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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Storm was quite unhappy that the new mare had cut him off, and while admittedly he was quiet for a moment, he was contemplating whether or not this capacitor would be able to work with his weapon. He had decided that the capacitor could be upgraded, he was really good with technology, after all her was a full on cyberpony. "I zink that I'll take za max-capacitor then, however, I won't give za payment until I zee it." he said, before adding. "But if you find the overcharged capacitor, I'll pay 600 caps." he said, hoping that 600 was a price that she would accept. "Zat zound good? Okay good." he said, not caring that she was dealing with the new mare, and not caring to hear a response. He thought that 600 caps was more than enough for the one part, considering the pistol was worth at least 600 caps, however, he had been looking for the part for some time and wouldn't mind going a tad higher, though based on his lifeless facial expression, she wouldn't know that. He turned over to see the red mare reading the book, she was wise to read that book, considering her lack of experience with....just Equestria in general. "I zink that you should practice zat weapon soon." he said to her, not sure if she was paying any attention to him. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Storm walked over to the desk and pulled out the small piece of schematic, it was a overcharged capacitor and he showed it to the mare, he didn't expect her to know what the hell it was, but there was no harm in showing it to her. He had hopes that the mare had an idea on what he was looking for, he didn't expect her to be able to make it though, but she was a shop owner, she had to know somepony that could make it. "I zink what my friend is looking for is a .44 revolver, with a ejector rod and customized grip." He said as he glanced back at the mare, subtly motioning her to the desk so he could see how many caps she had. "Alzo, zhe would like at leazt 30 rounds to go with it." he added, wondering how much that would cost them, he didn't exactly like conventional weaponry, but this shop didn't look like it carried anything advanced. He hoped that the mare knew how to control her magic to use basic levitation, because without it she would have the most unpleasant time with the revolver. It was then that he noticed the new mare walk inside the shop, she looked like she was carrying at least twice her weight in weapons, he tugged his cloak closer to his metallic body. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ethan Sawyer Storm wasn't quite sure what to do now that the guard was going back to duty but followed the mare anyway, he figured he could ask the gun shop owner for that part now that most of the ponies had cleared from the shop. He walked into the store behind the mare, wondering what type of gun she would choose, however, he also did have concern for her, well not exactly her but for the knowledge she possessed. The mare didn't exactly look scary, in fact she looked like the easiest pony to rob in probably the whole wasteland, and knowing her attitude she would probably get scammed or worse, killed if she ever encountered the dangers of the wasteland alone. He kept this mostly to himself, he wasn't a pony of many words, at least not when talking to regular ponies. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ethan Sawyer @@Child Of Darkness Storm followed the mare as she went back to the town, he kept his distance from her as he was still deciding a name for her. He was quite surprised at how friendly the guard was at the mention of EDEN, it was like not many ponies knew the name of the bot, probably because they were killed instead of being let go. He eavesdropped a bit on the conversation she was having with the guard, smiling a bit as his faction wasn't mentioned, it was good that they weren't well known. "That about sumz it up." he said to the mare, now being part of the conversation. "You zeem to be taking this well." he added, surprised at her lack of concern for her harsh new reality. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Storm watched her fly into the trains and slowly walk towards him and the eye-bot, she didn't care much for her name if she didn't care for his. "I zon't mind not knowing your name, but we'll need a name for you, unlesz you rather have me make one up for you." He said, his eyes still glowing, and before she could even answer he already began thinking of a nickname for her, she seemed quite stubborn and the type that wouldn't care what you called her. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Child Of Darkness @@Ethan Sawyer @ Storm was quite interested with the mare the more she spoke, her accent, her cleanliness, her inability to grasp the reality that the great land of Equestria was a wasteland, then again, she didn't even know what Equestria was. "Hmm..you zeem like you're from za future, yes?" He said, his voice with a tinge of curiosity in it, if this mare knew anything about magic, especially magic regarding time, he wanted to know. "You might not understand what this place iz, but its far from friendly, you're lucky we ztumbled into you, zis place, Equestria, was a kingdom for ponykind, but as you can zee, that is not the case anymore." He said, moving a cybernetic hoof to illustrate his point that there really was nothing, sure there were a few specs of settlements here and there, but its far from what the land use to be, at least that's what he thought from his knowledge from the books in the vault he had lived in. "I zink you should come with us, you don't zurvive in the wasteland without friends." he added, trying his best to entice her to tag along with them, he wanted as much as he could from her, it wasn't everyday that you stumble upon this type of magically adept mare. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ethan Sawyer @@Child Of Darkness Storm looked at the unconscious mare, she looked much more different from your usual wasteland ponies, she looked clean, but that didn't quite matter to him much, he hated normal ponies, didn't matter if they were dirty or clean, he just gazed at her flesh, thinking about what type of augmentations he could give her, her body was inefficient. "Hmm...I zink this pony was ze one responsible for the energy reading, she iz unconscious after all, probably used up a lot of her energy to do...whatzever she was doing." he said, not sure whether or not the pony on the other side of the eyebot came to this conclusion, however, his mind wandered on the type of cybernetics he would implant on her. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Child Of Darkness Storm nodded, not saying a word about this so called plan the pony had against the Raider Queen, he would rather not take sides, especially if this was just some sort of test to see if he had issues with the Queen. "I was actually going to go and zee zis energy reading myzelf, however, I zon't mind if we both go." he said, his eyes glowing yellow as he turned around in the direction of the energy reading, scanning the horizon for anything that could be dangerous. "I wonder who or what cauzed the reading.." he said before heading in the direction of the mysterious blast, his magic enveloping his sword faintly in case he needed it for anything. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Child Of Darkness Storm was somewhat surprised that the eye-bot suddenly spoke, of course it wasn't the actual thing speaking, more like proxy for the pony whose voice was now being emitted from the microphone. He wondered why the shutters didn't open, usually they did whenever someone was using this to communicate, but he figured that the pony wanted to stay anonymous. The voice seemed like it was being manipulated somehow, it was awfully familiar to how he could manipulate his voice and speculated that he was speaking to a cybernetically enhanced pony. The thought of him talking to his kind, even though it was through an eye-bot put him at ease, he was absolutely disgusted with all the inefficient bodies walking around him. "I am zurprised you can zee my cybernetics, I suppose I am not that good at the art of disguise." he said and smiled at the comment of the anonymous pony upgrading themselves, he loved that word, upgrade. "I have heard of zis raider, and by ze looks of it, the ponies that are inside zat building zeem to be buying lots of gear." he said, it wasn't too hard to piece together that perhaps the pony behind the eye-bot was this bloodrop. He then had a peculiar feeling that he was not actually talking to the raider queen, but actually another proxy for her. It was plausible, the pony had just said they were cybernetic and if he could manipulate his voice, they could too, he didn't think too much of it and blankly stared at the machine. "Why do you azk?" he said, if there was a plan in place to kill these mercenaries here and now he would consider fighting, that little mare that was mocking him needed to be taught a lesson or two, but then again, he wanted to investigate the strange energy that was released moments ago. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Child Of Darkness @@Ethan Sawyer Storm just had enough of this waiting, he quickly took the part drawing and hid it in his clothes, this type of establishment probably didn't even have the part, seeing as everypony seemed to have conventional weaponry. It was just then as he was leaving the shop that he felt something wrong, like a disturbance somewhere nearby, he couldn't exactly put it on his hoof, but something had certainly changed. Once he left the shop, he noticed a peculiar looking eyebot, he hadn't seen many of these around and couple help but approach it, looking it over, admiring the craftsman ship that went into it, it wasn't this often that you saw a fully functional eyebot just wandering the wastes. He was just about to envelope the machine in magic before he remembered that this probably belonged to somepony important, like duh! Not everypony has a eyebot, and certainly not one of this caliber. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@ @@Meson Bolt Storm directed his gaze towards the merchant which he had been waiting ever so patiently for, he looked over to the little pony, seeing her distracted her took the open opportunity gladly. "Yez, you wouldn't happen to have zis part?" he asked, pulling out a small drawing of an odd looking part, it belonged to a plasma pistol, however, the capacitor looked a bit more unstable, if anything overcharged. "I would pay quite handzomly for zis part." he added, trying to provide some type of cap incentive for the merchant to look for it or be on the look for it. He didn't pay much attention to her little machine pistol, he had no intention of fighting, especially not that 16 year old brat of a mare, it wouldn't even be a fight to him, just the thought of it baffled him. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Meson Bolt Storm was not quite sure why the mare wasn't intimidated by him, usually ponies ran in fear when they saw him, then again he wasn't exactly donning his cybernetics as proudly as he should be. He didn't know what her problem was insulting his voice and teasing him, but he wasn't going to let it get to him, she was just an organic and he was superior. "I won't ze playing these childish games with you." he said, trying to end the interaction between them, he was just on his last nerves being spoken to like this by a...what? A 15 year old? And what he hated the most was that she wasn't even augmented, it baffled him that he had to tolerate this harassment, he subtly enveloped his sword with his magic for a moment before stopping, catching himself before he did something regrettable. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Meson Bolt Storm didn't like that the mare asked him a question, he was growing rather irritated the more he interacted with ponies that weren't like him. He looked down at her, he was much taller, bigger, and intimidating than she was, he even made his eyes glow a bit as he stared her down. "Leetle girl, don't you have zome place to be?" he said to her, ignoring the question because he couldn't find anything 'wrong' with his voice. "Why zon't you go run along now?" he said, wanting to get rid of her, he was growing irritated the longer he stood in the midst of all these filthy organics, however, this irritation didn't show on his face as most of it was covered up, and even then, metal doesn't give off facial expression that well. He turned his attention back to the counter, waiting ever so patiently for some pony to barter with. -
open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)
Defender of Tomorrow replied to Flamestreak1990's topic in Everfree Roleplays
StormCaller strolled through the junction, he was familiar with the place, it was littered with mercenaries of every race, however, the most plentiful being earth ponies, most of them armored with varying degrees of quality. He smirked, the less of their body that showed the more he could tolerate their presence, he knew that if he wanted to stay alive he would have to hold his disdain for them to himself. His bright yellow eyes scanned the area, he was in need of certain parts to start work on the sidearm he had been wanting to construct for quite a while, and in his eyes, he didn't mind associating with organics for a while to get what he wanted. He spotted a mare with Jade-green eyes, she looked like she knew the area better than him and followed behind her, taking notice to her single saddlebag, she looked like she held only onto what she needed. He tugged his coat/cape close to his cold, metallic body, hiding his cybernetics much more better than before as he walked into the store, still near the mare. His eyes darted around as he scanned the room, noticing a little gathering of ponies, and more importantly their weapons. Some of them looked like they were more well off than this little mare and smiled to himself, perhaps there was some hope that he could find what he was looking for in this forsaken Junction. He stood at the main counter, right next to the mare and spoke in his much more dominant and somewhat synthesized voice. "Yez, is there anyone that could zervice me here?" he asked, paying little to no attention to the little pony that was beside him. @@Meson Bolt