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open Journey Through Space


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/113224-journey-through-space-spacesci-fi-rp/


Its been 100 years since ponies have discovered Faster Than Light travel, and only 45 years since that technology has been made possible for smaller ships, most of space is yet unexplored and only a handful of other planets have small colonies on them, the Orion Space Station orbits the Equestrian planet, a thriving space port, it is the mid way point between the planet and its moon, several ponies with various jobs roam the station for various reasons




My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Sinu turns a corner in the space station muttering to himself. "What's wrong with the trace sonar* system? I had the test set for 520 Hz, but it's oscillating at 510. Is the variable capacitor set to low? I just don't understand..." As he contemplates this, he trots over to the door of the broadcast room and scans his laser ID. Sinu was one of the few ponies on the space station allowed to use the equipment in this room, along with the newscasters and authority figures; he was in charge of the broadcasts as a whole. He sits down and turns on the intercom to channel 0. "Hey there, everypony! It's the first day of the month; time for the new song! Turn your headsets to channel 6 if you want to listen." He then plays his newest song on channel 6, the music channel. There are many different audio channels on this space station, all in the hooves of Sinu. for example, there is channel 0 for entire-station broadcast, channel 1 for outgoing space flights, channel 2 for news, channels 3, 4, 5, and 6 for entertainment; there were also many private or miscellaneous channels.


*Trace sonar is the use of soundwaves to detect how much gas is in a volume.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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:) "AAAAHHH!  We're falling towards the planet!" shouts the Pink Stallion for the 167th time into the cameras that he had set up on observation deck 3, "But we missed!  That's because we're in. . . " he give a quick glance to the party cannon which seems not to be functioning at the moment.  Instead of looking down, his smile grows bigger but more strained if possible, "Orbit!"  He clicks off the camera via a remote set at his hindlegs and rushes over to the camera to replay  Silently he watches with a half grin, half grimace.  "That won't do."  With only a moment's thought he has an idea to make this even better.  "I could teach about vacuums by going into the pressure lock!  It shouldn't have any permanant effects if I'm in the vacuum for only half a minute!"  he exclaims as he attempts to navigate toward an airlock.


:wat: Water Biscuit sits at at Epsilon Theta departure gate and tries to hide her sobs behind her bobbed mane-cut, but the cut is so short that it can barely hide some of the lower tangles behind the higher ones.  Most of the Ponies who pass by give her sympathetic, but busy glances at best, and pretty much the rest totally ignore her.  It seems the only pony paying attention the her is the security guard who is trying his best to move her and her luggage out of the pathways.

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Sinu is trotting back to his laboratory when he gets an alert on his headset. He switches it to channel 12, a special channel designed by him due to his paranoia, to let him know absolutely everything abnormal that was going on. "Pony nearing airlock on observation deck three; not wearing a spacesuit." The headset said in a robotic voice. Sinu immediately got nervous as he quickly switched to the security microphone in the aforementioned place. "I could teach about vacuums by going into the pressure lock!" he heard through the microphone; "It shouldn't have any permanant effects if I'm in the vacuum for only half a minute!" Sinu starts to shake; "No, no, no... The pressure in that vacuum is only a few atoms per square meter; a lack of pressure like that could collapse lungs and cause paralysis within 30 seconds!" Having memorized the place, he breaks into a full on run for observation deck 3.


Meanwhile, Ambon is singing as she works in her banana farm. "Bananas, bananas, they're not very functional shovels. Bananas, bananas, I don't care if they're 13 bits or a duck." She spins around and lands face first into a banana tree trunk, causing a bunch of bananas to fall on her head. "Well, it looks like these bananas are trying to tell me that they are ready to be harvested! Have at it guys; this is the day of a flowerpot! I'll go get the pickaxes!" She runs off toward the toolshed, falling right into the hybrid plastic floor.


As Sinu nears the observation deck's airlock, he sees the pink stallion entering. "Hey!" he yells; "What are you doing?"

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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"Oh, hi!" Paradoxical states pointing to his name in this sentence, "I'm Paradoxical Pie!  And I was going to make a video about the effects of a vacuum such as you find in space!  It's perfectly fine if you're only out there for a little bit.  Do you want to watch."


Somehow this set of sentences take about 4 seconds to exclaim.  "Hey, I have a great Idea, do you want to join me?!" he pronks up and down excitedly at the idea.

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"Paradoxical" Sinu says solemnly, "I have a feeling you don't know the effects of a vacuum; within 30 seconds, your lungs will collapse, your blood vessels will burst, you will pass out and be unable to free yourself, your saliva will boil, you will become paralyzed; the list goes on and on. You simply have an absolutely terrible idea." The icy-colored pony pulls an electronic tablet out of his vest, pointing to the directory. "There's a biology department on the second floor; they probably have some dummies you could do a test on. In fact, as long as your video's not dangerous, I could help."

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Paradoxical thinks about Sinu's offer for a moment.

"Naah," he resolves eventually.  "It's not exciting with a model, and my sources say it would take about half a minute for my lungs to collapse . . . That's great!  Not only do I have an educational video, but also I'm doing an (he singsongs) experiment to see how long it takes!"  With that he attempts to pronk off.

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"So, I'm not exactly sure if you're going to do it or not going to do it, but regardless, you'd go unconscious within 15 seconds. Also, if you have any physical problems he might not know about, you could die much quicker; you just shouldn't take the risk. in fact, I'm not sure if that's even LEGAL." Sinu lectures; "The simplest rule of saying alive: don't take dangerous risks." Looking around awkwardly, he could tell the enthusiastic pink one was getting impatient. "All right, I see you have work to do." He says as he begins to trot off; "I need to help a friend load 13,000 bits worth of bananas into an elevator. You know, the station's food has got to come from somewhere."


Sinu nears the farm level, and sees Ambon loading up the bananas. "Well, I can see you have a lot of work on your hooves."

"Just as sure as purple not being yellow." She replies.

He looks around at the load; This must be a record harvest for only a single week, easily twice as much as the last."

"This is a new test outcome thingy where I planted 21 different varieties and then did some stuff with pickaxes."

"What did you do with the pickaxes?"

"I am not a potato of sureness; possibly the square root of a bass clarinet."

Sinu smiles at the strangeness of this reply, as usual. His horn lights up, and he begins lifting many bananas at a time into the elevator.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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Water Biscuit sits at at Epsilon Theta departure gate and tries to hide her sobs behind her bobbed mane-cut, but the cut is so short that it can barely hide some of the lower tangles behind the higher ones.  Most of the Ponies who pass by give her sympathetic, but busy glances at best, and pretty much the rest totally ignore her.  It seems the only pony paying attention the her is the security guard who is trying his best to move her and her luggage out of the pathway


The security guard asks the pony "is everything ok ma'am?, i can try to help you if you'd like, but right now your blocking the other passengers" he said to her, trying to console her, the other passengers patiently waited for her to move before the tram left again

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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:)  Paradoxical frowns at Sinu's statement.  He allows silence to prevail for long enough for Sinu to depart bananawards.  Then the incessant debate begins again, "Well what if I put the lock on a timer?"  he jumps two feet to the right and faces leftwards  "Do you know how to make timers for those locks?"

Jump face right. "Well, no, but it can't be that hard?"

"Is it worth decompressing your lungs to possible death"


He jumps nearly into somepony and apologizes for his rudeness before returning to his debate, "Merely maybe?"

"Ok you win. . . but maybe we could decompress something like . . . A dog!"

"That would get ratings . . ."


"For the wrong reasons maybe!"

"You know sometimes I want to stangle me!"

He hangs his head for a moment, "Me too."

Somehow he jumps back and forth between the two positions to state in unison, "Back to the drawing board!"


:wat: "I'm sorry," she sobs, "and I'll try to get out of the way."    She grabs onto the pile of baggage poorly and it begins to topple.  She whines "It's like everything is working against me today."  Throwing her back against the pile, she re-shifts it to merely teetering, "I think I'll take you up on that offer of help, she sniffles."

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Ambon is wandering aimlessly through random parts of the station, as she has no work to tend to at the moment. Her friend fell asleep after helping her load the bananas into the elevator. Sinu has his own schedule in which he takes half-hour naps for every hour he stays awake, so he can be awake every hour of the day; it was a part of his broadcasting job to maximize productivity. Presently, she can't help but notice a tower of luggage fall over next to a sobbing mare. With not a single logical thought, she walks over to the pile. "You likely don't presently exist to be nevermore unhappy!" She yells to the pony laying on the pile; "But quoth myself, 'nevermore!' I have bananas!" She then takes a bunch of bananas out of her saddle bag and holds them out. "They are just as likely to make you happy as the exact opposite of a banana in the presence of a box full of starving crazed weasels to be eaten!"

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The security guard helps her pick up her things and helps her off the tram, "whats the matter miss?" before he could say anymore a smaller yellow pony started talking in seemingly random statements, before taking out some bananas " i-er...uh what?" was all he could reply

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Ambon looks at the guard mindlessly. "Bananas! I have them! To result in the opposite squared of being nevermore unhappy! Curved yellow fruit!" She takes of breath before stating; "Bananas are the best thing ever because I might not don't know something about puppies and eggplants and I pickaxes today pickaxes very good thing you should eat bananas because they make you happy."

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(OOC: You didn't add me to the list ): )


Synth was walking through the station when her headache came up again which knocked her into a seat. She sat there for a moment before reaching into her bag and pulling out a bottle of pills. She had always kept a small bottle with her which was helped by the fact that she was the ships doctor and had a large supply. After she recovered she continued to the medical office which she opened with her watch. After a buzz and click the door opened and she walked over to the desk and sat down waiting for a most likely uneventful day.



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Sinu walks into the health office after sleeping for exactly 30 minutes. He hears a buzz as he opens the door and thinks to himself "Huh; two notes, tangential wave, at a major third interval. A triangular wave would sound better." He then thinks back to present after going off on a mental tangent (Ha ha nerd joke). He walks up to the desk. "Fluoxetine; 1 gram bottle." He says to the pony begins the desk; "Should be under 'Mixolydian'... I've been paranoid, anxious, and can't trust anyone, if you know what I mean."

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The ramblings of the yellow pony are just enough to momentarily distract Biscuit from her troubles.  "But bananas are a vegetable.  They don't have seeds and can't even reproduce -- not a fruit." she protests the only point that she really understood as she begins to wheel her cart out of the way of the bystanders. 

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Ambon prepares to correct the pony. "Actually, that's not true. Although the bananas we see at the store, the Cavendish variety, do not have fertile seeds, the seeds are still there and therefore make it a fruit. There are also thousands of different varieties of bananas, with seeds arranging up to a few centimeters in diameter."

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Fully distracted by the clarity of something having to do with her field of interest, Biscuit gives Ambon a dubious stare, "Are any of them reasonable for hydroponic growth in station-type environments?  I wouldn't think so, or I would have been educated about it in my classes, but," she shrugs, "sometimes classes take false information and codify it."

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"Hold on and let me get that for you," Synth said turning around and walking to the main cabinet, "you seem well informed about your request, if I may ask what are you using it for?" Synth walked up to the desk and set the bottle down on a circle at the opposite side. A small globe appeared around it with a hoof scanner on it so that people couldn't take invalid medicine. 



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Ambon once again looks at the pony before her like her brain just exploded. "Hydro-pony-somethings? I haven't the slightest sombrero. We've got dirt, though! I hear dirt is good-super-duper-excelent-y-eggplant/banana-awesome for growing things. Now what are these hydro-ponies you're talking about?"


Sinu places his hoof on the scanner and replies; "Obsessive-compulsive and anxiety. It's been notably bad these last several days."

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

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Biscuit stares at Ambon as if she had just grown two additional heads.  "Hydroponics.  Growing things without dirt.  It's a very important field for asteroid mining or hyper-terraced dirt-side farming."  Then she states the stereotype that has gone around for about 2 generations of enthusiasts of the above two fields, "Dirt farming is going to be merely a high end luxury item within 10 years."  She firmly plants her hoof down on the station floor.  "I bet the station has an extensive hydroponic section somewhere."

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"I like dirt and use dirt to grow bananas out of dirt because dirt is as dirt-cheap as dirt!" Ambon states with a superfluous number of "dirt"'s. "I'm going to make like a tree and get out of here; you're set with your bunch of bananas and hydro-ponies!" She then trots away backwards before turning around into a wall.

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Biscuit mutters negatively about dirt-siders being so wasteful.  "As if dirt were cheap." she finally finishes her muttered tirade.  Then she realizes once more that she's stuck on this station for at least a week.  "Not that," she laments, "having to return to one's parents' housing area without a job to my name isn't embarrassing enough."

With that she shoves her head despondently onto her hooves.

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Biscuit's tirade catches Ambon's very short attention span once again. "I didn't get a refrigerator's worth of sense from what you just said, but if dirt is bad and you need a job, you might be able to get hired to help farm on this station with hydro-ponies! Then all of the problems stated and formulated in the last several hundred words will be solved!"

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Biscuit growls at Ambon's comment, "They probably have their posts filled and even if they don't I'm going to have to bathe in the public restrooms and be homeless for months to wait out the interviewing process!  Did you get your job by just popping in and saying 'hi!'?"  She turns around confident of having put Ambon in her place, when she realizes that the other ponies around are staring at her rude outburst.  Shamefacedly she turns back to Ambon.  "I'm sorry, it was a better idea than what I've had before, but I'm under so much stress. . ."

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