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Were there other ways to address and handle Luna feeling unappreciated?


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I love Luna- she's best princess, after all. But.....it just hit me, thinking on her past actions and all...isn't pollbreaker best Princess guilty of doing the same thing she saw the ponies doing? Sleeping through the night? Sure, she's probably not guilty of it after she was coronated by Starswirl into a princess, but before then- when she (and Sunbutt) was a filly, and Starswirl and the select group of unicorns were raising the sun and moon by themselves, before Starswirl ever taught Luna how to...surely, she slept through the night as well, and saw other ponies doing the same, so she would've known, by the time she was coronated princess, and learned how to raise the moon on her own, that that was just how stuff worked- ponies were awake in the day, working and playing, and asleep at night (because they gotta rest, sometime, right?).



Yeah, I totally get that she felt as if the night she now brought, after being coordinated and learning how to raise the moon, was something she wanted ponies to appreciate (seeing as how it was her destiny/ special talent in life, and it'd likely be a total downer if a pony discovers they're not being recognized and appreciated for the very thing they're meant to do in life) (and that sunbutt, being Luna's sister should've seen the signs, before things got out of hand...but that's another discussion for another topic....) But I just think that instead of throwing a tantrum, rebelling and trying to bring on eternal night, succumbing to the Nightmare forces, and becoming NMM, there should've been some different resolve...maybe?



Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Shoulda, woulda, coulda. The problem with Luna is that the show (Princess Twilight Sparkle 1&2) did a poor job of explaining why Luna rebelled. The impression one gets from Celestia is that duty comes before personal grievances and Luna should have sucked it up. Given that position, and NMM's insanity, I'm not sure there is another way.


In Lulleyby for a Princess: Luna's reply a repent Luna, still trapped on the moon sings:


Such is the weight of the crown that we wear, sister, Duties we always uphold;


It goes on to say that Celestia saved her ponies as a wise ruler must do. Not canon, but very faithful to what seemed to have happened.

Edited by Nature's Spell

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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I think the problem here is that you're thinking in the reverse order the writers were. They wanted Luna to rebel and decided to give her this motivation. For you, you think she should have acted differently on that motivation. In other words: writers thought "rebel, so jealous" you thought "jealous, so alternative to rebelling"


You see the difference here? I hope that explains the thought process in that writing


As for looking back now, yeah I think her motivations could be clearer for why she acted so extremely. I think there probably needs to be something more there for it to be believable. But it wasn't really necessary or possible to fit that into the 1st episode. Seeing how different Luna is now, it's kind of hard to believe she became evil the way she did

Edited by LZRD WZRD

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I come from a large family.  I find it totally believable that a sibling would have a hissy fit over "I'm not properly appreciated".  As to "it wouldn't go that far"... if you've read the Bible story about Joseph & his coat, Luna's story is nothing new.


Historically, go with King John & Richard the Lion Hearted.  Or, the novel The Man in the Iron Mask.  Sibling rivalry is a powerful force & I believe it could drive Luna to do things she later regretted.

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  • 1 month later...

I love Luna- she's best princess, after all. But.....it just hit me, thinking on her past actions and all...isn't pollbreaker best Princess guilty of doing the same thing she saw the ponies doing? Sleeping through the night? Sure, she's probably not guilty of it after she was coronated by Starswirl into a princess, but before then- when she (and Sunbutt) was a filly, and Starswirl and the select group of unicorns were raising the sun and moon by themselves, before Starswirl ever taught Luna how to...surely, she slept through the night as well, and saw other ponies doing the same, so she would've known, by the time she was coronated princess, and learned how to raise the moon on her own, that that was just how stuff worked- ponies were awake in the day, working and playing, and asleep at night (because they gotta rest, sometime, right?).



Yeah, I totally get that she felt as if the night she now brought, after being coordinated and learning how to raise the moon, was something she wanted ponies to appreciate (seeing as how it was her destiny/ special talent in life, and it'd likely be a total downer if a pony discovers they're not being recognized and appreciated for the very thing they're meant to do in life) (and that sunbutt, being Luna's sister should've seen the signs, before things got out of hand...but that's another discussion for another topic....) But I just think that instead of throwing a tantrum, rebelling and trying to bring on eternal night, succumbing to the Nightmare forces, and becoming NMM, there should've been some different resolve...maybe?



I think being aware of something and actually experiencing it are too entirely different things. She may have been aware of the ponies sleeping in the night Who isn't? but the realization of being unappreciated and completely alone may have hit her hard. Also she can't exactly change her destiny so to speak. It's no different to the pegasi that make it rain noone likes it but it's a necessity and it's also their job.

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If I were her, I'd have done the exact opposite. I'd have said "Screw all of you, if you don't appreciate my beautiful night then you won't get any more. I'm not raising the moon until you give the night the respect it deserves. The day will last forever."


In consequence, it's kind of the exact same thing, but rather than make her out to be an ousting tyrant, it's nothing more than going on strike. Somehow I doubt she'd need to be blasted by the elements for just not doing her job.

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