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open Make it to the sunrise (RP)


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When the once peaceful land of Equestria is shrouded in darkness, and innocent ponies begin to lose hope, it is the destiny of a small band of unlikely heroes to save everyone. Princess Celestia has been captured, Princess Luna has been corrupted back into Nightmare Moon, and the Mane Six have dissappeared. The ones responsible? Non other than Tirek, the evil centaur lord. But he wasn't alone. He had made a pact with Queen Chrysalis, Sombra, and the newly corrupted Nightmare Moon. A pact of darkness that had only one purpose: the total conquering of all of Equestria. They seemingly succeeded, but they made the fatal mistake of killing Discord...but not making sure he was really dead.


Discord managed to trick the evil team, and escape with his life. But where would he go? What would he do? The Mane Six were nowhere to be found, and his powers were nearly completely drained from his struggle with Tirek. However, being as eccentric and unexpected as he was, Discord had an idea...a very unlikely, crazy idea...that just might work. With the hope of possibly stopping Tirek and his allies evil plan, Discord decided, if he couldn't find the six heroes of Equestria, he would just have to make his own! With everything on the line, including his own life, Discord now searches among the panicing, frantic ponies of Ponyville and beyond, for the six ponies whom he will give the quest to save the world. If these six chosen ponies are brave enough to stand to the challenge, they just might make it to the sunrise.



Scorched Cuisine groaned faintly as he awoke, not yet opening his eyes. He didn't remember going to sleep, or even going home for that matter. But he didn't really care much. Sleep was all he really looked forward to nowadays. However, after a few moments, he began hearing a faint, odd voice telling him to wake up. "Scorchy...wake up, Scorchy...it's time to save the wooorld!~" said the voice. Scorch groaned in annoyance. "Ugh...five more minutes, mom...I don't wanna save the world..." he said. "Wait...save the world?!" He said, before snapping his eyes open and sitting up.


Scorch's eyes widened in shock when he saw that the one who had been speaking to him was Discord, the dracoiquis who nearly caused Ponyville, and all of Equestria, to be consumed by chaos. "Gah!! What the hell?! What are you doing in my house?! What do you want with me?! What was that about saving the world?!" He asked, paniced. Discord chuckled and looked around. "Well, first off, we're not in your house. That was destroyed, along with most of Ponyville, when Sombra attacked, remember?" He said. That's when the memories of all the events yesterday hit him all at once, and Scorch remembered. Right after getting fired from his job at a restaurant, for about the 100th time that month, Scorch witnessed the monsters who had been defeated by the Elements of Harmony before, all attack Ponyville.


He watched helplessly as they declared themselves the new masters of Equestria, and paraded around a magical ord, with Princess Celestia trapped inside. After their announcement, they began tearing Ponyville apart, searching for the Elements of Harmony. Scorch watched as Sombra peronally destroyed his small apartment with a blast of magic, before getting knocked unconscious by a flying piece of rubble from his now destroyed home. Scorch sat there for a while, shocked. "I...I remember now...but...why?! How?! Weren't all those guys already beaten by the weilders of the Elements of Harmony?!" He asked.


But after sayng that, he finally noticed that they were not even in a house. They were in a blank, black room, with no floor to speak of. And as if that werent strange enough, they were surrounded by about 5 other ponies, all unconscious. "And...who are they?" He asked, getting more and more confused with every passing minute.


Discord's normally cheerful, expression became serious and grim. "Well...to put it short, all of those 'guys' have returned to take their revenge against Celestia and the Elements of Harmony...but this time, they are wirking together. With Tirek as their leader, even I barely made it out with my life..." he then sighed. "As for why I have brought you here, it's because I want you to save it all." He said seriously.


Scorch raised an eyebrow. "Uh...save what...exactly?" He asked, knowing that he wasn't going to like the answer. Discord smiled widely. "Why, Equestria, of course! Silly filly." He said. Scorch's eyes bugged. "Wait...what!? You want me to save all of Equestria?!" He yelled.


Discord laughed crazily. "That's the idea, Scorchy! Oh, and your yelling may have awoken some of our other guests, by the way." He said, looking around the room at the other ponies. Scorch did the same and saw that some of them were moving and groaning.


(Your que, guys! Happy posting! Oh, and for those of you who arent playing one of the 6 heroes, I will give you the que when you can have your character enter. OOC link: http://mlpforums.com/topic/112992-make-it-to-the-sunrise-ooc/page-2 )

Edited by RAGE
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Aces High groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his hat onto his head properly angles upwards. "Um... This ain't my hotel room... Where the hay am I and where is my nice comfortable bed", he asked to nopony in particular before opening his eyes and seeing Discord sitting there. "OK... Its just a delusion from staying up too late too much".

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Cascade pushed herself off the floor, stretching. As of yet, she was blissfully unaware of her current lack of solitude. Upon opening her eyes, she seemed to realize that she wasn't in her own home almost instantly, as her wings snapped to her sides immediately. She overdid the movement, and actually flinched from the force with which she struck herself with her wings.


Now looking around, the little yellow pony seemed bewildered until she beheld the dragonequus, whom she greeted with a bit of a groan.

Perhaps this wasn't the first time Discord had messed with her. There was a sort of familiarity about her exasperated huff, after all.

Edited by Strider

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Crowbar was snoring pretty loudly while lying on his stomach and his legs sprawled out and his face on the ground, making his sunglasses tilt in a funny angle. He snorted and rolled over making him lie on his chain and crowbar. He groans from  the discomfort and rolls back on his stomach to push himself up. Without taking off his sunglasses or opening his eyes he took out a pack of cigarettes and a black lighter from his vest pocket. He placed one in his mouth and lit it. After a long drag her finally opened his eyes to find himself in a strange room was group of ponies he didn't know... and a the spirit of chaos himself, Discord. 


As he looked around the room his mind went blank as he tried to remember how he got here. "... Hell's bells, how much did I drink last night?"

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Riley Blythe snored in his usual, foalish high-pitched manner as his belly went up and down. Ready for any usual day. Play video games, watch movies, play with Cookie, chicken out of telling Anala about his feelings...


He woke up to see Discord.


"Oh, hey there, Discord. What can I do for you?" he asked, smiling.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Aces High groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his hat onto his head properly angles upwards. "Um... This ain't my hotel room... Where the hay am I and where is my nice comfortable bed", he asked to nopony in particular before opening his eyes and seeing Discord sitting there. "OK... Its just a delusion from staying up too late too much".

Discord laughed, teleporting next to Aces and putting an arm around him. "Sorry, Aces High, was it? This is not a delusion...besides, if it were, why did you sound so unhappy when saying it? Delusions are so FUN!!" Said the crazy trickster, before teleporting once again.


Cascade pushed herself off the floor, stretching. As of yet, she was blissfully unaware of her current lack of solitude. Upon opening her eyes, she seemed to realize that she wasn't in her own home almost instantly, as her wings snapped to her sides immediately. She overdid the movement, and actually flinched from the force with which she struck herself with her wings.


Now looking around, the little yellow pony seemed bewildered until she beheld the dragonequus, whom she greeted with a bit of a groan.

Perhaps this wasn't the first time Discord had messed with her. There was a sort of familiarity about her exasperated huff, after all.

This time, Discord appeared nect to Cascade, floating in mid air, in a sort of kicked back position. "What's with the groan, Cascade? You don't seem to happy to see me...I thought we were friends! Look! I even bought you new friends to meet! Your all going to have so much fun together! Well...if you don't die, that is...but what are the odds of that? Your all main characters!" He said cheerfully, before teleporting yet again.


Crowbar was snoring pretty loudly while lying on his stomach and his legs sprawled out and his face on the ground, making his sunglasses tilt in a funny angle. He snorted and rolled over making him lie on his chain and crowbar. He groans from  the discomfort and rolls back on his stomach to push himself up. Without taking off his sunglasses or opening his eyes he took out a pack of cigarettes and a black lighter from his vest pocket. He placed one in his mouth and lit it. After a long drag her finally opened his eyes to find himself in a strange room was group of ponies he didn't know... and a the spirit of chaos himself, Discord. 


As he looked around the room his mind went blank as he tried to remember how he got here. "... Hell's bells, how much did I drink last night?"

Discord floated above Crowbar, resting his chin on his hands. "Well, I wasn't really counting, but let's see...you had about three ciders, then you got blown off your hooves by a magical explosion caused by queen Chrysalis...so if you see anything strange, I would guess it's because of a bump to your noggin, rather than a hangover, Crowbar!" He said, patting him on the head.


Riley Blythe snored in his usual, foalish high-pitched manner as his belly went up and down. Ready for any usual day. Play video games, watch movies, play with Cookie, chicken out of telling Anala about his feelings...


He woke up to see Discord.


"Oh, hey there, Discord. What can I do for you?" he asked, smiling.

Discord turned to Riley and waved, smiling cheerfully. "Oh, hello, Riley! I'm so glad your awake! That makes just about all of you! Now I can get to explaining things.


He cleared his throat. "Ok, so first off...for those of you who don't know, or simply don't remember, due to a bump to the head or otherwise, the biggest, meanest, most powerful villains in all of Equestria have defeated both of the princesses, corrupting Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon using Sombra's magic, destroyed most of Ponyville, including all of your homes, and are now tyranically taking over all of Equestria..." as Discord said this, his usually cheerful expression turned into a frown, seeming genuinly concerned. "Second...I have escaped them and thought of my own plan to stop those villains." He then managed a smirk. "And three, you are all going to be the heroes that will save Equestria for me...any questions?" He asked.


Scorch's eyes widened. "Wait, what?! You were actually serious about that?! What the hell do you expect us to do about any of this?! And for that matter, who are these ponies?!" He asked, clearly confused and aggrivated. Discord rolled his eyes. "Well, of course I was being serious! Not even I would joke about something like this...probably. Also, these ponies are going to be your new friends and teammates! Your goung to need to get very aqquainted if your all going to save the worl, so why not start introducing yourselves?" He suggested, smiling innocently.

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This time, Discord appeared nect to Cascade, floating in mid air, in a sort of kicked back position. "What's with the groan, Cascade? You don't seem to happy to see me...I thought we were friends! Look! I even bought you new friends to meet! Your all going to have so much fun together! Well...if you don't die, that is...but what are the odds of that? Your all main characters!" He said cheerfully, before teleporting yet again.


Cascade shook her head, smiling wryly. It was difficult to stay exasperated at a reformed Discord, especially considering she hadn't really found herself very personally effected by his shenanigans when it had been his turn to wreak havoc. "No, no... You're fine. I just asked you to give me a little more warning before a visit, remember?"  

Of course, Discord had teleported away before he could listen to her say any of this. "...Die?"




He cleared his throat. "Ok, so first off...for those of you who don't know, or simply don't remember, due to a bump to the head or otherwise, the biggest, meanest, most powerful villains in all of Equestria have defeated both of the princesses, corrupting Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon using Sombra's magic, destroyed most of Ponyville, including all of your homes, and are now tyranically taking over all of Equestria..." as Discord said this, his usually cheerful expression turned into a frown, seeming genuinly concerned. "Second...I have escaped them and thought of my own plan to stop those villains." He then managed a smirk. "And three, you are all going to be the heroes that will save Equestria for me...any questions?" He asked.




"So..." Cascade seemed to be processing slowly, considering Discord's announcements as well as Riley's sputtering. "I'm Cascade..." Sweet Celestia, this is awkward. "I clean all the rivers..." don't notice my wings don't notice my wings don't notice my wings Her wings were pressed so tightly against her side, she looked like she was literally holding her breath. Which she probably was. "And if I'm not currently suffocating under three metric tons of my sand castle home collapsing on top of me, then where am I? ... We. Where are we?" 

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"One, delusions ain't fun at all.... Two, yes, it's Aces High, Three, they didn't destroy my home since I aunt got one. I live in hotels so there, kinda don't make no sense to have myself a house since I don't stay in town in one place fer more than a couple a days", he explained, already annoyed with Discord for dragging him into this. '' Look, Friend, you got the wrong pony for the job, I ain't no hero, I'm more on the other side of that there moral spectrum, you see". Then he noticed Cascade' wings and couldn't help but poke at them experimentally. "Not to offend you, but you've got some purty unique wings, love", he said dusting off his hat.

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"One, delusions ain't fun at all.... Two, yes, it's Aces High, Three, they didn't destroy my home since I aunt got one. I live in hotels so there, kinda don't make no sense to have myself a house since I don't stay in town in one place fer more than a couple a days", he explained, already annoyed with Discord for dragging him into this. '' Look, Friend, you got the wrong pony for the job, I ain't no hero, I'm more on the other side of that there moral spectrum, you see". Then he noticed Cascade' wings and couldn't help but poke at them experimentally. "Not to offend you, but you've got some purty unique wings, love", he said dusting off his hat.


Cascade shied away from Dusk's poke, swatting his approaching hoof away with one of hers. "Yeah... No. Could you not?" 


She looked at the earth pony. "No home? You must be a drifter then. Drifters usually make pretty cool underdog heroes in Westerns and stuff."

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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"Riley Blythe," the red Pegasus colt introduced himself to the other ponies who were present.


"So, we're saving the world from this super-crazy villain plot..." he restated. "Well, that's quite a twist of events! It's a shame I'm missing the buffet parade that was coming through Manehattan today, but still..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Crowbar looked over each pony though his thick sunglasses while he smoked and thought about what Discord. He gets up and rubs the bump on his head and he remember what happen last night.  He sighed. "Skunch-buckets. I guess cause I'm hear I might as well roll with things.  Names Crowbar, I'm a master repairpony." He said as he took one more drag of his cigarette and tossed it on the grond then stomped it.

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Cascade shook her head, smiling wryly. It was difficult to stay exasperated at a reformed Discord, especially considering she hadn't really found herself very personally effected by his shenanigans when it had been his turn to wreak havoc. "No, no... You're fine. I just asked you to give me a little more warning before a visit, remember?"  

Of course, Discord had teleported away before he could listen to her say any of this. "...Die?"







"So..." Cascade seemed to be processing slowly, considering Discord's announcements as well as Riley's sputtering. "I'm Cascade..." Sweet Celestia, this is awkward. "I clean all the rivers..." don't notice my wings don't notice my wings don't notice my wings Her wings were pressed so tightly against her side, she looked like she was literally holding her breath. Which she probably was. "And if I'm not currently suffocating under three metric tons of my sand castle home collapsing on top of me, then where am I? ... We. Where are we?" 

Discord smiled. "excellent question, my dear Cascade! You are all currently in a pocket dimension of my own creation! It's the only safe place in all of Equestria to hide, other than the Crystal Kingdom. That's not an option, however, as Cadence refuses to let me inside...I think she believes I'm on the evil orginizations side..." he said, shrugging.


"One, delusions ain't fun at all.... Two, yes, it's Aces High, Three, they didn't destroy my home since I aunt got one. I live in hotels so there, kinda don't make no sense to have myself a house since I don't stay in town in one place fer more than a couple a days", he explained, already annoyed with Discord for dragging him into this. '' Look, Friend, you got the wrong pony for the job, I ain't no hero, I'm more on the other side of that there moral spectrum, you see". Then he noticed Cascade' wings and couldn't help but poke at them experimentally. "Not to offend you, but you've got some purty unique wings, love", he said dusting off his hat.

Discord turned to huffed. "I said most of your homes, didn't I? Your no fun...but oh well, you have no choice but to help, there's no place left to go for any of you, since the Crystal kingdom is barred off. If you even try ditching us now, my dear Aces, you will undoubtably be captured by ponies who have been corrupted by Sombra, tortured for information, and corrupted yourself. So I suggest yo give the hero thing a try, who knows? It might g fun!" He said cheerfully.


Scorch gave Aces a pointed look. "First off, isn't it a bit rude to touch a mare without permssion? And second, you might not WANT to play the part of a hero, but I literally can't be a hero..." he said, sighing.


"Riley Blythe," the red Pegasus colt introduced himself to the other ponies who were present.


"So, we're saving the world from this super-crazy villain plot..." he restated. "Well, that's quite a twist of events! It's a shame I'm missing the buffet parade that was coming through Manehattan today, but still..."

Scorch raised an eyebrow at Riley. "You...seem a little too excited about all this...this is crazy, and so is Discord. Maybe you guys can be heroes and go on an adventure, but you can count me out! I can't help you..." he said, seeming angry and pained at the same time.


Crowbar looked over each pony though his thick sunglasses while he smoked and thought about what Discord. He gets up and rubs the bump on his head and he remember what happen last night.  He sighed. "Skunch-buckets. I guess cause I'm hear I might as well roll with things.  Names Crowbar, I'm a master repairpony." He said as he took one more drag of his cigarette and tossed it on the grond then stomped it.

Discord smiled happily. "Excellent! Both you and Riley seem to have the spirit! But I can't say the same for the rest of you...why can't you all just accept my impossible request and go on this dangerous mission to save the world? Come on! It'll be fun!" He said crazily.


Scorch looked angry now. "Why did you even bother bringing us all here? Do you even know who we are or what we're capable of?!" He asked. Discord smiled. "Well, of course! I picked you all for various reasons! I p've been watching you all for awhile now, actually. To me, you all were some of th most intruiging ponies I could find, save for Zfluttershy and her frinds, of course." He said.

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"Oh, come on, don't be that way! It's not every day you get entrusted with saving the world," Riley said to Scorch encouragingly.


Then came Discord revealing that he'd been watching the ponies for a while now.


'All those times when I went to the spa and paid for a rump massage... I hope he didn't catch on that I was imagining Anala as the pony rubbing my butt...'

OCs: RileyAnala

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Aces smiled at the battery of chastisement he received. "Well, I suppose it was a tad rude but I found your wings to be unique. Mah apologies, Cascade. And I suppose drifter describes pretty well, sure. I also would have accepted hustler and card shark. As for being a hero, I never said I didn't want to. I just said more or less a criminal in the sense that I am in a card shark.. But I'd love to play the hero for a spell.... After all, the hero always gets the girl at the end, right", he said with a smile at Cascade.

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