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private Rise of Fear

Scare Effect

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( i actually have a plan for the egg okay so i'll let you know okay)

as caliber leaped into the bushes in the direction that Rain. went Scare started to think of a design for the club house, she suddenly had an excellent idea," Silent Flight and Blackfire can you go look for some stones i have an idea of what the club house' design will be but i need some stones." Scare asked looking at the two pegasi


Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Sure I can make out of leaves in no time and we can carry a bunch of rocks in one flight" said Blackfire Silentflight looked a little uneasy at blackfires idea knowing that she had a better way of doing it because that would take to much time she just went with it and said" ok do what you want but I wont be able to help you make the basket though so you are on your own"

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I made it out of the forest rushing as Caliber proclaimed his victory. "Hey, I clearly found that shed first! Your cheating!" I shouted at him slightly annoyed. I made myself disappear as Scare began to lead the building process. I disappeared into the trees until I was within a canopy of a tall tree. I took out the egg and began to caress it softy. "Mommy's got you now. Don't you worry little one, you'll be safe. I promise." I purred softy lightly cradling the egg now. The creature within touched where I touched the egg back.  "It hears me!" I said with soft excitement. I put the egg back in my saddle bag and brought some of the branches from the tree down back to the clearing. "Here are some branches from the tree canopies nearby. These should be useful Scare, anything else you need?" I asked. 

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"these are perfect Rain i can use these to help make a roof, and, if you can, find me some sugar pine sap i need it to glue things together, and where are those pegasi with the rocks cant make a stone wall with out some rocks to make them," Scare said to Rain." any way so what did you find while you were out looking for supplies, i only ask is because you came back with nothing? Scare asked Rain.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Oh, talk to me later okay? I don't want to say anything yet." I said quietly with a quick reassuring smile. "It was nothing though, just some scrapes nothing too bad anyway. I can find some sap for you though, no problem!" I flew away then small bulge barely visible on my bags. I began to find trees that emitted sticky sap. Preferably, something I could fill in a glass jar that I scavenged. It was amazing what trash ponies left lying in the forest!  

Edited by Sriracha
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"okay i will talk to you later about it later Rain" Scare said to Rain ran of to collect sap. looking around she noticed Caliber was the only one present, deciding he wouldn't mind she went off to look for her stalker,as she walked through the trees she began to notice the sun was setting she quickly ran back to the clearing to get to the others.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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caliber had already made a make-shift hammock to sleep on, and was happily snoozing, kicking his legs at nothing in particular. when his ear twiched,, he jolted up and looked around. 'huh. thought i heard something. meh, it was probably nothing.' he streched, then sat up.  

"huh. i wonder where the others are." he wondered aloud. "meh, ill just wait here." he took out his dagger, and started to polish it. "ugh, im gonna hate the day i leave." he stopped polishing. "maybe i wont leave...but im a traveler...its my basic instinct...meh, ill cross that bridge when i come to it."


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Scare stopped running when she heard a sound of breathing, looking up, she saw something that made her wish she ran into her stalker instead, it stood 20 feet tall had glowing red eyes ,a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and decayed skin,  it was the dragon husk and it looked hungry. Scare stood there too terrified to move, the creature screeched and opened it's jaws to snap the poor filly up, then out of no where another creature that easily dwarfed the dragon husk, this creature was a hulking mass of stone, with glowing green eyes, it smacked the undead dragon aside like it was a fly, it turned to Scare.whom screamed in sheer terror at the knowledge that this creature was what was following her.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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caliber was already running towards fear when he heard her scream. but when he got there, he saw the hulking stone giant. "yup." he said simply. he ran up to scare, and simply said "trust me." his horn started to glow, and then they were engulfed in a ball of light. they re-appeared at the forest entrance. "stay here." he said. "ill get the others." as he ran into the forest, he thought 'wow. that left me drained. maybe i can do it one more time.' he smiled. 'good thing i had a big breakfast'


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I was in the air looking for sap when a commotion started on the ground below. I flew back to the clearing to see that the Dragon Husk had been merely swatted away like a common house fly. The bigger creature being a Stone Giant immediately turned it's eyes toward me. Thankfully, my altitude protecting me for the moment, but I wasn't going to count on that for long. I poured the sap in the Giant's eyes temporarily blinding it. I flew off to the orphanage then at high speed. I emerged in the forest entrance with Scare there looking like she had just seen a ghost. I flew down, "Are you okay? Come on, let's go inside. It is safe there and that's all that matters." I told her comfortingly as we both entered the building for the evening.   

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caliber raced though the trees, looking for good places for rocks, when he found silentflight and blackfire. "no time to explain" he said quickly when he grabbed both of them by the hoof and teleported back to the orphanage.they re-appeared just outside the forest. "sorry," caliber said, really wobbly "stone thingy..." he saw rain in the building "good...rains...safe..." and with that, passed out right there on the grass.



(is that god-modding? either way, im sorry)


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Ol' green eyes wiped the sap from his eyes looking around not seeing Scare he turned toward the orphanage with every step he took he began to get smaller when he was about 9 feet he stopped shrinking and looked at the orphanage, waiting to do his duty to protect his master.





Day 4


the grey mare with red eyes paced the area of her small prison, just  5 more days just 5 more days the mare kept repeating in her mind


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Blackfire woke up and started to walk downstairs to eat breakfast. For some reason she felt something weird was going on but she pushed that thought aside when she saw her friends all sitting at the table eating. She sat down next to scare and rain while Silentflight was sitting between Caliber and Rain. 'damn that filly tries hard for no reason' thought Blackfire and turned to her plate and started eating.

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Caliber was already in his third plate, and was sneaking pieces from silentflights plate when he noticed blackfire walk in and said "well, hiya blackfire!" with his usual goofy grin. "i believe you and silentflight owe me a thank-you!" he said with a hint of swagger. "i did get you out of the forest before the stone thingy got to ya'll."


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" I dont think that stone thing wanted to hurt us, if it did why would it not just attack the orphanage after we ran from it. i also think it was trying to protect us from the dragon husk," Scare said to all of her friends, " i also have to tell you three something i told Caliber, that giant thing was following me since two days ago."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"well I think silentflights thank you is. Not needed with you been stealing of her plate you fat donkey" said Blackfire as she said that Silentflight looked at her plate and then looked at Caliber and smacked him in the back of the head and then continued eating. Then Silentflight looked at Scare and said "are you saying that it has been following us and you haven't bothered to say anything about it"

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"well, if you had a possibly infinitely powerful demon stalking you, you wouldn't tell anyone, right?" caliber said, trying once again to sneak food from silentflight. "at least, i wouldn't. id leave, somewhere safe, where no-pony would get hurt, and, well, i guess try to battle it there. if i lose, i lose. but at least it wouldn't be where other ponys could get hurt. but hey, thats me." he threw a bit of egg at blackfire. "by the way." he said his eyes narrowing suspiciously "whos up for completing the clubhouse?" silence. "im just kidding!" he said. "im actually running out of sword polish. need to make a trip to town. anyone wanna come with?" he made a brave move and stole a whole piece of toast. he started to butter it like it was his.

Edited by Peytonjay


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I laughed as Caliber stole her piece of toast. "I am willing to finish it if you all are. I just need a minute before I go out again. Scare can come with me please, I need help with something." I deposited my finished my plate at the kitchen and led Scare to my foot locker. The egg was there wrapped in blankets. I made sure no one else was around before I carefully unwrapped it. It felt warmer somehow. It had to hatch soon so I put it back and closed it. "I found this in the forest the other day. I have been carefully monitoring it and it seems to be getting warmer. Can you possibly identify what I found?" I looked at her curious now.   

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"Sure thing i'll my best" Scare said looking at the egg," Hmmm, i think it might be a hoofskinville goblin egg( will tell real name in ooc) they are very unusual creatures who like to watch ponies everyday, they also look pretty creepy, but their a timid bunch and usually run from just about anything. also they eat rocks for some reason." Scare explained to Rain.


(OOC: sorry that i took to long to reply had to find out what creature it was.)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Silentflight looked at her plate and noticed her toast was missing and she saw caliber trying to stuff the remainder of what was left of her bread and then she looked at him and then she said "you know now you owe me something after taking all my food and I think you know what I want" she was thinking' please know what I want even though he knows I like him will he acknowledge it though

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caliber looked at her. 'oh. ok' he thought. "wanna go with me to the town to look for some sword polisher?" he asked. "we could get to know each other better, find out just how good you are with those knives, get some muffins and cupcakes at the sugercube corner." he looked at her plate, which had a bit of egg left. naturally, he swiped it. "maybe i would even tell you of my adventures. not that you probably have a few of your own" he grinned. "so, how about it?"


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"Sure I know this good place where I get my knives polished and they also have a little range for my throwing knife practice and a dummy for your sword not far from here" Silentflight said with a smile. Blackfire then got up and went to her room where there was a small leather sheath in which she took out a jagged dagger with the initials engraved C.F on the handle and she just sat there looking at the blade.(OOC:I just noticed that Ms Posey has no control over her orphanage what so ever)

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"alright." caliber said. "that dummy has no chance!" after silentflight went upstairs, caliber walked over to the entrance. when he was waiting, as he always did, he began to think. he looked at his sword. 'my most prized possession,' he thought, looking at it. 'even more so then my golden apple, or even my horn.' he was deep in thought when silentflight came down. "you ready?" he said as he bounced out. while they were walking, caliber groaned. "oh...my stomach...i think i ate too much..." he said, almost the whole way there. then they got there. caliber immediatly perked up. he began bouncing everywhere. "so wheres the sword polish?" he said. "my sword missed its morning polish."


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Silentflight looked at caliber with a smile "its over here " she said as she pointed her hoof to a shelf containing sword polish and then she said "go ahead and polish up your sword and meet me out back for some practice" and then she pulled out her throwing knives and walked out back

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caliber smiled. "sure," he polished every inch of his swords blade, and gave his handle an inspection, gave the blade and handle another polish, then walked out back. he saw silentflight sticking targets with her knives. caliber had an idea. "i wanna see something." caliber said. he picked up an apple. "can you hit, this?" he asked as he chucked the apple straight up.


'lets see just how good she is' caliber thought.


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