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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall

~Chaotic Eddie~

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Ahaban looked toward to his cousin.

"Nasir! Tatir harish." He signals.

(Come outside)


The two Arabians now ready with their rifles and binoculars. Across from their abandoned motel they approached to the equally abandoned petrol station. The air was nip like most mountain air. Past the station they await on the ledge looking out toward the region.


"A dead lock. Two upholding strongholds and a, center village. It's the siege of the three villages all over again." Ahaban said.


The two laid down down their enhanced optics zoning in on the highway below. The two forces awaiting miles apart along the long strip of concrete.


"It wouldn't be a pleasant spot being as a resident in Ponydale." Nasir says.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Tech was doing his best to evade them but his shop was taking damage. He decided that without help he was going to fall.



Tech uses his artillery weapon to attack another strider. He then gets back in and makes a shift in direction.


He decides that the dead zone will have to be his best chance at escaping. Now he is glad he sent Titana away.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"So... Rainbow Dash, how long have you been in the field?" He said, trying to bring up normal conversation. Socializing was not his strong point in these situations. "Actually... How was your life before this 'war'? I used to be a tailor in Manehatten. What about you?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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"Used to be a weatherpony in Ponyville, before the war. Pretty sure you know how I became the Element of Loyalty...I mean, who hasn't heard of how we beat Nightmare Moon back in the day? I always wanted to join the Wonderbolts. I had the chance once, but at the time, I couldn't take it." Dash said, fondly recalling memories of her days before the war. But what she'd told was only a small part of it.


"I've done a lot in a short time, so not all of it comes to mind right away." Dash said, omitting a third reason for not delving into more detail. She missed her friends quite a bit, and refused to cry in front of the team.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Look across." Ahaban pointed about toward the center as tracers flickered about in the morning light. The two Arabians spot a lone strider making a mad dash for the dead lock zone.


"Who is that?" Nasir asks. Their optics zoomed as possible, no probable emblem.embedded on it's hull.

"Freelancer? " Nasir asked.


"Unidentifiable. He's gonna walk right into the fire zone." Ahaban says.

"Lets return." Ahaban says, with their short reconnaissance over the two pegasus return back inside the hangar.

"Nasir, chuahni tauftu lunack tisinah mahf altikuan."

(Check for any open channels.)

Nodding and with his orders he approaches to his Munchkin, Nasir pulls on his comm mic and set beginning to sort through the open air waves silently.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Spitfire, meanwhile, had finished her coffee. She saw that Dash was already getting to know the team quite well, allowing herself a faint smile as she eyed her, speaking with Tempest. A little bit of conversation and they'd be he best of friends in no time. And knowing Dash, friendship was one of the things she did best.

She wondered if Aha'Ban and his friends had encountered any strange transmissions whilst they were up there spotting... Truth be told, aside from the scuffle that had resulted in Dash's recruitment, not much had been happening lately...

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Ahaban approached forward toward Spitfire.

"Ma'am. Did our ledge lookout. Movement has been detected just outside Ponydale." He states.


"It's unidentifiable what exactly is going on. But the scuffle seems to be a retreating advance or such. Heading to the dead lock." He added.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 2 weeks later...

As tech neared the boarder, one of the striders releases its secondary and impacts just shy of a indirect hit. He activates his optical camo system and turns to skirt along the edge of the dead zone. He is not inside but bearly outside its range. Two of the striders keep heading strait into the dead zone. Two turn in the direction he is traveling. After 1 minute his camo deactivates and he is attacked once again.


However during the 1 minute he sends his SOS call to all parties in range. "Mayday...Mayday...This is Techno Blitz of Blitz Repairs Inc. I am under attack by Unknown and Unmarked Strider type Titans. Have taken moderate Damage to my mobile transport and my Titan Titana has had to withdraw or risk further damage and destruction. To all who get this message I am moving along the edge of the dead zone heading for a mountain range not far from me." He includes his cordnants and the number of titans following him.


As he came out of cloak, the other two have returned outside the dead zone trying to cut him off. He banks slightly right and aims for the mountains he spoke of.


(He is heading in the base's direction. Distress call sent.)

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Tempest looks outside and saw a small commotion, a bunch of Titans running about after what looked like a moving building, he sighed, "Probably just another conflict between the NLR and SoE again" then he heard the distress call, "Uhh, Spitfire? Do we help or..?" He waited for Spitfires call on the situation.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Spitfire heard every word of this radio message, and was immediately at attention. She turned to Tempest to reply to his question, a smile creeping across her face. "You betcha we are, Tempest." She then turned to the rest of the group. "Sorry guys, looks like any more introductions will have to wait. We got ourselves a conflict, and it's close. Suit up and move out. Dash and Tempest, on me. Rodeo my Titan, the dead zone's not far so we won't need the transport shuttle." With that, she trotted over to her Titan, motioning for Dash and Tempest to jump on top once they had their weapons. She then turned to Wrench, who was still working on Dash's Titan. "Get ready, Wrench."


"Gotcha, Spit!"

Having done this many times before, Wrench knew exactly what Spitfire meant. She hopped down off Nataliya, and dashed over to a set of stairs near the entrance to the base. The door at the top led to a radio tower-like structure, which Wrench also began climbing.
Soon after. Wrench's voice could be heard through Spitfire's Titan com. "I see the battle - the guy who sent the radio signal is lookin' kinda rough. I'll radio you when the Control Centre's up and running."


"Good, keep us updated." Spitfire replied.
Wrench pressed a few buttons on her console. "Gotcha. Opening hangar doors. No hostiles in the area yet."

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Ahaban trotted forward.

"Spitfire! The two can ride with Nasir, it's more convenient." He calls up.

((Nasir's Munchkin is a carrier class. Comes with an infantry transport hull in the back.))

"Suiting up." Nasir simply says heading forward toward his mech entering into the chassis.


"The rest stay put. No need for further for ground support." Ahaban spoke to the rest of his squad.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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As soon as the distress call came through, Dash knew what to do. She took on a more commanding tone. "You heard the lady. Suit up and roll out!" She said, racing back to pick up the rest of her gear. Her Carbine and Anti-Titan weapon were soon in their proper place. All Dash needed now was a helmet. Best bet was the armoury, but she couldn't afford to waste time, so it was better to ask for sure rather than spend ages looking. If nopony knew, she'd have to go without.


She headed back out with all her gear. "Anypony got a spare helmet in my size?" She asked, doubting that anypony would carry a spare helmet to begin with, let alone in her size.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Tempest was already boarding Spitfire's Titan before Ahaban had finished, "No offence here 'Ban but I'd rather be on the back of a more offensive vehicle." He checked his ammo count and his equipment before calling in, "Green to go chief." He looked at Dash's head size, "I'm pretty sure that there's a few in the armory about your size." He looked about seeing everyone else kitting up and getting ready.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Spitfire looked over at Dash again, noticing her lack of a helmet. "We have time, you can run back and get a helmet."
She waited for Tempest to climb on her back, watching the hangar doors slowly slide open before her through the camera feed to her cockpit screens.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Ahaban silently grumbled to himself at the remark about his cousins Titan, these vehicles aren't just mere infantry support mechs. He looked back toward his relative he in return looked awaiting a command. He gestured his hoof across his neck motioning a no go.

"I'll go as support. Nasir go as overwatch by the cliff. Everyone else remain." He says.

"Yes Haltin." Was the unanimous response.


Ahaban approached forward and mounted his assault munchkin as Nasir departed from his exiting the hangar rapidly toward the station cliff.


"Dash! " Ismael called out to her.

"You may burrow my helm." He says holding up his thick plated battle helmet.


Ahaban wrapped his shemagh in full face hood and donning his tac visor goggles and adjusting his mike.

"Pzzt, a good check. I am ready." He says via comm as his munchkin titan powers up.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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[/b]@, @@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash looked up as somepony called to her, offering his helmet. One of Ahaban's buddies, it looked like. She'd get his name later, but for now, he offered a helmet and she needed one. She headed over to grab it. "Thanks, pal. Nice of ya to help a mare out. I'll do my best to bring it back in one piece, though I don't think that'll be too hard." She said, anxious to get things started.


Once she had the helm in hand, she headed over to Spitfire's Titan. "Everypony ready?"

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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The makeshift hangar door began to open for Ahaban's mech the light slowly creeping inward.

"Daunin aut fadlika." Ahaban said to himself.

(Lets do this)

With the doors open the munchkin takes its light steps forward departing forward from its slumbered home. Now in full stride Ahaban steers forward from the lot and just at the end of said lot.

@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"Awaiting for you Spitfire." He says via comm

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"If we're all ready, let's get out butts to that deadzone! We've got us a pony in need!" Spitfire called into her radio, stepping out of the hangar and into the wasteland. "The battle zone isn't far, it shouldn't be long before we find 'em." she added, keeping her eyes out for their quarry.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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As the group comes to the area from the message, a mobile system that looks like an oversized tanker truck zoom past them with 4 Striders in hot pursuit of him. (GM Striders are yours now.)


The Mobile system comes to a halt as it passes the group. Shortly after a strider with a very unique arm for a main weapon comes from behind the group and starts doing something to the mobile system.


A Pegasus gets out and starts working on his titan, who is working on his vehicle.


He gets on top and starts working on the titan's secondary servos and Ordinance weapon. He says, into their communiactions system, "Thanks for the aid but Titana is in no condition to fight. Can yall keep them off of me? I am trying to repair her as best I can. At least the repair arm still functions. Name is Techno Blitz, by the way."


After a bit of minor stuff with Titana, Tech pulls out his Charge Rifle and begins setting his target to be fired upon. He aimes right for the far left one's left leg knee servo. will it be a hit?

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The Charge hits the Titan's leg, dealing minor damage. The Titan's pilot looks around, eventually seeing that his target has gained a little company. All 4 Titans, realising that there is now a new threat, turn their attention to the group approaching them, weapons warming up again, ready to begin another fight.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Tech got back to work on Titana. Something was off though. He thinks he has seen the lead titan before. He shrugs and continues to work on Titana.


After his work on the Ordinance and the secondary servos, making sure they still functioned he says, "Titana, begin pilot command transfer sequence. Time for me to help them as they help me."


A VI voice comes through Tech's comm, "Understood papa, transferring command now. Opening Pilot hatch Now."


A Hatch opens near tech and Tech jumps down into his pilot cockpit. He says to the group, "Titana is as good as she is going to get, without long term maintenance. Mind if I keep yall from falling today?"

(1 post to full pilot transfer.)

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Tempest grinned as the opponents turned their focus at them, "Try to line them up head on, I might get lucky and hit the pilot out!" Before they get close he starts shooting at the cockpit with high velocity DMR rounds. He loses grip on the Titan as he dedicate both forelimbs to firing and stops shooting to regain his grip on the mech. "Spitfire! Any chance of me getting my mech out here? This DMR is doing buck all to their armor."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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"Engaging enemy targets." Ahaban says. His mech running at quick speed before beginning a solid strafe firing his cannon in a constant blitz mainly at the lead strider.


Not much cover out here except the occasional rock and tree but even with the snap stature of the munchkin he was a pretty big target. He'll have to rely on his agility.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Dash ducked back behind the armour plating of Spitfire's Ogre, switching to her Mag Launcher and opening fire over the top of the titan. Watching the red warning signs shrink into the distance, Dash kept firing, trying to do what damage she could to the enemy before Spitfire got close. While firing, she got on the comms to Wrench.


"How's Nataliya? She lookin' better?" Dash asked. She may need her Titan soon enough.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Spitfire returned fire on one of the enemy Titans with her Quad Rocket, activating her Vortex Shield when one of the Striders began firing upon her. "Everyone focus fore on those Titans!"

"Titana is as good as she is going to get, without long term maintenance. Mind if I keep yall from falling today?"

Spitfire opened a channel to the mechanic. "Sure thing, but don't get cocky. We're here to rescue you, and we sure as heck don't want you and/or your Titan blown up."


"Spitfire! Any chance of me getting my mech out here? This DMR is doing buck all to their armor."

"Don't you have an AT?" Spitfire asked, hoping that Tempest was just being a bit ditzy. Nevertheless, she considered opening a channel to Wrench.


"How's Nataliya? She lookin' better?"

Wrench, meanwhile, was eyeing several screens, looking through the eyes of everypony in Spitfire's team using their helmet-cams and Titan cockpit cams. As soon as the radio from Dash came, she flicked open her side of the channel to reply. "Still a bit left to do, but the shields are finished, so she should be OK - just don't get too cocky. She's not totally finished yet, so don't let those shields down."

(I am only assuming control of one Strider - Windbreaker will take the other two.)

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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