccupied with Bonnie it seems. Land lubbers not even watch'in the cove!" He said gleefully, in his heavy stereotypical pirate accent. Lizzy grinned, her large fangs even more prominent on her scaly face "south seems to be watching us though, so maybe he'll live." She said quietly

Edited by Allen Walker


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"North Office checking in, we've got movement in the Main Hall, Bonnie is moving down. I've lost sight of him but will try and regain within time. Also I want to keep track on all cameras near West Wing including Pirates Cove, I saw some movement behind the curtains although it seemed to have ceased, anyway that's all I have to report." Dante put his Walkie talkie down and did another routine check of all the cameras, nothing too heated was happening yet, his guess was it was going to stay like that.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"I got the cove. Just be sure to keep your eyes on the others." Tempest said into the walkie talkie. "Who ever is in east wing is going to get stuffed into a Freddy suit in the next few minutes." The bat pony then began to think about what went through the animatronics' minds as they went about their nights. 

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(DM please learn to tag, I didn't know we'd started :( )


Mick sat and looked stonicly at the screen, occasionally flicking through the 'channels' before settling back on the corridor to his side.


Hearing a few buzzing noises he flicks through again, seeing one of the other guards painting and rushing away towards one of the other offices.

'Fool. Least they have the sense not to stay out'

He clicks back to his hall but puts the screen down, stand up and walk to the window.

The radio begins to chatter and he hears talk of movement from the mechines, as well as a request for check ins.

'Might as well, would want to scare them later'

He goes to grab the walkie, only to knock it on the floor and scatering its batteries.

"Oh bloody hell. I'm too old for this"

Grumbling some more he gets down on his knees to try and rescue a battery from under the desk.

After a failed attempt or so, he realises his position, swiftly hoping up despite the ache in his back he glaces at the monitor screen in time to see movmemt.

He rushes to the door and closes it, knowing he only has a few minutes he drops back down and makes haste recovering the batteries.

"Got em"



(I am sick of say the word batteries now. Well done brain, well done)

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(Sorry DarkDarsi, tagging is pretty hard to do on my iPad. I can't even remember the order to put the colon and stuff in lol :derp: )


In a flash, Bonnie was standing at the window of the east security room, staring in with a creepy smile "haaaai :3" he said, attempting to sound cute, but coming off as disturbing


As this happened, Chica suddenly disappeared as the cameras staticed. She suddenly re-appeared in front of the maintenence hall camera... Staring into it with a scary grin, his 'lets eat' bib adding a creepy atmosphere to her. "These squishy humans are fun to play with!" She said happily


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest checked a few other cameras and noticed that Chica was active. "Well, this is just great." He thought to himself as he returned to looking through the camera at pirates cove. "Chica's on the move, watch out everyone." He said into the com device. (walkie talkie)

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Dante went through all the cameras once more, but this time noticed two things. One being East Office had a visitor, and two was that Chica was now moving throughout the building. "East Office come in, you seem to have a visitor outside your door. Advised to check lights and shut your door if need be. Also noted that the Chicken Animatronic, Chica, has now entered free roam mode and is now present in the maintenance hall. North Office Out."

He looked out the window of his Office, it was hard to see because the lights were faulty outside and if they were on in the slightest it was hard to see. "Can't lose my cool now, gotta stay level headed." He said reassuringly.


@@Melody Word



Also for anyone that doesn't know, this is how you mention someone

@ [ member = ' Username ' ]

But no spaces

I've memorized it because I'm always on my iPad :/

Edited by Foxy The Pirate


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Lilly grabbed the walkie-talkie, walked to the door, shut and locked it. She then went to the windows, and pulled the curtains over them, after they were locked. She pushed her chair away from the door, and grabbed a paperweight, then held it out for protection. She whispered into the walkie-talkie. "East office checking in. Movement of animatronics notes. All doors and windows are locked and the window is covered. Thanks for the heads up guys.." She said, keeping one eye on the door at all time.


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@@Melody Word



(Thanks for that Foxy, I always forget the order of that. I usually ask my brother what it is. This time I just copied and pasted it to my notes lol.)


Bonnie frowned as the window was covered and the doors were shut "well, that wasn't very nice." He said, disappointed, before heading down the north hall to visit the others.


(I never said there were curtains, but I'll allow it this once. Covering the windows kinda takes away some of the fun, so please don't add anything like that anymore without asking me first, okay?)


Chica had already appeared at the South guard office's left door and stared silently and menacingly "let's eat!" She whispered creepily


Pirate Coves curtains were now shifted open as well, and both Foxy and Lizzy were waiting with anticipation to dash out and get a kill


Time: 3 A.M.

Edited by Allen Walker


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest laughed slightly and shook his head. "Sure. I'll bake a pizza tomorrow and we can share." He said, smiling slightly as he shut the door. "For now, let's just talk through a window." The bat pony then smirked and watched the other door. "Chica's near me." He said through the walkie talkie.

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@ [Allen Walker]

Sorry, won't happen again.


Lilly listened to the walkie-talkie, and replied as quietly as she could. "East office checking in. I think I just heard footsteps outside. I don't know if they left yet or not. Everybody stay alert, if I'm right, something might be going near one of you guys."


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@@Melody Word



Bonnie quickly made his way to the North branch, and peeked around the corner of the left door "knock knock..." He said menacingly


East doors have opened up and are cooling down


Chica walked to the window and glared at Tempest "your no fun." She said in annoyance


Suddenly, Foxy shot out of the cove silently, running toward the South right door as quickly as possible


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Yeah. It's a shame that all of you kinda kill us if you get in here." He said. "I could introduce Foxy and Lizzy to a friend of mine and we could all sing sea shanties." The bat pony then noticed said animatronic running down the hall and closed the right door. "Oh well. I may come here during the day and see how that works out."

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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Dante checked his cameras to see the entire area was clear for Animatronics except for Chica, but where was Bonnie. He started dreaming out, checking all the cameras frantically, clicking buttons, until he finally realized something. He turned his light on the outside of his door to see a demented Bonnie looking at him, and he instantly shut the door. His heart was thumping out of his chest, he'd not had his breathe knocked out of him like that in a long time. "Dante checking in at North Office, just had an encounter with the Bunny Animatronic, be advised he is in North Wing, might leave at some point I don't know when. Out." He put his Walkie Talkie down and tried to breathe a little easier.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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