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open Califoalnia Dreamin'

Rainbow    Dash

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i hear a knocking on the window and i decide to leave the couch and take my eyes off the TV, momentarily to take a look to see what it could be. when i look out the window my eyes meet with a mysterious Pegasus. i open the window just a crack "who are you?" i ask quietly through the crack of the window (i thought this was a beach house not an apartment, either that or my mental image of the place is off) 

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Pipeline gets up and removes the shoes that were bothering Void. He trots back to his spot and flops back down. He watches Phoenix leave to answer a faint tapping on the glass and sighs.
"I really shoudnt have tried so hard to impress the photographer. I think I feel my muscles crying." He says as he rolls over on his back.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash,

I sighed with pure relief once Pipeline moved those...Shoes...
"Thanks Pipeline, oh and is that your job?"
I asked intrigued by the mention of a photographer
"You just mentioned a photographer, sorry if I am prying Pipeline, I am just an inquisitive pony is all"
Being honestly intrigued is rare for me but hey, curiosity kills the cat and I ain't a cat, even though if I wanted too I can be a cat heheh

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,@@Rainbow Dash, \

after a while of waiting i dismiss the noise at the window. 'maybe i was imagining things?' i thought to myself. i walk back over to where void and pipeline are and i sit on the couch next to them and face the TV, watching it with them as whatever junk plays on. 

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@@Handsome Changeling,
"It's cool, brudda. I am a surfer and I had a photoshoot gig for a surfing magazine. And in a couple days, im gonna participate in a surfing contest." Pipeline says, proud of himself.
It wasnt often ponies took an interest in his hobbies or even asked about his day. Though, its not like he made attempts to get close to any pony. It was always him and the waves.  

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash,

@@Handsome Changeling,


@@Brock Obama

Outside the house a group of ponies gathered up. "So... Tempo, this where you're crashing?" Said a jet black stallion

"Of course. I didn't lead you all over to some random geezer's home." He laughed. "Ey... Dit can I borrow your guitar while I'm here? I don't think the folks round here would appreciate the noise I make with drums. This looks like a nice quiet place" After a sarcastic sigh the jet black stallion, called Dytto, handed over his guitar.

"You break it- " Started Dytto.

"Chill out. I wont break it. Just don't forget to pick me up in a few days to check with the record label to see if we're in." Tempest said as he picked up his suitcase and saddlebag. The rest of them wander off leaving Tempest to fumble around with his things.

After a few seconds he pulls out a crumpled letter and photo of the house. "Guess this is the place." He sighed with a tired, but relived smile. Tempest proceeds to walk up to the door and knock, hopefully the owner wouldn't be too offended he was a day late...

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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i hear yet another noise and i get up to go check it out. i walk a bit towards the door and open it, greeting whoever is there still in my current getup, which includes eye shadow, knee high stalkings on all four legs with blue and pink stripes, and a pleated skirt to match "hello" i say to him with a friendly warm smile

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"Heey! Hi, how are you?" Tempest shakes the pony's hoof happily. "So... I hope it's not too much trouble that I'm a teenie tiny bit late is it? This place is awesome. I bet the beach looks great at sundown." He looks over the pony he's talking to, only juts noticing the clothing he's wearing. "Hey cool, you wear makeup too! Granted I only use makeup for a performance, But still pretty neat!" He stands there in awkward silence after the sudden outburst, then he regains his composure and trots in. "So about pay... I can't give you anything physical 'till next weekish but I can give you my honest word right now you'll get it!" He looks around and spots two ponies watching T.V. One on the floor and one on the couch.


@@Handsome Changeling@@Rainbow Dash,

"Uhh... Hi, I'm Tempest Shift, your new houseguest, I hope I'm not too much trouble to you guys and... Wait a sec..." He turns to the pony who let him in, "Whose the homeowner here?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"we don't know" i say as i turn around to face him, gently nughing the door shut with my back right hoof. "we're also house guests" i say to him "we also got the ad, and decided to come here" i say with a giggle. "and yeah, the view of the beach is pretty good from here" 

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@@Rainbow Dash,

@@Handsome Changeling,


Tempest looks about the room, moderately decorated. The pony on the couch seemed drawn towards the T.V. Tempest stuck his hoof out in front of the pony on the couch, "Hellooo..? Anyone home?" The other pony didn't seem interested at the time, too focused on the T.V.

"Well I'm just going to go to the room I was given in this letter..." He pulls out a crumpled letter dripping with a sweet smell, "Dang it... " Tempest quickly opened his bad and took out everything,a set of plectrums, a diary, a comb, a locket and a few sets of stage clothes. He sighed, "For the the love of Celestia... My cologne leaked onto my stuff..." He looked through his stuff then gasped dramatically and quickly check his diary, it was relatively unscathed, only the cover was damp. He closed it quickly and sighed in relief, "I can wash my clothes, but I can't wash this." He looked about again, "Sorry about the mess, I'll go choose a spare room and get out your manes for a bit." He walked off slowly with his stuff, except the guitar.

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Pipeline got up and sniffed at the air.
"Yoooo, whats that smell?" He asks the house as he stretches out.
"Imma take a short nap...if anypony needs me I'll be in my room." He announces as he trots up the stairs.
Pipeline spots the new tenant and greets him with a pat on the back.
"Hey brudda, welcome to the house. Call me Pipeline." He says.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@,@@Rainbow Dash, @@Handsome Changeling,

i cock my head at the strange new character joining our household, but i shrug it off and sit back down next to void and continue watching TV. i notice that there is a marathon on and that's why there has been nothing but Fate/Stay night for the past two hours. 

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@@~Phoenix~,@@Rainbow Dash, @,  


I finally broke his eye contact with the TV and shook my head and blinked with tears coming from my eyes from as I didn't blink for a very long time...Aren't I smart.

"Argh...My eyes are burning...Did I miss anything when I was hypnotized by this show, what did you call it Phoenix? Ummm Fate/Stay Night or something right? It holds my attention very well"
The only reason it held my attention was the colours from the TV, having bug like tendencies kinda sucks, like a moth to flame or in this case Changie to TV heheh, still I was sat next to Phoenix though and realized after a moment I never said hi to that other pony that arrived, I blame the TV, but I suppose I can say greetings later, I literally only just noticed Pipeline went off too, something about him taking a nap...I need to listen more
"How long have we been sat here anyway..." I asked my friend sat next to me

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Moonlit knocks on the glass again, harder this time. Completely aggravated that nopony was noticing him. "Hello, I'm knocking on the window. Do you see me now!?" The way he saw it. One pony came up to the window an eventually disregarded it. But none of other ponies actually bothered to check out what the noise was.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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I sighed and since I wasn't locked into a gaze with the TV I went to the door to open for whoever was knocking on the window and shouted they sounded kinda annoyed, okay not kinda, I walked right up to the door and grinned as I swung it open and looked at the greyish pony before me.
"Hey Nice to meet ya! Sorry for not opening it right away, TV kinda hypnotized me" No other way to put it, I honestly was hypnotized by that TV, thankfully nopony questioned that, being disguised and all too heheh

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

"Thank you so much..." Moonlit muttered as he stepped inside. "At least SOMEPONY has the decency to be alerted to my presence and open the door for me." He then looked around the fairly benevolent room. Having a bed, a big screen wall mounted TV. A big kitchen. A few beds. Amongst many other things. "Wow. I could get used to this!"


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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@@Rainbow Dash

After dumping everything he'd brought with him in the room on the far left, he went back down to properly greet the other tenants, he stopped outside the room of Pipeline, "Hey, never got to introduce myself, I'm Tempest Shift, drummer by profession, musical doctor at heart" He jokes, Tempest looks about the room and spots a surfboard, "Cool! I always wanted to learn how to surf, never got the motivation or time to do it. Maybe you could show me the basics sometime?" Tempest looks about the room, then at Pipeline, then back at the door, "I'm gonna' go meet the others. See ya later!" He says happily, then heads downstairs. He spots the pony he saw from the way in.



@@Shadowking58@@Handsome Changeling@@~Phoenix~,

"Oh, hi!" He looks toward the new arrival, "I would've let you in but I thought you were a gardener, the way you were lurking in the bushes by the window, sorry" He says with a smile, then looks towards the kitchen. "We got anything to eat?" Completely forgetting about his guitar. He goes into the kitchen and looks about the fridge, "Is there any hard cider here?" He asks politely after pulling out some salad.

Edited by Sylveon the Pink


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Nice to meet you, Tempest!" Pipeline smiles as he looks over the stallion.
"Sure ting, brudda. I can show you the ropes...as long as you treat the ocean with care." He says before waving at Tempest and flopping down on his bed.
Pipeline stared up at his ceiling and thought about the competition he was told about. He smiled as he envisioned himself winning first place.
"Im gonna do it." He tells himself.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Handsome Changeling,@@Rainbow Dash, @, @@Shadowking58,  


as another episode of the show ended i realized i was the only one still watching it. i also realized i was getting pretty gosh darn tired. so i stood up slowly from the couch and i walked up to my bedroom, noticing as i did so that the two new ponies were starting to settle in and make friends. i gave a little smile as walked into my bedroom, closing the door and going to sleep.

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After I let the pony I just met in I yawned and trotted over to my room to sort out the only belongings I brought, the magenta armour, I pride myself in keeping it clean and shiny, after all it's the only thing left from my Changeling Hive days so it has, nasty sentimental value to me, so I grabbed my suitcase from behind the bed and got my armour out and cleaned it, cleaned it waaaay to much

"Gotta keep you clean hmmm... I need it to be keeping you shining and beautiful"
I am weirdly attached to this armour, but can't blame myself can I? 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Pipeline sleeps well into the next morning. He wasnt tired or worn out, he was just bored after having the photoshoot. When he woke up, it was six in the morning. He decided he would spend the day refining his surfing skills. Pipeline made a quick breakfast and grabbed his surfboard. He quietly trotted to the beach where he put on his wet suit and began to wax his board. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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