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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor

Defender of Tomorrow

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As the griffin held out his rifle Chip inspected it up and down, he hadn't seen such a weapon in a long time. "Damn a zebra rifle, i've been admiring this rifle when I saw it on you back but I wasn't fully sure if it was what I thought from a distance." He said still looking at the rifle. "I don't see weapons like this often since I was in Ponyville for a while, most of the idiots there don't know the difference between the butt of a rifle and their own ass." 


"Are you saying I can use this, or did I misunderstand you?" He asked confused as to how he worded it all because it could just be an attempt at teasing him with such a tantalizing gun, Chip also wanted to pull it apart to see the workings of it.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia stops and sets her down. "Chip! Can you tell that Griffin to come here. We have a problem. She is about to have her kid and well...we are about an half hour from New Cloudsdayle."


Dashia doesn't her best using what little medical supplies she has left to make sure Anna is comfortable.

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As Chip was still inspecting the zebra rifle his ears perked up at the familiar voice of Dashia. "Oh crap, she's going to have the baby now..." Chip gasped as he began limping as fast as he could back to the entrance. "You come with, I don't know if we will have to deliver a foal or not."


Chip continued until he found Dashia and Anna, the cave floor was covered in fluid. He walked toward the two and looked to Dashia. "What should we do? I know we might still have some time until she's ready to actually birth her child but would she make it for half an hour... let alone you said this is the more dangerous path." He questioned frantically never having been in such a situation, he had read some text books on the subject but they were missing pages so he din't know everything when it came to birthing a foal.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Dashia says, "it's a 5 minute flight but we don't have something to carry her with and you and Dyna can't be left alone." She looks to the griffin. "As for my injuries the potions and a hydra took care of most of the damage. I gave her the last of my rations I can go a day or two without them." Dashia was doing what she can. She then says, "I have noticed her water broke. If me and the griffin can't fly her there then she may die from the birthing. However, if her water just broke we have about two hours before she crowns."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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 I followed chip to the outside of the cave where I found Dashia worriedly explaining Anna's situation. Considering she was pregnant the situation was a given. Sadly I had no idea on how ponies birth children considering griffons laid eggs. "Alright so were on a time limit, how do you propose we carry Anna in her fragile state to our intended destination? Considering our skywagon is busted and nothing around here could possibly be made into a makeshift carrier."

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Dashia was at a loss. "There is one way but one of us who can fly will have to fly and get the Pegasus medical unit to bring a carrier. I would suggest myself becsuse I live there and they know me. However, I don't yet trust you either way. Your first impression wasn't a good start. I am willing to give you a chance. Help them here and I can fly to New Cloudsdayle and get the medical team."

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Chip looked to the griffin. "For now you can hand me your rifle just as precaution." He said gesturing to his rifle that was now secured on his back. "If he's tries a move that rifle will make quick work of his armor and if we run into trouble I can just pass it back to you." 


"honestly I want to trust you but like dashia said, your first impression wasn't to great." He said still looking to Vice. "That way Dashia feels good enough about us leaving here."

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Did Chip read my mind?Cause that was actually my original plan considering I couldn't really help with Anna. "You read my mind unicorn," I said as I tossed Agony towards him." I had cap saver in its little holster tucked away so I had a fallback, but I wasn't really worried on anything bad happening. "Alright hurry it along Anna ain't got all day does she?" I asked jokingly. "By the way zebra rifles are enchanted with zebra magic, no gems inside so you can't put it into other guns." I said towards Chip.

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Dashia says, "My wings were protected by the wing plates of my armor so flight isn't a problem."


Dashia tags Anna's pipbuck using her own. And says, "okay be right back. Y'all take good care of her for Now. Dyna, if things get to complicated for the three of you flare the sky with an explosive. Can you do that?"


Dashia doesn't however wait for Dyna's reply the mare needs medical help and fast. She bolts onto the sky and quickly gets her bearings before heading to New Cloudsdayle.


(Defender, New Cloudsdayle staff and residences are yours to command. They would recognize Dashia's current armor.)

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Chip took the rifle in hia magic and begun inspecting it up close. "Yeah, i wouldn't alter your rifle unless you wanted me to. Besides if we do need it I shouldn't go pulling it apart should I?" He asked rhetorically.

He set the rifle on his back for now and looked to the griffin. "Can you take Anna and set her over in the wreckage, it should be safe now as well as it will provide shade and less angles for us to protect if something does happen. Speaking of the wreckage I'm sorry the crash was my fault, I could of got everyone killed." He said pointing his hoof at their fallen sky wagon with his ears folded back. "By the way, what was your name? I may of been lost inside my own mind if you introduced yourself earlier." 


(Honestly I couldn't remember if Chip was around when he introduced himself as well as he may of been too shaken up to really listen when Vice yelled his name earlier :P)

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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(Group 2)

Lockdown. Reinforced steel barriers had barred the main entrypoints of the thunderhead and multiple turrets had sprung from out of their holding areas, their programming all scrambled up and attacking anything at sight, rats and other small vermin that had roamed around the ship were vaporized into dust, their ashes slowly drifting away with the wind. Fortunately, many of these turrets had been terribly damaged from when the ship crashed, the holding areas that were responsible for deploying the turrets were either caved inside or their servos badly damaged and forcing the panel to jam on the turret, leaving it stuck inside the holding area. At most, there were four turrets in operable condition deployed by the main entrance of the ship. As for the windows of the ship, the glass itself was reinforced and to make matters worse, the same steel had covered them entirely, not even a single ray of sunlight, let alone sound would be able to travel through it. Wailing Klaxon alarms could be heard from the inside of the ship and if one had a trained ear, faint exchanges of lazer weapons could be heard as well [PER 9].


Deep from inside the tunnel a very faint, but distinct singular red glow could be seen. A faint hissing sound that hinted at the presence of gas from this distance could be heard if one listened very closely [PER 10]. The temperature of the cave lowered drastically, giving what would be colorless gas a very faint tinge of icy blue, however, from the distance they were at it would not be as easily to spot [PER 9]. (Moving closer would make the glow PER 8, and the gas PER 7.)

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    Anna felt... stupid. She was so malnourished and sick that she didn't even realize she was going into labor. She didn't even notice the contractions she may have been having because of how hungry she was. Her collapsing outside the cave may have been a sign that the baby was coming, but she couldn't even recall that. For a pony with a intelligence stat of 10, she was really lacking right now. She also had medical experience, always playing the role of the medic on their expeditions. But who would dare bring a pregnant mare out here when they were nearing birth, when they had to option to stay in a happy little vault? Of course, most wastelanders probably had no idea how to deliver a foal. Most mothers didn't make it very far. Where the hell do all these damn wastelander ponies come from? Do they just pop out of the ground like potatoes?


"Ah, Damn it...." Anna panted, moaning as Dashia moved her, then fiddled with her pipbuck. Even her pip was blinking and giving warnings, how could she be so oblivious?


Anna growled at the griffon, whom of which was annoying her for whatever reason. No time to joke, it was really no time to joke. "What we don't really have time for is jokes, asshole" she barked at the griffon "Can you... Just... bucking pick me up and move me somewhere not in the dirt, Celestia damn it?! Now may be a good time for one of your potions too!"


"Please hurry up Dashia..." she whimpered as she flew away, followed by groans and moans of pain.

Edited by Star-Lord


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Chip could see that Anna was extremely uncomfortable, unfortunately he had no more medical supplies and his medical experience was mainly theoretical beside treating a few bullet wounds.


Chip took out his canteen of water and then took out a piece of small cloth. He folded the cloth up into a small rectangle and poured some water over it, once the cloth was damp he set it on Anna's forehead and sat down with her setting one hoof on her shoulder and the other to her if she wanted to hold his hoof for comfort. "You'll make it through this Anna, you've made it this far." Chip assured trying his best to comfort her.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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(Group 2)

Lockdown. Reinforced steel barriers had barred the main entrypoints of the thunderhead and multiple turrets had sprung from out of their holding areas, their programming all scrambled up and attacking anything at sight, rats and other small vermin that had roamed around the ship were vaporized into dust, their ashes slowly drifting away with the wind. Fortunately, many of these turrets had been terribly damaged from when the ship crashed, the holding areas that were responsible for deploying the turrets were either caved inside or their servos badly damaged and forcing the panel to jam on the turret, leaving it stuck inside the holding area. At most, there were four turrets in operable condition deployed by the main entrance of the ship. As for the windows of the ship, the glass itself was reinforced and to make matters worse, the same steel had covered them entirely, not even a single ray of sunlight, let alone sound would be able to travel through it. Wailing Klaxon alarms could be heard from the inside of the ship and if one had a trained ear, faint exchanges of lazer weapons could be heard as well [PER 9].



Dashia avoids the four turrets and lands on the upper platform. She looks at the door and sighs. "Why would the ship be in lockdown? I hope Silvana is doing ok. Her pack had been a great help in keeping sensitive eyes and ears away."


She looks for an access console. When she finds one she imputs a lockdown override code. She hopes her father hasn't changed it.


(I would suggest that we do a skip. Defender she will only be trying to complete the task at hoof. Anna should last the night. From personal experience, Anna shouldn't be in final stages till some time after noon.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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(Group 2)


The console accepts the override code as it was inputted, the display was the basic green overlay, however, this one featured a smiling pony with 'OK' displayed over its head as if to confirm that the code worked. The window closest to the console began opening slowly, the steel and the glass groaning as the mechanisms, most likely damaged, still attempted to do their job. The window, about mid-ways open locked in place as the console display went red with 'Access Code Denied' and now featured a frowning pony with small little text underneath them 'Consult an Administrator to operate the Console'. Exchanges of laser weaponry could be heard much more clearly with the window open, a few lasers even shot out of the window.


With an open opportunity, Dashia had bolted through the window to find auto-turrets already targeting her, fortunately for her their targeting systems were not 100% and she was an avid flyer and managed to dodge most of the laser shots. Immediately the handful of dashites that were taking cover behind a makeshift fort signaled to her to come over. Without much time to lose, Dashia had explained to the ponies the predicament she was in and one of them scurried off to find the proper medical supplies for the task as hoof. The pony had returned rather quickly with the medical supplies, unfortunately it wasn't much but it would have to do and with the supplies she departed before they could explain what was happening and returned to Chip and the rest with a few new blackened marks on her armor. (which were mostly made from lasers grazing her)

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Dashia lands trotting to the group. "Ok, I have the supplies we need. Who here has decent medical knowledge. I believe our combined skill will be enough to get her through this. Also home seems to have been hacked so got to get that under control next."


She shows the supplies to the group. It isn't much but beggars can't be choosers.

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Chip raises his hoof from Anna's shoulder, "I've read some medical journals and have helped at the medical clinic in ponyville before. While I have read textra about it, my experience in birthing a foal is just so... theoretical." He said timidly, as if intimidated from the idea to deliver a foal.


Chip's main worry was the fact his marefriend would be right beside him watching, if he were chosen to do it.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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  Anna was currently in a pained and pissed off state, understandable considering her circumstances. A couple of days without sustenance and a crash probably didn't do her any good either. Chip was busy handling Anna which gave me time to think about my next move. This wasn't an official contract so no guaranteed pay which was something I didn't approve of. Whoever were fighting better got some good loot to sell or I'll be forced to slot them  so I don't risk mother's wrath. I tugged my collar a bit, is it just me or did it get a bit cooler? The thought was put out of my mind as soon as Dashia came fluttering down with a meager bag of supplies and some scorch marks on her armor.


 Since this was a thunderhead it probably had its own defense system. But why would Dashia's own family activate security on her? Soon however Dashia mentioned her home was hacked in a questionably unconcerned manner, answering my question. However Dashia's priority was Anna and delivering her inbound foal. Chip timidly mentioned he had some skills in the medical arts however it wasn't as reassuring as I suspected any of them hoped. My medical knowledge consisted of field patching so I wouldn't be as much help as the situation demanded. I grabbed my rifle from Chip before focusing on Dashia,"I have no experience with child birth I suggest you use Chip. You also mentioned your home being quote (hacked), do you know who did this and if they are currently still here?" 

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The weather started to pick up again, they could only out run the rain for so long before it came back, and this time much more powerful. Who could predict any weather in such an unpredictable place? The rain was much harder, soaking down the wreckage and everything around it. Anna was again getting wet, but she didn't mind. She wasn't completely in the cave. The pegasus' tired eyes looked at the wreckage of the skywagon, the interior of it still useable, though it couldn't fly.


Anna slowly got up despite the pain, her legs wobbily "The sky wagon..." she said "I want privacy, and to be dry. I'll go in there with... whoever is going to help birth the foal". She now remembered her sword being in there, hopefully it didn't fly out when she did.


The sky rumbled as thunder was heard up ahead, it was dark now unfortunately. This would makes things harder than they had to be. Anna fell back on her flank, groaning in pain. She couldn't stand, she was pretty much ready for what was to come.


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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As much as Chip and Dashia wished to give Anna the privacy she wanted and with all their might helped her to the skywagon. There, they immediately began sorting their meager medical supplies and whispered to each other what they knew, if anything, about delivering a baby. Eventually, the time came, and despite not having any real experience with the task at hoof they performed their duties surprisingly well, whether it was the stress that influenced their abilities or an outside force, none will really know. 


Crying wasn't as common as death and murder in the wasteland, but indeed there was crying. A somewhat soft crying came from the newborn as Dashia lifted them up to their new mother and immediately the crying ceased. Even in the wasteland, the love of a mother could not be overcame, Anna's soft heartbeat conveyed exactly that to the newborn as it understood no words yet, the only thing it understood was the sound of the heartbeat.

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After the foal began to cry out and was handed to their mother, Chip stepped out from the wrecked skywagon looking faintly sick and slightly stressed. He walked a small distance from the two mares shaking his head some and yet still had a smile on his face, he had helped bring new life into the world. Granted this world isn't the best place for new life but it's what they are stuck with. 


"I'm glad I didn't become a doctor," Chip mumbled to himself. "A new born being expelled from a birth canal was not a lovely sight." 


Chip sat down in the dirt and took his rifle from his back and began disassembling it in the air to try to calm himself. 

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Birthing a foal wasn't exactly a very fun experience for Anna either. She didn't yell or scream, knowing that she didn't want to attract any nearby predators. Instead she shoved her head into a pillow and whimpered, even cried herself as it definitely hurt. It only took maybe 15 minutes after they went into the wagon, to bring her baby into the world. The thing was that she was born only a half an hour after her mother's water broke, so it was no surprise it was the same for her child. No father involved, or even family, Anna did it only with 2 ponies she met the day before.


Anna held onto her foal, wrapped in a small blanket that she had while still in the wagon covered up herself. She even had diapers, and a pacifier since it was pretty stressful for the baby too... all this. Whoever wanted to see the foal would have to come in the wagon since Anna probably wasn't going to move for awhile.


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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(Group 1)


"What was that?" Aile groaned as she put a hoof to her head, she did not want to wake up just yet, however, the persistent knocking of the cyberpony swayed her otherwise. She groggily got out of the comfortable bed and levitated her equipment from out from under the bed. Without another moment to lose, she began putting on her barding as she walked over to the door. Magically, she opened the door as she fumbled with her barding, her head was stuck somewhere in the unusual cloth, "You're awake rather early!" she spoke in the completely wrong direction, her voice muffled and causing the cyberpony to chuckle a little. 


"I said I would come early and here I am. Perhaps you shouldn't have wasted your valuable sleep with a watch schedule." Xearth said as he peeked his head into the house and saw Crackshot on the floor. "I think I should give you ponies a few more minutes, If I knew you were so...unique I would have not came so early." He sighed and walked passed Aile, who was still struggling with her barding and took a seat in the kitchen. 

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As if on cue, right as the cyberpony sat down in the kitchen, Crackshot jumped into consciousness with a gasp. He was crouched nearer to the ground, his eyes stinging with heavy lids.

He'd fallen asleep. He could tell by the blankness he felt before waking.


He looked around to see what was going on. Ezekiel seemed to still be fast asleep, while Aile seemed to be struggling with her barding.

Blinking, he walked over and used his magic to help adjust it for her.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  The sudden cry of pain from Anna was a clear indication her foal was ready to be born. My two companions rushed her over to the skywagon's remains. The metallic hull protected them from the acidic rain that once again began pouring down. I remained outside of the wagon while my two companions were busy delivering the yellow mares foal. The pitter patter of the rain began filling my ears again, I really hated the rain. I switched off my rifles safety and put it down on the ground beside me, funny how Chip managed to overlook that. I rummaged through my saddlebags in order to find something to pass the time and get my mind off the rain.The first thing I pulled out was a bottle of beer. With a sigh I popped off the cap and pulled off my gas mask, and began pouring down the bitter liquid into my mouth.


  The alcohol helped make the next couple of minutes tolerable. I was out in the rain escorting some random wastelanders I didn't care about, my father's suit was damaged and taken from me, and to top it all off my mother is pissed and I wont even get paid for following these guys. The only thing keeping me here was the promise of loot, which didn't seem apparent but I have only been with these guys for a couple of hours so there was at least a scrounge of hope still in me. But judging by my current disposition it might of been the booze in my claws. 


  After a few more minutes of waiting I heard the soft cry of Anna's new born foal. Being born into the wasteland instead of a comfy little stable must have been a turn of bad luck for the kid. But you take the cards you've been dealt, hope Anna learns enough about the wasteland to teach the little sucker to survive. Eventually Chip walked out of there smiling and talking about how he was lucky he didn't become a doctor. Doing some good in the wasteland always made someone feel funny inside.


    Hope Chip enjoys the pleasantries while it last, I guarantee it won't. He began taking apart his rifle probably in an attempt to pass the time, but doing so in acid rain probably would backfire on him. "So you brought a new life into this fucking hellhole we call home, hope you enjoy it while it last," I said before taking another drink form my bottle. "I don't recommend playing with your toy in this weather, parts might wear down." I chugged the rest of my drink before putting it back in my bag and refitting my gas mask back on my face. "Speaking of doctors what did you do before joining up with this little band?" I asked trying to get some background on my new companions.

Edited by Ranger22
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