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open Make Any Wish You Want and Become a Magical girl


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Luna started her day like normal, getting her brother and friend up for school, getting ready for school, eat breakfast, then go to school, but she had a secret, she's a magical girl, not even her friend and brother know of this.

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Gem Shine woke up and sighed knowing how long it's been since she has kept hidden. She was a android pony that had no real emotions or had no way to feel pain or emotions. She at breakfast and started off to school not knowing what her day was going to turn into.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Destiny got up in a grumpy mood, as usual, and got ready for school. She didn't want to go, as always. She barely participated in anything, didn't raise her hoof to answer, and she didn't care. Well, she actually did. It seemed like she didn't care, but she did.


She grabbed her bag and walked out of the door, continuing to school.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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Remix bounded out of bed, a grin already planted on her face. She could hardly be counted as a morning pony, but that didn't stop her from being happy everyday when she got to go to school. Even if it meant having to get up early, or to skip breakfast: at least she got to leave the house and get away from her parents. Whistling a jaunty tune, she picked up her bag, skipping out the door, happy to be outside and free of three judging glares.

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Clover was woken by her alarm clock, but still laid asleep in bed. She had a good 30 mins before she had to actually get put off her lazy rump. She got dressed and tidied her hair just before she gathered her school work and rushed out the door with a apple in her mouth. In the morning walk to school she thought of a million ways to address other ponies and strike up conversation with her fellow classmates. Of course she was too awkward to actually saying any thing, so she just continued on hoping she wasn't going to be late for her morning choir meeting.


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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Luna looks around, even though it was the same senary, she looked at her friend and brother. "They seam to be walking pretty close to each other lately, that's nice, hopefully they noticed soon" Luna thought to herself with a small smile. She continued walking to school getting ahead of the other two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

    Clover was a block or two away from school were the trees' reached the side walk. The leaves moved in a gentle swaying motion. The spring bubs were starting to bloom giving Clover hope and tranquility for the moment. All though she hated being out side she could always fall in love with the how mid-spring brought beautiful, bright colors and melted away the cold winters. At that moment Clover could feel the happiness in the air, but she also felt the presence of another being.
     Out of the corner of her eyes she could have sworn she saw some thing, or someone up on a tree branch. She whipped her head around  to only get a glimpse of what she thought she saw. However it was no longer their. It appeared to be a small, thin, white creature, but how could she really know. It could've just been the way the trees were moving or how the pinkish wight flowers were dropping their little petals in the breeze. The thought lingered on her for a while, " No, it couldn't have been a tree. It was to big to be a clump of flowers," she stated to talking to her self," Am I finally going crazy? What am I saying, I think to much to be crazy. *Sigh* who promptly think their losing it." Clover was aware that she over thought thinks. She would even go as far as to think that she wanted to be some messed up kid with problems. Maybe she was a little crazy.
     Clover arrived at school and went right to the choir room. She immediately started warning up her voice before anypony noticed she was late. Being the kind of mare that would daze off into a empty minded state she sat down on the risers and glared out the window and saw an emotion less, slender cat sitting on the windowsill looking straight at her. It was no ordinary cat though. It was white and had a poofy tail, a pink diamond shape on its back, and long pink tipped hair things sprouting from its ears. This cat wasn't your every day cat. The two stared at each other for a second and then the cat leaped off the sill and scampered away. Clover's day went on as normal, but not a minute pass without her thinking of the cat.


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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Destiny walked to school her usual route, only today she was slower than usual. She didn't care if she was late. She looked up at the canopy over the sidewalk, watching the leaves flutter off into the breeze.


Destiny continued on her way, arriving at school. She went to her classroom and sat down at her seat in the back of the room. She liked it better in the back. Nopony ever noticed her back there.


Destiny was more bored than usual today and actually took out some material to take notes with. It happened every once in a while, but she hasn't taken notes in ages.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Pony Munchies,

((Time to do my best Kyubey impression))


Kyubey just watched the mare. "So she could be a good canidate for a magical girl also" it thought as it soon disappeared. "Ill confront her when she isnt bothered...after all we need to destroy the grief seeds" It said




((Yes i am calling Kyubey IT because he is an IT))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Where is that CAT" Luna thought, looking around for it. Once school was over she resided to call for it. "KYUBEY WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU" Luna said, walking around the school yard. She knows that her brother and friend are walking home already. "Kyubey I know that your here, your not that good of a hidder" Luna said.

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"You know you don't have to yell" It said jumping down from a tree. "Honestly you know no one else can see me they'll think you crazy" It said sounding like it had no emotion


Gem Shine was around the corner hearing somepony yell. "Why is she yelling for a cat..." She asked herself 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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     Clover sat high up on the roof of the apartments she lived in. She was doing her home work up their just as she always did; trying to find the square root of x plus four to the fifth power, but she suddenly dissident to take a break from her math and walk over the the edge of the building and looked around the courtyard of surrounded by the housing units. She looked down below at a group of mares she knew from school. They laughed and joked around with the dashing young colts passing by. "Sign*. The day I make friends is the day I become who I'm not," she told herself," No one understand yet they try so hard to help. They should help their selves and not worry about me." Clover kept her gaze on on the group. She remember how she once did have close friends. She went her way and they went theirs'. They tried to get her to join in but when Clover opened up and shared her passion the others alienated her and told her she wasn't trendy. She never wore make up or dress in cute skirt. She could remember when some you have torn all  the pages from her sketch book, and told her I was all stupid rubies. That wasn't even the worst of what her fellow piers did to her. She was clumsy and gullible. They never gave her a moments rest from pushing and name calling. Her family eventually moved and Clover got a chance to start over. However she did not take the opportunity. Clover cast her self aside from others and made minimal contact, even with teachers. Looking at the mares from the safety of the rooftop brought tears to her eyes. She wished she could just forget every thing. Every unbearable moment filled with pain, every time she shouldn't have said something stupid. Well their was nothing she could do now.


((@Zero/Novella, take it from here.))


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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She wished she could just forget every thing. Every unbearable moment filled with pain, every time she shouldn't have said something stupid. Well their was nothing she could do now.


Excuse me for a second Luna" Kyubey said as it disappeared and reappeared in front of Clover. "Do you really want that wish to come true" Kyubey said knowing what Clover wished for. "I can grant that wish but only if you do one thing" It said. "I want you to become a magical girl and fight witches in turn so you can keep the world safe" Kyubey said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Excuse me for a second Luna" Kyubey said as it disappeared and reappeared in front of Clover. "Do you really want that wish to come true" Kyubey said knowing what Clover wished for. "I can grant that wish but only if you do one thing" It said. "I want you to become a magical girl and fight witches in turn so you can keep the world safe" Kyubey said


Clover jumped back in surepize, " Wait your that cat from before! Fist of all, you can talk?! And second can you really make me forget my past?" she continued," I don't really know if I want to make that wish. I--It was just a thought." She was shocked that the cat could talk then all she felt a herself tembering inside.


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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@@Pony Munchies,


"I can grant you any wish you want just on one condition though" Kyubey said. "It doesnt have to be that wish it can be anything" 


"The cat just...disappeared...how is that possible" Gem asked as she looked around. "Where the hell did that cat go...." Gem shine asked her self 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Kyubey better not be gone for to long, I need to get home, but then again I do have patrolling tonight, I promise Sayaka that I'll watch out for today" Luna said getting out her white soul gem out. She started walking around to see if she can catch a sign of a which.

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Destiny walked home, her day as boring as it's ever been. She was late walking home after detention for being late to too many classes.


She decided to take a walk instead of going straight home. Destiny walked by a small town center, looking at all the ponies talking and laughing. She felt a twinge of jealousy and sadness at the fact she could barely talk to anypony, but shrugged away the feeling. She didn't want to feel all sorry for herself. Besides, it's no use being all sad over it, no matter how much she wanted it to change.


Destiny continued her walk, straying more and more away from her home.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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Their was a moment of silence. Clover hung her head in thought. How would her life would change? If she made the wish she wouldn't hold back her feelings and opinions. She thought of how It could all come back If she forgot all the scaring truth about how horrible people can be, but what did she really have to lose? She was already living a lone in her own apartment. She was only 14. Her family raised her fast to get rid of her, so she didn't care about what they would think if she never talked to them again or she died in an unexpece way. Clover had few friends that she couldn't even have a conversation with. Living a life free of dankness sounded pretty good. Clover finally said,"I-I wish I could forget every dreadful moment in my life...and In return for this wish I will become a magical girl." She couldn't find a single reason not to make this wish. However, her memories were made up of 55% pain, 25% regret, and 13% hate, So she would virtually be forgetting every thing...

Edited by Pony Munchies


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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Kyubey did it's thing and granted the wish making Clover forget every dreadful moment in her life. In turn she had become a magical girl. "You're wish has been granted...do you remember those memories Clover" kyubey asked as it looked at her. "Do you feel any different at all" 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"There's still no sign of a witch, I should check the hospital" Luna said walking to the hospital. There's still no signs of witch, so she started walking to the bridge. "It seams to be fine today, maybe Humora or Mami are patrolling today to, that's good, less work for me then" Luna said still walking to the bridge.

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Kyubey did it's thing and granted the wish making Clover forget every dreadful moment in her life. In turn she had become a magical girl. "You're wish has been granted...do you remember those memories Clover" kyubey asked as it looked at her. "Do you feel any different at all"

Clover was dazed and confused but it felt good. "No, I can't remember," Clover answered, " I know who I am and that's what matters. How am I feeling? Amazing. But some thing is missing." The the burden she felt was lifted of her shoulders. The last thing she remembered was making her wish and a light emerging from her chest and forming a small Gem. "Come to thing of it, who are you? I know you granted my wish to forget my despair and you made me a Magical Girl, but before that. I don't think I ever caught your name."

Edited by Pony Munchies


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Kyubey is what I am called" The cat thing said before it left.



Meanwhile Gem was being harassed by a few ponies. "It's not like you are actually real...all you are is a machine nothing more nothing less" One pony said to her. "Yeah why don't you just go back to the facotry you were made from" Another said before they just left. Gem Shine just sat there. "I'm not real...I hate what I am...a robot" She muttered as she got up and started waliking. "I wish I could just...become a normal everyday pony...and not be bullied" She said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Nothing, now where did that darn cat go, Kyubey where are you" Luna said to herself. After a while she gave up on looking for witches, thinking that there aren't any there. Luna looked over the bridge to see the streets with the cars driving by quickly. She slowly started to walk off the bridge, and put her soul gem to where no one but her can find it. Luna wanted to walk back to the school, but knew that her friend and brother would be worried about her, so she started heading home.

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Destiny kept walking, too lost in thought to know or care where she was. Finally, she looked up and found she strayed way too far from home.


"Ugh, I've never been here before."


She kept walking to find somepony or some place to get directions from. I'll probably get even more lost, but hopefully I won't.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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Kyoko took a pokey stick from her box. "Never thought I would ever visit another town." She muttered, and put the pokey stick in her mouth. She began walking down the sidewalk, once its nighttime she would most likely begin hunting if she was up to it, taking a break was nice.


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