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Drago Ryder

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@@Drago Ryder

"Sure. I don't mind." She said.

"Thanks," Cura replied," also the name's Cura Breeze, co-head of the Equestrian Red Heart..." he paused looking down briefly before continuing," or at least I used to be before all this." As he spoke, they had already walked out of the castle and had begun to enter the forest beyond, passing through the remains of the battle,the melting ice, the scap that used to be their robot menace, in which they had so recently fought for their lives, or at least others had fought for his life he noted with a nagging degree of shame. It wasn't that he liked fighting, in fact it was something he hated for all that it produced. It was just the fact I was so...helpless in all of it..Oh goddesses, how I hate even thinking of it.  

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Dawn nodded slightly and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Cura. I'm Dawn." She said. The alicorn looked around and saw the carnage of the previous fight and sighed. "Sometimes, I wonder how many ponies are left after all of this. I didn't even know any of you were alive until just recently."

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Clayton looked at his friend and sighed. "Ok. Ok. It's not like I'm one to judge." He said, wanting to get off the topic as soon as possible. "As for the alicorn, I could definitely see you two going out. I mean, you seemed to at least care about her earlier." The unicorn knew he was treading dangerous ground, but it was worth it just to get a friend out of the darkness of his own mind.

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Tempest glared at Clayton. "You want to know why I care for her.That's because, as far as I know, we're the only survivors of this hel, and guess what, there's a pretty good chance that we may still die." He yelled. A tear then trickled down his muzzle and his breathing hitched. "You weren't there. You weren't in Canterlot when those things attacked. They took everything, even the princesses, and the worst part is that I don't know what happened to them because I... fled. There, I said it. I did the one thing I swore never to do and abandoned friends and allies just to live." The bat pony then returned his gaze to Clayton. "Did that explain enough as to why I care about Dawn, or should I go on?"

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Clayton was surprised by Tempest's outburst and nodded slightly, slightly afraid of what his friend would do when angered. "Yeah, I guess it did." He said. The unicorn then placed his scythe on his back. "I just worry about you sometimes. Even this can break a ponies state of mind."

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"Alrighty, Aurora it is then." I smiled warmly. It's nice to make friends. I then got out of the stretcher and flexed my hoofs. Sparky transformed back into his normal form.


"You having been involved in this is unfortunate, but it's nice that you're trying to make amends. We should move forward. I'm feeling better. What do you say we find the others? I think I saw them heading into the forest, foregoing the aforementioned caves. What do you say we catch up? There's strength in numbers. We'd all be better off." I paused a second to think. "I believe we can find them while flying above the tree cover in the general direction, or would you rather Sparky scan for them and we try catching up on hoof?"


I motioned to Sparky to turn into wingpack mode and we started to flap in place. "Up to you which mode of travel to use."

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive

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Tempest smirked slightly and laughed. "My mind was broken a long time ago, my friend. I just don't show it." He muttered. The bat pony then looked around. "We should probably go find the others.


While Dawn and Cura talked, a android with the body of a snake and a good deal larger, watched them from the shadows. It's black eyes scanned the two and identified Dawn it's main target. The four other androids were only protectors. Now, it would go on the offensive as soon as it got the chance.

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Aurora says, "fast but low. We can't risk being seen. If we com across more machines then I say we bolt back this way. Stay as close as we can to the canopy."


Aurora took flight staying just above The canopy. She is scanning for dawn and the one with her plus any possible threats.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Drago Ryder,

Staring at the ground in front of him Cura sighed, memories of both Balitmare and Ponyville resurfacing as they both trotted deeper into the forest, " Trust me, I sometimes wonder just how many of us are left too." However, there was one question that nagged at his curiosity, one that had to be answer. " So where were you when all this broke out and how did you survive?" he questioned, turning once again to face the alicorn. All around them, the normal sounds of the forest, such as the sound of birds calling one another slowly began to fade away. Even the sounds of insects slowly stopped, leaving only an eerie quiet, almost as if the very forest was holding its breath in fear of attracting the wrath of some unforeseen predator. Cura barely noticed, still waiting on Dawn's reply.    

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Dawn nodded slightly and looked into the sky. "I was in Ponyville when it happened. I saw androids dragging ponies to Luna knows where and was nearly caught myself. I managed to slip away in the sewers and came out in the forest. I lived nearby, in the castle we were just in to be precise, so I managed to find some refuge." The alicorn then noticed a few bushes of wild berries and a tree of fruit. "Looks like we're here."


The serpentine android watched from the shadows, blending into the shadows of folliage. It was so close to it's targets. It was a shame that he would only be able to catch one, but that one was an alicorn. Words flickered and typed themselves on it's visual interface. "Commencing Operation Wraith. Proceed with capture protocals. Kill if necessary to complete task."



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Aurora had taken off a while ago. She kept to the low tree canopy. Soon she found her mark that Alicorn and the other one with her. She approaches cautiously hearing the forest go quiet suddenly. As we gets close she sees movement near them.


She whispers, into her hoof communicator, "Dalta 1 Aurora, inform the others we got trouble guardian."


Guardian goes into the castle and says, "Mistress Aurora says, we have trouble." It also gives her current location.

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We followed along with Aurora, searching as she said, flying low. There was something in the foliage. Couldn't make out what it was, but I decided to try something. I made a hard electricity box form around whatever it was. Not meant to actually contain the thing. What's it after? Sparky couldn't scan in this modes, so we relied entirely on what we could see or hear. That wasn't much to go on. Until it showed itself, the only thing I could do was make sure they were alright by watching from the top of the trees.


If a fight started I would spring into action, but the box construct might buy us some time before it was broken.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive

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Tempest nodded slightly as he listened to the android and flew out of the castle. He knew Clayton couldn't fly so there was no point in waiting.


Xena watched what had occurred from Tempest's point of view and sighed. "Something isn't right." He thought to himself. The aura beast had been with Tempest most of his life and had never seen the bat pony act like that.


Dawn could see the light of the box construct and was slightly nervous"That can't be good." She thought to herself. The mare backed away slowly and felt every instinct telling her to run. She knew what was most likely in that box and she didn't want to find out if it could escape.


Baz knew that she could do nothing if the android escaped. She was still getting used to Dawn's body.


The android didn't care much for the electricity surrounding it. It was built to adapt in case something didn't go according to plan, and this was one instance. A loud screech resonated through the air and the robot, rammed against the side of the box, breaking through and absorbing some of the electricity. It then charged out of the shadows and towards Dawn. As the alicorn flew into the air, it shot a net of adhesive webbing out of it's back and hit it's mark, dragging the mare to the ground and into forest with it. When she was close enough, the android reared up and multiple appendages sprouted from its body and quickly began to add more adhesive as it quickly moved through the forest. She struggled a bit, but it wasn't long before she was fully encased and was promptly put into a containment unit inside the androids body.

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Aurora dove after, "I will not let another be claimed in front of me."


Her speeds increased to match that of some of the fastest pegasi units. Her non-organic limbs making it hard for the androids to determine if she was a machine or a pony. But her speeds said otherwise. she was moving faster then normal for most recorded pegasi.


She perused the Mech using her knowledge of the forest to her advantage.

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What th- Cura was taken completely off guard as a large box that appeared to be made of electricity itself fell onto the foliage on front of them. " Wha-" Cura begin to ask, only to be cut off as a ear shattering screech came from inside the box, resonating into the forest around them. Eyes widening, Cura Breeze began to slowly step away from the box until it shattered, forcing him to turn away on reflex. Turning back to where the box once stood he saw some sort of android, nothing he had ever seen before, fire some sort net at Dawn, who had launched herself into the air. It wrapped around her, sending her plummeting to the ground. Forcing himself out of his stupor, he saw the android quickly closing the distance. Not this time! Acting fast he desperately scanned his environment, looking for anything he could use against the machine. Then he spotted something he could use next to a tree a few feet away from him. Blue corpus seeds, perfect! Sprinting as fast as he could, he leaned down and grabbed a few of the seeds. Now for the final reactant...Searching in saddle bags, he pulled out one of the two first aid kits and cracking it open, he pulled something he knew was standard in these kit, a vial of magical adhesive. Opening the vial, he dropped all of the seeds he had gathered, causing the liquid inside to change into a blueish color and begin bubbling violently. Combining the magical adhesive and the seeds, Cura had just created a powerful acid that would quickly eat through any inorganic matter. Turning back towards Dawn, he saw the machine had competently encased her in some sort of cocoon and was placing her inside it and was currently deeper into the forest. Cura tried to give chase, though in his current state, it wasn't long until he was forced to stop as he pushed it to its limit. 

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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(@@Blacklight The android is gone. It isn't near Cura anymore.]


The android noticed that it was being followed and sped up.Even with the extra weight, it's speed was it's best means of escape. It wasn't about to fail when it had an alicorn in it's clutches. Two compartments opened at a 45 degree angle on the robot's side, and several small spheres rolled out. The spheres then either exploded, releasing adhesive store inside, or in s cloud of smoke.


Tempest landed next to Blacklight and looked at them. "What in the name of Luns happened here?"

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Aurora began to ascend into the upper tree line as the spheres came out. She vanishes as they explode. She follows the movement from just above using the branches to propel Her faster. The branches crack under the pressure.


A few moments later she drops on top of the compartment the machine placed Dawn in. She imbeds both her hind leg and foreleg into the machine's comparent door. She begins hacking it, cutting off access to it first. She then tries to get the door open to rechrieve Dawn.

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The machine groaned and activated a exterior battery, attempting to get Aurora off of it through electrocution, before making a sharp turn and successfully throwing the mare off. It then sent out a signal to the nearest Pegasus mechs for a retrieval and reinforcements. It wasn't long before the sound of two sets of jet engines could be heard in the distance.

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Aurora was thrown but not before taking the door with her. She grins. "You don't know the forest like I do. Say hi to the manticore den you just turned into."


Dash detaches from the door and rebalance her flight. Her pegasus magic negating most of the electric damage as energy storage to her wings' core. She continues to follow this time to get dawn's cocoon.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The gears in the robots mouth opened, and a gush of flames blew out. It then made sure Dawn was still secure. It noticed a bit of struggle and promptly injected Dawn with a solution Kent to temporarily paralyze living beings. It then turned its attention to the other mare and slashed at Aurora with multiple bladed appendages.


(Put up as much of a fight as you want, but Dawn will remain captured. Also, you assume that the mechs target only ponies. Don't.)

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Not again...please not again. Goddesses why does this have to happen?! Gasping for air, Cura continued trying to move forward.However, he stopped as he heard the sound off wings beating and turned to discover the bat pony had landed next to him. Out of breath, Cura tried his best to reply to the bat's question,

"Dawn...taken...robot...that...way," Pointing with a hoof at the last direction he had seen the machine go off to.

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora falls back using her wings as cover. She then retreats taking what she learned with her. She avoids the fliers And returns to the others.


When she arrives she has a very sad look on her. They can see her visibly shaking.


She looks to the bat pony. "They got Dawn. I pinkie promised myself I wouldn't let another fall to them before my eyes. I failed. I am not fit to help anypony. Not yet. There is a lab not connected to M.E.C.H. Lets head there. I will give up everything to save her and I will."


She then breaksdown crying. She looks completely broken.

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Tempest felt his anger grow and was barely able to contain it. He then glanced at Aurora and smiled slightly. "At least you tried to get her back, and I swear we will." He said. The bat pony then looked into the night sky and closed his eyes, praying to Luna that he was right. "What exactly do you mean by that?"


The pegesus drones hovered above the ground as the snake android pulled Dawn out of her container. When it placed her on the ground, a claw dropped from one of the drones and wrapped around the area where her neck would be while the same occurred with the other drone, this time aiming for her hind legs. When the mare was secure, both drones began to fly towards Canterlot.

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That snake was too fast for me, since Sparky's wingpack mode can't fly as fast as Pegasus wings. I lost sight of it after it broke out from the container I'd created. By the time I caught sight of it again it was already too far away for me to do anything significant to get the alicorn out. I was able to watch the battle safely from a distance though, and arrived to meet the others soon after Aurora did. Sparky transformed back into his normal form.


Aurora mentioned a lab, which piqued my interest. "Wait do you mean another lab besides my Magitek lab in Ponyville? Probably not the same kind, but there might be some things there we could use also. I had some inventions locked up secretly in storage, and some might be useful for fighting the robot ponies. Can we swing by my lab afterward too?" I looked her over. "Also, do you need any repairs for your mech limbs? I'm sure we can find some scrap laying around."

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive

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Aurora drys her tears. She then looks to her tech friend.


Aurora says, "Its the lab my parents originally created my cyberlimbs at. It was underneath the castle of the regal sisters. It is there i have been designing two things to save all I cared for. One is a full 70% android exoskeleton. I designed it as a 'if all else fails do as the enemy does' plan. The second needs completion. It is a virus that, if successful, will shut M.E.C.H. down for good. I need help from those who remain that helped design M.E.C.H.'s main programming. It is designed as a looping sigil that when anyone attempts to analyze it gets a head ache. Sence a machine can't get a headache, we can use it to force a system overload. If we take out M.E.C.H. One of two things will happen to the remaining machines. One, the spirits within will reassert themselves or two, all machines will shut down."


She attempts to stand only to fall down again. "Ponyfeathers, I took more damage then I originally thought. These earth type limbs are shot. Can you do me a huge favor and gather wings from a Pegasus type and A forleg and hind leg of an earth type. My cyberlimbs are no longer functional."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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