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open Remains of a Forgotten Past RP

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Foxist heard something downstairs. Sounded like female.

"Should I talk to her?"

After thinking three times about it, he went to the stairs. After seeing the "guest", he got invisible, before getting noticed.

"Hello, newone!", said while walking around her, with his hoarse voice.

After getting behind the unicorn mare, he started to make questions, slowly getting opacity:

"Please dear, let me start questioning instead. So... Where did you come from? Me and the two ponies there suddenly appeared in the middle of nowhere. This don't look like our Equestria, look like?"

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

Is it too bad to be addicted to a game?

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Shadowhide turned to look at the fox-pony that appeared behind her. 'I'll answer your questions if you answer mine,' she responded.


After hearing him describe their situation, it sounds like whatever happened to make her wake up here also happened to them. 'You say you suddenly appeared in the middle of nowhere? I believe you've experienced the same thing I did. The last thing I recall before waking here is going to sleep at home. So, I assume that, like myself, you three are also searching for a way back to Equestria. May I join you?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"Like my father used to say: 'Bigger, better.'. Of course you're in."

*Foxist sighs*

"I am sorry. Nobody here knows how to get to our homes. I think we should explore the house here to get some supplies and early in the morning get out. You know, unknown place, enemies might get here. Let's go to the kitchen. We might get food, and I guess everybody is hungry."

And said a little joke:

"And clean your hooves in the mat."

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

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The Alchemist turned when she heard the door, she got up from her place on the second floor where she had been resting


"hey Foxist"! she called "did you hear that it sounds like someones knocking" she walked down the stairs; she sees the newcomer,


"hello there whats your name?


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist looked to the mare. He thought about asking more things, but he let it go.

He looked around.

A mare looking for answers, a trapdoor that could lead to a basement, a two-locks door, some words whitewashed in the corner, a door to the kitchen... Wait.

"Alchemist, did you found something in the kitchen? Her name is... Is... I don't know her name too."

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The Alchemist looked at foxist, "no i dident find anything in the kitchen well i did find some food.

"and i saved some for you!


The Alchemist reached into her bag and pulled out a crumbly mess that looks alto like it  used to be a sandwitch,


she shoved the mess into Foxist's face; " hear ya go!


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist did not were happy with the atitude, but he ate it.

"Hmm... Nice! I am about to enter in the basement. Are you going too? We can get some items there. You" talking to the detective "Go and find something to rest. And Alchemist, " talking back to alchemist "That was the last piece? What do the new mare and Aero will eat? Anyway, I am going to the basement."

Said after doing a big jump, almost bumping in the ceiling, and got to the trapdoor.

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The Alchemist turned to others, " follow me to the kitchen theres tons more food! with that she turned around trotted towards the kitchen


when she got there she opened the cupborad with all the wrapped food she found,


pulling a few random packets she tossed them at the other ponys "here ya go"


with that she turned to join foxist in the basement


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Aero grabbed his sandwich out of the air and quickly began to eat, looking over at the purple unicorn who was also there. He looks down at the bandanna on his wing, and back at the unicorn. "What's your name?" He asks, eating more of his sandwich. "You may have heard, but I'm Aero."





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Meanwhile in the basement...

"Oh my... What is this?"

he was seeing a very weird disc, probably drawn with purple chalk.

Alchemist was getting close to the basement.

There was a little note in the middle of the disc. As soon as Alchemist got inside, Foxist stepped on the disc and picked up the note, while being teleported to...


Where am I? It's too much white here... And dark too.


He got in the moon.

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The alchemist walked down the stairs; she thougth about her home and the potion she had left brewing.


she walked into the basemnet in time to see Foxist disapear, acting on her instincts she pulled out her chalk and book,


looking around she saw a mouse in the corner quicklly she caught it she put it in her own chalk circle and chanted.


while she chanted she oulled out a small knife she stabbed it into the rat letting its blood drain into the circles she had drawn.


 all the while chanting  for something to be gained something has to be lost for that is the law of alchemy

 suddenly a portal to where foxist went appeard The Alchemist grabbed her bag and jumped after him.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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The note:

"Dear somepony,

if you are reading this note, you probably know why I've built this portal.

But please do not touch it.

The portal was the only way to escape.

I don't know what is, but it's something like"


"He stopped writing", said Foxist, as soon as the Alchemist came.

He saw the entire Equestria above him. But something was wrong.

"Hey Alchemist, have any idea to why most of Equestria is burnt?", said Foxist, with a sad face.


Foxist realized that they aren't in the Equestria they used to know. Something was different...

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The Alchemist wiped the blood on her hoof one her cloak ; she looked around at the burnt landscape.


"i dont know what could have caused this" she said as she walked up behind him. "maybe a fight between celastia and a another power and

this is the fallout?


"anyway lets get back and tell the others all make another portal, she walked away and started drawing a circle/ she looked back at Foxist " hey im gonna need little bit of help with this you see an alchemist is not allowed to give her own blood.....

Edited by thatonepony12


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Really? Ya made a portal to the moon? From blood?"

Foxist was surprised.

So he looked to the planet.

Wow... The sky appears to be purple because of something in the skies, he thought.-----------

"And here is not burnt. Appears to be grey, but it is the moon when things get dark. Such a beautiful place, isn't it?"

So he got near to the Alchemist.

"Pick the necessary, please."

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"No i dident make it out of blood if you knew anything about alchmey you would  know the first law of alchemy is for ponykind to gain something it must first give something of equal value" she took Foxist's paw, she gently parted the furr


and pricked the middle of his paw letting The blood run in the circle she chanted, the first law of alchemy

with that the portal opend showing the inside of the basement she jumped into the portal pulling,


Foxist with her.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist was with his hoof hurting a lot.

"Hey, you know how to hurt someone", he said, joking.

Foxist waited her climb first, and looked to the circle.

"One more piece... And the puzzle will be solved."

"Hey guys, look what I found", Foxist said, bringing to Aero, his most trustable partner, the note.


[OOC: Great mystery huh? Portal to moon, burnt Equestria, notes... ]

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The alchemist walked out of the portal and into the basement, she heard Foxist make an attempt at a joke and then whip by her to show Aero his find


"hey Foxist " she called "im gonna go *yawns* find a place to sleep.

with that she walked upstairs to find a comfy place to rest.




((OOC awsome it really is but hey have your guy sleep sone and have him sleep near or around The Alchemist i have an awsome scene planned)))

Edited by thatonepony12


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist said:

"Everypony, I have something in mind. I am not Sherhoof, but all those facts that are happening could make sense after all. I'm just linking it up and... Oh, I have to sleep. My body is getting weaker and *yawn*."

He got to the 2nd floor of the building[that has three] and thought:

I will rest in this room too. Alchemist is here, but it doesn't matter.

About two pony bodies of distance of her, he slept.

Edited by Pony Parodier (v2.0)

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The Alchemist woke with a gasp, she rose to a kneeling postion she cleared her head and then carefull to not wake Foxist she got up and wallked to the next room which was empty exsept for a mirror.
she walked up to the mirror thinking thougts of her  past suddenly she opened her mouth and sang softly
mirror, tell me something, tell me whos the lonelist of all
mirror, tell me something, tell me whos the lonelist of all
fear of whats inside me, tell me can a heart be turned to stone,
mirror mirror tell me, tell me something whos the lonelist of alll?
im the lonelist of all, still singing she pulled out her musket, she turned it towards her and looked into the depths of the barrel and asked herself the same qustion she asked herself everyday should she do it?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qROQOpei73Q  (( OOC listen to this while you read this to get the mood))


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist did a laugh.

"Hey, you did a nice try to be quiet", said, surprisingly.

"Do you know why I have a stealth cutie mark and fox ears? Huh?"

He got close to her. Really close: His mouth was saying quietly behind her ear, with his hoarseness:

"I shouldn't be surprised... This weapon is always with you. I could hear the barrel tingling, your soft steps around the room, and your very sad song. Answer: What are you going to do?"

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The Alchemist gave a start when she felt his breath tickle her ear, she looked back at him a tear running down cheek.


she looked back to the gun. "i dont know" she said in a whisper "why dont you tell me? with that

she put he gun Foxist's paw and put her face close to his,


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Foxist made a serious face.

"You should survive. We can't lost you. I can't lost you. Without you I would be trapped in the moon."

He picked the musket, lifted it with magic, and said:

"Don't let nothing take your life away. Even the loneliness. I will tell you a little history..."

With a cough, he started:

"My life is sad too. After all, it seems everybody here had dark pasts. I have to carry the burden of being rejected by my special somepony that I don't love anymore and my family. I know, being alone is very, very suffering. I am lucky my mind is not pony-type anymore." and he changed the topic to stop talking about himself "If time won't change your mind, somepony will. Until this happen, stay alive. Happiness awaits."

Foxist started walking toward the stairs. But after two steps, he turned back and said:

"Any question?"

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The Alchemist looked at him, "yeah just one qustion" with that she stepped up to him and quikly pressed her muzzle on his then without waiting for a reaction she quikly left.


The alchemist felt bad for what she had done he had been rejected he probly wasent looking for somepony else for a while

but she couldent have resisted. she yawned all say sorry in the morning she thougt as she fell asleep


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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"Don't worry, dear. I am feeling the same", said Foxist, before noticing she wasn't with her eyes opened anymore.

His voice stopped being hoarse. The kiss was like purified him.

Foxist's voice became sweet.

So he gave a kiss back, and waking her up again, said:

" Wake up. Let's go back to everypony."

And he thought to himself: "I didn't realized that before, but I love her too."

Foxist looked around.

After giving a rare smile, and probably the most rare in years, he walked toward the stairs.

His voice became "normal" again and he said:

"Come on, Alchemist! Pick your musket! Let's go outside!"

And turning to the still sleepy ponies down at the 1st floor, talked like nothing happened, to avoid suspects:

"So... How was the night? That land is burnt, but that cold winds from the night... They really freeze you up, don't them?"

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"Yeah i know good thing i have cloak. said The Alchemist knowing that he dident want the others to know about there.....secret.

she walked after him picking up her musket


she sweeped past him walking past the other ponys when she reached the outside she walked out to the burnt yard

she heard Foxist come out behind her "hey" she said turning to him "wanna see a trick" she said with a devilish smile.


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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