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Holiday Card 2014


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This is the holiday card I made and sent out this year. Derpy and Doctor Whooves were drawn by me, however, the background and items are a combination of vectors, and vectors I manipulated. Thought I've give it a share and hope you all enjoy it.

How do you go about producing work like this if you don't mind me asking? it looks great :D

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How do you go about producing work like this if you don't mind me asking? it looks great :D

I'm glad you enjoy this image, I worked hard on it, and I'm happy with the outcome.

I draw in Gimp, many of my brushes I download for free from Gimp artists. I work mostly in layers with the path tool, and I created and did detail on lots of separate layers, colouring, and working from the farthest part of the background, forward, and the very last layer ending in highlights and shading. The background was it's own project, the ponies were each their own drawing, and they were all saved as their own files. Then, in the end, they were re-sized and accumulated into one picture.

The ponies were superimposed on a semi opaque layer of the background while I sketched them on a invisible layer, so I knew where to place them properly. I finished the sketch, then did the lineart, and coloured them (then deleted sketch and merged layers). The items on the table where then sized, and positioned on their own layer. This is my largest project, and I've got a few others in the works. I'm glad everyone likes it. It certainly made for a good Christmas card for friends and family.

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