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private Old Sinnings with New Beginnings RP


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Old Sinnings with New Beginnings RP



Patil, Prisca, and Jeremy


"Welcome to Atarashi, an ingeniously man-made island city at the dead center of the Sea of Japan and home to new beginnings and life revitalization. People from across the globe flock to its existence whether for tour purposes or even to claim it as home. Whatever their reasoning, Atarashi is truly a most marvelous city with the very idea of peace at its core. Please, enjoy your stay and may your days have everlasting joy, " the well built and scenic looking intercom called over at the docks to the new arrivals to the city. It wasn't a different occasion as it was the city's motto after all but talk about a mouthful. Luckily, it was the only place in the city that blatantly startled newcomers minus the airport. They could have afforded to get a repairmen to readjust the speakers but there usually wasn't complaints. Still, the people who arrived on the boats or planes were in pursuit of something much more than worrying about the heavenly wrath of hearing a motto played every five minutes. 'New beginnings and life revitalization...' those were why so many people flocked to its gates in such vast numbers.


Midday was arriving in the cold atmosphere over the city. Most of its occupants gave off very cute attires that, with a little bit of Japanese culture and fashion, took up quite the unique look while keeping everyone warm. For the sake of the Winter Festival, one would assume Christmas lights to be hung in every direction. Rather, the city's automated neon covered such a task. No matter where you looked, every building would be aglow in a warming hue. Interesting enough, even through sidewalk glowed a calm gold before alternating to a kind silver. The trees however were lit up and decorated by the citizens of Atarashi: each one carrying its own style and life by those who had given it in merriment. Truly, Atarashi was a magnificent sight this time of year.


...and would have remained that way.





Frozen were the waters of Vanice in this time of the season with the heavy maelstrom of frigid temperatures that found the city a few weeks prior. Many dormant and vacant boats laid stuck like tiny monuments of a once lively city. Such times didn't always manage to keep people indoors though as children could be seen playing in the snow with the occasional slip or snowball being thrown. Others worked in what they saw a rotten luck but not all were saddened. Such things came and went. 


"Master Lancer," a collected, intellectually inclined female voice called out in a calm form, "Will you not come indoors sir? Nary should your father wish you take cold in the midst of the business year." The woman was very well dressed in something of an intelligent business professor. She obviously found black to be her favorite color as even her glasses were rimmed in such style. Butler wasn't exactly the aura she put off but it was a dutiful task she had to undertake. The only frightening part about her was her rapier holstered to her side and...that overly prepared, blonde hair that fell slightly below her shoulders.


Brunhilde Augustin: a woman who had been with the family for quite the extended period of almost thirteen years. Ironically, she was a poorly German lassie from a boarding school when hired by the head chairman (Vincent's father) to care and tutor his inheritor when he was of age. Brunhilde was a genius of her time. In fact, the reason she was hired at such a young age was primarily because she had already accomplished schooling. She desired wisdom and understanding, the Lancer family paying well to ensure such things. Ms. Augustin was definitely the most qualified. 


"I shall not cure your ailments should you partake in such reckless behavior, young master."





Thump thump thump!

"Oi, wee girlie of swoonih, be a deary and patch me another one of those pinkly covered drinks would ye?!" The red bearded man shouted with a smile and wink across the bar after banging his fist several times. Obviously, this man was not from Los Angeles. He drank alcohol like a tank despite being a well paying and continuous customer. He was actually quite masculine, standing taller and stronger than most men in an overall physical appearance. 

His face a drunken red, the man got off his stool and went to the side of the bar where Kelly was serving another two gentlemen. Rudely, a sturdy, hairy arm wiggled through the two. "Make way chaps," he croaked before pushing through and staring at whatever Kelly was pouring in complete fascination. "Ohhh, I see naow. You were given' up on ole Erin and 'is pockets ey?" The man quickly fondled through one of his pockets before bringing his hand out and staring at it. Nothing was there but suddenly he became even more fascinated with his hand, gasping in aw at his fingers.


This wasn't new for the Cloverlief Bar, intentionally being a different name by the owner who was of Swedish decent before passing away. The man's son ended up inheriting it but rarely put much care in the business. Rumors began to sprout that it would sell out to a high competitor soon with the lack of customers the rundown bar became accustomed too. Still, Erin had been there even before Kelly and despite his rude mannerisms, he was quite the mascot of the business. 

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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After I gave some drinks to a few guys, I was oh so rudely interrupted by this drunkard. He keeps bothering me, even if he is a senior to me. "Can I help you, oh yes... You wanted a drink?" I gesture to the bar, "There's the tap." This job's annoying, although it provides. We haven't been able to get many customers here lately. That's mostly because the bar from across the road, yup, woo-ed them with cheap beer, wings, and skimpy waitresses. I gotta tell you it is hard to compete with that when you're a guy. As I was pondering such, I walked past the decaying dark wood in this delapitated bar, toward the cash register to wait once again, until either something else sparks my intrest or happens to met by another customer. Till then, I guess I'll go on my phone, it's old but it still have texting and calls, so it suffices. I sit down in a chair behind the counter, phone in hand, sipping some soda, since it'll be bad to drink alcohol here, especially when Erin's here.

Edited by notten1
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Pushing the wheels on his wheelchair forward, Jeremy took a deep breath and released it, watching as it coalesced into a wispy cloud in front of his face. Pulling his coat tighter around his chest, he laid his messenger bag across his lap on top of a blanket that covered the front part of the chair and reached behind him to secure his suitcase to his back. Taking a moment to glance at the wondrous city before him, Jeremy put on a pair of finger-less gloves and put on a set of black earmuffs.


Breathing out again, Jeremy said in a quiet voice, "Well, I suppose it's time for another adventure~"


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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Vincent rolled his eyes off into the distance, safe in the knowledge that the woman - bright as she might be - couldn't see his facial expressions though the back of his head. At least not literally at any rate: she did a pretty good job at speculating of most occasions... but whatever she guessed would be such whether he did so or not.


"I am not a child, I do not need you to scold me every time I leave, regardless of what father might says." He stated, his words cool and collected, if a little haughty as he turned in place. Manners dictated that is was terribly impolite to speak to somebody - a lady especially - with ones back turned after all. "Furthermore, how am I supposed to achieve anything if I turn tail and hide at every sight of poor weather? It's quite absurd!"


Despite his complaints, he tugged at a slight crease on his left cuff - white against a black doublet - and smirked a little. She was only concerned for his health he supposed, and even if it was merely because she was paid to be, it was hard to be resentful of good intentions. Shrugging theatrically, he began to stride steadily back in the direction so as to keep his voice down.


"Really, I was only planning to be gone a short while: though now I'm tempted to throw myself into the sea, just to see if you fret!"


Such was the attitude of Vincent Lancer: he strived for perfection in all things and had achieved a good number already in his less-than-humble opinion. At his age, his accomplishments were... extraordinary, to say the least. The problem lay not in arrogance or maliciousness, rather in the fact that he knew this, and he was proud. Very proud.


As for his opinion of Ms. Augustin... Well, she was likable enough. Intelligent, though on occasion he wondered if too much so for his taste - having somebody of equal footing did little to stoke his ego after all. She was polite however: well spoken and presentable. Certainly, he had to admit that he couldn't think of anyone that he would rather take over her role. Was she perfect? Not quite... but certainly a step in the right direction!


And she had put up with his... eccentricities, for this long already: something most people wouldn't have done. Even if he didn't even acknowledge it himself, there was a unstated degree of appreciation he held for the woman.

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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It was greater than anything I had imagined. Well, that wasn't true. I had seen many many pictures about this place. Atarashi, I had been waiting to come here for a while now. And now, I was finally here. The boat I was riding on couldn't have arrived faster, as I already had all my things ready and in my hands, wanting to get off this boat. And when we were finally aloud off the boat, I couldn't have taken it all in. All the lights, the colors, all the people and different places to go, it was all too much. "Alright, calm down, let's just take a deep breath." I said to myself, taking in a very deep breath before releasing it. This was a new home, with new opportunity. New people to meet and new experiences to be had. "Oh, I can't wait to start meeting the people around here." I said, finally starting my march forward, not really sure where I was going to go to first.

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Erin seemed appalled by Kelly's lack of consideration towards him after he went through all the trouble of stumbling over to him. He was about to say something belligerent before the doors to the Cloverlief opened strongly with a slight bang. Entering were some men in new age, black business suits. One of them was short and bald while the other long and growing largish black hair that trickled down his face. They had a look of determination about their face with a large briefcase to the short one's side. Despite their dramatic entrance, they proceeded quietly to the register where Kelly was sipping soda and grumbled at his improper mannerisms. "Eherm..." the short one interjected, "Sir, is your boss in today? The members of the High and Tight would like to spe-"

"Oi would ye look at that!" Erin blurted out loudly, drawing everyone's attention. "Wee lil Sunny and Cher come to perform a ditty for de world again! I'll be drinkin' to that hahaha!" Erin began laughing far too heartily, causing himself to fall off the bench he sat on and go quiet with a groan that sounded like him saying 'ouch.'

The two men glared at the man in disgust before returning their attention to Kelly. "Nasty customers for a nasty bar. Makes sense...So is he here, boy?"


Atarashi was unusually bustling with people as the temperatures were dropping with the sun. Time was far from a reality in the city as nothing seemed to ever sleep. No shop ever closed nor any building of public commerce. Still, there were unfortunately salesmen here and there outside of shops, handing out fliers or anything that might attract any onlooking tourist's attention. The best part about Atarashi is that there wasn't any vehicles except public transit through aerial trams that numbered the sky above the city. Funny enough, if the buildings didn't reach so high, it would have looked like a theme park with all the lights and rails. The usual bustle of the ever so popular city never failed expectations. With the winter festivities, such as the parade or the other activities expected from such, it was no surprise there seemed to be more visitors. 



Brunhilde gasped at his humoring as she watched him walk back inside, closing the shutter behind him. "If I didn't, Master Lancer, your father would have my head-and need not I remind you of disgust one might behold to see my inner organs exposed to air!" she explained in frustration before putting her nose into the air and crossing her arms. "Besides, the Atlantic would be a much better place to jump into the sea. The waters there are much more relaxing." 

After her little excursion of expressing her distaste in his threat, Ms. Augustine walked forward and past Vincent to the kitchen. "When might our relocation commence?..." she said in a quieter fashion as she returned with a pair of warm cups of tea, awaiting Vincent to take his pick. "I know your motives...When your mind passes into silence, you have grown bored with the current fashion of your existence. You...do not wish to stay here as directed by your father...correct?"


@@Charcoal Embers,

 "Welcome to Atarashi, an ingeniously man-made island city at the dead center of the Sea of Japan and ho-" 

"Geez, can the reiterate it enough?" A young man with slightly blue color hair that smoothed kindly to his ears uttered next to Prisca. "I know, right? So annoying," another boy behind him stated. It appeared that there was in fact a trio of boys that were next to Prisca, looking up at the city lights and horribly loud speakers in a carefree manner. The one with the bluish hair was obviously the ringleader with a thin, well fit body and carrying a backpack. The other two behind him appeared to be more of the otaku style, the chubbier one wearing a hood with fox ears and the other with a pair of glasses that looked like three glasses stacked on top of each other. "Isao, looks like we're not alone," the one with the glasses assessed, looking directly at Prisca with a blush. The ring leader, Isao, turned to see what his friend was talking about along with his chubbier counterpart before blushing in unison. They stared for quite some time before Isao shrugged and walked towards her with a cough. "Um...sorry about that. This isn't exactly our first time. My name is Isao. Are you new here?" he asked after introducing himself and bowing as with his culture. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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I was surprised when I saw how many people actually stood around here waiting for transport while that loud announcement speaker was going off. It would deafen me after 30 minutes of hearing it. But what happily surprised me, was how I was pretty much immediately greeted by a very nice boy right off the bat. I smiled at the three boys, looking over them and easily noticing the blush from Isao. "Oh, well aren't you just a gentleman. It's very nice to meet you Isao. Yes, I am new here. I just got off the boat and was just wondering what I should go do first. I know I should go check into a hotel somewhere, but there is just so much here and I am sure that it is something I will want to explore as soon as possible." I said with a smile as I spun around a little, looking up into the sky and at the tall buildings. But that's when I remembered my manner, as I stop my spin, flattening my light blue skirt and shifting my white long sleeve shirt I look back at Isao. "Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Prisca. Prisca Casa. Nice to meet you." I said, holding my soft, yet firm hand out for a handshake.

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Seven years ago...


Patil Aoife was on another one of her excursions through the forest. She made her way to one of her favorite places in said forest: The massive, sparkling lake smack dab in the middle of the woods. She smiled to herself as she walked up to the shore and looked out to the water. Sighing a breath of relief, she took a quick look around. "Hm?" Now what could that be? There was something over near the dock, but Pat couldn't quite see it from where she was. Without a second thought, the tiny girl trudged over to the dock to see what was there. Her  eyes lit up immediately when she saw what was there. A canoe! Oh boy! Now Pat could actually go out into the water! Whoever owned the boat surely wouldn't mind if she took it for a quick ride around, right? Giggling endlessly, Pat jumped into the canoe, undid the rope keeping it anchored to the dock, and set up for the middle of the lake. She was laughing endlessly, occasionally leaning over to try and touch any interesting animals she saw in the water. There were swans in the middle of the lake. Beautiful, elegant creatures that didn't even mind when Pat's canoe came up into their group. Pat's eyes were sparkling more than the stars would in a few hours, and she leaned over to touch one of the swans. It moved away slightly, making Pat huff and pout. She reached out again, but the swan moved away once again. Getting frustrated now, Pat leaned out as far a she could...


But Pat had leaned too much. She could feel the canoe tipping, and her previously bright face quickly turned to one of panic and intense fear.


Pat couldn't swim.


A million things raced through Pat's mind in the one second before she would inevitably hit the water. She was in the middle of the huge lake. There was no way she would survive this. She'd be leaving Van all alone... What had she done? If only she hadn't always been so reckless! Maybe this wouldn't have happened, and Vanice would still have his little sister and Pat would still be alive and...


Hey, shouldn't she have hit the water by now? Pat opened her eyes, which had been squeezed shut with incredible intensity. They fluttered open and she blinked several times as she looked around. It looked almost like she was on top of the water. Pat looked down and saw ice had formed where there had absolutely been water before. Her hands were against the ice, and icy vapors were coming up from beneath where her hands were. Pat quickly brought them up away from the ice and looked at where she assumed the vapors were coming from. Instead, she saw they came from her own hands. She screamed and stumbled backwards, miraculously falling back into the canoe with a thud. This was insane! She was alive! But... how? Did she really make that ice? How was that possible?


Pat paddled to the shore as fast as she possibly could, anchored the boat back to the dock (She was a considerate person, after all), and ran home. She told Vanice, her brother, about what had happened. He didn't believe her, naturally. Not only was the story itself unbelievable, but Van knew Pat had quite the imagination in the first place, so he didn't even second guess that it had never happened. She pouted and yelled at him that she wasn't lying, and told him she'd prove it. Van thought this was rather amusing, took a seat, and waited for Pat as she got a glass of water. She looked a bit nervous and was hesistant, but eventually she stuck her finger in the water and closed her eyes. For a while, nothing happened, and Pat strained harder, concentrated harder. Finally, the water became visibly colder, the sides of the glass getting foggy. It wasn't frozen, but that was proof enough...


Pat was a cryomancer.





"This place looks wicked, Van! Thanks again fer lettin' me stay at yer place, bro! I'll get there as soon as I can! Yea, I know. Yea, I will. Alright. Alright! Alright! Kay, see ya soon. Love ya." Pat shoved her phone in her pocket, a wide smile on her face. This was it. This was Atarashi. She'd wanted to go ever since she first heard of the place, and when she found out her brother was moving there, she begged him to let her go with him. He said no, but only because he wanted to get situated there first. Once he was all set, he would buy her a ticket to Atarashi as soon as he possibly could, which he did. The 2 months had felt like 2 years, but finally Pat could see her brother again. 


The short girl, who looked much younger than someone who was turning 18 relatively soon, walked around and looked at all the people here. Everyone looked so different! There were a lot of Japanese looking people, which made sense, but there were also a plethora of other nationalities strung about, which was also expected, Atarashi being a new, man-made island, after all. While it was rather cold, Pat's jacket was pretty light. The blue jacket was her signature piece of attire, and something she felt very close to (It was a gift from Vanice). Pat's hair was a pale blue, and her eyes sparkled just like a child's.


"This is gonna be awesome!she cried in excitement, gaining her a few looks from those nearby.

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"Hey did you hear there's a new city that floats next to Japan, Kelly" I reply back, "uh... No I didn't whats it about" I hear a sound, creaking. "well i-" I close the phone, not being able to read anymore of the text. The thing making me close my phone was... Erin acting like a bafoon, again. I look up, seeing the bafoon on the ground and the silhouettes of two, no, three guys. Looks swish. He asks me then if my boss was here, I replied with a shake of my head and finally stand up. "Are you guys here to buy the place or something, because I contact him through phones. I look them over, the one with the colorful hair looks... Interesting, only people I know that have hair like that are from otakus, and freaky party people, but these people look like neither. "However if you want to try to take the place without the bosses word I'll ask you to leave" after saying that, I throw a bag of ice we had in the fridge toward Erin, with a sticker on there reading "With Love" we found a bag on the table with what was probably someones lunch, so after Erin ate it, we cleaned it and put it in the fridge for times like this. Well, I say we, but it was really just me, Erin was 'supervising'. Looking back at the men, shoving up my chest, "Hmm? You going to speak?" I may be aggressive, but wuwt do you think scared the IRS agents, well me and the shotgun under the counter.

Edited by notten1
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"Not so much bored as... anxious. Thing always move too slowly - it's so tedious to wait!"


Taking one of the cups, Vincent paused to sip it quietly. His face was thoughtful and brooding - thoughts weaving through his mind as each branched into a dozen more. Yes, living as he was instructed was tedious to the point of desperation... but it had bought him the time and funds to begin planning his imminent future. He was almost there - almost prepared to step forward out of the shadow of his imperfect parent and bring his legacy upon the world.


"Father doesn't realise my potential... I refuse to simply become an extension of his ego - my legacy will be mine alone." He shook his head, warmth of the cup contrasting sharply with the coldness of his hands. "Until I sever contact with the man, he will rule over me one way or another. If all goes well however, I might just have the capital to begin anew with my own venture. I have grand plans, Brunhilde. Very grand - the like which father cannot even begin to dream of. I just need a little more time."

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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Pressing a button on the underside of an armrest, Jeremy grabbed his bag, leaned forwards and stood up, his stiff prosthetic legs supporting his weight as the wheelchair folded up and onto his back. Leaning sideways to fiddle with his left knee, he walked around in a small circle to get the gears inside his mechanical legs moving again. After a stretch and a sigh, Jeremy grabbed his rolling suitcase with his free hand and started forward towards the vendors, fully intent of buying some basic necessities for his stay at Atarashi.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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@@Charcoal Embers,

Isao seemed ultimately nervous in his approach towards the cutely attractive girl. He almost didn't even retrieve her hand for a shake as he was entranced by her voice and appearance. The other two behind him weren't much of help either as the larger one expressed a face of determination and fierce conviction to the conclusion of the interaction as though her was watching a romantic anime. His counterpart was practically drooling from his eyes. 

"Oh...Prisca huh?" Isao smiled as he took her hand and shook it firmly, knowing she must not have been from any oriental nation. "I-It's a pleasure to meet you!" Suddenly, the fox-hooded friend jabbed Isao in the back, causing him to jump and look back. Embarrassed he released Prisca's hand and stepped out of the way. "Oh and this is Mikio," Isao introduced while pointing at the chubbier one before pointing to his friend with the glasses. "And this is Nao. We're natives here to Atarashi. Funny enough, this isn't even the whole gang. We were actually here looking for-gah! Stop Mikio!" Again his fox-eared friend jabbed him, causing Isao to start pounding him on the head while shouting incoherently.

Nao quickly stepped forward and bowed, adjusting his glasses before addressing Prisca. "Sorry, but our intentions here are strictly confidential."

"No it's not! It's not like she'll be of any harm...geez..." Isao retorted, relieving Mikio from his onslaught of terror. He then walked past Nao who responded with a grunt. "On any terms, she might be of help. Prisca? You didn't see anything odd on your way here did you? Maybe on the boats or in the water?" the blue-haired boy asked genuinely. 



It was no surprise what would be found in Atarashi as it was indeed the capitol of new beginnings. Uniquely to Pat's location, there laid many aromas of food derived from every nation: chinese, italian, american, french and european, indian, japanese, etc. The best part about it, however, was how Atarashi even had it's own little taste from those who had done a little culture mixing in their ingredients. Food often was the main target for many tourists just as much as the attractions themselves. 

The young woman's cry did cause quite the startle among the masses as many of them stopped just to stare and judge her a bit. After a few second, none of them really cared and went about their merry way. 

"Miss! Miss!" a young female voice shouted while running to Patil. The smaller girl had the look of a maid about her with a menu in her hands. Out of breath when she caught Pat, she bent over to her knees to catch her breath. Still, almost like a firework, she immediately sprung to action. "You really know how to catch someone's attention! Well, we can really put that to good use!" Obviously there was a catch to the maiden's action with her overly exaggerated expressions and voice but she fought ever opportunity for Patil to lose eye contact. "I'm from the Atarashi Conventional Center looking for skilled spokesmen...or spokeswomen in your case haha! You've probably already seen some of us around the-"
"Hey! Would you like to try some of Sweet Gum's barbecue-"

"Truly the best taste in Atarashi! Spring roll a'la-"

"Here! Free sample! Come to the-"

Suddenly, Patil was under an onslaught of advertisers from different restaurants. The young girl from the Conventional Center looked like she was about to explode as smoke started fuming from her ears. In complete insanity, the little maid pounced onto one of the advertisers and started gnawing at his ear, who in return yelped painfully. "Aah! Someone get this maniac off!"

The girl then pounced in front of Patil off the man and glared viciously with a little bit of blood on her mouth from the man's ear. "This is MY prospect," she growled, "MINE!" 

The advertisers were immediately struck with fear at the little devil and backed away sweating before attempting another possible customer...far away from Patil and the she-devil. With that, the little girl spun around and smiled as though nothing had happened, wiping the blood from her mouth and bowing. "Sorry, heh...sometimes they don't know when to stop. Feels like the stoneage at times here," she apologized with a sweat. "Here, take a card. Hope we can hear from you soon...miss...um...what's your name?"



Vincent's words seemed to give Brunhilde an appeasing aura, sprouting a sling smile upon her face as she took a sip of her warmed tea. Silently, the woman listed to every word she had grown accustomed to hear from her master's mouth. It didn't surprise her even in the slightest. Brun knew her ambition. Brun knew her master's ambition. Despite their lack of blood, she saw Vincent as a prodigy and partner rather than a master. The skilled woman had taught a great deal to him. Whether her teachings were entirely moral was led to speculation but it built Vincent into a strong willed, young man. Brunhilde was proud of his accomplishments. 

"Well..." she interjected to break the silence that had followed before lowering her tea cup and closing her eyes with perfect posture. "...then I will follow your ambition. My contract is tied to you alone, Master Lancer."


The butler's pocket began to vibrate from a black phone she had carried. Calmly while sighing, she pulled up the device to her ear and answered in proper respect: "Yes?" After almost five minutes of dead silence and a humming from words being said, Brunhilde lowered the object and set it on the counter top to her side. She seemed distant slightly but her calm expression only voice eager anticipation. Collected in her mindset, Brunhilde crossed her leg over her knee in a casual manner. "It would seem your father is dead, young Lancer..."



Almost as immediately as Jeremy made his advance, a salesmen caught his direction of intent and practically galloped over to him. "Why hello sir! Say, have you ever thought why you can't hear so well in large cities? Well that's due to your-"
"Oi! Get yerself a fresh wrench from moi shop!" a girl butted in before followed by another.



Suddenly, all seemed to stop and freeze in place, not even the air chancing movement. "Dr. Wheaton..." a deathly voiced echoed from that of a man. "So you have finally arrived...Find the location at which I speak then we shall move to the hallowing dawn...Atarashi Conventional Center...third floor...vacant store...passcode 135791#...use your algorithmic cube to decipher the rest...bring the codex..." As the voice faded, everything returned to normal with the salesmen assaulting Jeremy's position with there many gimmicks and offers. 




The bar's bustle was still usual as the little exchange of words was met between Kelly and the two men who seemed a little on edge at the boy's antics. Who did he think he was, acting as though he were the owner of the establishment. No matter, they would do what had to be done in order to fulfill their own boss' expectations. "Well erm," the bald one started, "that's fine if we must wait for you to call your superior. Really, I would have expected more from competition. I'm sure our offer will more than suffice for this one." It was more than apparent that he was boasting more to his friend than Kelly as he looked back and chuckled, waiting for Kelly to call her boss. Even though Kelly was standing his ground and butting out his chin, the men cared little....financial stability perhaps or maybe they were compensating? 

"Come on, I'm sure your boss will love to hear the offer," the bald man said again. Oddly enough, the taller one had been yet to speak but showed an eye of arrogance just as level as his shorter counterpart. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Sure I'll call you in if you want. By the way, why do you want this place?" I replied as I was grabbing the phone, dialing the boss's number. Looking to the side, with my peripheral vision seeing competition, competition in the form of dudes in Suits. "You seem high strung, need help fella?" I say as waiting for the Dial tone. "We got some drinks for that" Leaning on the counter, my free hand gripping the wooden counter, feeling the steel hidden under there. I finally connect, before he talks, I speak, "Hello, this is Kelly, your employee at the Bar, it seems two guys-" I look at them again, looking back in the general direction I was looking before, "Scratch that, gentlemen. It seems that they have money for the bar." I lift my free hand, resting my head on it, whilst leaning on the counter, waiting for a reply from the boss. 

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The air went eerily still as the strange voice echoed past Jeremy's ears. After an initial moment of confusion, he took out a pad of paper and a pencil before hastily jotting down all that he heard. The voice finished speaking and time seemed to resume, bombarding Jeremy with a wall of sound and confusion. Frowning, he remarked to himself that that had certainly been odd, and looked around at where the voice could have come from other than the speakers.


Pushing through the crowd of salesmen hawking their wares, Jeremy started collecting various odds and ends that he felt would be useful, and made his way to a food stand where he purchased and ate some bread and cheese. Looking down at what he had written after hearing the guy address him, Jeremy realized that he had no idea where the 'Atarashi Conventional Center' was or how to find it in such a big city.


"Um, excuse me, do you think you could point me in the right direction? I have no idea where this place is in relation to where I am now..." He asked the owner of the food stand, showing him what he had written.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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There was a pause - a rather stunned one at that - before Vincent spoke. It was surprise more than anything that had smacked away his words, and for a moment he had found himself frustratingly unable to speak as his mind raced: there were thousands of questions to ask, but which first?


Then logic kicked in. Brunhilde had only been on the line for a handful of minutes, and hadn't probed for further information. That limited her to only having answers that had been offered willingly and knowingly. The first question was immediately clear however.


"How? What happened?" He asked, his voice calm but strained, as if tension was building behind it. He had never been particually close to his father, but a sudden death would trouble anyone - even a person of such high calibre as he. Unfortunatly, there was more than just family ties that this concerned...


Right now however, he needed to concern himself with the implications of this news: one didn't practice perfection by breaking down and neglecting what needed to be done. He set down the teacup - still mostly full.


"What is the official cause of death? I need a copy of the autopsy report in my hands, as soon as possible. Where was he, incidentally? I would rather see the body myself, rather than simply trust a second hand report from the coroner."

Never quite forgotten.

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The plethora of different smells was almost overwhelming for Pat, as well as borderline intoxicating. She had to stop herself from drooling simply at the thought of eating at these places all the time! However much Pat wanted to explore, it didn't seem like now would be the time. A woman came up to her offering a job as a spokesperson. "Huh? Oh I'm not lookin' for a job roight now, love. But-" Suddenly, Pat's personal space was invaded by trays of samples from all of over the world. They were getting shoved into her face, and she was starting to feel a bit crowded. But the chance for free food was a chance Pat would not let slip by! Even as the first girl began to go berserk, Pat popped in free sample after free sample until her cheeks were stuffed full. As she swallowed all the food,  Pat caught a flash of red out of the corner of her eye and froze. Was that... blood? The little girl had drawn blood from one of the other sales persons trying to service Pat. "Oh no..." The red seemed to magnify in Pat's eyes, boiling up and filling her vision. She was frozen in place, unable to move. It wasn't until the man had covered the wound and the girl had wiped the blood from her mouth that Pat's vision cleared up. She looked much paler than before, and a slight cold sweat had gathered on her brow. It seemed she had just barely heard what the girl had said. "Huh? Oh, I've... I've gotta go... things ta do..." she whispered, crossing her arms as she turned and walked away. Pat closed her eyes...


And all she saw was red.

Edited by Ampharos
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I knew that they couldn't be talking about me. I had never been anywhere near my entire life. Yet, when they asked me if I had seen something... weird, I couldn't help but think of my... ability. It made me slightly nervous, but I kept a cool head and continued to smile at them, only shifting my feet slightly. "Strange you say? Well... I can not say that I really remember seeing anything  strange while on the boat. And the strangest thing I have seen since I have gotten off the boat is how load that announcement is. So, I'm sorry, but I don't think that I have seen anything strange. Maybe if you specified what you were looking for I would be a little bit more helpful. But for now, I'm sorry, but I can't say I know what you are looking for." I said to them, being mostly genuine about my boat ride. It was true about me not seeing anything out of the ordinary, but when you were me, you usually ended up having a few things go wrong around you from time to time.

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"Oh I don't believe you have any drinks hard enough for me," the tall one retorted finally, grinning slyly. "Most of the stuff in here is watered down anyways. It disgusts me." The pair seemed to be getting impatient with the boy's antics, the bald one tapping his foot to a annoyed beat. 


The boss on the other side of the phone seemed to be a very carefree man, laughing as soon as Kelly answered. "Well hello to you too Kell! So uh...how much are they offering? Did they set a price?" he replied nonchalantly as it sounded like booming music in the background. Obviously, the boss was at a party of some kind and seemed to be more than enjoying himself due to the slur in his voice.


"Eeyyyyhehehyyyy Sunneh," Erin giggled drunkenly as he wrapped an arm around the bald man, more than terrifying the small man due to Erin's size. "Let's be findin' a room aftur yer talks with the wee lad." "Let him go fool!" the taller man shouted before lifting Erin's arm and shoving him away, who only laughed in return. The short man had been sweating before taking his glasses and cleaning them. "D-do you seriously l-let people do that h-here? Y-you're lucky I don't sue!"



The chubbier man wearing an apron covered in grease sighed and mumbled something that mocked the word 'tourists.' He then held out his hand and took the writing before studying it for a moment. "Oh, you're headed towards the Atarashi Conventional Center. Kinda weird you've never seen it. It's at the dead center of the city and is the biggest building, I think in the whole world. Not height wise of course," the attendant nodded before handing the paper back to Jeremey. Stroking his chin, the man continued: "You're quickest way from here would probably be taking the aerial tram. It's free so you won't need a ticket or anything."



Brunhilde seemed to carry no expression as she heard Vincent's questioning, nodding as he willed a first hand look at his father. "Vincent...bluntly, he was attacked. All onlooking individuals within your father's embassy, well...those who didn't die, witnessed the event. Heh...but you'll may still inquire it hard to believe," she answered before sighing and standing, her rapier chinging in its sheath to her side. "My informant was panicked when he spoke to me: terrified if you must. According to his description, a white haired man with an enormous sword across his back led a group of four other individuals, all of their own descriptions, straight through your father's stronghold and...well...decimated three quarters of the manor...Your father had sent out a distress signal beneath the rubble but when he...er...his decapitated head was found, they pronounced him dead. Does this satisfy you, young master?"



"O...oh...okay then..." the young woman responded, watching Pat turn tail and leave before growling to herself and pounding herself on the head. "Of course she left! You scared her away! Gah!" With that, the girl took off sprinting in another direction, sifting through the crowds like lightning. 


Atarashi still seemed lively, even with the sudden attack from the psycho recruiter girl. Everyone seemed to go about their business quite thoroughly and joyfully. Still the aroma's filled the air as dinner time was coming about. The sun was starting it's decent, casting magnificent colors of pumpkin and sakura through the slightly clouded sky. 


@@Charcoal Embers

Isao grunted in disappointment before Nao adjusted his glasses and looked at Prisca skeptically. "Hmm...that's a pretty long description compared to just innocently saying 'no' or going about your original style of speech...Isao, she's hiding something," he immediately assessed before Isao sighed and bowed respectfully to Prisca. "Well, then her secrets are her own I guess...Sorry for bothering you Prisca. We'll be headed off now. We need to find out at least something before nightfall. We don't exactly want to be out here in the cold heh..." Mikio sneezed to finish off Isao's words before the group turned around and began heading down the docks again. "See ya later Prisca! It was a pleasure meeting you!"

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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My heart skipped a beat as they mentioned that I was hiding something, but I was grateful to see they didn't want to press me for anything right now. What they wanted to know didn't bother me, but I was a bit disappointed to see them having to go. "Alright, I'll be seeing you guys. I hope you have some luck with finding what you are looking for. And if I could be of any help, just come find me." I said with a smile, not expecting to see them any time soon, but feeling the need to say that anyway. Then I was on my way. I had never been here before, but I wasn't coming here completely unprepared. I brought out a map of Atarashi that I had gotten and used it to lead myself. And with only some slight issues, I was able to find my way to the hotel I would be staying at. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was at least good enough to not be a shithole. Checking in and getting the keys to the room I would be renting I found my way to my room and began to get settled in, going straight to the bed with a smile on my face. "Ah... it is getting late, if I start sleeping now I can hey up earlier tomorrow and begin exploring. I have enough money to let me last a while, but I will need to find a job as well. Oh, but I am so excited to get started." I squirmed a bit in my bed, so ecstatic to explore the next day as I closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep and get the next day started.

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"Oh, of course. Thank you sir."


Taking back his pad of paper, Jeremy stepped back and craned his neck upwards, immediate finding the aerial trams cutting a line through the cold sky above him. Following the line of trams backwards, he pointed himself in the direction of where one would get on. Gathering his belongings, he quickly started making his way in that direction hoping to catch the next one before it lifted off.


His left leg however, had other plans.


With a loud shriek of metal on metal, his mechanical knee joint decided to lock up and stop working, sending Jeremy toppling sideways onto the stone pavement with a thud. Quietly cursing to himself as passerby looked at him worriedly, he propped himself up on an elbow and looked around, spotting a bench that he pulled himself over and onto.


Pulling up his pant leg, Jeremy surveyed the damage, and reached into his messenger bag, pulled out a wrench, and set about to loosening the gears on the outside of his prosthetic to get at the inside.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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Vincent paused - thinking. He often did in conversations where he was either bored or had learned something new: evidently, to him his time was best spent figuring out where this new information connected with what he already knew about...


And there was the problem. It didn't really connect with anything.


"That doesn't make any sense - the fool cannot have any truly dangerous enemies, and if it's money they were after then they have zero grasp of the risk/reward ratio of such a display..." He said: not really directed at anyone in particular. "What then? A display - a message? But to whom? No... I'm not satisfied with this at all Brunhilde. None of this makes any sense. There's no logic behind it!"


He stood up suddenly.


"Weapons, Brunhilde. Did we bring anything from the old shooting range when we left father? None of this makes sense, and I fully intend to ensure we are prepared for anything similar to happen here."


The frustration! Admittedly, having somebody take care of trivialities such as keeping stock and maintaining records had made life easier and left him free to his own pursuits, it was now that Vincent felt vulnerable. Not because of what had befallen his father, but because of his reliance on another.


His own ineptitude was sickening - how did he not know what he himself owned?


"I need to ensure that things move quickly and smoothly - father's assets should be moved to myself as his sole heir." He muttered. "Then I need to find out more about this. Find out if i am in any danger myself..."

Never quite forgotten.

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((Sorry for slow posting, School))


"Seems it's quite a hefty amount actually, dunno if they actually like the people we have though..." I snicker in, while looking at the fool who is named Erin, messing with one of the dudes, myself completely ignoring the taller one. On purpose of course, we all have to stoke a fire at some point to be alive. "Hmm, so boss, do you want to take the phone with the..." I lower the phone, looking at the bunch with a, fake, dumbfounded expression and then brought it back up, continuing, "Buyers? Anyways, don't get too high or drunk there, I can tell that you're having a blast" I chuckle as I get ready to write on a napkin, in case I need evidence of anything too... weird. Now that I'm thinking about it, this smaller dude in his suit seems a bit squeamish to be here to do this, couldn't of they just call the boss, or maybe even just leave a memo? Meh, I guess I might be thinking it over too much. With the man I've been thinking talking, even threatening, if that can be a thing. He wants to sue Erin, but he's the type to sleep with a horse than go to court with a Sue, although he is drunk. I'll think to help him, if I can, if I can fight instead of be talking too much.

Edited by notten1
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The beautiful warm colors were drowned out by the deep red that still clouded Pat's vision. Normally when this happened to her, she would be able to calm herself down because either she went to see Van, or knew she could get to him if she really had to. Just the thought that he could be there for her usually soothed Pat, but not this time. This time, she didn't know where he was. She couldn't get to him. He couldn't get to her. There was no one to comfort her, and this made Pat's condition only worse. 


Van was supposed to meet up with Pat for dinner, but Pat hadn't the slightest idea where this place was, or where Van's apartment was. This was awful... Absolutely awful... Oh, she was hyperventilating now. This wasn't good. Any shop, or sign, or light that was red caused her to panic even more. She just needed to find something else... Something to contrast... Something to take her mind off of it... Pat looked around frantically, but couldn't see anything. She looked in just about every direction, but had yet to look down. Once she did, though, her breathing almost instantly slowed down.


It was her jacket. The cool, blue jacket that had been a gift from Vanice. The bright blue instantly drowned out the dark and terrible red. Her breath rate quickly returned to normal, and she practically collapsed against a nearby wall. She was panting still, despite her normal breathing, but she was quickly calmed down. Pat was getting a lot of looks from the people around her, so she she tried to compose herself quickly, putting on a smile and forcing herself to laugh. 


"Hehe, phew! That takes quite a bit outta ya... Welp, time ta keep movin'! Adventure awaits!" she cheered, only gaining herself more looks. But she didn't care at this point. Now was the time to discover! To explore! To ADVENTURE!


After she figured out where she was, that is. The smells were even more intoxicating than before, meaning she must have been around a lot of restaurants, but she didn't think the one Van wanted to rendezvous at was around this area, or as extravagant as some of the ones here were. She wasn't really too keen on asking a random native for help, so what was she going to do?

Edited by Ampharos
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(I apologize for my lack of posting here. I know it's not easy DMing and coming up with ideas for each individual character but such was what I chose. Due to school restarting, I have racked up a busy schedule; thus the RP may move slowly. Still, I intend to continue posting as much as my mind will allow me.)


BasicTimeZone: character scenarios may happen without correspondence to other characters

@Atarashi: Night comes as the sun breaks below the horizon.

@Italy: Just after midday

@California: Still late morning



@@Charcoal Embers,  


In a city that never sleeps, even the night Atarashi was a grand sight and lively community. When the neon truly gleamed in a colorful array of essences, it seemed like night hadn't even arrived just yet. At least, it would have been this way had the creators of Atarashi not designed for all light sources to retain light pollution: their filters angling them to those who would look upon them below rather than omni-directional. It was quite the crafty way to design the magnificent digital screens that lived upon the building sides. 


For the young Prisca, the light would not invade her slumber as Atarashi glass was meant to block these specially designed neon. Even the lowest class of stay at Atarashi was in fact quite unparalleled to many other countries. Respect and happiness was all the city cared for: it's people. Extrovert annoyances weren't usually the reason many couldn't sleep in the splendor of the city. 




Some had offered initially to help Jeremy up but by his determined expression, they turned and continued about their day. The man was quite intimidating to some while others figured they had seen even more sight worthy things than a man with mechanical legs. 


"Hmm...interesting mechanization around the tibialis anterior though lacking satisfactory muscle aptitude," a young woman with long shaggy chestnut nodded, watching Jeremy as he went about his work. "Dr. Wheaton, I presume?" This woman appeared fierce in every way, her attire being that of a deep oceanic blue robe with what appeared to be gallant leather armor beneath about her waistline. Still, she left little about her upper torso beneath the robe either than what appeared to be of a dress structure and a golden amulet embedded with a white diamond. She only stood about 5'8" in height and was very beautiful in her body's stature. Her eyes, however, were a bright amethyst, staring unwaveringly at Jeremy below lick an eagle would a field mouse. No weapon was visible on her body, but the way she carried herself was more than enough to ensure she didn't simply mean to have a comforting chat. 




Brunhilde stood as well with Vincent but was silent the entire step in her motion. "Yes...you are in grave danger I fear..." Her whole demeanor was different at such a sudden moment and only Vincent would know her stance...fatal combat. Slowly yet blindingly fast, the woman's left hand gripped the sheath of her mighty rapier as the other extended to Vincent directly, her index and middle finger the only ones expanded with her palm flat to him. Her target was...him.

She was distant, as she always did before challenging an opponent, mixing three different styles into one: bushido, art of the duel, and phantom noise. Each one she had taught to Vincent in some manner but mixing had yet to have been covered. As though entranced, Brunhilde closed her eyes to initiate the first gate of the phantom noise combat. 

"Master Vincent...Why are you so scared?" she asked in a calm yet eerie tone, "You have everything you need to protect yourself...I would be an utter fool to not treat you as an equal as I was your teacher...yet...I you desire understanding, chains shall be broken and an unraveling of the future would assume full control over you. Vincent...please don't make this any harder than it must be..."



"Well sell it!" the man on the other side of the line said eagerly, "No reason to hold onto a dying brand. Besides, the money will be good I'm sure! The deed is beneath the wood at the register. Take the money to my office then give them the deed. Have a good day Kell!" With that, the phone was hung up as the two men eyed Kell with impatience, obviously wanting to leave the establishment as soon as possible.


 (Ampharos: I will be sure to have you a post by at least tonight. I'm trying to consider what exactly to do with your character to key into the plot at the moment. I will have something by tonight.)

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Vincent blinked. Of course if you looked at it logically everything made perfect sense. Removing his father was a pointless display unless it was a part of a larger plot, and striking two blows with and substantion period for recovery would be illogical after so much effort on the assault. Naturally he would have been disposed of simultaneously... and Brunhilde was the perfect sleeper agent. He briefly wondered how long she had been acting with negative intentions towards him, and how much of her story was actually a facade.


'No time. Live now, think later.'


"Ugh, really? Now? On the new carpet?" The teenager stated in a false tone somewhere between irritation and boredom - mostly to drown out whatever mind games she was trying to play, but also to buy a few seconds of planning. He didn't have a hope of winning a fair fight - not that this was to be considered 'fair' in any way, unarmed as he was - and turning the tables wasn't going to be easy against his teacher...


... the tables..?


"My apologies, Brunhilde, but I fail to see exactly why..."


Swinging his leg high, he twisted suddenly to bring down his heel in a brutal axe-kick. Rather than the rather lost cause of trying to strike his assistant however, he swung wider and landed his heel against the edge of the low table.


Trajectory, leverage... tea? The teacup lifted into the air as the low oak table cartwheeled into the air between the two of them: spattering warm tea everywhere. As if in slow motion Vincent wondered what might have happened had he finished the drink as it sailed up into the air.


'Poison, or perhaps some kind of sedative perhaps? Note to self: make own beverages in the future, and run more detailed background checks on staff.'


Leaping back and spending a split second to consider what nearby he might use to defend himself against a sword-wielding assassin, he continued talking to drown out her distractions. Things were looking bad for him, but keeping his cool would be what kept him alive. After all, he was perfect - all he needed was some flaw that he could exploit...




"Now look at what you have made me do! That was an antique!"

Edited by Cinder

Never quite forgotten.

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