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open Journey Through Space (Reboot)


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"Alrighty! Newcomers!" Gizmo exclaims happily.

Star smiles a bit,

"Hey there! Nice to meet you!" Gizmo says to Gold Rush.


"Hey? Anyone got a listing of our crew? " Star asks, "I don't think so. I never got a copy of the listings." Gizmo replies to her.


Star became a little uncomfortable, her patience was what was bothering her, she was itching to get into orbit.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"It's really nice to meet a kind new fellow like you. I'm Florafilla, and this is my little daisy named Marina!" Florafilla happily responded as she gave the stallion a nice hoofshake. "Oh and I really love your hat! It's beautiful hehe. Where are you from exactly?" The stallion seemed rather friendly to her and she had a real habit of being very talkative with her introductions.


The mare was also quite nervous about how well she would get along with her crew mates. She knew that their chances of survival out there in space heavily depended on their cooperation.

Edited by Dsanders
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Gold gently adjusted his hat before he replied. "Oh from Canterlot's engineering and flight." He looked over at the others before hearing Stars remark. With a quick glow of his horn he reached into his bags and pulled out a tablet and pen tapping a few buttons before nodding "Ah, I have a copy right here."  He then floated the tablet over to Star.

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Star looks about at the tablet, taking note of the other names of the crew, Gizmo feeling mischievous comically looks about over her shoulder,

"Do you mind?" She asks her eyes not leaving the tablet.

"Hehe. Right sorry." Gizmo gives a sheepish smile and returns to his seat.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁂ Sinu gets out of his seat and walks up to Star. Not wanting to receive the same response as she gave Gizmo, he asks, "Excuse me, could I look at that too? I've been anxious to know who we'll be working with." After all of the research he had done, Sinu was surprises that he had not found a single list of the accepted ponies. He found this strange, because then the crew members would know ahead of time who they will have to deal with, and be able to prepare accordingly. This was a bad job on the ESO's part.

I wrote this thing.

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A small crowd of ponies enter the station from a side door.  From the chatter that they are giving, Many of them are excited about the new ship.  A pink stallion pronks towards the small gathering.  In his mouth he carries a lightweight video-recording device.

Spitting it into a fore-leg as he awkwardly trots to the gathering he calls out what appears to be a greeing, "Tell the camera who you are so that the people back home can get this!"

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She nods and hands him the tablet.

"Give it to our friend when you've finished." She says.

Just a couple more crew members, the waiting was killing her. She could at least wish you could head over to the hangar for prep departures, let the new vessel warm up.


Gizmo was back about just jamming to his music not a care in the world. He noticed over to the camera and gave a happy wave,

"Hi there!" He smiles.

Star have no attention to the camera.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Gold smiled "Also i'm the Geologist and planetary survey expert."  He stated and nodded at the comment about paperwork "Yes that is rather strange indeed but I tend to make sure i have all the information before I head out." 

    He took a seat on the nearby bench and let the others look at the tablet and get the info they needed.

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⁂ Sinu takes a look at the tablet and stares at the names for ten seconds, memorizing them. A crowd of ponies comes in through the doors, which throws him off, as there is hardly any pony this far north. He then tries to hand the tablet to Gizmo, but notices that he is distracted by a pony with a camera, asking them to introduce them selves. Sinu walks into the camera's field of view, and states; "Hello; I'm Sinusoid Mixolydian, physicist and mathematician."

I wrote this thing.

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Another train pulls up, the doors open and out walks an older looking pony in a fancy looking uniform, he looks the group over "So, you are the team huh?" he stood there looking imposing "When ever you are ready, pack your bags in the cargo car and take a seat in the passenger section, we leave in 3 hours" he walks back inside the train

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Alrighty!" Gizmo smiles with a childish delight grabbing his luggage case and boards into the tram.

Star follows about shaking her head at how silly Gizmo behaves. She takes a seat near the far end at the other tram door.

Gizmo is back in rhythm with his casual dancing.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁂ Sinu's horn lights up as he pulls out his two bags from under the seats, away from being seen. One is a large rolling bag with all of his electronic equipment, a synthesizer, and a few other vests; the other is a long rectangular case holding his contrabass clarinet. He pulls his baggage into the tram as he walks in, almost smiling with the excitement. He sits down in the far back by the window and puts the cases under the row's seats. They protrude a bit, but only a dozen ponies will be getting on the tram, and they will likely crowd around eachother. With that, he puts on his headphones, plays his music, and stares out of the window onto the snowy landscape. These trams go all of the way to the Equestrian North Pole, as the space facility uses it because it hardly moves as the planet rotates. The trip will easily take a few hours, and this is the last time the will see the sun for a long time, as it's the middle of the 6-month-long polar night.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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@@Dsanders, Paradoxical sighs as he turns to Florafilla, "Can you give me something fun about yourself and your position?  I don't think I can have the viewers sit through five minutes of . . ." he switches from an excited tone to a monotone which drips boredom and disdain "I'm blabla and I do something either simple or too complicated for you people who might want to know about it to even bother explaining, because you're stuuuuupid." 

Without a care, he trots backwards onto the tram and trips into the tram, reflexively grabbing the vid-cam and protecting it like a baby as he slams his eye into some hopefully sturdy piece of equiptment.


"Now that's much better, a great take for the outtakes," he proclaims.



Water Biscuit edges onto the tram with at the back of the group with which she had come.

Edited by paradoxical
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after a while and once everyone was on board, the trains doors shut and started to leave, getting up to speed, over the intercom, the older pony spoke "if you feel like you need some rest now is the time to take it, it will be several hours before we get to the base, but once we get there, you all will be extremely busy"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Gizmo looks up to the intercom then out the window.

"But the Control stations just there." He talks to himself looking outward toward Arctic Traffic Control center from his window.


"Oh oh! You're giving interviews? I'd love to have one!" Gizmo proclaims in excitement.


Star leans about near the steel wall mentally reviewing about flight procedures and such. She couldn't hold her anticipation.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Gold takes his tablet back and put it back in his bag before sitting down.  He smiled "WEll can't wait to explore and do what i do best, examine rocks hehe." He chuckled before plonking his butt down on a bench near by looking across at the others. He adjusted his hat again smiling wondering what he should say.

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@, Paradoxical grins at gizmo, "Sure, I just have to check the settings of the vid-corder, some of the hardware is held together by little more than hope and a prayer!"


Overhearing Gold's comment, Paradoxical exclaims, "I heard that the whole idea behind this vehicle is that it moves to a dimension that doesn't have gravity, anypony want to see a cool demonstration?!"

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Gizmo giggles at Paradoxical's comment, "Hehe no silly. All it does is simply concentrate and reduce the mass of an object to allow it to travel immense distances! It's all just been theory up to this point." He says.


Star Chaser looks about watching the ponies chat about, taking note of the information.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Gold Rush looked over at Gizmo hearing the current conversation. 'Well he's not all wrong. Space doesn't have gravity at all unles your near a mass heavy enough to create it's own gravity.  Has anyone here gotten space walk training?" He asked curious since he bene giving a basic course due to possilbe ore collection.

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Gizmo immediately jumped upon his seat excitedly,

"Oh oh! I have! I've got 5 years of multi-engineering, my alma mater is the University of Manehatten! I've also got 2 years of station experience on the Orion Station on the orbit of Langley (a gas giant)." He answers happily.


Star smirked nodding, "A good record.." She mutters to herself.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Paradoxical scoffs at the weight issue.  "If weight were the only issue we would just have a flight crew of Unicorns, the issue is distance.  Which is the real reason we'd need to travel the fifth through eighth dimensions."  He scrambles in his saddle to produce a quill and paper.  On two sheets he sketches "L" shapes and makes them into graphs.  "Imagine we were flat." he mumbles through the sheet he holds in his mouth,  "We only see this paper because we live there." he dabs a dot on that paper to show the 'us,' then he puts a scattering of dots at the edges of the graph, "These planets are so far that we can't even understand the distances in any real way.  Terms like 'light-year' are bandied about, but in our lifetimes we've never dealt with anything longer than a light-hour at most."  He scatters a bunch of dots on the other sheet of paper.  Then he points at one of them.  "This dot seems far away," he points to a dot far from 'us' at the side of the sheet in his mouth.   But then he moves the second paper to line up the seemingly random dots with that dot and puts the edge of the sheet next to the 'us' dot.  "On this sheet, though, they are nearly on top of each other.  A hop skip and a jump away!"  

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"Ohhhhhhhh~" Gizmo responds in a childish wonder, his typical playful attitude.

"Soooo, can I have my interview?" He smiles tilting his head in an adorkable fashion.


Star gave a slight chuckle, in her opinion his behavior seems rather obnoxious but in an amusing fashion.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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⁂ Sinu looks up from the window as he hears the dispute over the weight issue. He takes off his headphones and says, "Gizmo isn't all wrong; in a perfect vacuum with no counteracting forces, an object of any weight could move at a constant speed forever, as there is no friction. Then, it could just be accelerated and left to glide forever. However, even deep space is not a perfect vacuum, with a few atoms of hydrogen per cubic meter; there is also a very slight gravity created by surrounding bodies. This means that we could travel immense distances when accelerated enough, but due to minuscule counteracting forces, a small continuous power output would be required to travel infinitely." He then looks at the pony with the camera, reading his name tag; "And Paradoxical, you explained the basis of this transportation system pretty well, but this ship will not travel through the fifth or eighth dimensions, which have not been proven to exist yet, but rather, the fourth and temporal dimensions. It proves and utilizes the existence of hypercubes, wormholes, and changes in the temporal dimension, as well as huge breakthroughs in quantum mechanics. The ship will travel not only through unfathomably large distances in space, but also partially forward in time. In fact, according to the theory of relativity, we will be a few years younger when we get back to Equestria then we would've been if we had stayed there."

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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@, Paradoxical (a time-space purist), pointedly ignoring the fact that hypercubes are, by definition, utilizing 5th or greater dimensions, turns to Gizmo, "I'd love to film you; if you're ready.  What thrilling purpose do you have on this trip?"  He turns on the camera with a subtle motion and the filming light turns green.

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Gizmo's ears flicker a bit expressing his excitement.

"Yay! Hehe, I'm Gizmo Widget! " he properly introduces himself.

"I'm an A3 Engineer class! And I volunteered to be the primary engineer! I'll get to do things like EVA repairs, fission reactor repairs and maintenance, uhhh reactor coolant supervision. All this awesome stuff!" He giggles a bit smiling.


Star Chaser simply out of curiosity watches as the effeminate stallion is given his interview.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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