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open My Unlikely Friends: Our Adventure

Samurai Equine

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" sure... Let me see the-"



And then it happened. The pony that had come to speak with trilby... Disappeared? Or changed form and left? Lorec wasn't sure. He had raised his hand to cover his face.




" what.... Was that..."



A familiar figure flew in right before the train doors could close. On his back, a silver spear, with two blades on one end, seperating in the middle. It looked almost... Exotic.




" yo, I'm back! And I've got my weapon of choice! Alright, since me and Lorec have combat experience.... I guess we'll be running bodyguard duty for this trip! If any pony steps to you, let us know, and me and the big guy can take care of it!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Gear had noticed the swarm, "Don't leave me out of the fun!" Gear said, getting out his Amujuu. The cannons where enough to clear on or two at a time, but not nearly enough fire power. Gear almost forgot he had a horn and started to fire that. Gear had pondered if he could actually use his sword, "Might as well," he said, putting the sword in his mouth, and swinging his head around.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"Our heroes..." Trilby remarks sarcastically about Syuren and Gear, taking off his hat to scratch his mane and make sure his horn is still smooth.




The train finally reaches its destination; the Crystal Empire! "All right, we're here!" Trilby exits the train first, jumping out and stretching into a pose! "Bronze, I think you should be the one to lead us to the castle. We'll request an audience with the princess. Aurora, Drake, if they deny us, you'll run cuteness intervention. Because how can they say no to a pair of cuties? And if that fails, Drake, Drakk, I'll entertain any sneaking in missions you have." Trilby says, planning.


Trilby should probably be a little more quiet. Other ponies are giving him weird looks.


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Drake had woken up a while ago, when the parasprites came out of nowhere. He went into a panic and shot bolts from his horn several times, nearly blowing a hole into the train. Once that ordeal was over, he got filled in about the weird pony from Drake, who also explained where the parasprites came from.


Once they reached the Empire, He, along with Drake, trotted out with Trilby and listened to his plans. "Sure" They both said at that last bit, even though they were just as happy as a certain Pink pony on the inside.


They looked around the crystal kingdom, one filled with nostalgia, the other with Wonder. "Ah, The Crystal Empire. Just as beautiful as last time I was here" Drakk said, a wide smile plastered on his face.


Drake was metaphorically jumping up and down from happiness. Drakk had told him about the Empire from time to time, and he had always wanted to see it with his own eyes. And now that he had seen it, his smile rivaled even Drakk. "Drakk, can i have a

Look around?" He said, eyes glimmering.


Drakk rolled his eyes and trotted up to Trilby. "Hey, Trilby. Mind if Drake and I wander off for a bit? Drake is kind of...Eager." Drakk said, looking at Drake who actually was jumping up and down.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Our heroes..." Trilby remarks sarcastically about Syuren and Gear, taking off his hat to scratch his mane and make sure his horn is still smooth.




The train finally reaches its destination; the Crystal Empire! "All right, we're here!" Trilby exits the train first, jumping out and stretching into a pose! "Bronze, I think you should be the one to lead us to the castle. We'll request an audience with the princess. Aurora, Drake, if they deny us, you'll run cuteness intervention. Because how can they say no to a pair of cuties? And if that fails, Drake, Drakk, I'll entertain any sneaking in missions you have." Trilby says, planning.


Trilby should probably be a little more quiet. Other ponies are giving him weird looks.




Lorec was walking behind most of the main group. Syuren was sitting on his shoulder, hooves dangling, with one hoof wrapped around one of Lorec's horn. The size difference was almost amazing.




" hey trilby, if worse comes to worst, we find the gem, and run a smash n' grab. Of course, if it comes right down to it, hand the gem to one of us flyers. Yeah, we'll be fugitives. But hey, who HASN'T wanted to be an epic super-secret jewel thief straight out of a comic book? It'll be like Daring Do! Just.... Less legal."




Lorec scoffed, and whispered in a hushed voice.



" boy... Keep your mouth shut! Some pony could be listening! Secondly, even if it came to that, it'd be smart to run a segmented operation were everyone had a specific part to play, and where we are seperated to keep suspicious association with each other to a minimum. Also, wouldn't disguises be a good start, so that If it comes down to that dishonorable action, we don't get our faces on wanted posters?"




Lorec then spoke to Trilby.



" are you sure your plan will work? We don't even have a contingency plan.... Save for Syuren's dream of being a thief version of his childish books. I'd rather it not come down to violence. You don't seem the type to be dopt i blod. ( bapatized in blood) and finally.... We have an alicorn, a Minotaur, a bat pony, you, a dragon, and assorted others. We... Stand out, to say the least. Maybe we should split up and gather information?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Bronze tries to smile at the passing ponies and sighed in relief when they had pointed their attention elsewhere. "Uh, everyone? Maybe we should go about this less suspiciously." He eyed Trilby at that. "Maybe we should split up, We'd cover more ground that way, but ..."  He raised a brow at Lorec. "You might draw tons of attention..."


At Drake's excitement he couldn't help but grin. "You should see the crystal statue of the Spike the Great."


He looked back to their leader. "If we do split up and look around though, I call team up with the boss!"


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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Gear looked at Lorec, "I have a plan, put this on." Gear said, throwing Lorec a dog chain. "We'll walk in and pretend that you are some sort of slave. All you have to do is put this chain on, and we'll walk in, Scott free." Gear had thought this would work, but didn't think kindly of the matter.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"Look around? Hmm... Well, if that's what you want to do, I suppose it's okay. Just make sure sure to--to... What's that fancy word again? Rondo? Randy? Rendez...Rendezvous! Just make sure we all rendezvous at the same pla--" Trilby is about to continue, when he sees what Gear is up to. "NO!" He waves off the chain. "No collars or leashes! We're civilized creatures, not animals. ... Yes, I know what we look like, but still! Bronze, I, and Gear will go to the palace. Maybe having an Alicorn will trick them into thinking we have royalty with us..." Trilby says.


Is this really a good leader? He makes a plan, then abandons it to let everyone do whatever they want... Well, he is just a hat maker, after all.


@@Pink Brook (I don't know what you have planned for Aurora. She can be with Trilby's group or she can go off on her own, whatever you want.)


Moments later, Trilby, Bronze, and Gear are at the castle.


"The Princess? Sure. She keeps an open audience for all her subjects. I'll escort you." The guard says before leading the way. "Well, that's a relief. I thought it'd harder then that!" Trilby says to his group before following the guard.


The guard leads them to the throne room. "Your majesty, you have an audience." The guard says. But when they enter, they hear laughter and singing?

"Crack up at the creepy. Whoop it up with the weepy. Chortle at the kooky-- Oh! Please, come in." Princess Cadance stops singing with a giggle. "Sorry. I was just telling my husband and loyal soldier here about the things I've learned from Princess Twilight and her friends." Cadance explains, Shining and the knight also containing their laughter.


Trilby and Gear might not recognize the armored pony in the room, but Bronze definitely will.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Gear looked at Lorec, "I have a plan, put this on." Gear said, throwing Lorec a dog chain. "We'll walk in and pretend that you are some sort of slave. All you have to do is put this chain on, and we'll walk in, Scott free." Gear had thought this would work, but didn't think kindly of the matter.


Lorec wouldn't even dignify that with a response. His ignoring of that statement would be enough to send gear a clear measure of how displeased Lorec was.


Syuren laughed out loud. He decided to mess around with gear.



" oh boy. I wouldn't insult the big guy like that. Where he comes from, that'd be taken as an insult. And where he's from... Only the first and second insult can be taken with a grain O' salt. Minotaur law says that If you insult him three times, it's a ' dispute to be solved in blood. ' ain't that right Lorec?"



Lorec looked to his shoulder where syuren was sitting. He was obviously annoyed.



" boy, the blood code was abolished 450 years ago. Educate yourself, and stop trying to frighten and intimidate our cohorts."



Lorec then looked at gear heart.


" I'm sorry.... He's... Young and foolish. Forgive him."




@samurai equine


Lorec and syuren split up from the main group. Before leaving, Lorec have trilby a heads up before the split.




" I see a watering hole near here. Looks like it's called ' the manticore's brew'. Syuren and I will head there to gather information.... And a drink. It'd be to strange to have an audience with the princess, considering who we are. If there is any trouble, come running and screaming... And don't forget. The princess CAN NOT know what we are after."




" Dude! Lets get wasted!"




" syuren, you're 18, and you look like you're 15. Shut up. You can't drink."



" pffffff..... Watch me... Jerk."


In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"I'll go check the library alone, if there's some magic crystal here there'll be information about it there." Gear said to the group. "I'll also try to find any additional information that might help us." Gear looked at Lorec, "Yea, I didn't think you'ld like that plan..." Gear said, as he looked at Syuren. "You know, a friendly brawl could'nt hurt," Gear said, looking back at Lorec, "What do you say?"


(Wait, what, last post? Yea, whoops.)

Edited by Gearhart

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gear had looked around for the castle library. With his horn and wings the guards shouldn't stop him. When he got into the library, he looked for any documents on the magic elements, when a book fell to the floor, "How to summon crystals: and how they work." Gear desided to open it up, and read.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Outside the throne room, everyone else is left to their own devices~


Gear is looking through books when an elderly librarian taps his shoulder. "If there is anything specific you are looking for, I'd be glad to help."




Drakk and Drake are on a tour of the empire when they notice a new museum. This was never there before. In fact, there are a lot of new buildings and attractions here. They've really been rebuilding a lot.




At a place called The Manticore's Brew, a bartender welcomes it's new customers, Lorec and Syuren. "Howdy, howdy, howdy folks! You two look like some fine travelers from out of town. What can I do you for?" He asks.


But before they can get their orders in, they feel a tap on their shoulders. It's another one of Maestro's agents, same outfit as before but this time taking on the form of a crystal pony. "Would you mind stepping outside, gentlemen? There is news from Maestro. There's been a new development."


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Bronze smiles brightly at the third pony and started to step forward, but hesitated looking between every pony else in the room. The knight looked to Shining Armor and asked to be excused before trotting over to bronze and giving him a big hug.


Bronze blushed clearly embarrassed but hugged him back with one leg. "Hey Dad..."


"It feels like it's been forever since I saw you last." His dad says. He steps back. "You? On official business?" He asks a bit suspicious.


"Yeah ... well, nothing important really..." Bronze took a step towards trilby and puts a hoof around his shoulder. "This is Trilby. Trilby this is my dad, Tanzanite." Tanzanite dips his head in greeting. "And well ..." He looks past his dad towards the Prince and Princess. "He's a collector! I met him on my travels. He's looking for these weird gems and I owe him a big favor and thought maybe the princess could tell us if any weird gems came through the kingdom..." He realized he had stopped smiling at some point during his explanation and gone stoic, but he smiled awkwardly afterwards. 

Edited by Bright Bastion
  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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Gear had looked over at the old pony, "Yes, I am looking for something that no normal pony would look for." Gear had said. "Have you heard of some dark crystals with a magical power? It may be a little, ynow, generic, but it would be important to a job I'm doing. I'm looking for it for a class."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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@samurai equine


Lorec felt the tap on his shoulders. A new development? Already? What could have possibly happened. We're the others on trouble? Alas, the bartender's greeting would have to wait. This was much more important.




The pair stepped outside. With the agent.




" hey buddy, we were just about to get wasted off of our as-..... Errrrrr... Information gathering! What could possibly be more important?!?"



" Syuren, do not be rude. Excuse him. He's... Young. Now, how may we be of service? What is the developement?"



" Pfffff. Maybe Kaz found out."



" Impossible. He's in the griffon empire, overseas to the East right now."



"........ Yeah, good point. Anyways, what's this about, buddy? I'm ready to get my buzz o-.... My information!"

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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*Sorry if I got a little late*


The duo had been moving around the Crystal Empire for a while and saw a lot of truly interesting stuff. Drake alone had exploded with glee when he saw that a statue of a dragon. Right now, they had appeared infront of some sort of building that looked like it has opened recently.


"What's that?" Drake asked, watching curiously at the building with huge interest


Drakk tilted his head a little, still watching the building. "I don't know... Wasn't here on my last visit, though." He took a look around. "In fact, none of these were here"


Drake stared at it and scratched an itch that appeared on his chin, not moving his eyes from the first building "Well, let's go find out!" He said as he quickly moved into the strange building.


"Drake! Wait!" Drakk said, reaching out a hoof like he was trying to grab him. He put his hoof back down and shrugged, before hastily galloping towards his companion.


When the unicorn entered the building he saw small crowds of crystal ponies looking at different stuff. He couldn't get a good look on what they were looking at, but that wasn't too important. What was important is to find his dragon friend.


Drakk trotted up to the counter and saw that no one was standing behind it. He saw a small button on the counter, which he pressed, and it made a ringing noise. Not one split-second later a crystal pony jumped up from behind the counter, scaring Drakk enough to make him jump backwards and land on his back. The pony hadn't cared, and started talking almost immediately. "Well, hello there and welcome to our museum of mysteries and wonders!" Sounded feminine. Must be a mare.


Drakk slowly got back to his hooves and stared at the pony. "Yeah... Anyway, have you seen a dragon running around here?" He asked, hoping to everything good that he got a 'yes'.


The mare shrugged. "No, I haven't seen a dragon since the great spi-...Did you say dragon?" The mare was now staring intently at Drakk, not even blinking.


Drakk instinctively took a step back. "Well, uh, yes?" He replied with slight fear.


The mare suddenly evolved a huge smile. "Really? A dragon? In my museum? Oh Celestia I can finally meet one! And talk to one!" The mare said very quickly, practically jumping up and down.


Drakk looked at her, unsure of what to do. "Yeah. Know where he is?" He finally blurted out.


The mare looked back to him, Smile still plastered on her face. "No, but I'll help you look!"


Drakk looked at the mare for a moment, considering her offer. It wouldn't go so well If she would end up following them back to the main group. He finally opened his mouth to say his answer. "Well, maybe-" He got cut off by the sound of something crashing behind him. He turned around to look at what happened, along with every other pony in the lobby


*Cant continue right now... Curse you school*

  • Brohoof 1

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Oh! Please to meet you, sir. Trilby Hatter’s the name, hat-making is my profession." Trilby says to Bronze’s dad. "That helmet really compliments you. It’s almost as good as a hat!"


Trilby looks back at Princess Cadance. "Your greatness, we’re seeking a very special gem, and we believe it’s in this kingdom. A hot tip told us that it would be marked with a roman numeral." Trilby says. "Roman numeral? Hmm... Sorry, a gem like that doesn’t really ring any bells. But we recently sent off most of Sombra’s old treasures to a new Imperial Treasury that we recently set up. If we have the gem you’re looking for, it’s probably there, cataloged and everything. Tanzanite, would you mind escorting them the way there? Since this is a family reunion, it only seems appropriate." Cadance says.




The elder pony librarian listens to Gear’s request. "Dark crystals? Hmm... We don’t have many books like that, and you all ready picked one out. Let me show you where the others are." She escorts him through the library, pulling out a few books for him.




The agent looks at Syuren and Lorec. "Your friend Aurora has gone back to her homeland. It seems that Maestro was mistaken. One of the gems was not there to be found after all. This is her replacement.  Meet the changeling 462. He’s not terribly hostile. In fact, he’s smarter than most changelings."


The agent steps aside, allowing 462 to step forward.


(Hey, A Questionable Santa! Not a bad reply. I wouldn’t have mind playing the part of museum curator for you, but I’ll let you have your fun. :) )


Drake had seen a lot of things just from running through the halls. However, he finds something dark and ominous in the very back of the museum...


It’s an exhibit highlighting Sombra’s reign on the crystal empire and many of the hardships he created. It’s not an exhibit everypony likes, some crystal ponies don’t even want to look at it let alone go near it, but it’s important. They need to remember. The pain, the sacrifices, the lives lost... This is still a part of their history that they need to remember if they ever want to make a future they can be proud of.


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"h-hello", says the changeling nervously. 462 was not used to working with others, so was also not used to socializing. "H-how may I be of assistance?"  He was certainly different from an average changeling. For one, instead of having trills, he had a long red mane, with red eyes to match. He wore a battered old cloak on his back, with the hood propped back. "Maestro has already informed me of our mission," he added quickly.


(OOC: hope I can don't mess up! :derp: )

Edited by GoldenOaks
  • Brohoof 1

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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Gear was looking at the covers of some of the books, "The history of The Crystal Empire, and Sombra" and, "Crystals, and there workings" But one that inerested him was a book with a picture of one of the crystals, It was square, and had a II on it "Strange objects, Crystal Empire edition". "I think I'll take this one, and the one I picked up earlyer," Gear said, handing the two books to the librarian.

  • Brohoof 1

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"h-hello", says the changeling nervously. 462 was not used to working with others, so was also not used to socializing. "H-how may I be of assistance?"  He was certainly different from an average changeling. For one, instead of having trills, he had a long red mane, with red eyes to match. He wore a battered old cloak on his back, with the hood propped back. "Maestro has already informed me of our mission," he added quickly.


(OOC: hope I can don't mess up! :derp: )


Lorec looked at the changeling. A nervous one, he was. Syuren simply scoffed.



".... A changeling? Really?"




Lorec brought his hand across syuren's head again.


* CRACK!!!!!!!*




" don't be rude, syuren."



" I swear, I'm gonna return those slaps someday."




Lorec then turned to the changeling.



" it's nice to meet you. Welcome to the team. Want to get a drink with us?"





(Sorry. Life decided to hit me in the face with a brick.)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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(I feel ya Hokuto, bleck. It always seems to get hectic this time of year)


The two bow and Bronze gives Trilby a look hoping he'd follow their example. "Thank you, Your Royal Highnesses." Tanzanite turns then and nods towards the door. On the way, after he passed the two guards flanking the enterance to the audience chamber, Tanzanite started asking so many questions Bronze mostly stared straight at the floor as they walked through the halls of the Crystal Palace.


"You're keeping those crystals safe right?" He asked.


"Yes, Dad. I have them right here." Bronze replied, shaking so his saddlebags would rattle.


"What about your bits?"


"Oh ... I've got plenty..."


"You've still been giving them away haven't you?" Tanzanite give Trilby a raised brow. "You didn't ask him for money did you?"


"Dad I didn't have any when I met him."


"So you have been giving your bits off to whomever gives you the big eyes."


"Dad!" The two bickered on and on. It's obvious that they are both aggravated at the other, but their aura betrays to Tribly that they really are worried for one another. "Dad..." Bronze finally looked up from the floor. "There isn't anything ... weird going on in the mines is there?"


Tanzanite gave him a strange look. "I haven't heard anything, but my division doesn't have anything to do with the mines. You're acting a little strange Bronze..."


Bronzes eyes were glued to the floor once again. "I just heard a nasty rumor that something was wrong with them is all ..." Tanzanite waited for him to explain further, it was silent for a while before he looked back up. "It was vague, some pony said that there was something bad in the mines, and that we shouldn't go down there..."


"Don't believe every rumor you hear, Bron." Bronze winced a little at his dad's pet name for him. "It sounds like some pony was just trying to scare you ..."


"Dad, I'm a grown stallion. No pony's trying to scare me..." Tanzanite gave Bronze a sentimental look. "What?"


"Oh, nothing. Maybe I just haven't realized how old you are..."




"They grow up so fast!"


"Dad!" And the two are off again. Can't you just tell they're related?


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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When Gear had checked out he went right to the main hall to tell Tribly the good news. When he got to the hall, Bronze was talking to his dad and Tribly was going off about hats, figures. Gear went up to Tribly and told him the good news, "Tribly, I've found something great!" Gear had directed him away so they could talk privately.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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462 chuckled. "No, it's fine. I've gotten worse reactions." He gave them each a questioning look. "Um... is it okay if I transform really quick? I feel uncomfortable just staying out in the open like this." He made gestures to his eyes and body to make a point. He did not exactly blend in very well in his normal form.

"ponies just breaking into song at the drop of a hat? who does that!"


I do ^_^

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"Do what you have to do, 462. And I'd suggest finding a nickname for yourself. Most other species don't number the members of the lower classes." The agent says and pets his head.
He turns back to Lorec and Syuren. "I entrust 462 to you. There may or may not be more joining your party later. Our deepest apologies for the set back. Keeping track of all the Anti-Harmony Gems is not an easy science. Even Maestro has trouble keeping track of all the data. That is why he recruited you. Completing this mission was never going to be a one pony job."
The agent starts to leave, then stops. "Oh, and one more thing. That unicorn with a fancy hat. The Maestro recommends leaving him behind. He was never meant to be recruited into this, and there is nothing in it for him. He's just a fool that got mixed up in something doesn't involve him."

The agent takes his leave, going through an alley. There is a flash of light, and the agent is gone. He has transformed into a giant crystal stalagmite, the kind that grow out of the ground in random places across the empire. His clothes lay discarded for any random passer-by to claim.


Trilby is not some uneducated fool. He politely bows and thanks the Princess for the help before following Tanzanite out. On the way out, he sees him and Bronze having a disagreement. "Mr. Tanzanite, sir, I promise he hasn't been giving me any money! I run a hat shop, so I don't need any charit--" But Trilby takes a back seat when he realizes that they are really just having a genuine father-son moment. Trilby nods and smiles to himself. "Family ties. They really can be something beautiful."

As they travel back into the town, they run into an old friend. "Oh, Gear! Just in time. We just got a lead on the first gem. Tanzanite, this our friend Gear. Oh, and don't be confused, he may be an Alicorn but he's not really royalty. Gear, this is Bronze's father Tanzanite. He works for Princess Cadance." Trilby introduces them.

It isn't moments later that they finally arrive at a huge building, the Imperial Treasury. "Whoa! This is the treasury?!" Trilby says. Inside, it really looks more like a huge bank! There are crystal ponies in suits helping out customers, depositing money and giving money away, and all the typical bank stuff. You can even see a giant vault door in the back!

Edited by Samurai Equine


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462 chuckled. "No, it's fine. I've gotten worse reactions." He gave them each a questioning look. "Um... is it okay if I transform really quick? I feel uncomfortable just staying out in the open like this." He made gestures to his eyes and body to make a point. He did not exactly blend in very well in his normal form.

Lorec nods, and speaks up. He crosses his bandaged arms. The Minotaur is genuinely intrigued by the changeling. He has many questions for 462, but decided to hold off on them, for now.




" so, what are you good at? Maybe then we can find you a decent nickname. No one should ever be a stat, or number. Also, we don't mind if you transform, right, Syuren?"



He said that with a smile. Of course, the smile was wiped off his face as soon as syuren spoke again.





" look buddy. You're a changeling. That little stunt your kind pulled in canterlot cost me and my old man a TON of bits. I've got my eyes on you, freak."



Before he even gave 462 a chance to speak or Lorec a chance to rebuke him, he turned away and trotted off toward the entrance of the Manticore's Brew bar. Lorec sighed, and kept his eyes on 462.





" I'm.... Sorry about him. He's young and brash. His father runs an armory business in canterlot, and Syuren earns bits by working for him... Needless to say, the Chrysalis incident hit them hard... The shop was destroyed, and had to be rebuilt. He's a good soul, I promise. Just... Defensive and out to prove something.... But enough about that."



The Minotaur continued on.





"What worries me is that they want Trillby gone... I agree that he may not be suited for the job when it comes to combat, but he has a silver tongue and is a businesspony. I think he'll help out in the long run... So, how about that drink? My name is Lorec, of clan Krin, by the way. My pegasi friend is Syuren Renoir. It's a pleasure to meet you.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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