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open Califoalnia Dreamin'

Rainbow    Dash

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Now I have no idea how to answer, great, good job Void.
"Well...I have no talent is all...Nothing much else to say heheh" I answered in a joking manner but still was quite awkward
"Yeah I know, a full grown stallion with no talent awesome right?" I then sighed and let out a Changeling hiss under my breath out of a little frustration but what the hay, nothing bad came of it.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling

i heard the tone in void's voice and i began to feel bad for the question i asked. was it okay for me to ask that question? probably not. it's so insensitive of me "sorry, i didn't mean it like that..."

i say to him awkwardly and silently. at one point i thought i heard him hiss, but i dismissed it, his feelings coming before any strange quirks.

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Oh now I made him feel bad...Come on now Void, you're just being harsh
"Oh no no no, it's quite alright heheh, I wasn't sad about it, juuust...Frustrated is all, you are in no need to say sorry"
I smiled with quite an honest one, no fake face, just to prove I didn't mind, why does lying suck flank? 
"No need to worry, anyhoof, this talk just seems to be getting a little, down in the more sad parts, so may I ask, what is your talent?"
I asked out of general interest, getting to know the ponies I am living with for a bit ain't a bad idea either.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

"well... if you say it's fine, then i'll believe you" i say to him. "and my talent? well i don't really know how to make a career out of it.. but i'm really good at using fire based magic" i say with a half smile. i'm glad he doesn't really feel too bad about me asking him about his talent. but i couldn't help but still feel a little guilty about it all.

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"Very suiting!"
I said with a wide smile, it honestly is quite suiting, his name is Phoenix, his Cutie Mark is a Phoenix and his body colour is orange, quite a perfect skill
"Your name, Cutie Mark, colour and skill, all very matching" I sounded quite surprised without even noticing

"I think you as a pony, very even, plus the blue mane and eye colour is quite cute, adds to the whole Phoenix show"
Perfect, I hope the compliments make him forget about me acting all sad before about having 'no talent'

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

my face feels a little hot and i begin to notice that i am blushing ever so slightly, my orange fur making it hard to see. "thanks" i say, to his compliments with a little giggle "but your hot pink eyes are pretty cute too." i say, trying to make things even by returning his compliment. 

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Complements are too few and far between, especially for me, great, I can tell I am blushing now...I think, wish I could see my face
"Oh...How nice of you too say, I guess you returned the favor eh?" 
Ain't this whole scene cute? Nah, maybe, hmmm it's alright nothing weird about this talk, still I wonder why Phoenix is dressed like that in the morning, he didn't sleep in that did he? Not the most comfortable thing to sleep in.
"Your looking very femanine I must say, did you sleep like that?"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

"i think i did sleep like this" i said to answer void's question "but not on purpose... i just kinda... passed out" i said awkwardly while the blush on my face becoming a little more apparent to void. "i slept pretty well, however. how well did you sleep last night?" 

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Took me a moment to see the blush on Phoenix, I guess it's kinda hard to notice red from orange, but it was cute, very cute
"Oh good you physically slept fine, bad sleep sucks, and me?"
Hmmm, nothing to complain about, the bed was comfortable, the housing is hospitable, no complaints
"I slept pretty well, no complaints from me, but you, passing out is usually because of being tired, hope you were fine"
Being generally concerned for him feels weird, nah, just me being me.

Edited by Handsome Changeling

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"it was fine, really" i say to him "i just had a bit of a bad run in with otto" i say, as i think back to the events of last night "although, if you ask me, the beds are too soft, and there are too many thick comforters and thin sheets. there isnt any nice blankets" i say, trailing off as i try to hide my blush

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Not sure if he just changing the subject deliberately or he is actually annoyed about the beds... Hmmm
"Well maybe the beds weren't 'perfect' per say, but what was that about Otto? I am not sure if your changing the subject on purpose, if you are I will leave it there Phoenix, but your choice"
My way with words there...Could be better, I am still waving my hoof about as I talk, I need to stop that too 

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"well..." i started, sounding a bit nervous "he called me a clown" i say, looking down at the floor and kicking my hoof slightly. "i fell asleep crying last night..." i let the words slip out of my mouth without even trying. i continued to sit there with my eyes towards the ground and my mane covering my eyes a bit. 

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Now I feel bad for prying, I then trotted right up in front of Phoenix and moved his mane out of the way so we can talk eye to eye
"Okay, so he called you a clown? And you fell asleep crying, not pleasant at all obviously, but that doesn't mean you need to worry about others opinions on just one pony yeah? That is, if you worrying at all"
I knew at this time, at anytime a pony felt bad, reassurance is one of the better feelings to have, rather then worry or anxiety.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,


"yeah i suppose so" i say looking at him. "it's just that i have been dealing with rude coments like that all my life, and i took the offer to move here in hopes it would be better" i tell him "thanks for the reasurrence" i say giving him a slight hug (my character is a femboy, not a crossdresser/tranny, btw. he just wears small bits of girlish clothing)  

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(I was assuming something like that, guess I was kinda right heheh)

I hugged Phoenix back slightly too with a casual look and a grin
"No problem, when somepony feels bad or upset, it's always nice to be reassured, so all I did was be a normal pony heheh"
Well as normal as I can be
"And moving here, I hope it does you good, less comments and rude ponies and such, this could be an amazing thing for ya"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

"mhmn" i hum as i release the hug i was giving void "looks like i already have one pony on my side" i say with a smile and a small giggle. seeing as the conversation is pretty much over, i walk away slightly and sit on the couch that isn't any more than 15 feet from where we were standing. i then grab the remote and flip on the TV "any suggestions?" i ask. (this rp is outside of what i normally use this character for but it's my only male character. so most of the info on the database doesn't really apply)

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(Oh it's alright, I have had to change an OC for RPs loads)
I trotted over to the couch and stood behind it and leaned on it with a smile
"Uhhh, not really good with TVs and such, I am, exotic, so I don't know about them much, still if you have any preferences then go ahead..."
I said with a slight embarrassed tone, even I noticed it, why was I embarrassed? No clue...Hmmm
"Yeah sorry if that is a burden..."

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@@Handsome Changeling,

"it's quite alright" i say with a smile, as i begin to flip through the channels. i come across a channel with some sort of Japanese cartoon on it that looks interesting. i give a little "ooh" and i put the remote down and begin watching it. it seems to be about something called the "holy grail war" and mages.

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Otto walks in the house and finds void and Pheonix watching TV on the couch. Otto is has a wide smile on his face and can barely contain the urge the laugh. "I got the job at the firm!" He though to himself. "Nothing could ruin this day!" Otto looks at the floor and finds his picture there on the ground. " Did anyone see it?"he thought to himself. He wanted to ask Void or Pheonix but decided to let them be. He was already on bad terms with Pheonix, and if Void knows he might not be too kind. But then again Otto has had some suspicion of Void from the beginning.

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I didn't notice Otto of course, since he was being quiet, but having hightened hearing is useful when your a Changeling, not very silent, but pretty quiet Otto
"Well this looks unique"

I commented sub-mindedly and noticed after I said it, how smart am I
"Definitely keeping my attention, much more then the few shows I have watched"
I noticed my hoof was lifted towards the screen after a moment and shook my head
"Sorry colours are kinda hypnotic"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Pipeline awoke the next morning at an early time. He grabbed a light snack and put on his wetsuit. 
Let's do this! He told himself as he grabbed his surfboard and trotted to the beach. 
As Pipeline arrived at the beach, he saw the photographer setting up. He approached him and set down his surfboard.
"Aloha, I am Pipeline." 
"Yes, Hi...I need you to get out there and do what you normally do. Do a couple poses that show off your chest and back."
Pipeline nods and paddles out to the ocean. He takes the first waves and stands with his chest protruding. The photographer snaps the picture and gets ready for the next one.
Pipeline takes the next wave and decides to be a little silly. He turns around and twerks on his surfboard for the camera. The photographer chuckles and snaps the pictures.
Pipeline paddles back to shore and approaches the photographer.
"Good...very good! This is cover page material. Hey listen, there is a surfing contest in a couple days. First prize is five thousand bits!" The photographer says as he hands Pipeline a bag of money.
"Thanks brah, I'll keep that in mind." Pipeline responds as he parts ways with the photographer.
Pipeline trots back to the house and sets his surfboard outside. He shakes off the sand and water and trots inside the house.
"Yo, Im home!" He announces as he trots to the fridge and pulls out a muffin.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Otto walked up to his room and put down his briefcase on the bed. He walked over to his closet and took out a small wooden box. "Memories......" He opened the box and took out some medals and some other pictures, but these weren't torn. The pictures had Otto in a uniform in what looked like a ship. There were dozens of other ponies in Navy uniforms, it was a group picture of the entire ships crew. He put down the pictures and took out a cap with the words EKS Starlight sewed in. "Back in the navy, there wasn't any drama like this..." He put everything back in except the hat and decided to put it on. He put down his torn picture on the bed and left the room to go get a snack.

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@@Handsome Changeling,@@Rainbow Dash,

still sitting next to void, i turn my head in response to pipeline "hi" i said with a smile as i turned my head back towards the TV, showing an episode of fate/stay night. i watch as an action sequence commences and two of the characters start having an epic battle 

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Hello there Pipeline!" I hope your having a good day! I am! Oh is that Holy grail war? Awesome show isn't it!" Otto tipped his hat to pipeline and left the living room into the kitchen and decided to cook for once. He was in a good mood after all. "Hey anybody want Lazaña?

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@@Rainbow Dash,@@Brock Obama, @@~Phoenix~,

I waved my hoof in a random direction and yelled as I still stared at the TV
"Hiya Pipeline! Welcome back"
To be honest, I think I am literally hypnotized by TVs, no wonder I avoid them quite a bit, like flashing lights, moth to a flame, and similar to my response to Pipelines, I kept looking at the TV and yelled with some awkward hoof gestures, I swear they nearly looked vulgar heheh
"Nah Lazana ain't my thing Otto!"


My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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