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request Draw my OC from a description?


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Hi, everypony!


I have three OC musician ponies I created for my in progress fic, "You've been acting strange the last few days".  I would absolutely love to see them come to life, but I have no artistic ability. I do have the following descriptions of gender, type, colors, and cutie marks, plus breif character descriptions to give a little more feel to them.  If anyone out there feels like taking a stab at any of them (particularly Pezzo),  I would very much appreciate it!




Original Musician Character Ponies of You’ve Been Acting Strange the Last Few Days


Name:  Pezzo Pizzicato


Gender/Type: Female Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Blue Single Music Note

Colors:  Pale Pink with a Yellow Mane


Residence:  Ponyville


Character Notes:  2nd chair cellist for the Equestrian Orchestra.  Very good and loyal friends with 1st chair cellist Octavia Melody.  Takes music seriously, but is very laid back in her down time.  She is known to sometimes text during rehearsals if she is not performing. She strongly dislikes Dmitry Ponyakov, to the point of once saying she’d “kick his stuck-up plot all the way back to Marescow” if given the chance.



Name:  Dmitry Ponyakov


Gender/Type: Male Unicorn

Cutie Mark: Black Top Hat behind a White Bow Tie and a Conductor’s Baton

Colors:  Dark Red with a Royal Blue Mane (Taken from the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation)


Residence:  Marescow


Character Notes:  Extremely skilled and esteemed guest conductor for the Equestrian Orchestra’s Command Performance as ordered by Princess Luna.  He is very temperamental and disciplined. Takes music VERY seriously, and looks down on the Equestrian Orchestra as a bunch of “amateurs”.  Runs very long rehearsals, and will not hesitate to discipline his performers for “unprofessional behavior”. He definitely does not believe in socializing with the musicians under his guidance, and generally does not make eye contact with them unless he is conducting or angry. Has a particular grudge against Octavia.



Name:  Duke Beatz (AKA Doctor Duke, AKA The Doctor)


Gender/Type: Male Unicorn

Cutie Mark: Two Records

Colors:  Azure with a grey mane (Spiked for performances, lays flat in the studio) Almost always wears circular dark blue sunglasses over his magenta eyes


Residence:  Fort Coltins, Coltorado


Character Notes:  Coltorado’s premiere DJ and friend of Neon Lights, visiting Ponyville to work with Neon on a project.  He is Vinyl Scratch’s idol.  Very dedicated to his DJ work and mastering new tracks.  He has heard a demo of Vinyl’s work, and admired it enough to play it in a club during a DJ gig.  He can be charming or aloof depending on what he wants from a situation. He has a dark side and a tendency to use others, far more so than Neon realizes. 

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