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open The Supreme and Great State of Equestria


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Quiet. So quiet was the land of Equestria in the early morning, one could hear a drop of water fall from a leaf a thousand miles away. Not a bird was chirping, not a dog was barking all across the country. The early morning sun had just begun to crest the horizon, shining across the forests and farmlands that littered the country up and down. As the sun began its ascent, ponies began their days, woefully ignorant of the fact that their princesses still loved them. Despite the tragedy, despite the horrors, and despite the conflict, their princesses still loved them.


A great terror had stricken the land of Equestria. Racism and bigotry had come into conflict with the ideals of friendship and kindness that the princesses had instilled, causing a great war of the races that lasted only for a week. On top came the instigators of the conflict, the Earth Ponies. They claimed oppression and hatred from the Unicorns, and demanded justice in the form of a changing of the guard. Their final demands were ultimately met; the princesses must either leave the country, or witness the executions of thousands of Unicorn Ponies.


In the princesses' stead came a new order, and a new ruler: The Inspector of State, Rose Heart. Formally referred to as Lady Rose, the new ruler established a harsh regime in Equestria against the so-called traitors, the Unicorn ponies. All Unicorns, upon the capture of the capital, had their horns sawed off to weaken their magical ability severely. This caused a great demoralization in the Unicorns, who eventually came to submit and accept the new rule as inevitable.


A new system of order was established, placing the ponies into classes. A, B, C, and D. A and B titled ponies were always Earth, with the former being the least common rulers of society, and the latter still being Earth Ponies, who were still far favored over Pegasi and Unicorns. C titled ponies were Pegasi, and D titled were non-ponies, and Unicorns. The D and C classed were subject to random beatings, execution, arrest, and slave labor in the face of their new rulers.


All was quiet, all was gentle. The day's labor had yet to begin, and the Enforcers were flooding the streets to begin their patrols, brandishing their billyclubs fashioned from trees of the Everfree. They banged on the small huts and enclosures in which the Unicorns resided, commanding them into the streets for their daily work, mining, cleaning, and hauling diamonds. 


The environment in Canterlot, however, was much more peaceful and soft. Earth Ponies gently awoke from their slumbers as the rays of sunlight drifted across their sleeping eyes. They were confident and safe in their rule, guardsponies and archers patrolling the streets and walls of the city to ensure all remained well.


In the castle, atop one of the highest balconies, sat Lady Rose, a white coated, slim, beautiful mare with mane and tail so dark red that it could be mistaken as brown or black. She allowed a cunning smile to slide across her visage as she sat in the tower of the now gone Princess Celestia. Lady Rose knew her rule was just. It was a right, an absolutely an inalienable right, for her and the Earth Ponies to stand where they stood. They had earned their rule, and it was only just beginning.



(( You must apply in the OOC thread in order to join. ))

Edited by Sectus


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(OOC: I'm laughing on why no one has posted yet.)


Sound Wave had snuck into the castle using an invisiblity spell, sure she might've been weak but she had gained enough magic to use a spell but she looked around and was marveled by the design 'Right on here on a mission to get the spells they kept from us or some of them and to get food' She thought to herself. She quickly scurried to Kitchen to get some food and teleported it back to Manehatten she then scurried to the library and again teleported them back to her home in Manehatten. She quickly ran out of Canterlot castle and teleported back to her house in Manehatten.

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Pot Luck stared up at her cracked pale yellow ceiling blearily, the sun shining through her ragged purple curtains and hurting her coco colored eyes with their brightness. Her brown fur matted with sweat from her nightmares she had earlier. Pot Luck sighed wearily, began to get out of the squeaking bed and headed into her compact bathroom. "Another wonderful day in Ponyville"she whispered as she turned on the faucet to wash her face and then stared blankly at the brown water that began to run out instead of the expected clear water. 


"Just great."


Pot Luck looked in the mirror, the years were beginning to show on her face and she was only 20 years of age. Bags under her eyes from long working nights. Her pink and burgundy cornrows that used to lay neatly against her neck were tangled from the rough sleep she had. Her wings shivered as a cold draft came through the bathroom door.


"My life sucks." 


(OOC: Sorry about the late post, but ever since the forums went down to update, the site has gotten slow. Or is that just me?)

Edited by NoodleBrony


Made by MiniKirby123

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((OOC: Apologies in advance for the oversized as all heck intro. I uh, promise my posts won't be be even 1/8 of the size of my introduction.Honest!  :( ))


The Old Crown, Canterlot.


Ruby Ruse entered the rather nondescript, filthy looking tavern with a mix of caution and navel-gazing disgust, she's never been in so common an establishment in all her life. As she walked in, the once loud, cheerful tavern immediately went quiet as all conversations and merry-making was hushed as all the patrons, in unison, like some unholy hive mind, swivelled their heads like owls to face her.


The second she walked in, the blue collar patrons sensed there was an "outsider" amongst them, disturbing their jests, shanties and bawdy tales.  Their graying beards, scruffy manes and dull coloured coats striking a sharp contrast to the manicured hooves, youthful vigour, luxuriously styled mane and bright, vibrant maroon coat of the very obviously Class A lady before them. This was someone who had no business here.


In response, Ruby shot her nose straight up in the air and walked gingerly towards the huge, mean looking Earth pony giving her the evil eye from across the room, washing a grimy looking mug with a filthy rag, despite the rag being far dirtier than the mug. Ruby considers for a moment that he may actually be trying to clean the rag with the mug.


As she brings herself to the bar, the intimidating bartender spits on the rag (with more than a little mucus in the spit) and says "Wha' is it?"

This rude attitude would seem unusual if one didn't know the story of this particular tavern. Any other tavern would have a bartender that is friendly and welcoming, this particular bartender, is crass and anti-social. This is intentional. For this tavern tries to avoid attention and having any customers that aren't the middle aged and elderly regulars. There was a large, sinister looking burnt wood club perched on the counter behind him, she noticed. There looks to be nails crudely hammered into it. On further inspection, those nails appear to be covered in old blood stains.


"Um, I'm sorry but uh" Ruby Ruse gulped. Hard. She's forgotten the password. Damn, is it hot in here. It's too damn sunny...


THE SUN! "The Sun and Moon will rise tomorrow"


Somehow, the patrons, still keeping their eyes perched to the lady and not letting out even a murmur, got quieter.


The bartender put the mug down and seemingly stared into her soul for a long, uncomfortable moment.


"Behind the bar, through the door, on your left." He walked to his right and unlocked the backroom door.


She nervously and slowly walked around the bar, still under the piercing, threatening gaze of the entire room and walked down a dark, damp hallway. As soon as she was out of sight of them, the patrons continued their loud socializing, drinking and gambling.


Cockroaches, including one she could swear was the size of a kitten, scattered into small holes in the walls as she approached.



At the end of the dark hallway was a door to the left. She braced herself, took a deep breath and knocked on the door lightly.


Knock. Knock. Knock.


For another long, nerve-wrecking moment, nothing happened.


Then a quiet, but strong voice echoed from within. "It's open." The voice was surprisingly smooth. Refined even. Especially when compared to the harsh, bellowing baritone that came from the barrel-chested bartender.


Opening the door, the first thing she couldn't help but notice is that this room is positively immaculate and finely furnished, with a few gilded bookshelves in one corner, an extravagant, mahogany desk at the back, old looking paintings that are probably worth more than the entire street the inn is located in. A red, rich velvet rug lays on the ground tastefully and an ancient looking grandfather clock stands against a wall. Some of the tomes and scrolls in the bookshelves look like they would crumble into dust if she even went over and touched them.


And near the bookshelves, stood a tall stallion with a grey-white coat and a shaved, silvery mane. He was wearing a cheap looking dark grey flat cap and had a cloak hanged on a coat rack. His mane was shaved boot camp style with a silver and grey tail following behind him.


He was putting away a book "On The Horns of Unicorns", by Starswirl the Bearded. Odd choice of book for an Earth pony, Ruby Ruse could swear she's seen that a copy of that book at the palace, only it was burned by the guards recently.


The silver pony walked from the bookshelf and sat behind his desk. "Please, madam, sit down."


His tone had the hint of sophistication and class in it. It was formal, but not at all friendly.


Deep silver eyes followed her around the room, making an unknown judgement of some kind. Ruby Ruse cleared her throat and introduced herself "...H-Hello, my name is, wel-"

"Ruby Ruse. Class A citizen. Married to one of Rose's disgusting sycophants. Currently a fugitive from the law." He answered, his face expressionless. But his silver irises were narrow and shiny. Like the points of blades. "Let us...skip the formalities, I *did* contact you, after all."


True enough, Ruby Ruse was not so long ago married to a prominent member of Lady Rose's council. Brown Muzzler. That is, until she ended up pregnant. While the husband was ecstatic at first to have his first child. The heir to his fortune and power, his joyful attitude soured slightly when he noticed the foal has a pair of wings.


As it turned out, Ruby Ruse *hated* being married to a fat, old, miserly creature like him. And who could blame her? It was an arranged marriage between her parents and him. An alliance proposal between two Class A families. So, she may have accidentally sort of but not really been seduced by a handsome Pegasi butler.


Needless to say, the Pegasi in question has been immediately put to death and Ruby and her child barely escaped with their lives. The sycophant now wants both dead, she's wanted by the Equestrian authorities and Brown Muzzler has only gone and put out a large price on her head. And a bigger one on the newly born foal.


If it weren't for a young courier telling her to seek help in The Old Crown, give her directions to it and tell her the pass-phrase, she'd probably be dead by now. Broken Paw is the one who contacts people who could use his help, not the other way around.


In truth, it would seem odd that a pony like Broken Paw, so fiercely hateful of Lady Rose and Class A ponies and everything they stand for, would help Ruby Ruse. But, as it turns out, Broken Paw's eyes have told his ears which then told his hands that Ruby Ruse before she left cracked one of Brown Muzzler's safes and took out a huge amount of bits.


Okay, maybe not *huge* to a Class A pony, but to most people it's a really large amount. And tartarus, it's a decent amount for a Class A pony too.


"You need out of the city, Tartarus, you probably need out of the country all together. Maybe some disguises, subtle transportation. New identification needs to be made to fit your disguises while you flee the country."


"...And you can do all that?" Ruby Ruse inquired anxiously.


"I know everyone in this city worth knowing. That is all I'm going to say of that." Paw paused. "In fact, I even know a few people outside the city worth knowing." He was, of course, alluding to the tiny ring of smugglers, bureaucrats, ship captains and wagon drivers who get anonymously sent bags of coins from him in return for certain favours. In addition to a small but regular retainer fee.


Broken Paw read the confusion spreading across her face like a book. "*Sigh* What I mean is: I can point you towards the right people in exchange for a price, for my own profit, but I'll also be handing them their share. They are trustworthy and highly reliable. I've worked with them for a long time now. You have my word they will fulfil their end of the bargain to the very letter."


"And for how much exactly?"


"Ten thousand."


Ruby's eyes grew wide with disbelief "Wha- that is-"

"Exactly the amount you've taken, I'm aware." This stallion seems to have terrifyingly good sources of intelligence. "I assure you, most of it is for my contacts. 500 bits for the disguises, another 2000 for the IDs, 4000 for the smuggling and transportation and of course 3500 bits for me."


To any other pony, such a steep cost may seem deeply unfair and more than a little exploitive. But Ruby Ruse has often used her influence in court to speak for even harsher treatment for unicorns, pegasi, non-ponies and to some extent, even Class B Earth ponies. Thankfully, Lady Rose has seemingly never even noticed her existence.


As it were, Broken Paw usually this does kind of thing for free except for ponies he knows can afford it or just for ponies he has, for whatever reason, a grudge against. Ruby Ruse is both.


Ruby Ruse just lowered her head silently. Paw raised his eyebrow at her. Then a tear ran down her cheek and then the dam smashed into pieces. She put her face to the desk and poured what must be litres of tears all over his desk. She lifted her head up.


"Please, please, please, please, please! I...I beg of you, we *need* that money, how else are we going eat and live?! I don't have any skills! How am I going to get a half-decent job in wherever the tartarus these people will send me?! We're going to *starve* without that money!" Ruby composed herself for a moment, wiping away her tears. "Look, I can tell you despise me. And I can probably guess why. But please, Lucky Fortune will be killed too! He's just a *baby*." 


Rats. She just *had* to give him the baby's name. Broken Paw once again sighed.


"Alright, six thousand five hundred. I'll drop my fee. That should be enough for you to...buy land or whatever. Like a farm or a business. Plus that money will feed you and your child for a few years or so at least, if you eat modestly."


Ruby's emerald eyes instantly lit up like fireworks and she leaped across the table to tightly hug Paw while she blabbered incoherent expressions of gratitude. Paw slowly, but firmly, pushed her off him. 


"First of all this is for your child, not you. Put the money on the desk." Ruby complied while Broken Paw opened his desk drawers and slammed some documents and some kind of note on the desk. "You'll need these. The rest of your things you'll find on the address listed on the note. Read the instructions for the secret knock, otherwise you won't get inside."

"Thank you, I know you're not doing this for me, but thank you all the same. Do you know where I'll be going?" She beamed a large grin at him.


"No idea." He replied.


"Wait, what?"

"It's for the best, trust me. If I knew, and I was captured, which in my line of work is always a strong possibility, I could reveal your location and the locations of many others. Not to mention revealing the "crimes" of my associates. They say everyone, no matter how strong, eventually talks. And from long experience, I can assure you that's incredibly true."

Ruby Ruse opens her mouth to say something but seems to think the better of it and shuts it.


"You can leave now."

She walks to the door but before she leaves mutters a final "Thank you" and "Goodbye".


Paw follows her out to see Steel Jaw, the bartender and owner. As Ruby walks into the bar again, the patrons once again swivel their heads towards her and stare at her warily, making no noise. Ruby just ignores them and leaves quickly.


As soon as she walks out the front entrance, the noise begins. In truth, the patrons don't actually know what goes on in the back or why so many strange people come through. They know the bar is a front for some subversive organization of some kind that almost certainly opposes the state, but beyond that, they have no clue what it actually DOES, how it's organized, who runs it or even who IS the pony in the backroom exactly? They almost certainly aren't aware he's a Unicorn, either.


And to their credit, they never ask questions about him or what he does. In fact, they never even discuss him. They're smart enough to never talk about such things. These stallions are old. And all they care about is the tavern's cheap, yet strong cider, warm fireplace and the fact that it's one of the few places you can speak openly about the state, as everyone in the room is the same old people, coming here day in and day out.


And every regular here hates Lady Rose Heart, Class A's and the state just as much as Broken Paw himself. Possibly more. So as long as no strangers are in, it's one of few places where these ageing ponies can speak their minds and rant about how screwed the current generation is.


"Steel, sort this out for me." he hands Steel a list of orders for the ponies involved in the operation. In truth, Broken Paw's network is organized in a pyramid structure. At the very top is himself, at the second level of the pyramid is Steel Jaw, who relays his orders to his small band of agents. Those agents then use whatever spies and couriers they've employed to fulfil their orders from Steel Jaw. Orphans and the homeless are popular choices for spies and couriers, though servants and slaves work well too.


Most in The Network probably assume Steel Jaw is the head of it all, but he's more of an underboss of sorts.


Steel Jaw gives a grunt, which is Steel Jawian for "Sure", and continues washing a filthy rag with a mug for some reason.

Edited by HomicidalFrog
  • Brohoof 1
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GM Post


EB Creations (Sound Wave) - The actions taken in this post are above the skill level of any particular Class D Unicorn with their horn clamped. Horn clamping prevents any teleporting, and even if the Unicorn in question had their full horn, full teleportation requires years of study and practice to accomplish in even short distances. Even in the event that this was accomplished, high-security areas such as the one mentioned require extreme amounts of stealth to invade as well. Action is reversed.


Scene Post


NoodleBrony (Pot Luck) - The streets outside of the humble shack begin to echo with a cold, sharp voice emanating from the loudspeakers that had been bolted to the corner of every compact housing unit.


"Attention residents. It is now precisely oh-six-hundred hours Equestrian Standard Time. Work shifts for Class C citizens will begin in ten minutes. Class D citizens should already be in their workplaces. If any Class D citizens have failed to report to their workstations at this point, summary jailing will occur."


As the voice receded into the streets, the only noise that remained was its short echo, and the sudden clopping of hooves across cobblestone. Pot Luck would find herself hearing the typical noise of shouting guardsponies in the streets. 


"On your hooves, slime!" "Form an orderly line! I said orderly!" "Move it, or I'll have your wings clipped!"


The shouting would eventually find its way into her apartment. If she did not hurry out soon, bad things were likely to happen.


HomicidalFrog (Broken Paw) - It would seem that Ruby Ruse was an extremely lucky mare. Only a few short moments after she had left, two Enforcers stepped into the dimly lit pub, glancing around. Their shining golden armor and sheathed swords gleamed in a stark contrast to the grime coated surroundings around them. Their chest plates bore the the symbol of the state: a stout looking earth pony standing in a pyramid formation atop a unicorn and a pegasus. Below the symbol were written words in ancient Equestrian: Plebun Tipho Unem, "The Strong Shall Prevail". 


Fortunately for the pubmates, the guardmen wore golden armor. Had they been wearing black and purple armor with the symbol of Lady Rose, the situation would be quite different, and several would most likely already be on the ground. 


The guards, one a mare and the other a stallion, stepped up to the bar, looking over their surroundings with amusement and disgust. 


"We seek a mare," said the female in a regal, upstuck voice. Neither of the enforcers bothered to look at the two standing at the bar. "Her name is Ruby Ruse. She is wanted by the state, and we appreciate and reward any ... direction to her location."


They stood back from the bar, turning as if not expecting any reply from the patrons.

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Sound Wave had been working on her newest invention for the earth ponies a stripper a machine which was only powered by a little magic which she had poured in and had no spell what so ever except to run the device of course it wasn't as good as the one she worked on in secret but the machine that she engineered for earth ponies was that if a unicorn or any others in Class D stepped hoof or whatever into any of the higher classes their magic,flying abilities, or strength would be stripped however with enough to move around, yep this was her life inventing things at home for higher classes or Class D but all of this of course had to be approved by Class A ponies. So she was finished on it she immediately send a message to anyone in Class A to come and approve it, so no matter how much magic any unicorn had it would be stripped.


However she did have one working in secret for Class D and only Class D which nopony knew about it was a stripper that would strip earth ponies and pegasus's of their flight, and strength. And this one was a little more powerful it would strip a pegasus or earth pony so much that they fainted however only the same amount of magic had put in, however the reason she made it is because if earth ponies, and pegasus's were going to have more then the machine was made to equal them so none would be stronger then the others. However being that secret machine it was hidden and only she knew the location. But as she waited for a Class A to arrive she got an idea for a new invention for Class C and up, and started making it.


(P.S: if anyone is wondering Sound Wave had to wait days on end to get enough power to drop some into 1 of the machines same with the other)

Edited by EB Creations
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'This is all mine'


The Canterlot skyline was a sight to behold. Regal, excessively rounded architecture extended for miles on end, but it never overtook the horizon. With the sun on the rise on this side of the mountain, Canterlot proper had still an hour or two from receiving any sunlight. The upper levels, on the other hoof, got it early. Only the very wealthiest of Earth Pony citizens, the creme de la creme of Equestrian society, the Inspector's innermost echelon, had the privilege of seeing the sunrise this early.


And from one such tower, one can bear witness to the grassy fields and plains of Equestria below, and to the selective illumination of their own home city. Gilded towers glimmered and glowed in glorious golden splendor, even as the streets wallowed in prolonged shadow.  It could steal away the breath of even the most resilient pony.


'All of this. All mine.'


From the balcony of the penthouse of one such tower, among the tallest in the city, positioned with an optimal view of the rest of the city, one elderly Earth Pony mused to himself everyday on his accomplishments. He was not born a wealthy pony, nor a smart pony, nor even a decent pony, but birth was of no consequence to him. For whatever the past may have been, he and his family were free from want. Whatever the Equestrian heart desires could be fulfilled with the stomp of a hoof.


Oakseed was the pony's name, and it was a name he had lived up to. Sprouting from the topsoil that confined him, he grew to share the skies quite literally with the Goddesses. Anything that happened in today's Equestria, Oakseed almost certainly had a part in it.


To an Earth Pony like him, power was... liberating.


"My Count," came a voice from the door, accompanied with the customary knock, "They're ready for you. The meeting is about to begin."


A scorpion shuffled on to the rail of the balcony, catching Oakseed's eye immediately. "The meeting will begin when I am good and ready," he bellowed back at the guards.


Oakseed walked closer to the scorpion, slowly and steadily. The scorpion noticed him, and dropped into a defensive position, baring its claws and stinger for deployment at a millisecond's notice.


"Forgive me, my count," said the guard, respectfully, "but they have been awaiting your arrival for the last three hours. They only delayed this long out of courtesy."


Oakseed did not answer the guard, instead raising a single hoof just outside the Scorpion's reach. He held it there, infuriating the arachnid as it tried to maintain its ground against the giant, yellow menace.


"Would you like to reschedule, my count?"


"no, no," he replied, inching his hoof closer to the invader, "The meeting is today. That is the end of it."


At last, feeling cornered, the scorpion lashed out at the hoof with its stinger. It found out too late that the hoof was made of pure bone. It lashed out again, and again, each time scoring a direct hit, embedding its weapon in the enemy with every blow, but never managing to harm him or even slow him down. Finally, Oakseed's hoof reached the stinger and pinned it to the rail. As the scorpion struggled to free itself, it could only comprehend the undying pain of its tail being slowly crushed against an unstoppable force.


Eventually, the exoskeleton of the tail had weakened to the point that the rest of the animal broke free, attempting to scurry away from its assailant. Oakseed put his other forehoof on the railing in front of it to create a dead end. Its claws still functioning, the arachnid made one last, desperate attack on the limb, but with its secret weapon forfeited, it could do little more than pinch, barely a postponement of the inevitable.


At last, having had his fun, Oakseed gave the scorpion a strong heave, sending it over the edge. He would have watched it hit the ground, but with the city in shadow, it was not visible from that height.


Taking a deep breath and admiring the skyline one more time, Oakseed whispered to himself.


"And now, I'm ready."

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Pot Luck's ears flicked as she heard the announcement from the loudspeakers as well as the guardsponies bullying other pegasi out of their weathered houses. As she exited the bathroom she hurriedly grabbed her put on her blue stripped waiter's vest and stepped outside her shack to join the weary moving line of the other pegasi. Pot Luck kept her head down and wings close to her sides in fear. 


A few days ago she had been late leaving her house and the guardsponies had dragged her out of bed and beat her wings for being late. Although it was pretty obvious that they enjoyed such barbaric things. Keeping her eyes stuck to the cobbled stone road she could only pray to Celestia that she would travel through the line unscathed.


'Nopony should have to fear going to work or wonder if they will wake up to a beating' Pot Luck thought sadly as she risked a glance upwards to see how far it was until she got to the cafe where she managed to get a job serving tables. 


'This job may not pay well, but it's something. Something that is a lot better than the nothing I had before'


(OOC: I will type longer post from now on, just have to get a feel for it right now)

Edited by NoodleBrony


Made by MiniKirby123

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The patrons just kept their conversations going, though anyone speaking of Celestia, Luna, Lady Rose, the state, Class A citizens or anything related to them quickly changed subjects as soon as the guards walked through the doors.


The bartender nodded at the guards. "I'm afraid, good officers, that I've never even heard such a name spoken in this room." (Which wasn't really a lie when you think about it.) "But I assure you, if I hear anything, I'll let Equestria's Finest know." Now THAT was a lie. He winked at them while cleaning his filthy rag.


This was of course, all rehearsed. Over and over and over again. The phrasing is different and of course, when it was being rehearsed he didn't say a name. Broken Paw has always been paranoid about guards coming in here. He knows this entire operation, and himself, is on borrowed time.


Broken Paw was in the hallway when they came in and could hear their voices. He nervously walked into his quarters and put on a large wooden cover, looking identical to the wall around it, over his door, in case they walk through. If they come in, all they'll see is a filthy hallway, the bartender's meagre room and of course, the brewery room to the right.


Broken Paw gulped and hoped that the guards don't actually know Ruby Ruse was here. The door cover wouldn't fool them in a serious raid. Hopefully, they're just visiting local businesses and houses in an area she's believed to have been in the hope somepony saw something.


"So can I get you two anything? Cider? Porridge? Vegetable stew?" Steel Jaw asked, hoping to appear friendly and get their minds off what they're here for.

Edited by HomicidalFrog
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GM Post


EB Creations (Sound Wave) - I'm going to go ahead and launch a preemptive self-defense here and remind you that this is not because I dislike you, but rather that your methods do not exactly ... fit. You need to reconsider your strategy with approaching this roleplay. Try not to introduce concepts that are beyond the capabilities of your character, or to introduce overpowered weapons. Action reversed.


Scene Post


Mand'alor Dash (Oakseed) - As the Count descended to the meeting chamber, the temperature would drop as well. The lower levels of the castle were much easier to keep cool, and thus were more comfortable than his personal chambers. Once there, the Count would notice an entourage of Earth Ponies led by an all too familiar graying stallion, with gray beard, mane and tail. On his flank he bore a simple emblem of a pallet of colors with a paintbrush mixing them together. 


"Greetings, My Count," the elder spoke in a feeble and wizened voice. "Fortunately, your delay was predicted. I had the servants prepare for us some tea so that we may discuss your painting over a good drink."


The old stallion was an artist known all across the land. Cool Pallet, the aging artist, hobbled over to a humble set of chairs and lounge couches arranged around a very old fireplace near the center of the castle's common room. Behind him followed a few servants, all Pegasi, carrying his various tools of the trade; paintbrushes, ink wells, and so on.  


"As it stands, all that I have from you is that you would like a painting, My Count. We have yet to discuss commission rates, and what exactly it is you want done," the elder said, letting out a groan as he took a seat, motioning for Count Oakseed to join him. 


NoodleBrony (Pot Luck) - None of the guardsponies seemed interested in her, all of them letting their gaze drift across the bodies of fuller, more attractive mares standing further ahead in the line. They called out in various tones of amorousness, all seeking to unseat and embarrass the attractive mare ahead of Pot Luck. Upon arriving at the cafe, her manager stepped out into the street. He was an Earth Pony bearing a symbol of a turkey with a knife and fork stuck in it. 


"Hello there, Pot Luck. Did you have a decent sleep?" he asked in a kind tone, nodding as she approached. Several other Pegasi stepped pasted the pair of them and into the cafe to begin their workshifts. To some, the owner's kind attitude would be strange, but to most it was reasonable. Pegasi were the middle class citizens. They were not as bullied and harassed as the Unicorns were, so their treatment usually varied depending on the Earth Pony.


HomicidalFrog (Broken Paw) - The Enforcers shook their heads in slow response to the tempting offer.


"No, our Watch Commander requires that we finish these patrols in a very strict schedule. Perhaps we will return after out shift," spoke up the curvy female guardspony. The pair of them stepped out of the pub, the male sniffing the air and muttering under his breath. "I really wanted some Hay Pie, Crystal St-" he was cut off by a sharp reply of "Be quiet! You can have your pie when we are finished here, idiot brother..."


The air inside the pub would seem to relax as the Enforcers left, leaving behind a rising storm of conversation and happiness in the wake of their shining armor.

Edited by Sectus


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Oakseed stared for a good minute at the furniture alignment before ordering a single change, "The one on the right, move it away. I don't want it in the painting."


One guard accommodated his request, after which, the Count walked slowly into the set, taking his spot beside the fireplace, and then clomped his hoof on the floor twice. Out from the shadows, four more earth ponies trotted onto the set to join him. They were his wife, his two daughters, and his elder son. Without saying a word, the ponies (all grown adults) took their place on the couches and floor near the fireplace. The wife turned and gave her husband a quick kiss, before turning her eyes forward to face the painter.


"Paint the supremacy of the Earth Pony way," Oakseed finally requested, "There are fellow Earths among our ranks who question the policy of segregation, paint to remind them for what we fight. You will be compensated handsomely, if you do a good job."


The family of five all stared headlong into the canvas, the younger daughter brandishing a sword she had used to execute a rebel only weeks before. Silence descended upon the room, with the only noise to be heard being the vicious crackle of the fireplace. The guards took their leave to watch the outside doors for intruders.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Pot Luck inwardly sighed in relief as she was ignored, she went about her day and proceeded into the cafe called Grain's Delights only to be greeted warmly by her new boss. His gray coat an immaculate sheen, his eyes a gleaming emerald and his brown mane was neatly swept in a coiffed hair do. He also had a strange cutiemark, a roasted turkey with a knife and fork sticking out of it. She stared at him slight disbelief and envy before remembering her manners.


"Oh...yes I did." She lied. "Thank you for asking Mr. Diverse Delight."


"You may call me Diverse, Pot Luck. You've arrived just in time to begin your morning shift. We're still a bit short-hoofed at the moment though so please set up the tables before the we are open to customers." Diverse explained as he began to head back into the cafe.


Pot Luck did as she was told and squirmed past the other passing pegasi, into the cafe. Inside the cafe was very sophisticated,yet welcoming. It had balsa everfree wood as the flooring and white walls. There were 10 tables, each were mede from dark spruce wood and the chairs matched. There was a female pegasus behind the serving counter cleaning, she had a light blue coat, tousled pale pink mane, tired gray eyes. Her cutiemark, which was out of site was a cut-in-two strudel from what she remebered.


Pot Luck trotted over to her, eager to finish work despite only just arriving. 'No sleep can do that to you' she thought dryly.


"Would you mind passing over some plates Strudel? I need to set up the tables." Pot Luck asked as she tried to get Strudel's attention.


".....Wha-oh okay, sure, no problem" Strudel replied as she bent over to retrieve the plates from the shelf underneath the counter and handed them to Pot Luck.


"You look awful Pot Head, you look like you need some well deserved rest." Strudel teased as she went back to wiping down the counter.


"Look who's talking." Pot Luck snorted as she set up all the tables. After she had finished she waited at the back of the counter for their first customer to arrive, nodding off as the time passed.


Made by MiniKirby123

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Silver was beginning to wonder whether he was better off living in the wilderness.  At least there he could fend for himself.  He liked the odds of him against the Everfree Forest better than the odds of him against all of The Lady's guards.  It was a shame he couldn't escape.


He'd been working since very early that morning.  His job assignment was keeping the highest ranked ponies' living quarters spotless.  It was a particularly cruel job assignment, and Lady Rose knew it.  He was a guard at heart, it was his cutie mark.  He was not a maid or a butler.  And not only that...every corridor and room gave him memories of the time when the Royal Sisters resided in this castle, and every Earth Pony who kicked at his face, spit, or attempted to trip him as they passed reminded him it was over.  And he had no opportunity to plan anything, no opportunity to escape.  Lady Rose knew he was one of the highest ranked guards and close to Celestia for a reason; she kept him under her watchful eye, or the watchful eye of her guards, every waking moment of his life.  If he was deemed to be slacking off (which he was, at least three times a day) he was given a swift hoof or flat side of a sword to his head or flank. 


And he took it all quietly.  He refused to give them a cry or whimper or growl of satisfaction.  He waited.  He knew this could not last, this tyrranical rule, this blatant oppression.  He refused to believe it.  The Princesses would return...Celestia would return.  Or at least...at least the unicorns and pegasi would throw off their shackles and rise up?  Perhaps the Earth ponies would even recognize the atrocities they were supporting...though somehow he doubted that.  But at the end of it all, he had hope.  If this was the worst of it all, here in the center of Rose's nest, then things had to be better.  In Ponyville, or in Canterlot outside the castle, in other cities...they had to be better.


Silver returned to one of the bedrooms he was assigned to clean, replacing the now-clean chamberpot.  He had already straightened the rest of the room, as well as could be expected, but they would find something wrong with it.  He grimly left the room and marched on to the next room, after rubbing his clamped horn momentarily.

Edited by legionbrony

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


-The Dalai Lama

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Mand'alor Dash (Oakseed) - The graying artist nodded solemnly as his instructions were given. He tilted his head in the direction of his entourage, and they immediately began setting up all of his equipment just short of the fireplace so that their boss may do his good work. For a while after the equipment was all ready, he simply sat there, staring at the family near the fire and contemplating them, as if deciding in what style they would be best painted. After a short pause, he nodded at them, rising and trotting back over to the easel.

"I assure you, Count Oakseed, there is no if," the gray stallion said simply, no tone of arrogance, simply a humble offering of confidence, in his tone.


With that, the world reknowned artist began his work. He sighed, thinking to himself silently that he must hurry. He had another painting to complete in Crah'tuk, the land of the griffons, in merely a few hours.


NoodleBrony (Pot Luck) - It was only a short while of snoozing the pegasus mare managed before a stomping hoof met her ear as it collided against the wooden bar.


"Ey! Aren't you supposed to be doing a job or something, civilian?" Were she to look up, she would spot a haughty looking Enforcer pony clad in shining golden armor, as was standard. "I'm sure your manager doesn't pay you to sit here and sleep all day. Get back to work before I have to tell him about this!"


The stallion let his front hooves fall from the bar, landing again on the ground. He spat, turning and continuing on out the door through which he had apparently spotted her. None of the other patrons in the cafe had noticed her sleeping, nor had her manager. It would seem that, for now, she was in the clear.


legionbrony (Silver Shield) - As Silver moved to clean the next room, a slow, deep chilling sensation would crawl over his figure. It wasn't long before the source of this sudden chill was revealed, as the entire hallway seemed to darken as two of the Inspector's Guard rounded the corner. They were taller than most ponies by nearly half, and clad in black and purple armor that covered their entire form, leaving no fur, hoof, mane or tail visible. On their chest and flank plates they bore the symbol of Lady Rose, a withering black rose through which rose a pillar representing the Earth Pony way. 


Neither of the two Guardsponies seemed to notice the servant, their glowing red eyes focused on the path before them. As the pair passed, a trail of light smoke followed after them, forming the vaguest shape of a tail and mane behind each. As soon as they had rounded the second corner out of sight, the chilling sensation would lift, leaving the Unicorn with a sense of relief that they were gone.

Edited by Sectus


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Silver moved on to the next room.  He was, truth to be told, surprised they hadn't moved out of step to give him some abuse.  Nearly every noble in the palace enjoyed doing so.  He had to give them credit for being professional.


His mind wandered as he began to change the sheets on the bed in the next room.  He didn't know where those ponies had come from, or how they had gotten so...evil-looking, for lack of a better word.  He'd never seen them before Lady Rose had come, and he'd seen some things.  He snorted.  The Earth Ponies dared to accuse the Alicorns of 'genetic tampering' and here stood a full new species of ponies that, as far as he knew, the Earth Ponies had created themselves.  He could very easily make the same assumption that they had of their princesses.  Or, even more ironically, perhaps they had tampered with magic to make these monstrous pony guards.  Silver hated hypocrites.  With a passion.


He began to wash the bedding, and was stopped momentarily by another twinge in his horn.  He put his hoof to it, dropping the bedding in the wash-water on reflex, then after it had passed a few seconds later, resumed work.  He casually surveyed the room to make sure nopony had noticed; if they had, naturally they would enjoy an excuse to give him a good whack.

Edited by legionbrony

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


-The Dalai Lama

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Pot Luck's ears rang and her eyes blurred as she felt a firm hoof make swift contact with her skull. Falling to the ground ,she cursed herself silently for having fallen asleep on the job. As she cringed on the floor hoping the guard would leave she heard his spit hit the ground and some of it splash and hit her cheek. When she opened her eyes she saw the guard's retreating back and sighed in relief at avoiding a beating or worse being fired from her new job.


Pot Luck uncurled herself from the floor and got a dishrag from the serving counter and tapped her "supposed" friend Strudel. "Why didn't you wake me up Strudel?" Pot Luck sourly questioned, a bruise slowly forming under her ear.


"I didn't have enough time. Beside you should know better than that. I haven't slept for a good while, you don't see me catching Z's now do you?" Strudel snarked as she cleaned up the counter for closing time. "Look I feel for you, I really do, but we all need to put our own weight around here. You haven't had this job for 2 days and already you're getting smacked around. We may be have been friends since we were fillys, but I can't always be there for you."


"I-I get it, it's just been really stressful as of late with everything going on y'know."


Strudel's eyes softened as she gazed at the exhausted mare who was holding her hoof up to the bruise tenderly. "Yah I know, help me wipe down the counter, when curfew begins how about I stay over with at your house and we can share the bed. My mama always said that when there is someone there with you night troubles can just disappear."


"You'd do that for me? Really?" Pot Luck questioned with awe in her voice.


"Yes I would. Now get your flank over here and help me wipe down this counter!" Strudel grinned.


Pot Luck bounded over, the action was causing her bruise to throb, but she didn't care. Maybe she could finally get some sleep.


(OOC: Don't worry all they will do is sleep. Didn't even realize this post was so long jeez.) 


Made by MiniKirby123

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Renegade slowly woke up in his small hovel, ready to begin a new day in Ponyville. His home was standard for a unicorn like himself: small, dirty, and squalid. However, there was one thing about Renegade nopony suspected: secretly, he kept a typewriter, which he was using to write manuscript. If caught, Renegade knew he could be killed. However, in his mind at least, that couldn't happen since he kept it well-hidden.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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A guard barged in on the Oak family and their painter, carrying a rolled up scroll.


"I beg your pardon, my Count," he apologized as he gave Oakseed the scroll, "but word just arrived. The convoy rolls tomorrow."


Oakseed peeked at the scroll, then rolled it up and put it to his side. "Yes, very good. Thank you for telling me." As the messenger left the room, Oakseed turned back to the painter.


"Now, where were we?"

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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((OOC: Apologies for the delay.))



Unfortunately for Silver, a palace guard did see the bedding get dunked into the bucket. She scanned her surroundings to see if anyone was around, and thankfully, they were alone. "Psst", she whispered "Hey, you. Listen, I'm a friend. My name is Cloaked Dagger and I work for someone who has need for your..particular talents."


In truth, this "someone" only needed a slave with some basic combat training who he can trust. This could be any of the ex-guard unicorns currently still living and now enslaved or in hiding. Silver Shield just got the "lucky" straw.


"But first, we need to get you out of here." She offered "What do you say to that?" and gave a sinister looking grin.




A fat, slovenly looking Pegasus with a thick, scruffy moustache and a bowler hat rolled into town with his cart attached to his back. He halted outside of a small cafe, eyeing the sign. He parked his cart outside the entrance and moseyed on inside.


He sat down on a chair and gave a relaxing sigh, enjoying resting his weary bones and politely awaiting for someone to take his order. Interestingly, he had a large eyeball for a cutie mark.

Edited by HomicidalFrog
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Renegade the Unicorn (Renegade) - Nothing noteworthy happens, the pony being left to his own devices inside his hovel for the moment.


Mand'alor Dash (Oakseed) - The aged painter gave a weary nod before tilting his head and leaning forward, beginning to paint with brush in mouth, each stroke gentle and well practiced. Nearly an hour would pass before he announced that he was half done. He resumed painting, what originated as a rough sketch starting to look more and more like the beautiful pieces he was known for producing.


After nearly two hours of work, the painter sighed, smiling at his work and announcing that he was finished. His last stroke was his usual signature across the top right 'C. Pallet'.


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Silver said, to himself, that there was no way he trusted this mare 100%.  Probably not even 50%.  In fact, she was probably just playing games with him, although as of yet nopony had tried anything this elaborate.


But he was desperate.  And he hated it here.  He hated being useless, he hated having no magic, he hated not being able to help all the ponies in need that he knew were out there.  One of those he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to fix, but the other two he could at least take steps to reverse.  He nodded, the slightest bit of determination and real hope entering his eyes, and his heart, for the first time in months.


What did he plan to do when he got out?  Well, he had no plan.  He didn't like it, but again he reminded himself that he was playing second fiddle (probably much lower down than second, realistically) at the moment, something he would have to get used to.  He was sure this pony had a plan, after all.  Right?

Edited by legionbrony

“What surprises me most?  Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”


-The Dalai Lama

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  On 2014-12-26 at 4:02 AM, Sectus said:


Scene Post


Renegade the Unicorn (Renegade) - Nothing noteworthy happens, the pony being left to his own devices inside his hovel for the moment.


Mand'alor Dash (Oakseed) - The aged painter gave a weary nod before tilting his head and leaning forward, beginning to paint with brush in mouth, each stroke gentle and well practiced. Nearly an hour would pass before he announced that he was half done. He resumed painting, what originated as a rough sketch starting to look more and more like the beautiful pieces he was known for producing.


After nearly two hours of work, the painter sighed, smiling at his work and announcing that he was finished. His last stroke was his usual signature across the top right 'C. Pallet'.


Renegade, noticing how there was nothing to do at the moment, so he went over to where he had hidden the typewriter and manuscript. He then began to write:


"On the subject of our supposed earth pony overlords' rejection of magic, they seem to forget that it was magic itself that built Equestria in the first place." It was quite clear that Renegade was mocking the rulers of Equestria, and in a not so subtle tone.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scene Post


leigionbrony - The two speakers are interrupted shortly after their conversation begins. One of the knights from previously steps in, purple mane and tail glowing over matching purple and black gleaming armor. 


"What goes on here, civilians?" asked the intimidating knight. He stepped forward aggressively, eyeing both of them with glowing purple eyes. "More cleaning is required elsewhere in this hallway. Keep moving, lest Lady Rose become alerted to your laziness, slave!" he shot, his threat aimed mostly at the unicorn slave.


Renegade - As he wrote upon his typewriter, the errant clicking was heard from outside. A knock came upon his door.


"Who goes there?" asked one of the guards from outside. "Show yourself, peasant. Work is to be done today! Your designated day off is not for three days!"




Game Master Post:

Apologies for the late post. I've been caught up with other things as of recent and had to delay any update. Future GM posts will be longer than this.

- Sectus


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  • 2 weeks later...

(OOC: You want my character then you'll get my character)

Sound Wave was locked deep in the canterlot caverns and chained up, normally a unicorn would be here for some sort of stepping on class c, d, or a's property unless they were hidden or needed to deliver something but no she was under there because she was forced too, the state decided not to camper her horn because she was currently the only known unicorn that could commute sound waves so they could talk and other stuff like that and even though they told her she had to go to Manehatten she wouldn't until she told the truth why she had to stay in Canterlot so they just sent her to the caverns below Canterlot with nothing except food and water.

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