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private The Abandoned


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You and several other ponies wake up in separate, dark rooms on a giant aircraft.

You all have no idea where you are, and you don't remember anything from the past week. You all have walkie-talkies, which gives you the impression that you all work there. You're also wearing uniforms.

Your goal is to find out where you are, why you're there, and who's behind all of this. However, there are enemy creatures littered throughout the place.


I will play the man of power. The guy who controls the RPers' luck and decides what major events happen.




-No killing other characters


-No trolling


-No being invincible


-No "Mary Sue" characters.


-No amazing luck.


-You will enjoy the RP




The Creator: Croaks

The creator started everything. Your goal is to bring him down.


The Guard: Mr.Minimii

The guard is good with combat, but low on smarts.


The Janitor: Shankveld

The janitor is humble. Good with searching, but bad in fighting.


The Scientist: Auroreita Borealis

Really high intelligence, but very low luck.


The Engineer: Prince Twister Shadowcaste

Very good at luck. Mediocre or less in everything else.


The Electrician: PinkieDaShy

Very good at luck, mediocre in smarts, and low in speed.


The Accountant: Blue

Is good with smarts, very low in fighting.


The Co-Pilot: ♫DJ ClockWork♫

Good with speed, very bad in searching and fighting.


The Chef: biloh

Mediocre in smarts, good in fighting, bad in searching.


The Doctor: DylanKLJ

Good in smarts, bad in fighting, but can heal himself with the right supplies.


Those are the characters. There can be more, if more people join. If you're not active, you'll probably be kicked off.


Let's begin.


Each of you wake up with your ears ringing. The rooms are dark, and you can barely see.

But then you realize something strange; You don't remember anything from the past week. Panicked, you run into the corner of the room, trying to recollect what happened. Sadly, nothing. But, you start feeling your clothes to see if you had anything in your pockets. You feel a walkie-talkie attached to your shirt collar, and you seem to be wearing a uniform. There is a large switch in each of your rooms, that you must all turn on to turn on the lights, that you're unaware of.

You're all terrified.

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Good heavens this'd better not be due to those imbeciles from the Antidisestablishmentarianist Party.*Hic*

Peaceable stood from the corner, issuing an illumination spell from his horn, casting a soft blue light into the room. As he stood there, trying to get a better view of the space, he thought to himself about why and what sort of circumstance he might be in, recalling a wide nothing. *Hic*

I hate it when I get a headache, it always gives me the hiccups. Well, since I've got nothing better to assume, I'll just suppose that I've been kidnapped for some reason. At least I can wrap my mind around that.

He noticed the radio on the lapel of a strange vest he was wearing, but kept the recognition in his mind at a lower priority than trying to recognize things in the space.

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Lovely came to unexpectedly. She struggled to her feet, her muscles were weak. Did somepony drug me? Lovely strained her eyes to look around, it was futile there was not a trace of light reflecting off anything. So this is what true darkness looks like. Lovely began to walk forward but her body felt different. She was in a jumpsuit of an unknown design and colour. Lovey used her unicorn magic to bring up the part of her jumpsuit that was dragging. A walkie-talkie? Does it work? Lovey began tuning the walkie-talkie frantically shouting, "hello?! is anypony there?" to every channel she could find and waiting a few moments for response.

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Greenery jolted awake. "Ow!" he said grouchily, feeling the sharp pain in his head. The room was still dark and he realized he must not be fully conscious yet. He tried to open his eyes and realized they were already open.

What in the hay-?

Sitting up, Greenery let a faint light emit from his horn, but he couldn't see much beyond what he was wearing-a jumpsuit with a walkie talkie attached to the lapel.

Greenery stumbled and hit a wall, sinking into what seemed to be a corner, terror washing over him. What's going on? I can't remember anything...

His head felt like it would split open. Somepony must've drugged me or something...

He grabbed the walkie talkie and wildly turned the dials, speaking jibberish into it and praying for a response. The fear in his belly was getting tighter.

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Night sucked in his breath as the darkness surrounded him. His eyes narrowed and he sat up straight, all traces of sleep dragged out of his body as he inspected his new area.

The hay? He thought to himself, rubbing the back of his head as he surveyed the scene around him.

"AGH!" He screamed, hearing his voice echo throughout the room as a sharp pain erupted from the back of his mind.


What the? He looked to the source of the noise, a small radio attached to his waste flared a bright blue before dying once more.

"Hello?" He tested, speaking to the walkie talkie, "Is somepony there?"

After a few minutes of silence, he sighed in frustration and brought it up to his mouth. "Hello!?" He tried louder, but was only welcome with silence.

Fantastic, he thought bitterly, placing the walkie talkie back on his belt, First I wake up in an unknown place for Celestia knows what reason, and now I'm going insane!

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The creator hears the voices of the subjects through his separate speakers in the control room.

Ah, he thought to himself, they're awake

He smiled, finally getting to see some results in his brightly-lit control room, screens surrounding him.

Now if only they knew to turn on the switches together.

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Now get a hold of yourself, Percy. You've been in tougher scrapes than whatever this is.

*Hello? Is somepony there? HELLO?!*

*Is anypony there?*

A radio-tron! For once I'm glad I attended that ceremony for that Engineering College, at least this might come useful.

Peaceable took the radio and depressed what felt to be the largest button.

"Good... day? I'm here, my name is Peaceable. I seem to be trapped in some sort of room, who else is speaking?"

Edited by Blue
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Revolver wakes up as he frantically moves around the room trying to identify where he is, suddenly he hears a screechy noise. He puts his hooves over his ears trying to stop the noise that reminds him of training camp, where Blue Kite one of his friends died after one of those exploded on his teenager hooves. He locates the noise, its coming from an old Motorola walkie-talkie. Revolver first reaction is to set it to channel 29, the frequency used by the unicorn army. "Sergeant Revolver requesting for immediate help over". "Sargeant Revolver requesting SOS over". No success, what the hell is going on, this has to do with those damn pegasi, I know it, they cant ruin my life again.

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Lovely walked forward until she felt herself pressed against a wall. She put her hooves up against the wall, attempting to feel for some sort of door or opening. If there was a way in; there must be a way out. Lovely slid across the small room's perimeter until her hooves stumbled upon a strange switch. Lovely signed in relief, light would be very helpful.

Lovely flipped the switch up, to her disappointment. Lovely flipped the switch up and down a few more times. It was broken.

"Good... day? I'm here, my name is Peaceable. I seem to be trapped in some sort of room, who else is speaking?" Lovely heard from her walkie-talkie. Lovely used her unicorn magic to bring the walkie-talkie up to her mouth, "Hello? This is Lovely! Who is this!? Are you the one who drugged me? You better release me right away or there will be legal consequences."

An empty threat of course, Lovely knew she was at her keeper's mercy.

Edited by Shankveld

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Lucas woke with a shock jump's high in the landing with his vision blurred and feeling dizzy, He holds his hoof to his head Ahh damn my head i must have hit in on a pipe and knocked me out. His vision Come through and he looks around the room this isnt where i was...."Hello!? Anypony!? Helloo!?.2 he yelled around to see is anypony could hear him.


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Sonic eventually woke up in a dark, empty room. He slowly began to get up onto his hind legs.

"Hello? Is anypony there?" Sonic called.

No reply.

He used his horn to create a a dim, illuminating light. He slowly began to walk around the room, trying to find a way out. Sonic then noticed he was wearing a uniform of some sort. It had a few small blood stains on it. It also had a walkie-talkie equipped, but it didn't seem to work.

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*Hello? This is Lovely! Who is this!? Are you the one who drugged me? You better release me right away or there will be legal consequences.*

"I am a victim of whatever this is as well, it seems. Let's try to remain calm an-"

*Sargeant Revolver requesting SOS over.*said a different voice. This device must have multiple channels connected to it.

"Hello Sargeant. I do say that we may be sharing a predicament."

Peaceable continued forwards until the light of his spell showed him a switch on the wall- a large electrical circut breaker lever. Peaceable tried pushing down on the switch but it resisted, due to a big unseen spring within the build of the device. Out of spite for the difficultly, he pushed harder with both his forehooves, and the switch threw suddenly with a loud KLACK, illuminating his room.

It appeared to be a small stateroom, with two bunkbeds and a sink, in rather tight quarters. The bunks were both missing bedclothes and pillows, and the coloration of grays indicated either a lack of refinement, forewardness to passengers, or perhaps military service. But one motif Peaceable did recognize, and that was the close and efficient arrangement of things in the room.

I must be on some kind of airship, perhaps a zeppelin. He thought, stepping closer to the edge of the bunks. No sea-going vessel would cut weight-saving holes into bed frames.

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(All of you were to flip your switches, which would make the rooms illuminate. But alright).


Lovely and Peacable's electrical circuits were linked together, so they wanted it off, they both had to turn it off. If they wanted it on, tey bothe needed to turn it on.

As soon as power in their rooms were restored, a projector came on, showing a pony with tan skin, and a white, slicked back hair as well as a beard. This only showed up in rooms with power.

The man in the projected image, the Creator, says, "Welcome, subjects. I see that you turned power on in your rooms. You see, two rooms have one electrical circuit, which forces teamwork. This is a test. There are hostile creatures spread throughout the aircraft that you must get past in order to reach me, The Creator.

Of you flip the panel of the lower part of your walkie talkie, you'll have a virtual map of the place. Good luck, subjects."

The projected image ends with that.

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Amyrion groggily woke up. Ugh...My head is pounding. Again. Please don't tell me I have to finish that research paper today...

He blinked suddenly. "Hang on," he said aloud. "I...I don't remember being here." Instinctively he glanced around the room. It...seemed to be swaying gently. "An-an aircraft of some kind? Erm..." Now extremely confused, he reached for the pocket flashlight he always used to carry in his lab coat, only to find out it wasn't there. In fact, he wasn't wearing his lab coat, either. Instead, it seemed to be...he couldn't tell, it was too dark. "Erm..."


He fumbled along the wall for a light switch, found it and flipped it on, but nothing seemed to happen. Oh well. I'll just fumble in the dark, then. He groped for a doorknob.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Sonic continued to walk around, using his horn to provide light. There was water dripping through the wall, cardboard boxes around the room, and what seemed like a control pad at the end of the room.

"Hmm, what's this?"

Sonic looked at the control pad. All the buttons didn't seem to do anything, except for a rusty switch. Out of curiosity, Sonic pulled the switch. All of a sudden, the lights flashed on, blinding Sonic momentarily. A projection suddenly appeared, showing a pony with tan skin, and a white, slicked back hair as well as a beard.

"Welcome, subjects. I see that you turned power on in your rooms. You see, two rooms have one electrical circuit, which forces teamwork. This is a test. There are hostile creatures spread throughout the aircraft that you must get past in order to reach me, The Creator.

Of you flip the panel of the lower part of your walkie talkie, you'll have a virtual map of the place. Good luck, subjects."

The projection ended.

"Well, guess I'd better see what this does!"

Sonic flipped the panel on his walkie-talkie. The Creator was right. A map appeared on a screen, Sonic was marked as a red dot on the map. "What about this electrical circuit? This must mean that there are more than one pony here!"


Sonic looked at his walkie-talkie. It didn't seem to work. However, he then noticed a button. He decided to press it, and spoke "Hello? Anypony there?"

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*I am a victim of whatever this is as well, it seems. Let's try to remain calm an-* Lovely had the walkie-talkie pressed up against her ear. A victim? Or so he claims, but what reason would he have to lie? Unless he's trying to buck with me, get into my head, gain my trust and turn on me, but where is the motive? I guess I don't have any reason not to trust him, although is that a good enough reason to?

Suddenly the lights turned on, Lovely jolted, shielding her eyes away from the bright light. Before she had a chance to check out her surroundings a tv broadcast on the wall began.

Hostile creatures? What does that mean...

Lovely held up her walkie-talkie, "did you see that!?" She exclaimed.

Lovely looked around her room, it was gloomy and empty except for a mop that was leaning against some sort of door.

Is this some sort of joke? Lovely thought as she brought the mop close to her, inspecting it, is this suppose to be my weapon?

Lovely cleared her throat and spoke into the walke-talkie once more, "we need to find each other, strength in numbers and all that. Let me buck the wall of my rooms, tell me which one is closest to you."

Lovely proceeded to smash her hind legs against the four walls that caged her and waited for a reply.

Edited by Shankveld

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The Creator noticed the subjects' reactions to the projection.

He said, "Computer, give the survivors their weapons."

Each of you has a weapon now.

The doctor has a scalpel, the guard has a handgun, the janitor has a metal broomstick with a screw in one end, the engineer has a crowbar, the electrician has a lethal taser, the chef has a cleaver, the scientist has a rifle, the accountant has a knife, and the co-pilot has a shaving razor.

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Night was leaning against the wall in annoyance when a bright flash of light illuminated the room around him, revealing steel walls and a projector that was beginning to run on it's own.

The far side wall was suddenly brought to life by tan pony looking expectantly into the room.

"Welcome, subjects. I see that you turned power on in your rooms. You see, two rooms have one electrical circuit, which forces teamwork. This is a test. There are hostile creatures spread throughout the aircraft that you must get past in order to reach me, The Creator.

Of you flip the panel of the lower part of your walkie talkie, you'll have a virtual map of the place. Good luck, subjects."

A clack erupted from the far corner as a small black piece of metal feel from the ceiling.

Night walked hesitantly over to it.

It's a gun...​ he picked it up and checked the magazine, With about 15 or so bullets. Wonderful.

He put the gun in his belt and looked around the room, instantly noticing the door frame carved into the wall. Night walked up to it and tested the new found door, sighing in annoyance as the door offered no response.

Great, he groaned to himself as he dipped his head and focused on the door. A dark aura surrounded it as he magically dislodged it from its hinges and cautiously opened the door before him.

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"Welcome, subjects. I see that you turned power on in your rooms. You see, two rooms have one electrical circuit, which forces teamwork. This is a test. There are hostile creatures spread throughout the aircraft that you must get past in order to reach me, The Creator. If you flip the panel of the lower part of your walkie talkie, you'll have a virtual map of the place. Good luck, subjects."

Greenery blinked and eyed the Taser carefully, unsure of whether or not it was safe to touch. The sudden light and projection had startled him and he knew that this wasn't a safe place. Eventually he carefully levitated it and looked around. He could make out the room in much more detail, though there wasn't much to see.

He decided that, before doing anything else, he should at least attempt some sort of contact. He flicked the dial. "Hello, hello, this is Greenery. Is anypony out there?"

When no one answered immediately, he flipped open the bottom hinge and looked at the map.

"Huh...so I'm here...I wonder what'll happen if I leave?"

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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"Hello Sargent. I do say that we may be sharing a predicament."

Hmm, so there are others like me, I wonder if we are all unicorns kidnapped by the pegasi resistance. I must not trust this pony, he must be part of this as well. Revolver started to move around the room, kicking the walls with his hind legs but all he could hear was the sound of metal utensils moving around the floor. I'm probably in some kind of kitchen or something. Revolver moved around the room, trying to find some answers, but he couldn't. He remembered to stay calm, something they had told him whenever a hostage situation happened. Revolver then heard the noise of a metal knife falling down the air vents. A knife? what kind of kidnapping is this, this is something I've never heard of before. Ah my unicorn light, how stupid. Revolver lit up his horn just to find what he already known, he was in a kitchen. There were pans and pots scattered all over the floor. There was light switch near the door, but this was like no other switch, it was hand made and the cables attached to it, were going through a hole in the wall. This is probably a detonator of some sort, someone wants me to pull this switch, but I cant, I wont fall for their trap.

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"...Good luck, subjects."


"Jolly, what rotten luck."*Hic* said Peaceable to himself, as the projection faded.

*Did you see that!?* quipped the radio.

"I did- remarkable. I don't like the sound of 'Creatures' but sound minds should see us through. Let's keep our wits about us."

*We need to find each other, strength in numbers and all that. Let me buck the wall of my rooms, tell me which one is closest to you.*


The radio buzzed with a glimmer of static as two other voices spoke through it, but before they had, Peaceable perched the radio away from his ear to get a better hearing for the room.

*%&!!lo? Anypony there?*

*Hello, hello, this is Greenery. Is anypony out there?*


Peaceable held still and listened intently to the silence of where ever it was he was. In the quiet he could hear the rumming drone of some kind of mechanical thing. Likely an engine...

A very very faint tingle of ringing resonated on one wall. He carefully stepped closer to the wall that the beds were attached to, and pressed his ear against it. Again it rung, clearer. It sounds like the frame joist behind this wall is vibrating. I know as much that aircraft material is typically taught and stiff stuff, but I'll take what signals I can get. A third softly ringing strike of the metallic chord behind the lightweight carding wall was heard, followed by a fourth, slightly quieter again.

"I heard the second clearer." said Peaceable, examining the radio's map. "My map says I'm in a room alongside a few others- this must be just one of several in a line of passenger or crew quarters... there are four to the- er... "East" of my room until it seems the map edge, and.. two "West" before it turns into a main corridor. Assuming this map is accurate to what's outside this door, and that me facing my door is "North"." he said, looking up from the radio.

Something caught the unicorn's eye as he began moving from his position on the lower bunk- a small shiny object, lodged in one of the support bars for the upper bunk. He procured it carefully, and beheld it.

A knife. It was a little long for any sort of tool knife, and a bit short for a directly military weapon, but definitely one of certain sharpness and visual professionalism with a moulded black handle and a serrated back edge.

"And I've found a knife in my room."


With that, Peaceable tried the door and went into the hallway, looking up and down, and deciding to venture to his right.

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(By the way, all of your rooms are in a line, connected to each other. If you open a door, it'll bring you to your neighbors room).


The creator watched as one of the subjects refused to flick the power switch.

A stubborn one, he thought, Guess I'll have to turn on the power for him myself.

He said, "Computer, turn on the power for the sargent."

The computer replied, "Activating electrical grid for room six."

On one of his screens he saw the survivor/subject wince from the sudden stream of light.

Edited by Croaks
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(By the way, all of your rooms are in a line, connected to each other. If you open a door, it'll bring you to your neighbors room).


The creator watched as one of the subjects refused to flick the power switch.

A stubborn one, he thought, Guess I'll have to turn on the power for him myself.

He said, "Computer, turn on the power for the sargent."

The computer replied, "Activating electrical grid for room six."

On one of his screens he saw the survivor/subject wince from the sudden stream of light.


(Random assumption says I'm the sergeant?)

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Whilst Lovely was sitting in silence for a reply a vent from the ceiling quickly opened and closed dropping a long metal rod they came crashing to the floor. Upon further inspection Lovely realized it was a metal broom with a screw-attached to it, not much of a weapon, but enough to defend herself. She swung it around a bit using her Unicorn magic.


Lovely quickly turned her head to the door she had seen earlier, the lock had been released. Lovely held her breath, waiting for something to come through, but there was nothing.

Am I allowed to leave now? Lovely thought to herself sarcastically, she gave a nasty look to the tv screen where she had seen the broadcast and opened the thick metal door.


An older, strong built, white unicorn stood before her (Peaceable). Lovely tried to get a good look at his face, but his yellow mane was blocking her view from the angle she stood. Lovely brought her metal broom close her, ready to attack if she needed to.

"Who are you!?" Lovely demanded, not showing the fear she felt in the pit of her stomach.

Edited by Shankveld

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