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open Nothing personal, it's just business...


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Anala half-lidded her eyes. "It's worked before."


"Then let's skip straight past the line to get ourselves some McDockald's!" said Riley gleefully. He walked into the building and around the line, eventually settling in at the front.


"Officer Bliley Rythe patrolling," he said to the cashier. "And I have two civilians with me." He gestured to the two mares.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hmmm," he thought, leaning back and pressing his two front hooves together in front of his chest, "As far as, 'removing' ponies, I have that under control.  However, I could use a little monetary support."  Reaching down, he opened a drawer and removed a file.  "I've been working on a proposal for a new casino, here in Manehattan."  He set the file on the desk, and pushed it across to Malachi.  "All the permits have been arranged, but I'm afraid that raising capital has been a bit more difficult then I thought."  His frown returned.  I wanted to avoid getting one of the Families involved, he thought to himself, cause they always want a bigger cut of profilts.  But desperate times call for desperate measures....




Trying to contain her surprise, Sakuya simple coughed into her hoof.  Impersonating a cop for a cheep lunch, she thought.  Now I've seen everything!  "I guess just get me a combo meal," she said to Riley.  "Nothing fancy."  Turning to Anala,  "You?"





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 Malachi stopped twirling his bat and leaned it against his chair. He reached out to pick up the file. He started reading though it as he took a few more buffs of his cigar. "casino, hu?" He said while looking over the blew prints and reports of how much it'll cost. "It's bigger then some of the other families casinos, the location is pretty good as well. It ain't too far or too closer to anywhere. Do did you try to work out a deal with any other family?" He asked while looking up from the file. 

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"No," Ennex replied, "To be honest, I have tried to avoid it.  Most of the Families seem to be more concerned with their personal wealth and power."  He leaned forward onto the desk.  "Most of them don't like me running my Organization in Manehattan as an independent.  But I care more about profits then personal power and respect.  Hence why I operate more like a company."  He half-turned his chair, so he could also see out the large window behind him.  "But even I have to swallow my pride.  A new project of this size is beyond my Organization for the moment."  His eyelids closed for a moment, as he sank into deep thought, before turning back to Malachi.  "Even the profits from my newest... contract... won't quite be enough."  He stood up.  "Hence, why I've decided to look for an partner..."


(see OOC thread)

Edited by nx9100





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"There ain't nothing wrong with a little respect. And I agree, some of these other families are pron to asking for more bits then what they gave out. Bunch'a scamming dick-weeds. A friend of my asked for a lone of 1,000 bits from the Rigatoni family to help pay for operation for his sister. But they only gave him 800 and 'asked' for 1,000 when it was time to pay back. But lucky he knew someone like me and I helped pay of his lone, in return he let members of my family eat for free at his restaurant, along with helping out our smuggling ring." He chuckled. "But anyway, I like to think my family is a better option for a partner, are rates are fair and we only ask for interest after four miss payments. And I can see this would be a pretty goon investment, so I'll help with half the cost to build it and ask for thirty percent of the profits made. Also, anyone in my family gets half price on the tables on Saturdays. Dose  that sound fair?"

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He thought about it for a moment.  Not sure if I trust him, but what choice do I have?  He smiled.  I can always, 're-negotiate' later if needed.  "I would say that is a fair deal," Ennex replied.  "And since the permits and empty building are already available, all I need is the capital to start construction.  As for your Family," he stepped around the desk, to approach Malachi, "I would be happy to extend that price deal to anytime they visit.  After all," he grinned, "it's partially their bits paying for the place anyway, which once I have, I can buy the building and start remodeling right away."  He pointed at the file the other was still holding.  "Everything has already been planned out, from decor to games to-" his eyes flashed "-entertainment!  Equestria's greatest DJ herself has agreed to play Friday and Saturday nights!"

Edited by nx9100





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 Malachi made a 'not bad' face and nod, he knew exactly who he was talking about, "Very good. I'll be looking forward to this partnership." He said while placing the file on the desk and standing up himself. "And don't worry about us forcing plans on you, we only like to make request and suggestions when making deals like this." He blew some smoke out his nose and then reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out another cigar. He hold it out to Ennex with a smile. "Care for one?"

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"Thank you, no," replied Ennex, as he moved back out of the office.  "Why don't we head over and check out the location?"  Stepping back into the foyer, he called for his secretary.  "Yes sir,?" replied a timid mare.  "I'll be stepping out for the rest of the day," he told her, "Please cancel any other appointments on my agenda."  He took a look around.  "Where did that other mare go?"  "She left, sir."  He sighed.  "Nopony has patience anymore."  Turning back to Malachi, he pointed to the elevator.  "Shall we?"

Edited by nx9100





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 "Why not?" He said while tucking the cigar back in his pocket, Then he put his back back on and grabbed his bat. Then he followed Ennex to the elevator. "By the way, would you mind if I have two of my new guys to watch over the place while the construction  is going on? They keep coming to me about doing more important work. They'll just be outside watching the entrants to the site. I'll just say I'll cut off their  legs and beat them to death with them if they fuck around the place. The young ones you got to threaten  or else they wont listen to you at all."

Edited by Gloomfury
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"I have to agree with you on that one," Ennex replied, stepping into the now open elevator, followed by Malachi.  He pressed the Ground Floor button, and the doors closed.  "Sometimes fear, is the appropriate response," he said, with a wicked grin, and one could almost see the Darkness behind his eyes.  "Normally, I leave security duties to Ravage, another employee of mine. However, as part of our partnership, I'd be happy to leave such details to yourself."  He eyed Malachi's bat.  "You do seem to have a knack for it..."





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Malachi chuckled. "My family may not have numbers like those other families, but she mach maybe surpass in our strength. The ponies I pick for my crew ain't just some street punk looking to make cash by beating on the weak. Cause there ain't no challenge in that. You see, my family likes to help the weak and pick on the strong. And boy is it hella fun. " He laughed this time.

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Ennex nodded.  "I can relate.  Most times the weaker ponies are looking for a break.  They also will work harder to get strong, having never been such before."  The elevator continued its decent.  "As a matter of fact, that is what happened with Sakuya.  I found her as a filly who had just gotten her cutie-mark, and was impressed with the," he hesitated a moment, "methods used to gain it.  I took her in, and she's been with me ever since."





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 "That's happened to me more times then you think. I just come across a pony was a lot of potential.  It's almost like I got four leaf clover up my ass or something. " He chuckled. "Like with this one stallion who was part of my crew for a bit before he moved on. A family put a hit out on my and I was hurt and pinned down against at lease ten of their strongest goons. After I took at another ten of them. But they had guns, damn cowards. But luck for me me friend was walking by and he came and helped me out. I swear they were no match for him. He was like a mad dog fight against a group of bunny's. I mean he was fighting with just a knife and his teeth. When everything was done he looked like a demon of war with blood dripping from his mouth, so of course I asked him to join and he did."

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Finishing her lunch, Sakuya shrugged.  "Honesty," she said, "I really don't know.  Most of my days are spent working, and the nights-" she frowned "-keeping Ennex out of trouble."  She took a drink before continuing.  "He's been spending more and more time at his favorite Club, just lounging around and drinking, forcing me to keep things running."  She sighed heavily.  "This has been the first day in a while I've been able to really slip away from the office..."




The elevator doors opened, and the two stallions walked out.  "Yes, I've seen similar situations," Ennex replied.  "I'm sure you'll agree, good help is SO hard to come by these days."  As they walked towards the main entrance, the two guard ponies from earlier stood rigid.  They both wanted another piece of Malachi, but couldn't do anything as long as the Boss was with him.  That, and the friendly way Ennex was treating him meant that he must be a friend of the Boss, and therefor, off limits.  Ennex casually waved them off, and they backed up to give the two plenty of space...





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With a slurp, Sakuya finished her drink before answering.  "It's a downtown place, called the Scratch Shack.  He's been going there almost every night for the past few weeks."  Another sigh.  "Been spending most of our extra bits there too.  If we don't get some more business soon, I'm afraid he's going to drink all of our bits away...





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"Based on how you just described Mister Ennex's relationship with this Scratch Shack place, sounds pretty popular!" said Riley. "Let's go tonight!"


"Sure, why not?" replied Anala.


"My friend Bailey is a bartender, and he owns a bar. The Loose Saddle, it's called. Perhaps I could take him along? Oh, and my friends, Clavier and Brutus," Riley went on.

OCs: RileyAnala

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 Malachi gave the stallions a cocky smirk and waved at them with his bat. "You can say that again." Then he started twirling it again as he walked. "If you want, I could entrust you with a few of my boys who could whip your goons into shape. One of them use to be a top trainer in the guard before he got bored with it and joined  the family."

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Sakuya smiled.  "You wanna invite the rest of Manehattan too?" she said, laughing afterword.  Turning to Anala, "Is he always this excited about everything?  Or is he on something?"  She grinned, hoping that her friends would recognize the joke, and not assume she was serious...




"That is a generous offer," Ennex replied, leading his companion back out onto the street.  "But I think your, friends, would be more useful as security for our new establishment."  He pointed back at the two door guards.  "Those two are just the day guards.  Nothing special, mostly there for appearances sake."  He grinned, wickedly.  "You should meet our night watch.  Trained by my personal-" he paused, looking for the right word "-enforcer.  Ravage has a way with hoof-to-hoof combat that I've never seen before.  But it is effective, I assure you."





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Malachi's devilish sharp tooth grin came back. "Oh, really? Sounds like a stallion that I would very much like to meet. " He then started to twirl his bat faster. " I would also like to meet these night guards of yours.  In fact, how about I introduce my crew to you and your 'enforcer'. I think we could learn a trick or two from one another. It has been a while since I've been in a fight that got my blood pumping." Smoke seeped out his mouth as he chuckled.

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With a laughing, Sakuya grinned herself.  "If only that energy could be harnessed," she replied, glancing at Riley, "we could make a fortune!"  Turning, she noticed the time on a nearby wall clock.  "Well, I hate to say it, but I have to head out.  We are supposed to be purchasing a building a few blocks from here.  Some plan Ennex has to build a downtown casino."  She frowned.  "But tell you what.  Why not meet me later at the club I mentioned?  Hang on."  She reached into her bag, pulled out a card, and wrote a quick address on the back.  "Here," she said, handing it to Anala, "that's my business card.  Just show it to the bouncers, and they'll let you in for free!  I wrote the address on the back."  Getting up, she smiled at her friends.  "Thanks for lunch!  I hope to see you tonight!"  And with a final nod, trotted out of the diner...



(sorry, just needed an excuse to get Sakuya back to Ennex for a scene so he could give her the orders for a special job, which connects her to the 'other RP' i mentioned.  don't worry, won't be brought up here...)




"Be careful what you wish for," Ennex replied with a grin, as they walked down the street.  "Ravage isn't known for small talk or pleasantries.  You ask for a fight, and he'll give you one, no questions asked.  And," he paused for effect, "he won't stop until you're beaten.  I don't know where or why he learned his skills, or whom taught him.  Heck," he shrugged, "I don't even know what he really looks like!  He wears a black full-body suit that covers everything except his eyes, muzzle, mane and tail.  Even his cutie-mark, assuming he has one, is a mystery.  No pony that I know of has seen him without his suit..."





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@@nx9100,((Awesome. Did you draw that?))


Malachi was getting so excited that he almost started giggling like a school filly. "Now I really want to meet him. I don't care if I win or lose. It just sounds like it would be a damn good fight." Just thinking about fighting such a stallion made Malachi twirl his bat almost as fast as a turbine. "Do you think he and the night guards would be willing to meet today? I don't think I can go long without meeting them."

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"Unfortunately," Ennex replied, "Ravage will be unavailable tonight.  He is presently engaged in a special project for me, which consumes most of his time each day."  He smiled.  "However, I will pass on your... request... when I see him next."


(No, was made for me by Trees, along with my other OC's)





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