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open Remains of a Forgotten Past RP

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"What's going on?"

Foxist woke up with a terrible headache. He was about to complain when he realized he wasn't in his bed anymore. He was surrounded by dark-grey dirt, and many rocks that looks like burnt. Looking to his left side, he noticed, on a green circle in the ground, his useless dark-blue bandanna.

So he put himself up. With his magic, wrapped his bandanna on the horn. And looked to behind. A big, black wall, distant from a few meters was blocking his vision. In the wall, a wooden door, that, like the rocks, was like burnt too. "Hey, I should take care. This is an unknown place. I won't open this door yet. And oh, that headache still hurts", said, with a hoarse voice.

Looking up, a beautiful gradient sky, fading from purple to pink was up there, with many colored stars. Realized that wasn't in Equestria anymore. Sun and Moon wasn't there. But his mind knew that panic would be useless now. He needed to be quiet.

Foxist sat down, cast a invisibility spell, closed his eyes, and waited. Waited for the end of his headache. Or until a noise in the other side of the wall, that made him over-alerted.

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

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Aero woke up, his hoof immediately moving to his forehead. "Ow." He mumbled to him self as he put his hoof back down. He patted the ground with his hoof, it certainly wasn't the same cloudy material as his bed. His eyes opened and he looked around, the sky catching his eye the most. He looks up and eventually looks around and notices the (wall?) wall.He quickly walks over to it, his wing injured, not noticing the now invisible Foxist





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Foxist was so distracted with his headache that he didn't realized that somebody was getting close to him.

Aero had bumped in his horn, being accidentally stabbed by it.

That made he move and stare at the pegasi. The winged pony's wing was bleeding.

"Oh no, how could I be so dumb? I hurt somepony! I should help him."

So he uncast his invisible spell and went toward the pegasus.

He picked his bandanna and, with his magic, wrapped it around the wound, carefully.

With a scary hoarse voice, Foxist finally said:

"Hi. Are you okay?"

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Aero inspected the unicorn who had supposedly come out of no-where, not noticing the wound until the bandanna was wrapped around it. "Uh.. Hi, Yeah.. I'm fine." He says, looking at bandanna. "Um, where were you?" He asks, looking around. "I didn't notice you until a few seconds ago."





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Foxist noticed how confused the winged was.

"To be honest, neither I. This place is really strange."

Foxist gave another look to the injured wing. He was very sorry inside.

He looked around again.

"Hey friend, have you heard the sound coming from the door?"

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He looks at the door, he hadn't noticed it beforehand. "No." He says, before being quiet and listening,trying to hear the sound. "I don't hear anything" He says, moving over to the door and looking at it closely. "Have you tried opening it? It doesn't look sealed or anything."





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Foxist put a hoof in her forehead. Said to Aero:

"Wait... Why am I scared of a single wood plank? Damn. I am going there. Just stay here and watch out. You are wounded, and I don't want to you get worse. Not now."


So he got in the front of the door. He was about to buck it with all that he got.

But he thought else.

"Wait... Wait wait wait... Let's just open it slowly. It's not big deal and it can scare somepony."

Behind the door, there was a little piece of paper, with burnt edges. Just said quietly to himself:

"Why everything here is burnt?"


Foxist got back to the winged pony, and asked:

"Hey friend, I don't know how to read well. Could you read what is written here for me?"

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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The Alchemist groaned, she got up and looked around.


"hey" she called to the other pony's "where are we"? she got up and walked  towards them.


whats with the door? she asked then gasped;   she put her hoof under her cloak " WHERES MY MUSKET" she yelled.


she quikly ran towards the door and burst it open, looking for her prized musket.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist was confused. The new pony appeared from nothing.

"Wait here", he told to Aero, "that mare is a bit crazy. I'll get her."

After seeing her face, he told:

"I don't know of where did you come from, but what you are doing? There's nothing over it, else than this note", pointing to Aero, who was with it in his hoof. "However, I wonder whopony left it, and why it is a bit burnt in the edges."

He scratched his chin. And said again:

"Just tell me your name. Mine is Foxist. Came from Everfree. And that is... I don't know his name yet."

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hearing the stallion call here crazy. The alchemist turned around and glared at him; "i am not crazy" she said "my musket just happens to be more bits then you get in a year"


She looked around, " and by the way" said as she continued to look for her gun." you can call me the alchemist.


she looked around, "its a bit dark aint" she said "here let me fix that" she pulled a pice of chalk from her saddle back,

she drew a symbol on the ground and poured a blood-colored mix over it.


she mutterd something under and "poof" a fire appered, ha! she said witha smug look on her face " now what does that note say"?


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"I don't know at all." said Foxist, with sadness in his words. "I learnt how to read recently, although I have 24 years."

He picked the note, and brought to The Alchemist.

"There are some symbols in here. I am not sure, but I think that symbols like that don't happen in Equestrian language. Since you appear to deal with... some nature magic... Do you can catch something from it?"

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The Alchemist took the note from the pony, looking at the strange symbols she pulled a book with a circle and a star on it.


"hmm" she said " none of these are alchemy symbols thats for sure" she put her book away "maybe we should find some sheltar" its


Getting dark.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Aero looked at the new pony. "I'm Aero." He said, sitting near the door. He had been sitting there looking around from that spot and trying to make sense of what had been going on. Eventually he took a few steps to the other ponies, looking at the note. "I can't read the symbols on it either."





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"We should find a place to stay its getting darker" she said looking around. Aha! she said pointing towards a rotten buliding in the distence.


"follow me!" The alchemist said, Trotting towards the buliding. she took another step fowerd and promply fell on her face.


"buck!" she yelled she got up and looked at what she fell over "Hey! my musket" she cradled it in one hoof as she got back up


and walked towards the buliding once "oh you poor baby your all scratched " she coed whlie she walked.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist made a hoarse laugh.

"Let's go Aero, let's follow her. She seems to know lots about combat and weapons. But can you fly? With those wings, exploring can be a elementary tool., since it is unknown lands."

He got to run after the mare, watching out for threats around him.

His horn was charged for whatever was in that building. From far, he could notice:

"I shouldn't be surprised. Burnt too."

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The Alchemist walked towards the bulding, she reached the door  and pushed on it, "Hmm is seems to be locked"


she reached into the bag on her thigh; she fumbled around with something and finally said "aww screw it" she backed up.


and pointed the musket at the door, she pulled the trigger with a BAAM! the door handle blew of with a ping,


she looked back at the other two, " come on boys follow me" she sais as she trotted in


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Aero looked at them both, starting to trot behind them. "I don't think I can fly, but I can walk with you guys until my wing heals up., and exploring this place wouldn't be too bad." Aero said, thinking about the possibility of gems. He looked around the other two, studying the house.





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"Hmmm... Yeah, the place isn't burnt inside... Why?" Said Foxist, going to what is supposed to be the kitchen.

Many items could be found. Sugar, condiments, flowers...

"I wonder why this place has food. Everything is burnt outside. Someone maybe left this place... or something very bad had happened to him.", Said Foxist, very sad.


And aloud, he said to himself:

"Something is starting to make sense here..."

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Aero was surprised by Foxist's sudden yelling. He walks in and looks around, walking around slightly and standing in the kitchen, looking around. "You say there was food?" he asks, "I'm hungry." He says, walking next to Foxist and looking at the stuff before continuing to explore the house.





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The Alchemist currently looking at a musket on the wall heard foxist yell, she turned around and trotted towards the kitchen.


"what is it she called" looking around the corner "did you find food or something" cause im starved;


she walked into the kitchen and headed over to where foxist was standing. "what is it"?


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist watched Aero coming, and Alchemist too.

"Look for yourselves."

Foxist started to be hungry. But at noticing something in Aero's mane, he started to think.

"This is... looks like... the same pattern of... no..."

A enourmous red flashlight came from his eyes, scaring everypony.

"I am okay, I am okay, I am okay. It happens sometimes. Just... Keep searching. I need to take a breath."

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Near the house Foxist and everypony else was inside, there was a purple unicorn sleeping. Shadowhide woke up slowly, until she realized she wasn't at home but was in some strange, burnt land, making her get up with a start. She quickly looked around, trying to find any landmarks she recognized, but saw nothing that helped. She was alone in some strange world she knows nothing about.


In one last attempt to find out where she's been, she used her magic to look for hoofprints around her, but ultimately didn't see any, not even her own. However she got here, it probably wasn't by walking.


As Shadowhide searched the area, she quickly came across a house. She's tried every other idea she could think of, so she might as well see if there's anyone or anything at that house that can help her. She walked up to the front door, and knocked a few times. She'll wait, and if no-one answers the door, she'll assume no-one's living there and try to open the door herself.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Aero backs away from Foxist. "You sure you're alright?" He asks, looking around. He doesn't wait for an answer, hearing a knock at the door. "There's someone here." He says, looking at the door. Hr slowly opens it, looking out at the purple unicorn. "Hello." He says. "Um.. Is this your house?" He asks, looking back into the house.





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"Aero, I just need to... take a breath outside."

Foxist got upstairs.

The building had three floors. When he got in the last floor, he looked at the stars.

"So if everything is burnt, so something made it. Something that didn't burnt inside. But what done it? The pony that opened the door seems to be the house's owner. He probably knows about what's going on."

To himself, he thought:


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Shadowhide was relieved to see a red pegasus open the door. She may be seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but at least she isn't alone. 'Hello,' Shadowhide responded when the pegasus greeted her and asked if she lived there. 'No, this isn't my house. Do you not live here either? Anyway, I was hoping to get directions. Do you know how to get to Ponyville?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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