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Unnamed Project

Trixies Apprentice L

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Well hello there I recently started writting this little thing It still unnamed and 2 chapter long(Prologue and Chapter 1) It still need a lot of editing so some spelling errors and stuff are to be expected and thing are prone to changes. Mainly I want to see what people think og and probably get so feedbacks and ideas :P

Anyway without further addo Here it Enjoy :)


"Imbeciles How dare she ridicule me like this. Me The great and powerfulo Trixie. I will have my revenge Twilight sparkle mark my words. Nopony get away after doing something like this."

Some months later.

"One day Twilight." Trixie was alone in her room holding a now burning photo of Twilight sparkle. One of the many that she burned through these months. The day she went to this acursed ponyville marked her end. She couldn't perform after that day. How could she, wherever she went everpony was onto her saying what a fraud she is.

"Lies,Lies all of them I am worth much more than thas, Much more." She shouted to none tears now falling from her eyes."But I hav a plan now." She said clearing her eyes from tears. "Twilight." She shouted as she grabbed a picture of the elements of Harmony. "Your end is Neight and so is your beloved Equestria."

The next day

"Twilight..Twilight wake up." Spike shouted in Twilight's ears wheli gently thrusting her trying to wake her up.
"Huh....Spi..ke What is it. It too early in the mornig go back to sleep too."She replied puting her pillow above her head
"Twilight it important . I have a messege from princess Celestia.." He completed.
"The princess!"Twilight quickly sprung back to life. "Then why didn't you say so Spike."She said slightly annoyed
"Well I kinda tried but you woul....."
"Give it here." Twilight said and interupted him mid sentence.

My faitful stundent I am afraid to report that you may need to leave ponyvilled for some time and return to Canterlot for some new advance magic that I wish to teach yo
Princess Celestia

"Well that was akward. That so not like her. It like a total different person. Spike you aren't messing with me are you ?" Twilight remarked since the the letter was ineed odd.
"I am certain it came though the normal procedures and I don't thing anyone else can do something like this exceot maybe Princess Luna but still why would she prank you." Spike reassured her.

"Yea I guess you are right. I maybe overthinking this. Go pack my things Spike I will go inform my friends about this and come back for us to leave." Twilight said with a smile.
"I am on it Twi." Spike simple answered as he hurried to pack the things he need to.

Twilight walked toward the door of the library when she sudennly though that all her friends were probably sleeping this time of the day. "I willleave the a letter. It better that way so they won't get anxious or anything." She concluded as she went back to the study and wrote one for eah of her beloved friends. She then walked to the mail and gave them to the friendly mailmare Derpy for deliery.

When she got back from the library Spike had finished packing and was ready to leave.

"Let go Twi the clock is ticking and The princess probably had a reason to sent the messege so early."
"Yea I guess so." She said as they left the peacefull mornig of ponyville for their travel to Canterolt.

Chapter 1
The gathering

The sun was coming up from the mountains as Trixie sat quitly in her wagon. In front of her a chess board unlike a normal one. It was like a map of Equestria and the piece were all about the ponies that were about to be played. She raised her Twilight piece from it place in ponyvill and moved it in chanterlot. "Perfect." She said evily with a smile on her face.

She look at the board once more. The piece were all there all the mane 6 were in ponyvill apart from Twilights that was just moved . Celestias and Luna were residing in Chanterlot,Discord's statue was deep inside the Everfree forest The diamond dogs were in their mountain terrain, Gilda's was in Las Pegasus, Photo Phinish in filadelphia, Garbl over in the mountains at the dragon nest, Prince blublood in canterlot and finaly her piece in the middle of the map.

Trixie looked out of the window at the sunrise an evil smile on her face. "The clock is ticking Twilight The clock....IS.....TICKING.

Door knock. "Finally. We may start." Trixie said as she picked the Gilda piece and moved it at her place.

Door opens and Gilda enters. "So dweeb I got this messege sayin that I should come here if I want revenge on those ponies that stole and soften Rainbow dash signed the Greath and powerful Trxie is that you.." Says Gilda as she stormed in, a demading tone in her voice.

"Yes that is me and in deu time you will learn what is going on. We are expecting more company." Trixie calmly reasured Gilda. "I have no-"Gilda went to say but the door knocked once more stopping her midways.

The door opens. "I hope this isn't a vaste of my time. I traveled from far avay. You De Greath and Powerful Trixie says. She can help me Regain the magicks. So I am here. Make haste." Photo phinish said hastly in her unique accent.

Trixie raises the Photo phinish piece and put's it together with herseld and Gilda. "We are expecting 3 more guest before we can begin. Though I suspect we will have to go and gather some of them." but In any case our next guest should be arriving shortly ." Said Trixie as the door knocked for the last time and the white stallion walked in.

"Agh This place is not fit for Royalty. Like myself. Who is this Great and Powerful Trixie that invited me here to take revnge on that ruthless mare Rarity." Blueblood said his voice soft and disgusted.

There was silence for a moment, everypony looking at eachother until surprisingly the door knocked again.
"Oh." Trixie remarked as she watched at the door and a Red Dragon poped in alongside three Diamond dogs. "This was unexpected." Said Trixe her tone surprised.
"Yo I got the messge to get revenge on those ponies that made a fool out of me. I see you are weakly ponies too but I don't care as long as I get to smash those ponies heads."Said The red Dragon Garbl .

"Yea revenge, Revenge to that mare that made us her slaves with her horrible whining." The diamond dog said in unison.

"Well that was an unexpected turn that may provide us with valuable time." Trixie said happy with the way the things turned out. She didn't expect that the Dragon and diamond dog would comply to her letter and believed that hse would need to fo fetch them. Happily she took their piece and placed them in position.
"Have a sit everypony." Trixie said pointing them at a round table with 6 chairs. Everyone took their place, Trixie sitting in the center chair.

"Ponies and beasts. You should all be wondering why I The great and powerful Trixie gathered you all here. I admitt my messege was pretty vagu but there is was no time for detailed letter. I gathered you here becasue we are all seeking a common goal. The destruction of the Mane 6. The ponies that humiliated us-Looks at Blueblood-. The ponies that made fools out of-Looks at Gilda-. The ponies that used us,-Looks at the DD- The ponies that took our gift away,-Looks at Finish- The ponis that ridiculed us-looks at Grabl-The ponies that Destroyed my Life-Slams her hoof at the desk-Those ponies must pay. Must pay the same price we paid when we met them. And Don't be afraid I have a plan."

~In construction~ 

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