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private Rise of Fear

Scare Effect

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Blackfire looked at rain and said"thank you yeah I don't mind if you sit next to me" she then bit into her toast and looked back at rain" you can have my eggs I don't eat anything from animals" then she noticed caliber comment and said" I think I will stay here I don't want to be out there with that thing lurking around

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caliber set his plate down and looked at her. "first off, you dont eat eggs?!  shame. second off, dragon husks are inactive during the day. i think." he was licking the plate now "i mean, we could get there easily. unless..." he said looking at her "your chicken." he said with a smirk.


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"well for your information's not all chickens are cowards there are such things as guard chickens and they are very brave. And how do not you know so much about dragon husks." Said Blackfire assertively " and fine I will go on your silly excursions let me go and wake up Silentflight and we will meet you out there" (i gtg to bed parents said goodnight)

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Scare wasn't that hungry so she skipped breakfast and walked outside and started looking at the forest, what was that thing and why did it seem to be watching me, Scare thought while contemplating the strange sight she saw the night before. After several minutes Scare went inside and sat in front of the window facing the forest

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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caliber wasent able to get thirds, so he walked around the orphanage to find scare looking out a mirror. "hey, whats up?" caliber said, walking over, "whatcha lookin at?"


'maybe i can find out some stuff about her' caliber thought 'its worth a try. i sense shes hiding something.'


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hearing the question scare turned to look at caliber "hello caliber, I am just looking at the everfree forest and thinking" scare said answering his question, i may need a second opinion on the thing i saw scare thought then said " i have a question for you Caliber, can i trust you with a secret?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"i always keep secrets. and promises. so-on and so forth. whats on your mind?" he said as he sat down. "but only if you can get me a third plate of food" caliber chuckled "those ponys dont know that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. what is wrong with them?"


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Scare laughed at his little joke "glad to hear that i'll be right back with your food" Scare said as she walked off for a few minutes hands and came back with an plate full of eggs and toast. she handed the plate to Caliber. " okay i'll tell you my secret now okay.l think something is watching me." Scare said looking at caliber waiting for an answer.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I had cleaned my spot on the table and wandered to where Caliber and Scare were talking amongst themselves. "Excuse me, but we were going back to forest today right? I like it there, so nice usually." I noticed Caliber's third plate and laughed to myself. "Or we could wait until your full. You want my second portion too?" I offered him. Scare seemed a bit pensive this morning. I wouldn't ask out of respect but I knew something was going through her mind. I just smiled, "You seem a bit far away today. Maybe some air would help you relax Scare. The other's are still eating. We could leave now unseen." I surmised, you never knew who was watching you any how.

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(before rain came over) "FOOD!" caliber said, and swiped the plate and started to eat  it. "but. seriously. if someones trailing you, you need to fix it." he said, as seriously as someone can be with egg on his cheek. "i think you need to identify the stalker first, then take action accordingly." caliber rummaged in his pack. "here," he said holding out a gold pendant. "it brings luck." caliber said. "trust me, i know."   (rain walks over) "oh, hey ray. what up? what? food?!" he took that plate and once again pigged out. "but yeah, rain. that sounds like a great idea!"


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Scare attention was drawn to rain as she walked over and when rain said they were going out into the forest again today Scare thought it could be fun, " maybe your right a little fresh air would do me some good, is it okay if i come with you guys," Scare asked, may be i can find some clues on what was following me scare thought to herself.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"allrighty then!" caliber said, "lets go!" he bounced towards the door and dashed outside. "come on!" he said "i wannaa...ohhhh...i think i ate too much..." he flopped onto his back "ohhh, the pain!" he said dramatically "make it stop!" he desperately looked at rain, "ugh...i...i dont think i can make it...rain" he faked a few coughs "take my sword, and vanquish the one who did this!" he said as he drew his dagger and waved it at rain "please...for the sake of equestria..."


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scare laughed at calibers overly dramatic display " are you okay you didn't break anything did you?" scare asked in between fits of laughter, she doesn't even remember the last time she laughed this hard, i haven't laughed this hard in so long it feels good, scare thought as she laughed.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I looked at him with a look a confusion. If he didn't want to go or he was too scared, I wouldn't have teased him about it. I played along regardless, If he could act, then I could. "First, I am personally escorting you to the nurse, then Scare and I will go on our own to have our fun okay?" I told him sympathetically. I lead him to the nurse and returned to Scare. "So shall we? I should be okay anyway since I have the Sword of Equestria now!" I laughed and led Scare further into the woods.  

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caliber looked at her leaving though the woods. 


"are you oka-" the nurse said, "no time for that!" caliber said, as he jumped up, "i gotta go!" he jumped out of the bed and swiped a lollypop out of the jar before running outside to trail them. "i gotta find out whats trailing scare."



(question. did rain take his sword? well, right now its a dagger, but its like a sword for caliber.)

Edited by Peytonjay


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Scare followed Rain into the forest. secretly she started to look for foot prints or other signs of the thing the was following and watching her, there has to be evidence of what ever the creature was, scare thought in frustration.




in the bushes ol' green eyes looked at the two fillies walking in the forest and keeping it's gaze on Scare as she followed Rain.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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caliber dashed of into the forest, and found scare and rain shortly. 'now, where would a stalker be...' he thought to himself. 'ill keep an eye, in case...' he jumped among the rooftops with ninja-like perfection. for 15 seconds. then he fell. 


"woooaaah!!!" he yelled as he fell. he used his levitation magic to hold himself in place for a second to soften his fall. he looked up at rain and scare. "oh...hey." he said sheepishly "whats up?"


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I looked at Caliber incredulously, "I thought you were sick mister? Did you finally get better?" I asked him laughing now. "I am just finally glad to be outside where I am free again. Where should we go? I like the forest way more than being stuck inside. As long as I am here, I could care less where I am." I asked them in happy spirits now.

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"um...how about we go...to your clubhouse thing you were talking about?" caliber said. "i could tell you the tale on how i got my sword on the way there!" they began to walk. "ok, so there i was. walking on the trail to canterlot..." caliber launched into his tale, which was rather long. by time they got there, the story had just ended. "so the dragon," he said, "grateful for my help, said i could choose one piece of his treasure. so, i picked this one!" he drew his sword. "ive had it ever since.its my most prized possession. i always polish is at least twice a day."


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"We could build our own club house here. What you guys think?" I said looking at the area imagining our own fortress against the waves of monsters that would besiege us. "We could collect wood from the forest and create our very own sanctuary! We must!" I said now excitedly. I began to scout the nearby woods for some building materials. 

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scare not really paying attention to calibers story and was lost in thought when she realized that Rain just walked into the forest staring at caliber,"did you see anything following us? or any sign of anything at all?" Scare asked in a quiet voice.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Silentflight and Blackfire was flying over the everfree when they saw the three fillies admiring a tree with the capability of a good tree house and they flew down and silentflight said"so what did we miss while I slept in I hope you didn't have fun without me. Did you."

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(before silentflight and blackfire fly in)

"i have a sixth sense when it comes to stuff like this." caliber whispered back "its never failed me before. that, and i found crushed grass following you. that, and i think i heard something. near me. then i fell. yeah, you definitely have something trailing you."

(silentflight and blackfire apear)

"oh, hey!" caliber said with a grin, "rain went of to gather supplies to build a treehouse! you guys in? oh, who can gather the most? ready, set, go!" caliber dashed off into the forest, where rain went


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I came to what appears to be an abandoned shack in the middle of the forest. "Woah! Definitely some wood we could use here." I said approvingly now. I entered the shack as the floor broke suddenly from years of neglect and disrepair. "What the..." I said suddenly I fell into a hole in a ground that looked like a nest. There was a shiny black egg that laid quiet and still. The parent was mysteriously absent from the nest but it definitely was still creepy regardless. I packed the egg into my bag and flew out the ruined shack. I didn't want to say anything just yet. There was only one so it had to be unique. I would wait and see what this mysterious egg hatched into first. I flew out and pretended I had no clue what was inside in case anyone arrived.


(You can decide what kind of egg it is Scare.)  

Edited by Sriracha
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(maybe caliber could tell her what it is. :toldya: )


caliber heard the crash and had dashed over to find rain flying out of the shack. 'meh, ill question her later. this shack looks like good building material.' he thought, and started hacking apart the shack with his sword. 'man, ill surly win the competition with all this stuff' he thought. when he finished, he used magic to pick up all the pieces, and dashed back to the clearing. "here ya go!" caliber said proudly "i won!!"


(i gotta go for a while, see ya later)


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