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open War of the princesses


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There was a calm mood among the citizens of Canterlot, the majority of them trusted their princess, and the giant bubble shield that once again surrounded the royal town made them feel secure.

Celestia was in one of the rooms of the castle that was once the home of the two sister princesses. She was surrounded by some of her most valuable generals and her loyal second in command, Twilight Sparkle. All of them were around a large table where a hologram of Equestria was being projected by Twilight's magic on its top, when suddenly; a young stallion, who seemed to be a corporal, entered the room: "Your highness, pardon me for breaking in, but you will like these news."

The princess felt quite angry because of the corporal's disrespectful entrance, but there was no time to speak about manners, Ponyville was under attack and important decisions had to be made. "Princess Luna and her second in command, Applejack, have been captured. A helicopter will deliver them in hanger D in 15 minutes, approximately." Celestia couldn't resist to give a subtle smile to Twilight, and faced the corporal again. "Thank you for the message, corporal," and facing the generals once again said: "My loyal allies, it's time to execute the Daffodil Protocol."


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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Spark was almost "done" which ment there would be about a 50 percent chance of his device working and the the other 50 was for spark dieing brutally but before he risked his life with what he was doing he wanted to see what was happening among celestias troops spark grabbed a laptop that had been under the table and patched in to celestias network he was also good with computers he had to be since he was one of the few ponys that was not a full time soldier in Luna's army there was a lot of places he could go of course celestia always discussed battle tactics without electronics so that wasent an option but all the helmet cams were in the system spark flipped through them until he found the four he wanted the four ponys on the chopper that had captured luna and applejack he looked through the pilots view 15 minutes then he looked through the view of one of the ponys in the cargo hold he was watching luna and applejack sleep no escape luna was trying to cut applejacks rope and a pony might be watching them spark went into the interior view the pony was awake trying not to laugh and his visor was blacked out luna must think he's asleep spark needed to do this because in 15 minutes his chance would be gone he ran upstairs with a metal box that had a button on it he hoped it worked spark pressed the button nothing it didn't work spark lived but it didn't work but he had another idea in a closed off section of the hanger spark was working on a prototype super sonic jet it wasn't tested but it was finished and it was the only thing that could save luna and applejack

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Luna heard a chuckle come from the pony that was watching them he was awake and active Luna thought time to use the harming spells she then did a spell that filled the pony with electricity taking alot of her energy but killed the pony instantly and silently, she then resumed to cut the ropes on Apple Jack

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Spark was ten minutes from canter lot and the enemy chopper was five he hadn't bothered with loading the machine guns or missiles on the jet that would take too long spark checked that his parachute was ready and that his pistol was loaded he didn't have spec ops training but spark was the only one that could fly the jet and this mission would require abandoning the jet but he could build another jet what spark couldn't build was another luna a small holographic display projected and it was showing live feed spark hadn't been paying attention to it until now because it had just gone to static he changed the perspective from the pony that had been pretending to sleep to a camera mounted in the cargo hold of the chopper the pony that had been pretending to sleep had smoke rising off his armor dead thought spark it must've been luna she was looking tired but Still cutting applejacks rope spark made an assessment the rope would probably take longer than five minutes to cut

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Applejack woke up at the sound of a slight groan of the guard that was just killed by Luna harming spell. She noticed that Luna was trying to cut the ropes she was entangle in. "Luna do you have any idea how long it is going to be until we arrive at Canter lot"

Edited by Blackfire
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"5, 10 minutes give or take but ah ha" the rest of the ropes got levitated from Apple Jack "I am winging it at this point so lets just try to avoid the other ponys here untill we know we can take them and I mean that as we need to get weapons agian because I am tired and can't kill somepony silently" Luna gets up and hides behind crates

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Applejack follows she quickly analyzed the situation. You had two pony's in the cockpit plus one outside the door with armour and a intimidating looking assault rifle she had never seen before. And four pony's on the other side of the door to get to the cargo bay. She told all of this to Luna to get her opinion on what to do

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The camera was displaying spark had been able to increase speed and was only 1 minute out and he looked on the holo screen luna and apple jack they had escaped but the helicopter was in the process of landing spark didn't know if they could save them selves or not the jet was speeding towards canter lot spark got ready to eject

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Luna picks up one of the crates and sets it on fire "primitive but still useful!" she puts many crates on fire and then throws the crates into the cockpit burning all the ponys inside also burning the pilot "I think we might crash soon but  we can get out now" she opens the door agian gets a parachute and jumps out of the helecopter "theres one more left get it now!"

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Applejack notices that the helicopter had stopped moving forward and started to descend. "when must be landing" Applejack told Luna Applejack sparked an idea. " why don't we pretend we are still captured we could put the ropes around us and act as if we are still tied up and when they come to get us we could surprise attack them and get the hell out of here"

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Luna was only thinking how they should get out with burning crates "your idea is good as well, better actualy, now that we are landing alright lets do it" she gets into pusition and ties her self up as loosley as possible and does the same with Apple Jack she hears the door start to move "get down" she wispers

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spark was incoming he looked back to the screen what they were tied up again no matter this would still help spark aimed the jet at the fuel depot this ill cause some havoc he thought as he ejected the fuel depot produced an enormous explosion causing every pony in canter lot to turn their heads spark pulled his paracheute cord and landed near the landing pad he drew his pistol and scanned the helicopter which had just landed

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The pony's walked towards Luna and Applejack. They had opened the cargo bay and a bright had struck them in the eyes and they were blinded for a few seconds. When they regained sight she notice there were 20 pony's surrounding them."they must have immediately gotten on as soon as the door opened" she had whispered to Luna but one if the pony's had caught her talking and jabbed her with a taser and Said "no talking Assholes" and Applejack was passed out

Edited by Blackfire
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Luna's horn shocked everypony around her as she had put a retaliation spell on Apple Jack if she got hurt knocking them out as well "crap I am tired" she slowly grabed a gun from one of them and shot each one in the head "get...up" she picked up Apple Jack and was about to be knocked out her self from how she was so tierd

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Applejack was slowly regaining control of her eyes but her muscles still to weak to move she had noticed that she was on Luna's back and they were running pretty fast but then she saw something that really caught her eyes. It was a white figure leaping from one of the towers and gliding straight towards them. "Luna. Celestia is come straight towards us just drop me so you can fly and escape just leave me"

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"NO! I will not leave you!" Luna saw Celestia going after her "she needs to remember being equals is a thing and so is friendship" she says a little sad "I just want to have things like they were 1100 years ago when we shared everything" she said even sader about to cry "but if I have to be captured to make her see it than so be it, and if we get out of here I will soon barg in to the throne room with my forces and do something I should have done to her a long time ago!"

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"and that is why I followed you princess" she told Luna smiling. "She told Luna to stop running at let fate take its course. Let celestia catch us. It will be the biggest advantage to us since this war started. Trust me Luna just trust me" and the apple passed out

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the words echoed in Luna's head for a while as she started to get slower and slower she could feel Celestia getting closer "spell worked once it can work agian" she cast the retaliation spell on both of them "come and get me Celestia!" she said stoping and looking at celestia puting Apple Jack down "I have things to disscuse with you!"

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Spark was wondering how do that man ponies ignore an explosion that big as he watche them approach luna and applejack then luna and applejack ran applejack on Luna's back spark knew that celestia wouldn't tolorate an escape as he saw her flying towards the two ponies spark ran into the hanger something fast a VTOL jet engines he spotted one spark ran up to it just one pony he quickly boarded and dispatched the pony spark ignited the engines and was hovering "here goes nothing" he said aloud

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Spark flew out it was chaotic ponies everywhere half of canter lot was on fire and the other half was shooting as spark or other soldiers from the lunar republic which apparently had tried to organize some sort of rescue plan spark flew the VTOL over close to luna but got hit with a missile as he saw celestia get captured spark dropped his gun trying to control the half ship he was flying but to no avail it crashed spark vision was blurry he was pinned under the control console at once he knew he would be captured as well

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Rainbow Sighed as she grabbed her radio "Apple jack! Report in!" the blue mare tried to pull up the VTOL but it was impossible since it has been shot so she grabbed her bag and jumped out of the plane as the VTOL crashes into the castle but as she was landing rainbow got knocked out because of buildings crashing into her stomach "l-luna? a-a-are you there?" before she could finish her sentence rainbow was unconscious.

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Spark saw a group of ponies running towards him he smashed his goggles he didn't want celestia to get ahold of the technology the same technology that she had refused 6 years ago when the war had first started (OOC: to the flash back) spark arrived at canter lot he wanted to join celestias army he personally preferred the night more than the day but celestia had the better chance of winning a war between the princesses and spark didn't want to die he walked up to celestia and waited for three hours before he could talk to her "princess let me join your army I can be of great value" spark said "really what can you provide if you can't farm" the princess replied "well I am an amazing engineer technology whiz and an overall genius and I am more of all those things than every pony in your army possibly even you" said spark celesta was outraged "I do not need more engineers I need soldiers my technology is good ad you think you are smarter and better than me i don't need you"gaurds have this pony removed at once and if he comes back shoot him" spark ended up out on the edge of canter lot she didn't need him celestia didn't know how wrong she was for spark could create wepons that could aniahlate citties anyways I'd better get moving thought spark its a 2 day walk from where I am to where luna is (OOC: to the present day) spark remembered that and remembered his thoughts he had created the railgun celestia didn't have that advantage and there were many more things he had created the ponies came up to where spark was and started prying the console off of him

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Applejack awoken from her dreadful haze to see half of canterlot on fire and Luna taken by celestia to one of the more stable towers within the castle shield. In the main streets soldiers fighting and residence of canterlot running trying to flee though most of them get caught in the cross-fire. Applejack got up and saw a 44.magnum on the ground with one full round. She picked it up and started to make her way towards the castle when she saw a Vtol crash and destroy the castle shield and straight though to one of the towers. Then she noticed a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane fall out and get hit with one of the building pieces. She rushed towards her yelling "rainbow dash I'm coming just hold on Rainbow." She got to her and notice she was unconscious. "rainbow dash are you alright" she asked as she tried to shake her awake

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Spark was being carried up into the main area of the canter lot castle it was astonishingly calm inside he ended up before celestias throne next to luna and bolth of them were being forced to bow spark was about to say something when celestia spoke "you earth pony you came before me 6 years ago and asked to join me now I see that it was a mistake to refuse you join me and when we win the war I will make you a duke" spark winced he hadn't told luna that he had gone to celestia before he had gone to her the spark replied "shoot me now I will never join you I always liked the night better there were only two reasons I went to you one my girlfriend one of the ones you executed for treason lived here" spark felt a tear in his eye but quickly concealed it his girlfriend was a subject that he had almost never touched on "and two i thought you had the better chance of winning but It turns out I was wrong" celestia pulled a pistol from one of the gaurds holsters and hit spark across the face with it celestia talked with a voice that implied she would enjoy what happened next "if you won't give up the secrets to your wepons the I'll just beat it out of you" the she turned to her sister "next" she said

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