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private Rise of Fear

Scare Effect

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caliber looked at her. "listen." he began, "i think i understand whats going on, here. the sketch of a pony, you obviously want dead, your fathers dagger, crying. you want revenge." calibers eyes darkened. "if ya want me to, i'll teach ya a thing or two about killing." he smiled a bit. "i wanna help. after all...your my friend."


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"oh I now about killing I know I may not look like it but I have come out here alot and the reason why I font eat much is because I hunt out here to practice I just occasionally do the dummy thing I just play the vegetation card so Ms. Posey wont suspect anything when I come out here but thanks for the offer and I will get revenge on Those raiders"

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Caliber and Blackfire disappeared into another section of the forest. The rest of us came into view of the half completed tree house fort. Supplies were laid out ready for use along the sides as the project little by little came into view. "Wow...i can almost imagine the finished project. Let's get working!" I exclaimed excitedly.

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Back at the Orphanage, the trunk with the egg began to shift in it's position. The baby hoofskinville goblin escaped through the chest. Quickly finding cover under the bed. It sensed ponies everywhere and hid accordingly. It made it's way toward the Orphanage garden smelling the delicious rock. 

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"alright, but if ya ever need someone to help, i'll be around." caliber said, "come on, lets get back. the're probably waiting." he walked back, (if blackfire stays or goes, thats your call.) and saw the setup. "y'all need me to do some heavy liftin'" caliber called out when he entered the clearing. "ya know...cause y'all are girls" he teased lightly.


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"Na i got it, I'm used to heavy lifting. Since your a unicorn can you put the roof on the clubhouse."Scare said to caliber, pointing at a leaf covered roof she made.


Elsewhere ol' green eyes was watching the young ponies build the little house in interest.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I merely smirked at Caliber's comment, "You really do have a superiority complex do you? Let's work like a team and finish this thing." Playfully punching him in his front hoof, I turned to Scare now, "This is your design right? What needs to happen next?" I asked happily. 

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The newborn found his way into the stone garden wall of the orphanage eating a miniature cave for him to fall asleep in as he finished his filling for the moment. He let out a burp, and knocked out within seconds. Hidden behind a bush in the yard, he was concealed for the moment.

Edited by Sriracha
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"Next we should start decorating the meeting room, so feel free to bring anything you want in the club house here tomorrow,okay." Scare said to Rain," for now though we should be heading home soon or we will probably get in trouble with Ms.Posey," Scare then turns to head home. nothing happened on the way home.




end of day 4( MOST BORING DAY EVER)



Day 5


the grey mare looked out and for the first time she sees where her prison is a wild forest grows around her with a smile she says" 4 more days until my freedom"

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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(stand back! CLEAR!!! trying to revive this thread!!)


caliber woke up. he looked around, to find he was the first one up. 'huh. odd.' he thought, 'might as well get some breakfast.' he went downstairs, and ate his fill. then, he went outside to practice his fighting moves.


(to revive this, it might be nessicary to include another oc. violet, really. permission?! :angry: dont let this die!)


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( this is not going to die before the villain even  shows up)


Scare woke up to the smell of cooking food, getting up and eating she looked outside and saw Caliber practicing his fighting moves.curious, Scare stepped outside and walked toward Caliber " why are you practicing?" Scare asked Caliber.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I got up about to head to the cafeteria when a thought hit me. "I forgot to check up on the egg last night!" I rushed out of bed to the truck to find the broken, cold remains of the egg shells. I was hungry but I had to skip breakfast in case the creature had gotten somewhere it shouldn't have. However, where to look? It could have gotten anywhere by now...

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The newborn awoke from it's slumber and cooed sleepily. The arts and crafts room of the orphanage featured a rock fortress created from the rocks nearby to the forest's edge. It gleamed happily now heading to it while the other ponies had breakfast. 

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caliber looked at her, and put down his sword. "well, i have to, to get stronger. as you know, im a traveler. and when you're a traveler, you'll meet dangerous creatures." caliber looked at the sky. "of course, i also want to get stronger, so i can finally beat violet in a dual..."


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"cool can you you teach me how to fight?"Scare asked Caliber," i noticed i possibly have the least combat experience out of the five of us,so could you?"Scare looking at Caliber with interest.



The grey mare watched as a manticore came up to her prison, extending her mind she was able to learn that a small settlement of ponies lived at the edge of the forest knowing this she smiled.using her grip on the manticore she sent him to the village.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"alright" caliber said, as he sat down, and pulled out his adventure log. "hmmm...i could teach you. but we'll have to start at basic hand-to-hand combat, ok?" he scribbled something down, and stood up. "ok...come at me." he said, as he got into a fighting stance. "try to knock me to the ground."


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"Okay ill give it a try" Scare said as she crouched low then charged at Caliber at full speed but slowed a little before trying to tackle caliber to the ground but tripped before even  reaching him, as she face planted into the ground she groaned in frustration, getting up looking rather upset with herself, " man I'm such a klutz," Scare said under her breath.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"its okay, try again." caliber said, as he walked a little away. "now, its best to try to aim low. that way, your opponent gets knocked off balance. then, just push." caliber watched as she got up. 'heh, this takes me back.' caliber thought, 'its like master shen, all over again.'


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"Okay I'll give it another try" Scare said as she crouched down low again, she charged full speed into Caliber knocking him to the ground standing up and dusting herself off she reached down and helped Caliber to his hooves, smiling she said " i did it, but i'm sorry that i got  you a little dirty Caliber."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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when she knocked him over, he immediate rolled backward, and his hoof flew to his empty sword sheath, reflexively. upon noticing his sword wasn't in its sheath, caliber got back up. he looked at scare. "wow, i might not just stand there, next time. anyway, good job!" he sat down. and started polishing his sword. "but," he said, "i gotta teach ya some other techniques. something like how to break out of holds, or something. i know a mare who can really just flip people."


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As the two finished their training, the creature fresh from eating it's food, found them training in the adjacent room. It watched curiously as they fought getting quiet now. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Rain looked everywhere getting quite concerned. "Where did that creature go?", she thought coming back from the outside backyard. She noticed Scare and Caliber sparring in one section of the room. "Hey, what are you guys up to? Don't tell me you got beat up by a girl," she said lightly teasing Caliber now.  

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"i did, once. okay, it was forty-five times in a row." caliber said, beginning to polish his sword, "her name was violet. kicked me into next week." he stared into the distance. "hey, anyone else feel a sense of impeding doom? i do." he went to go get some more food, "i think i know where she is..."


(i never got the yes/no on the including another oc.)


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" she sounds kinda cool and mean at the same time but i would like to meet her if i could,"Scare said to caliber.



the manticore approached the village or in this case a cottage that was close to the forest as it drew near it saw two ponies talking to each other crouching low preparing to strike when it heard a stern voice "and what do you think your doing here? the manticore turned around and was face to face with a very angry Ms.Posey, backing away from the angry mare it then turned and ran back to the Everfree Forest.


the grey mare saw what happened through her connection with the manticore, and she was very angry."Even now you ruin my fun but once I'm free you are gonna pay for this big time my old friend." the grey mare said in a sinister tone.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The creature burped having just finished it's meal. Making a loud enough sound that everyone was alerted to it's presence. It crawled up to me motioning for it to be picked up. It smiled immediately as it recognized my scent laughing in joy that it had found it's imprinted mother. "Well, there you are. I was wondering where you went to!" I said smiling at it now as I focused on it's face of happy, cute, dimples. "Awwww, well let's get you all taken care of huh my angel. Yeah, your happy with mommy now aren't you?" Crooning towards it now ignoring the stares, and surprise. I walked up to Scare and Caliber. "Isn't it the cutest?" I asked smiling. I found it in the forest and I had to take care of it. It was all alone. Please don't tell her. She would have him taken away if she knew."  

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Blackfire and SilentFlight woke up realizing that they had over slept and they ran downstairs to grab a quick breakfast and then they went outside to where everypony else was and then silentflight said "so did we miss anything" she then stair down at the creature by rain and said "what is that thing???"

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"It's a goblin Silentflight." Scare said in an informative tone. Turning toward the goblin and Rain." He hatched sooner than expected Rain, so what are you gonna call him?" Scare asked Rain while offering a small rock to the goblin which grabbed it and ate it greedily.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"whoa..." caliber said, as he walked over to it. "a goblin, huh? then i guess he likes precious minerals..." he worried about his golden apple. "i think we should call him...Ruk. i like it, how about y'all?" he looked up at scare and the others.




violet stopped at the edge of the village. "huh. i think this is where caliber is..." she looked at a map. "unless he stopped going this way...ah, whatever." she flew into the village.


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" It's  a thought but i think Rain should decide the name of the goblin she found him and hatched his egg." Scare said to Caliber.



the grey mare sat pondering what to do next how to cause some trouble from inside her prison. She then thought of an excellent idea, she started to laugh maniacally.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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