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open War of the princesses


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"sister I need only say one thing, why? why would you not treat me as an equal? how could you forget about friendship!" she says geting more and more emotional about her words "I loved you and I still do even with all this happening, don't you see you have lost your ways and all I want to do is bring them back bring my sister back to me, so we can rule together" she said crying "if you don't care about me then you can kill me now I do not care others will see what has happened to there once friendly princess" she said as confident as she could to her hoping not to be shot after she said it

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Applejack now with the unconscious rainbow dash on her back ran up the tower in which she saw celestia take Luna to. She put rainbow dash Down outside the door to the top room and readied the magnum incase she needed to use it. She busted open the door and saw celestia hovering over Luna with a pistol to Luna's head and spark in the corner beaten up. She quickly aimed at celestia and "BANG" went the gun

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Spark was watching as applejack burst in celestia looked surprised and applejack pulled the trigger but one of the guards dove in front of her and took the bullet celestia fired her gun and hut applejacks gun which flew away from her hoof celesta ordered the guards to restrain applejack they did the guard which had been shot tried to say something but celestia smacked him across the face then hit spark in the head with the gun as spark was fading into blackness he heard celestia talk "another guest good and by the way apple jack I missed"

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Applejack fought the guards as she heard Celestia tell her that Celestia had missed. Trying to figure out what that meant while struggling with the guards she notice the smoke coming from the Celestia's gun and the blacked hole by Luna's head where the bullet had been fired. "had she missed on purpose" applejack struggle to figure out

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Luna was alive it was amazing I mean considering that it looked that Celestia would kill her "do you care about me?" she asks Celestia then gets hit in the face with her gun and fell to the ground "what...I...said still stands" she says as she faints in front of her sister

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"what deal?" Applejack questioned Spark. "what did celestia say to you". Applejack struggled even more trying to loosen the guards grip. "you weren't thinking of betraying us" applejack screamed at spark "answer me" applejack screamed "answer me" she screamed loadly with death in her eyes

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"Wait stop yelling let me explain first of all I don't intend to accept and it was because I...I...uhhhh I originally tried to join celestia and stuff happened" spark started to dwell on the thoughts of his girlfriend "but all that matters now is that I am on your side right isn't that all that matters" spark was getting louder screaming he had started to dwell on his past his girlfriend his parents everything it had been taken by celestia and if luna and applejack didn't forgive him then this wold be another thing she had taken from him if this was taken from him he would be hunted noponys ally it would not be good for him "I'm... I'm sorry"

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Luna then gets a little energy and hears Spark and turns to her "I..forgive you" she says very weak "I care for all" she gets hit agian by Celestia and gets KO'ed again then says "are you saying I don't care for anypony because I care for all as well!" she says mad

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"I forgive you. I will admit that even I was thinking about joining celestia's army but as i was about to go I say what ruthlessness she had unleashed sending out all the elders and any pony not useful to her and I saw that I couldn't live with that and I fleed under Luna". As applejack finished she heard Celestia's bloodthirsty laugh. "awa a friend moment to bad you wont live long enough to enjoy it" celestia said to applejack and pulled her pistol and shot applejack in the back and applejack passed out

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rainbow dash wakes up feeling just like a slug "ugh.. what h-happened to me" she looked at her wings with a surprised expression on her face "wait why are my wings stiff?" at the very last second she shrugged and got her uniform on along with her picture of scootaloo in her back pocket.

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Spark shouted "NOOOOO" he was breathing heavily and applejack was still breathing that was good news celestia turned towards the door rainbow dash was standing there "seize her" celestia ordered this was sparks chance he kicked one of the guards in the back and relieved him of his sidearm he shot the other guard that was in the room and pointed at celestia two more guards rushed in holding a sluggish rainbow dash "stop or I shoot her" spark said firmly celestia smiled and jumped out the window spark took two shots and missed he turned around to find the hoof of a guard flying at his face spark avoided it grabbed the guards combat knife and stabbed the other guard but when spark turned around he was face to face with twilight sparkles brother a guard captain which ment he had a sword but spark only had a knife he hoped one of the other ponies got up soon

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Applejack felt excruciating pain in her flank. The bullet had torn in-between the three apples of her cutie mark. She was losing blood fast and she could only see blurriness and could only see a blurry white figure she was assuming that was celestia jump out of the window and what she assumed was spark confronted with a unknown guard. And rainbow dash in the corner. She tried to call out for help but her cries where weak

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Rainbow saw the weaken orange pony and ran to her "Apple jack!! are you okay??" her anger turns towards the broken window "grr.. don't worry apple jack I'll sort this out.." the mare turned to spark who was facing shining armor twilights brother without any arguments rainbow lifted applejacks weakening body onto her back "hold on to your life apple jack.. I'll try to get help just hang on!'' rainbow runs out of the room while with applejacks body clinging on to her.

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"Wait" spark shouted to rainbow who was already gone "goddangit" he had to face shining armor alone with a knife and luna wasnt helping by just sitting there although it was probably the shock of what her sister had done shining swung but spark doged it and tried to slash but he didn't have enough reach on his knife then a VTOL passed by the open window a lunar republic vehicle from which a pony jumped and went to luna shining swung again this time hitting the blade of sparks knife he was trying to hold it but shining armor was too strong "help" spark said and the pony trying to help luna gave the VTOL a signal and the Gatling gun mounted on the hull turned to shining armor which ran out the door spark grabbed the rescue ponys SMG and ran out the door before his response spark had to find rainbow dash

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"I'm up...did she want to kill me...or just miss?" she was still in shock "I'm going to find Twilight but first" she gets out the bullet in Apple Jack seeing her in pain then healed her with magic after that she headed off to twilight finding her in the planing room planing the next attack on Luna's empire "well hello old friend" "friend? you are not my friend! and so are Apple Jack and Rainbow those traders of Celestia I know she knows right" "thats what I thought but I started to think about what she was doing it was wrong she sent many pony to death for things that could be solved easyer than eating a muffin!" Twilight holds a knife to Luna's head "your lieing! she would never do that!" she said crying a little "she...has lost her way..." there was a silence in the room

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"Wait a minute." the blue mare stops and sees apple jack is alright the mare groaned "ugh.. shes still weak maybe I'll drop her off at the recovering room at least theres one around here.." she started heading the other way until she saw spark running to her "Hey! Watch out!!" rainbow jumped above spark making him crash into a solid wall "heheh sorry about that spark". By the time she got to the room her legs were starting to get tired so she gently put apple jack onto one of the beds and left while closing the door behind her. She looked at her watch very closely but shrugged at the very last second heading back where the broken window was. 

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"Wait shouted spark again as he shot up the doctors "this is still the home base of celestia then he saw luna running past spark was wondering if he was the only sane pony around wham he saw luna burst into the command room which was filled with guards applejack bleeding out on the table and rainbow dash going back to where the VTOL was and probably more guards spark ha no idea what to do

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"Kill me and your all dead" Luna said to the ponys and they looked surprised "its a strong retaliation spell I casted that on all my friend here" she said "you plan for many things don't you Luna?" Twilight asked "well you know I can dispell it right?" "so I guess you want to kill me? I mean you saved me from being nightmare moon so-" "don't try and guilt me!" 

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Indicus was currently in an engagement with a few solar guards the first one he quickly took the blade in his magic and gutted sliding the knife through the neck. The second charged at him, he jumped back to dodge and once the guard lost balance he used his fangs to tear out the guards windpipe. The third ran away.


Indicus looked at the carnage and saw Applejack bleeding out so he rushed to her side and started to bandage her wounds. "It seems convenient as hell that I just arrived."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"no kindin rainbow dash just dropped me of here in a celestial infirmary and spark was the only one to notice that and shot the doctors and then they both left me here forgetting I was still bleeding ,but yeah it is good that you came" applejack said in some sort of drunken haze

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"Actually I didn't leave you I'm still right here" said spark who was standing in the door way "so as long as I'm still here do you need anything" without waiting for a response spark ran out the door luna rainbow dash luna rainbow dash spark decided who to help first he started to sprint towards rainbow dash

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Indicus looked at Applejack and with a shimmer of his horn the wound started to clot. "That should do until better alternatives are available." He then waited by the entrance for some more solar guards to come around, Indicus figured he would not have to wait long.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Applejacks vision started to clear and she could think more clearly. She saw indicus at the door and a pistol by one of the dead doctors. She stood up and hobbled toward the gun. She knew indicus would need help with the solar guards. Her flank is still a little soar but she can move. She grabbed the gun and walked up beside indicus and asked him "how much guards do you think are coming

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"Don't know, but probably no more then ten or fifteen. Don't worry about me, I have more training then any lunar or solar guard. Its a perk of once being part of a much more militarized countries Marine corps. No offense but the lower end griffon mercenary companies are better trained then Lunar and Solar guards."


I similar in anticipation my mouth covered in blood, it was not often I got this much action in this war.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Spark ran through the door and saw an unbelievable sight rainbow dash talking to a group of celestias guards which were also holding most of the crew form the VTOL that had been there hostage spark shot the guards and ran out of ammo he picked up some SMG clips off the ground and then told rainbow to untie the VTOL crew and then stay there spark ran back the way he came and past the medical room right into indicus "crap sorry" then he looked down the hallway there was a group of guards between him and luna

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