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open (RP) Ponies & Dragons [Dungeons & Dragons Style Roleplay]

Sir Punicpunch

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Still trudged along the path kicking tiny rocks whenever they appeared. He had thought he was in what he referred to as the top right corner of the forest, but now he wasn't sure. "How am I getting lost?" he said aloud to himself. "I've never gotten lost in the Everfree Forest! This is all that coin's fault."


It had started to get darker. Darkness had never bothered Still, and he could always use his horn as a light source in case he needed to see better. Speaking of which, some dark objects appeared before him. They weren't rock or trees, but tents. "Is somepony camping out here?" He wondered.

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@@Midnight_Aurora, Crystalwing gets through the forest relatively unseen by any inhabitants of the forest at the moment and notices the canopy of the forest to become thicker and block more light.


@@Lightning Crasher, For Lightning also, the canopy blocked out the light, making it more difficult to see. The atmosphere of the forest came from a strange source and didn't sound like it was coming from a creature, but the forest itself.


@@White Out, As Dippy searched around, the shrubs began to form a narrow path and a quiet rustle came from the end, almost inaudible.


@@FatPat, When Still called out, a few seconds later rustling came from nearby shrubs, not from the campsite, but from beside him. The sounds emanated from the large shrubs outlining the path.

Edited by Punicpunch


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Crystalwing new the possibility of no outside light and looks to see if there was glow moss around in this darkened area. (Survival Check.) Crystalwing also looks for any signs of the forest being active in any way. She has been in here before and returned fine and dandy. She pulls out her lucky everfree crystal and kisses it for luck. "Time to try my luck. Forest, you know why I am here. Lead the way." Crystalwing whispers.

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"Is anypony there?" Still called out towards the campsite. He looked around while waiting for a response. Nothing was moving, not a sound could be heard, and it was oddly dark. Still suddenly felt very alone. "Is that a...no?"


Still almost jumped out of his skin when he heard sound coming from beside him. The shrubs alongside the dirt path; something in them was moving. Still slowly started taking steps backwards while his mind began racing. Was it an animal? Was it dangerous? Was it harmless? Was somepony playing a trick on him? Was he now inside a horror story? If he kept backing up would he bump into a tree?

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"I wish i could use magic," Lightning said as he traveled deeper into the forest, "this darkness is getting worse.". The deeper he got the darker it got. Noise's started to bother him, he couldn't put his hoof on what it was though. It didn't sound like another pony or anything he heard before.


"Hello?" Lightning said as he listened closely to the noise's. His guard was up and was waiting for what was making the noise to come forth. Lightning was dreading to find out what it was but was also curious at the same time. He slowly walked deeper into forest, hoping to run into somepony else or maybe a clearing.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Midnight_Aurora, As you whisper, a wind begins to blow, odd since there shouldn't be wind in the middle of the forest, but the direction of the wind takes you to a campsite.

@@FatPat, As you continue to back up, you wade into the nearby bushes, and the rustling gets louder, and suddenly the rustling stops.

@@Lightning Crasher, As you become more anxious, the trees begin to swish around, not in the sense they are alive anymore, but it almost seems something, or somepony, is climbing around on the branches.


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Lightning became more aware of his surroundings, he took flight and began to fly in place, "OK, I don't know who is out there but you need to make yourself known!" Lightning yelled as he tried to narrow down where the noise was coming from. "I don't have time for this, or the time to deal with who ever you are!"


Lightning stayed just far enough away from where he thought the noise was coming from, he didn't want to have something sneak up on him so he concentrated on the noise around him.

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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Foĺlowing the wind she whispers, "thanks."


She heads through the forest until she comes across a Camp site. As she is coming out of the forest, a pony yells, "Ok, I don't know who is out there but you need to make yourself known!"


She looks to the pegasus and says, "oh, didn't notice you. Did I startle you? My name is Crystalwing. I run a cloud crystal shop in ponyville."


She then begins to heads and examine the camp. (perception check.)

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Still felt his hooves step onto the tiny leaves of a bush. "At least it's not a tree," he thought as he crouched down to take cover. The nearby rustling was getting louder and louder. "Please just be a squirrel."


Then it stopped. The forest went back to being dead silent. Still raised his head up and looked around.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry for the wait)

@@Lightning Crasher,  & @@Midnight_Aurora,

Once you both near each other, a group of ponies drop from the trees covered in dried mud and sticks. They ambush you unexpectedly and knock you both unconcious.


You both wake up in a cave, it is a spherical shape and there is a small bonfire in the middle. You are both in different cages made of large bundles of sticks.


@@FatPat, You hear shouting in the distance and a ruckus as well a little bit later, and suddenly it is silent again.

The trees begin to sway violently.


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Crystalwing looks around and then checks herself for her gear. She looks to make sure here gear is still with her. She then calls out, "Hello?! What Is the meaning of this?! Let me out!" Crystalwing is in a panicked state and because of this, she is acting out of pure unsurity.

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Still's ears perk up as he walks through the forest. It's somewhat faint, but he can make out voices in the distance. Instinctively, Still casts a spell turning himself invisible. He doesn't move for a moment. The voices continue to yell. "Someone could be in trouble over there," Still thinks to himself. "But if I go check it, then I'll be in trouble too."


Still just can't help his curiosity, and starts moving towards the noises. The yelling had stopped, and now he could hear movements. As Still gets closer it begins to sound more and more like ponies moving around. He stops for a moment not wanting to get too close.


Still's ears perk up again and he jumps a little. The trees around him begin to move. Not just move, but shake very violently. Even though he's invisible, Still starts to get worried. Being invisible isn't foolproof. If whatever's lurking around in the trees can sense him in some other way...he could be in trouble.

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