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planning The mystery of hous number 12 / 3-person adventure-dungeon

Silver W. Valensnow

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I'd like to join, but I'm not sure if any of my unorthadox characters would be okay. I'm linking to Chrome Shadow but if her unique set up would go against your role play, I can prepare a profile for another one of my characters. http://mlpforums.com...me-shadow-r8165

Accepted, l have a nice concept in my head for the levelling system where Chrome Shadow is concerned. (3/3 joined)


==== Dungeon is in progress ====


/!\ PM's will be created shortly after this series of pre-dungeon posts for personal information and questions /!\



Please choose one of the following roles for your character; (every role can only be picked once, same types can be picked more times)


(M) = melee (R*) = ranged (MR) = melee with small range


Tank: Shieldtank(M) - Healthtank(M) - Bufftank(M)

Warrior: Balanced fighter(M) - Berserker(M) - Decimator(MR)

Mage: Battlemage(MR) - Wizard(R*) - Warlock(R*) - Ritualist(R*)

Assassin: Thief(M) - Bandit(MR) - Ninja(R*) - Marksman(R*)

Support: Paladin(M) - Monk(MR) - Priest(R*) - Spiritualist(R*)


Shieldtank: Absorb as much damage as possible by wearing armor

Healthtank: Wear lighter armor and have an overall better stamina

Bufftank: Medium armor, medium health with possible character buffs


Balanced fighter: Increased damage output, slightly defensive

Berserker: All-in close-up high damage, medium health

Decimator: A spellblade, self-buffs, medium damage, small AOEattacks(?)


Battlemage: increased magical and regular damage, increased health

Wizard: Medium damage, buffs/debuffs, low cooldown

Warlock: High overtime damage, channelingspells, decreased health

Ritualist: Medium-high damage, debuffs, slightly increased health


Thief: Increased damage and speed, medium-low health

Bandit: High damage, increased critchance, medium-low health

Ninja: Very high damage, slightly increased speed, low health

Marksman: medium damage, slightly decreased health, devices


Paladin: Medium-low damage, buffs/debuffs, increased speed, low heals

Monk: Low damage, decreased armor, increased accuracy buffs/debuffs, increased clarity

Priest: Very low damage, Heavy heals, buffs, increased focus

Spritualist: Medium-low damage, AOEspells/buffs(?), slightly decreased health


Edited by Silver Snow

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Naga is definitely a spiritualist in my opinion.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Okay, let's update further. Sorry l wasn't reacting here in time, l had some issues to solve and those took time.

What would be the main characteristic and two subcharcteristics of your character? (e.g. Keen+speed+knowledge, 
(chosing a main charcteristic implies you have all three subcharacteristics that come with it) 

Main:      Sub:
1: Keen: -Focus -intellect -clarity
2: Quick: -Speed -agility -dexterity
3: Strong: -Strength -confidence -spirit
4: Artful: -Insight -knowledge -expertise
5: Healthy: -Defense -endurance -stamina

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Chrome needs to have both class and smarts so I think Artful: intellect would be a good start.
And while i'm proably going to regret not picking speed or agility for my third stat, I'm going to have to go with confidence as my final one.
Though I am curious, what would spirit do different from confidence, is confindence more of a will to push foward while spirit is a will to stand your ground?
It might be easier to choose if I had a bit of better idea of how much these stats will influence our characters, and more imporatantly how much a lack of one stat might limit our characters actions?

Sig by Pucksterv

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Main: Sub:

1: Keen: -Focus -intellect -clarity

2: Quick: -Speed -agility -dexterity

3: Strong: -Strength -confidence -spirit

4: Artful: -Insight -knowledge -expertise

5: Healthy: -Defense -endurance -stamina


(Focus): See different points of oportunity and being able to translate thoughts better.

(Intellect): Know how to react, apply and learn better.

(Clarity): A clear mind, understand and reason better.

(Speed): Being able to move very fast and react fast.

(Agility): Be able to dodge more effectively and jump much higher and further

(Dexterity): Being nimble and clever with your hands, arms and legs.

(Strength): The ability to deal more damage and wield heavy weapons while (strength of mind and strength of body)

(Confidence): conviction, have and show it to inspire greatness in yourself and others.

(Spirit): being able to take emotional/mental/physical damage better where subconsciousness is concerned(on a deeper level)

(Insight): have an overall good view of everything around you and scale/estimate better.

(Knowledge): have an overall good understanding of the world's mechanics and debatable subjects.

(Expertise): be able to understand your own tools and lifebase to the fullest, physically and mentally.

(Defence): A natural propensity for your body to take more damage and be more accustomed to sudden pressure.

(Endurance): A natural propensity for your body to handle exertions over longer periods of time.

(Stamina): A natural propensity for your body to remain healthy internally for longer periods of time.

Edited by Silver Snow

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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Naga would probably be keen with a side of agility and dexterity.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Please wait while the skillpages are being created. These skillpages will be Google documents and will only be accessible to the owner and DM, please go to: https://www.google.nl/intl/nl/docs/about/ (or find google documents if this link does not work) and make an account so you will be able to view the document. Please note that documents will only become available after they have been finished and the dungeonhas been started, so no peeking ahead as to what skills you are going to get, you will just have to wait it out.


Dying in this dungeon is something that must be avoided, you will have a spiritstone that will revive you once a week automatically and reviving items can be found in the jungle, but dead is dead, which essentially means you cannot play in the dungeon and will miss precious experience points untill you have (been) revived.


At this point l can reveal the fact that you will be having a counterplayer, who's job will be to hinder you and try to bring you down. Allthough the three of you can probably take him out anytime it is advised to take extreme caution while with less. Another reason to avoid dying alltogether, l would say.

Edited by Silver Snow
  • Brohoof 1

My OC's: Silver Snow, Demiro Desertstorm, Diamond Rustscythe

If you ever feel sad, come to me. l always have hugs and cookies for you (or both, if you want) <3

Sig made by:  Kyoshi

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