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private Rise of Fear

Scare Effect

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SilentFlight reacted quickly sending three knives simultaneous into the apple where the stuck. When the apple fell to the ground she walked over to the apple and pulled out her knives "great now I have apple juice all over them hand me that towel over there so I can wipe them off please"

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caliber smiled. "bravo" he said. "very good, very respectable." he handed her the towels. "but i could do better" he threw another apple straight up, and waited for it to fall. when it got to shoulder hight, he swished his sword three times. cutting the apple into six pieces. the apple pieces fell on the ground. he looked at silentflight. "ive got an idea." he said. he walked over a few feet away and said "try to hit me."

Edited by Peytonjay


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"you want me to throw my knives at you are you crazy I don't want to kill you" Silentflight said with concern bur then a smirk grew on her face and she threw three knives two on each side of his head one right above his head trimming a little bit of hair "will that satisfy you."

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caliber was smiling, and didn't even flinch when the knives stuck. "i didn't say 'go'" he said. he retrieved the knives and walked over to her. "and that didn't satisfy me, you didn't even throw it at me." they paid for the polisher. and started to walk back. "i wanted to see just how fast my reaction was." he explained. "i could've probably hit those knives out of the air. maybe." he looked at her. "by the way, where did you learn to throw knives like that?"


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Silentflight looked at caliber as they arrived back at the orphanage and said " I just taught myself would go to that store and just practice and been doing it ever since and just got this good" she opened the door to find Ms. Posey there staring furiously at them and SilentFlight thought to herself 'oh crap'

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caliber looked at her. then gave silentflight a look that said: watch, i got this. he looked up at Mrs. posey "sup." then attempted to waltz right past her, but was caught by the scruff and put back next to silentflight 'huh. guess i don't got it.' he thought. "whats up?" he asked nervously.


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" Where have you two been? you had me worried sick," ms posey yelled at the two foals in an extremely worried voice, looking at Caliber then to Silent Flight and noticed she had a pouch with a dagger sticking out," Silent Flight where in Equestria did you get such dangerous weapons?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"i thought she needs them" caliber said quickly. "you know how dangerous this world is, right? i gave her the knives." caliber looked at her with a look that said: be cool. "and i thought i would teach her to properly use and care for them. thats all" while caliber was talking, he tucked his own dagger further out of sight.


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Silentflight thought to herself 'he shouldn't have the blame put on him I must tell the truth' Silentflight told Ms. Posey "these were my dads throwing knives and I hold on to them for keepsakes. Caliber was just trying to protect me by saying he gave them to me but it was my father so I will hold on to them and you can't take them from me. Oh if you want to know where we were we went out to the market to buy a snack and I brought these along for protection. There that's what happened now I will go up to my room please."

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caliber looked at silentflight. then mrs. posey. then silentflight, again. then back to mrs. posey. then smiled sheepishly. "ehehehe...i gotta go. excuse me." before posey could say anything, he slipped past her and ran upstairs, looking for scare. he looked around for a little bit, then found her in the re creation room. "oh, hey." he said, "whats up? any new info on the stone guy?"


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"no nothing yet" Scare said to Caliber looking away from Rain who hid the egg in her locker, "i wonder how he can just disappear like that he freaking 40ft tall for Celestia's sake!"


" okay i will let you keep the daggers but they are for self defense only no attacking ponies okay." Ms Posey said to Silent Flight." now go to bed, and tomorrow you have to feed the animals for not telling me where you are going,"

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"thank you Ms Posey I promise they are only for self defense" Silentflight said and she rushes up stairs to were the rest of the fillies had gather and she asked "so what are y'all talking about I was able to convince Ms. Posey to let me keep my knives" then she seat next to Caliber

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"Well narrowly avoiding being grounded from doing anything for the rest of our lives is fortunate enough..." I said appearing on the outskirts of the group. "Are we going to finish the club house or what? I am ready when you guys are. I just have to fix my mane first." I smiled at the others turning to look in my mirror next to my bunk. I was going for a new up-do while I had enough of a distance to over hear their conversation.  

Edited by Sriracha
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"ya know whats funny about that?" caliber asked silentflight, "you were chucking em at me earlier today!" he looked over to rain. "and im all for the clubhouse." he said. "i gathered wood, remember?" he smirked. he knew he stole that wood. "anyways, we better be careful when we go in there. notice how whenever we go in there, we end up fleeing for our lives?"


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Blackfire walked into the room with a jacket on and said "I am down for the clubhouse we have that pile of stone rocks we collected yesterday we can use" Silentflight then butted in "we should also be careful about Ms. Posey though I already got caught once and I am feeding the animals for it and I don't think she would be to happy about our adventures in the everfree forest"

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"huh. that reminds me." he turned to scare. "what do we need those rocks for? i cant think of any use." he looked around. "and, if anyone sights the stone guy, gather everyone and get me. im pretty sure i can teleport with four other fillys with me."


'i really dont know if i can do that. but hey, im sure id pull through. they are my friends, after all.' he thought.


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"The rocks have purpose Caliber,"  Scare said in a defensive tone." also i still don't think the rock giant is following you guys, i think its just following me.  also Caliber , no offense, i highly doubt you can teleport five ponies at once." she said to the others four, "now when do we leave?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Caliber looked at her. "I'm pretty sure I could, for my friends." He was rather mad "I mean, sure, I might pass out or something, but that's what the big breakfasts are for! That's why y'all should give me all y'alls food." He said proudly.


'Eh, she's right. I probably can't. But I would still try. Their my friends.' He thought

Edited by Peytonjay


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I came back to the group now relaxed and content. "We are burning daylight ponies. We have a tree house to complete. I was wondering when guys were ready?" I began to walk toward the door now. Ever since the knife incident moments earlier, I felt like her eyes were even more focused on our actions. "I hope y'all are ready for some progress today. We have to be careful though, I don't trust our privacy as much anymore." I said uneasy now. 

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"sure thing lets go." Scare said enthusiastically following Rain out the door, let's just hope we don't run into something bigger than tall, dark, and rocky Scare thought with a shiver.



Ol' Green Eyes watched the one he is to protect exit the small cottage at the edge of the Everfree forest standing up as he prepared to follow to make sure the little one and her friends remained safe while they were in the forest.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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While they were walking into the forest Blackfire said "uh I think I will go look for more stuff for our tree house and then she flew off before anyone could object. SilentFlight looked as Blackfire speed of then said "wonder why she took of so fast eh probably nothing" then she kept walking. Blackfire flew down and found a tree and pulled a little bit of paint and painted a a rough sketch of a full size pony then she took her daggers with the C.F initials and the jabbed it right on the head of the pony sketch then started to cry.

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caliber was concerned for blackfire. he immediately knew she was lying, when she flew off.(aura reading. comes in handy.) he walked away from the group, and said "i gotta go to the bathroom, be right back."


he walked for a little in the direction blackfire flew, and shut down his sense of sight, smell, touch, and taste, and boosted his hearing dramatically. he heard some sketching...a thunk...then crying. he enabled his other senses and ran to the tree blackfire was in. "you okay up there?" he called, concerned.


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"you shouldn't have followed me" said blackfire still crying "I came out here alone for a reason. And I would prefer not to talk about it" she said then the knife had dropped in front of caliber with the initials of C.F clearly showing but Blackfire wasn't paying attention that the blade fell

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caliber looked at the knive. 'c.f.? whos that?' he thought. 'either way, a friend of mine is crying. i intend to fix it.'


"okay, first off, ya want your knive? im not really good throwing them, but im pretty sure i could throw it up there. it might hit ya though." he called up


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"no I got it" said blackfire starting to fly down from the branch and grabbed the knife and tucked it back into her jacket and then said" oh and incase you are wondering the initials on the knife stands for Clearfire he was my father until the 'Incident'"Blackfire shuttered mentioning that

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