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open The Middle Of Nowhere In Particular


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Lightning woke up with a throbbing headache, he slowly cracked open his eyes to find a dimly lit light in the center of the room, he remembered nothing about who he was, where he was, or anyone he knew. He saw another pony sprawled across the mattress across from the room, he had no idea who it was 

"Where the hell am I?"

Lightning stood up, and only then realizing it was not a room, but a tiny tent.

A tiny, tiny tent.

He felt the sides of the tent closing in on him, suffocating him, his breathing quickened to point where he was hyperventilating, and he rushed out of the tent into fresh air, and stopped breathing at the sight of it.

He was in a camp, in the middle of the jungle. Not a soul in sight.

Edited by Forest


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Rising rubs his head. He slowly goes into a sitting position.


"Aww ... I feel like drank too much ... and I never drank alcohol ... where am I?!"


He looks around, realizing, he is in a tent.


"This isn't normal ..."


He stands up, walking out to look where he is. A camp, in the middle of a jungle ...


"Oh my ...."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"What... did they..put in my food..."


Lordy said as waked up... He imidiately stood up hitting the tent and causing it to collapse over him.


"In the name of..."


He immidiately stops as he gets out from under the collapsed tent to find hiimself staring at a enormous dense jungle. As he turns around he sees more tents, he was in a camp.


"Yup im definetly dreaming, reality check..."


He slaps himself, it hurt.


"Oh bollox.... this is real..."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Lightning blinked rapidly. Turning his head in different directions so quickly he risked injuring his neck.

He immediately tried to fly upwards but his wings felt useless.. 

He slowly walked around the camp, traumatized, slowly taking everything in.

It settled that he was trapped, without knowing anything.

He sunk to his knees and started to breath heavily.

The walls of nature were closing in on him on all sides, or so it seems.

He just dropped onto his side, this wasn't just any panic attack.

He hyperventilated, and to no effort did he try and calm himself.

He hoped it would wake him from this horrid nightmare.

He hadn't even considered trying to get through the brush, something deep inside him told him it was not going to work.

Edited by Forest


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Rising looked around worried, when he sees another pony panicking.


"Woaw, hey there! Calm down!"


He get worried, but try to stay cool and runs to him, trying to get his attention.


"Hey, you there! Can you hear me? Are you okay? Don't panick, please ..."


Rising get worried. All his life was fine and now this. He hates it ... and fears it.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Amber twitched her ear, but tried not to move.

She had been awake for long enough now and was listening in on the commotion outside--but she didn't dare open her eyes.

She had thought for a moment: Where am I? It usually only took her a few seconds after waking up to remember, but Amber was drawing blanks, and she started getting worried. She let one of her eyes open slightly.


Amber was alone inside a tent. She sighed silently, relieved that nopony was watching her.

I don't remember going camping, she thought. She searched deep within her memories, but nothing came up. Was I camping with my best friends? My best friends...no, my brother..my.... her mind stalled as she was unable to remember their names or faces. She swiftly caught her breath.

Something was definitely wrong. Amber bolted up, sweating nervously. Other than herself, the tent was completely empty. Her horn glowing orange, she unzipped the tent quickly and quietly. Amber peered outside.


She was in a jungle of sorts, surrounded by more tents. She saw other ponies around her... They looked scared, she decided. Some on their knees, some running about-- We must all be in the same boat.

Cautiously, with her mind racing and her heart pounding, Amber stepped out of her tent.


Edited by AmberDust

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@@AmberDust, Lordy was still shocked and was staring at the tall dense jungle with his mouth wide open. This was not normal, the last memory he had was sitting in a inn, then balnkness, with the corner of his eye he sees another tent move and a pony stepping out of it.


"Umm... God day, madam.... would you be so kind and tell me where are we exactly? ... As i dont recall anything about getting here..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Amber Dust approached the stallion cautiously.

"You really don't know?" She asked. She tried to remember what had happened before she fell asleep. She remembered...

Reading something.

And walking. She had a backpack with her, but...the details fled her mind. Frustrated, Amber looked back at her tent.

"I don't remember either," she admitted.

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A scream seemed to work it's way into Lightning's current mental state

Suddenly, everything that had just happened, from waking up to where he was now, came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.

He snapped his head up, calming him self down in the process.

Finally after he had stopped hyperventilating, he opened his eyes and stood up.

When he turned around, he noticed another pony looking at him with a worried look in his eye.

"Somepony's hurt, we have to help them!" Not bothering to ask the pony if he knew anything.

Lightning then turned and sprinted towards the sound of the scream.


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Rising looks worried and confused.


"H-Hey! Where you running?!"


Worried and not want to be alone here, he decides, he better follows him, still not liking the idea to leave. He start following the pony.


"Hey, what's your name, pony?! Mayby we can work together to find a way out."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Lordy's ears spring up;


"Oh my goodness, but that sounded like a scream,somebody must be in trouble!"


He starts running in the direction of the screm and soon see's too other ponies running in the same direction.


'Whats going on?'


He thought;


'Maybe these guys know something!'


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@, @@Lordav,

"My name is Lightning, but there is no time for introductions right now, we need to help!

Lightning noticed another pony running in the direction of the scream as well, but he had no idea who he was.

"Hey, you! Do you know who that was?! We need to get there fast!"


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"i'm sorry, sir but right now i barely know who i am... I just woke up and heard the scream"


He answered the Pegasi,


"I was about to ask you the same question. Hey, you're both Pegasi! Why dont you just fly there faster?


He continues running in the scream's direction.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@@Lordav, @,  

"I can't use my wings, I don't know why."

Lightning swiveled his head back in the direction he was running.


Lightning was looking at a pony on the ground holding a hoof against a massive gash, blood was pouring from the wound and the pony looked light headed."

"Someone get first aid!"

Lightning didn't know why, but something in his head told him he had to do everything he could to protect the ponies around him.

Lightning sprinted as fast as he could and stopped in front of the pony, he knelt down.

"Calm down, we're here to help, you'll be okay."

Edited by Forest


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"My name is Rising ... wait, wings? Didn't tought about that."


He tries to use his wings, but they feel just limb. They open but that's all. Makes him even more worried, what the heck is going here.


"Not working ... urghh, this is like a nightmare, let's find who screamed."


He follows them, until they find the pony. Rising sees the blood and get the feeling to throw up.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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(Currently on IPad, I'll edit when I get a chance to on my PC.)


Lightning saw the colour draining from her fast, and he knew they had to act fast to keep her conscious. He bended his now useless wings into a sort of bowl shape and used his hooves to nudge her into the bowl as gently as possible.


"We really need some kind of bandage, I'll drop her off to the far right side tent, and try to find something, can you guys help me out?"


Lightning turned towards the tent and gently walked towards it, his breathing getting faster and more laboured than usual, the tent was so small, how could he possibly stay in there that long?

Edited by Forest


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" I have some First Aid training! Let me take a look..."


He took a look at the cut.


"It looks bad, it went right through the artery... We need some water or its going to infect pretty badly! And Lightning, right? I don't think a bandage's gonna make it, i think it needs a stitch."


(i dont think thats god-modding =P)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Rising throws up in a bush.


"Not used to see so much blood, sorry ... and I have no medical experience, so I'm not a big help for her right now. But it's getting cold, we should try making a fire. I go to loo for something, that can burn."


Rising starts looking around, while the others go to the camp back, staying close too not lose the sight of it.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Calm down, we're in the same boat as you. We don't know anything, we're helping you. And this.." Lightning nodded his head in the direction of the gash. "This you did to yourself. So stay still."


He turned to the pony next to him, "I''m going to take her inside, but I can't stay in there for long.."


Lightning quickly opened up the tent flaps so it was more, open.. And he quickly stepped inside, and rolled the pony gently on the mattress.. He was finding it hard to breathe, the tiny tent walls felt like they were suffocating him, sliding in from their stands, threatening to trap Lightning forever.


As he finished rolling the wounded mare onto the mattress, he tried to keep her calm.. But he knew deep in that he was keeping himself distracted from his claustrophobia.


"What's your name?" He asked...


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Overdrive awoke from his deep slumber, comfortably rested. At first, he seemed at ease, and took a quick look around at his surroundings. He thought nothing of it at first, being half asleep.


Once he stretched, yawned and got up, he took another look. As he began to observe his surroundings, he began to freak out. "Oh boy, this isn't good. I knew I shouldn't have signed up for that thing I got in the mail."


He tried to take off in flight. At that moment, his wings both instantaneously fractured, as if they had been cursed.


"What the...?" he noted, still trying to take off, all to no avail. At that moment, he heard a mare in the far distance cry out in agony. At that moment, Overdrive took a moment to determine where the cry was coming from. As it sounded again, he triangulated the direction, and began to scramble in order to find the source of the cackle.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Amber stood silently, dumbstruck. Only moments after she had woken up, there had already been an emergency. She watched as ponies panicked, galloping back and forth, occasionally dripping with vomit or blood. Eyes wide, Amber tensed up. What's gotten into all these ponies, she thought to herself. And what's going on here?

Restless and concerned, Amber began weaving silently through the tents, trying to figure out how many of them were stuck here, like her. As she wandered, she kept a close eye on her surroundings. Some of it looked familiar, some of it, commonplace, but some, she had never seen before, not even in books. This place feels...almost artificial, she thought to herself. As if it was sewn together from bits of mismatched cloth... Amber cringed slightly at the thought, squinting to see as far as she could into the jungle.

Whatever this place is, I'm going to find out, and I'm going to get out, she thought. She looked to the other tents, and her eyes rested on a spot of blood on the grass. An anger began to rise within her. Who would do this to all of these poor ponies? Amber glared at the sky, as though looking for whoever set this up.

Im going to get out, and I'm bringing all of them with me, she decided.

Edited by AmberDust

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As Overdrive continued to follow the sound of ponies in agony, he began to think about his crippled wings. Something just doesn't seem right about this. I have a sick feeling in my stomach. He shook his head, thinking about what he could come to expect. There wasn't a sense of confusion clouding his thought pattern, but rather a sense of fear.

As the woods began to break and open up, a large clearing became visible in the distance. The clearing held a single, tiny tent near the center. "What the...?" he questioned, confused and uneasy by the scene unfolding in front of him.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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((I'm going to intervene, if you don't mind.))


Hearing another scream, Amber had decided that whatever was happenening in that tent, it wasn't getting any better. Confident and fuelled by anger, she trotted over to the tent where the shrieking pony lay. A stallion sat in front of her, visibly nervous and trembling. His eyes seemed out of focus, as though his mind was elsewhere. Amber looked over his shoulder to see what was wrong.

The mare's leg was bleeding profusely, and she was crying and writhing in agony. Amber cringed, shocked.

"Out of the way. Move. MOVE!" She pushed past the stallion. Quick as a flash, Amber bit the side of the tent and ripped off a large strip of fabric.

"Don't worry," she said, breathlessly. With a glow of orange magic, Amber wrapped the wound tightly and tied it up. Blood started showing through the fabric. She looked into the mare's eyes.

"What happened?" She asked, sweat on her brow. She was shocked and breathless, something that always happened when her adventuring instincts kicked in without her permission. Her horn stung bitterly.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

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Overdrive ran over as quickly as he possibly could. As he came into the scene, he saw the mare laying on the ground, her leg bandaged up. He looked over to the unicorn standing nearby, and asked, "Is everypony alright? I heard screaming, and I came as soon as I could."

As he was analyzing the scene, still completely lost, he had a feeling that staying with these ponies was the best idea. Considering the circumstance, especially with the injured mare, they all could use as much help as they could get.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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While the other ponies he met are with the mare in the tent, Rising looks not far away for anykind of things, that can burn ... wood, leaf, paper, whatever. He picks some things up, and put them in the middle of the camp.


"Alright, alright, how to make a camp fire now?"


He tries to think, looking around for something. He still hates it here, he is scared, but at the moment, nothing serious ... except the injured mare ... is happening or dangerous.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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