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private Rise of Fear

Scare Effect

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(link to ooc:http://mlpforums.com/topic/122754-the-rise-of-fear-ooc/?view=getnewpost)




Its was a warm, sunny day when Scare Effect arrived at Ms.Posey's orphanage, as she walked through the door she noticed seven to eight foals running around the place and talking amonst themselves. they all seem to be good friends, Scare thought to herself with a sigh remembering her friends she had to leave behind.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Blackfire sat In the corner and looked sad as she watched the other fillys play. She had wanted to play with them but she didn't have the courage to do so. She was afraid that fillies like Silentflight and them would be mean to her because she has seen what they do.

SilentFlight was playing when she had notice a strange mare she had never seen before walk into the orphanage. Ignoring Ms Posey's rule about bot talking to strangers without her there she walked up to the the mare and said "hi my name is Silentflight"

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"umm hello my name is Scare Effect it is nice to meet you" Scare Effect said kinda shocked by how nice She was being to her.


Posey was happy to see SilentFlight approach and talk to the new pony in her care."Everypony this is Scare Effect an she will be staying with us. So lets welcome her here."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Ok I am going to go show her around" she then nudge scare effect to follow her and as soon as she was out of Ms Posey's sight her cheerful smile turned into a devilish smile and she said "I am going to tell you what I tell all the new kids I am the boss around here and you either listen to me or be like poor pathetic Blackfire in the corner you don't go touching or doing anything without my approval you got that"

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Scare looked at silentflight in disbelief This pony at first seemed so nice to Scare. Not wanting to cause trouble she just shook her head yes and walked toward a little filly in the corner and sat down next to her,"hello there my name is Scare Effect whats your name?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Blackfire stood there in shock. Nopony had ever came up to her let alone talk to her. She finally muttered" my name is Blackfire I wouldn't try to be seen talking to me or Silentflight will probably do mean things to you like she does to me I am trying to look out for you." SilentFlight caught a glance of Scare with Blackfire and then started to wispier to the to colts that would always follow her like they are her butler and then they looked back at Blackfire and Scare in disgust

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"huh." caliber said as he walked into the orphanage.


'well, i need a place to stay.' caliber thought as he began to walk to the front desk 'this is the best option. i just need a place to live for a while. then ill be out of here, and on the road again.' he walked up to the front desk lady


"hey, i dont know if you know, but im alone in this big world. can i live here?" caliber said with his best pout face.

"why of course" the front desk lady said "we'll find a parent for you as soon as possible."

"eh, hold off on that." caliber said, "i dont think im ready for parents just yet."


caliber walked over to the crowd of fillys to introduce himself. he walked towards the nearest one, who happened to be silentflight, and said "hello, my name is caliber. caliber greycoat." and held out his hoof.


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Rain noticed the gathering of the new pony's arrival but kept to herself. She always did really. It never suited her to get involved in others business. She sat on her bed watching the new arrival out of her peripheral vision just rereading a book. sure enough she learned her name too. Scare Effect huh? We always get the strangest ponies to join our motley crew, she thought. She felt bad for the pony named Blackfire but everyone left her alone because she left the politics to everyone else. She liked being the fly on the wall here. You noticed things and events and most ponies completely disregarded her presence. She began to hum to herself softly now. Hush now, quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now, quiet now it's time to go to bed...Something interrupted her thoughts as Caliber arrived. If anyone looked at her she was reading a book but she returned to her reading after a second just absorbing her environment.

Edited by Sriracha
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Scare Effect looked at Blackfire, "I don't care about what they think, and you seem to be lonely sitting here in the corner, and I thought you might wanna be friends." Scare then scanned the area and noticed a grey colt introducing himself to silentflight, and a filly sitting on her bed reading a book.




A grey mare opens her crimson red eyes looking at the walls of her prison, a magical barrier preventing her escape but she knew the magic was waning, 8 more days until my revenge on those accursed ponies, she thought, "and I will succeed or may name isn't FEAR!" Fear stated as she started to laugh maniacally.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Silentflight looked happily at the colt and thought' finally another colt fo buck with this should be fun' "Hi my name is SilentFlight come and have a seat I don't bite" she said as she patted her hoof on the seat next to her.

Blackfire looked back at Scare and said "sure we can be friends but I don't know much about friendship so I don't know how good of a friend I will be though"

Edited by SilentFlight
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"hey, thanks!" caliber said as he sat down, "so, i just wanted to let you know, dont expect me to stick around. im a traveler, and i just needed some supplies. you know. unless it gets interesting...well, ill go introduce myself to the other fillys, see ya later!" caliber walked around and saw other fillys to talk to. 'oh, she looks interesting!' he thought as he walked over to rain,


"hiya!" caliber said, "watcha readin'?" he asked


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Silentflight disgusted at what caliber just did "he is just going to ditch me for that social outcast who all she does is read her bucking newspapers what does he find in her that is better than me. He should have been all over me like all the other colts why is he different?" She got so full of anger that she came of to where the two fillies were standing and snatched the newspaper from rain and just tore it to tiny pieces and then looked at caliber and rain with rage and left the room

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caliber immediately disliked her. and he let her know by calmly crumpling up a paper ball and throwing it at her head, which hit her dead on.  


"what was that all about? jealous already?!" caliber sad as he stormed towards her, "i mean, she did nothing to you! i was introducing myself to everybody? hello? you just so happened to be the first!"


'who does this brat think she is?' caliber thought, 'apparently, shes a brat who gets everything handed to her.'  


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Silentflight looked back at caliber "you think I get everything handed to me but look where the buck I am I am in a bucking orphanage if you think I get treated like a Celestia damn queen you got you head bucked up. I don't mind you introducing yourself to other ponies but there was a reason why I bucking asked you to sit next to me because I wanted to talked to but you bucking cut me of and just left to come talk to her and it made me bucking mad."

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"stop saying buck!" caliber said, mockingly making himself look mad, " and for your info, its a bad world! people will cut ya off! granted, yes. i didnt mean to, and granted, yes, im sorry, but that dosent mean be mean! you could have just joined in on the conversation! did ya think of that?! huh?!"


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"well you are new so I am not going to blame you for not knowing the system but how it works is the ponies that have been here long I.E me have superiority of those who are relatively new and seclude themselves as social outcast like rain. Now as you just arriving I tried to give you a chance to be with me higher up but once you start talking to the social outcast of the orphanage you lose that option just like Scare over there lost her opportunity once she started talking to Blackfire you understand now and just to let you know that I wasn't the one that created this system but I grew up on it so I live on it"

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Scare sat there next to Blackfire just staring at the two ponies arguing. Then noticed Ms.Posey standing in the door way seeming to be very upset at the events she just witnessed.

"Okay Everypony it's time for bed." Posey said in a stern voice."And tomarrow we will solve this issue."






Ms.Posey was in her office looking at two very bad trouble makers , "tell me why were you two arguing and don't claim that you weren't " Posey said with a hint of anger staring both children in the eyes.  she knew Silent Flight like to pick on the new foals that come to the orphanage and suspected her to be the one who caused it.



seven more days to go until the fun really begins


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh, well, she was being a biiiiig brat, cause i accidently cut her off, so she decides to rip up rain's newspaper, and trys to educate me about some code the fillies have here. i woudnt stand for that, see." caliber said


he looked at silentflight "she was jealous, or something like that. after all, all the ladys love me." he grinned


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"I was trying to protect you from being put on the wrong side of the system because yes I do like you and I didn't want to see you on the other side of it. I was just trying to protect you because if she had responded to you it would have already been to late so that is why a created a diversion for your attention away from her to me." Silentflight said almost crying

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"huh. well. um thanks, i guess. but i dont give a flying buck whos 'side' im on. we comprehende? though, i wouldn't mind being on the more powerful side..." caliber looked at her "just dont go all drama again, ok?"


caliber left the room, and went to the back yard, where, when he was sure no grown ups were looking, took out his dagger to polish it. thinking.  'well, she is pretty. but since when do i, caliber, date people? no. im a lone wolf. but maybe...'


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I followed Caliber out to the yard. I approached him on his blind side watching him in thought. "Hey, you okay? I figured you would leave me alone like most of the others, what made you approach me?" I asked him curious. "I don't usually approach her myself because most of the topics of their conversation are petty talks that mean nothing in the end regardless. I leave most of them alone because I have no desire to be a part of their posse." I said smiling now.  

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"well, for starters, we can talk and all. its just that i like to do good, wherever i go. i believe i can reform silentflight. ya know? but id like to get to know you, too." caliber said, " just when silentflight isn't around, okay?" caliber stood up and picked up his dagger, which he put in his bag, safely hidden.  "and i approached you, because you seem smart. you seem like a compatible friend for me. most people aren't smart enough to be my friend, but you...your different."


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"I just grew up faster then most fillies, these ponies all felt loss for sure, but they express their pain in petty power struggles. I just prefer to keep to myself and not make it a big deal. I guarantee you she is as scared as Blackfire behind that mask of pride." I said simply. "You want to know me, I don't mind. Just don't mind if I leave you be if your with her," I said laughing now. "I just find indifference...easier. That's all."

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"hey, your talking to somepony who hates society so much, he took to the roads." caliber said smiling a little himself. "but for real though, what were you reading?"


'huh. the plot thickens. maybe ill be here longer than usual. this should br interesting...' he thought.



(ok, ill heighten the horror here. happy?)

"but a travelers gotta be strong, ya know? i was thinking of heading into the everfree forest. a bookworm like you probably has like no combat experience. no offence. " caliber said as he began to trek towards the forest


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Scare Effect was in her room looking at what little belongings she had: tooth brush, a watch, and a bright green rock that glows softly. the rock was the only thing she had from her home, looking at the green rock brought back the memory of how her and her sister found it. shaking her head she refuses to relive that memory because it only hammers in the feelng of never seeing her family ever again. looking outside she noticed clouds were coming in it was gonna rain soon.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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