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open M.E.C.H (RP)

Drago Ryder

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The bat pony thought for a moment before coming up with a solution. "We could try the sewers. If they set up a factory designed for building andorids in canterlot or turned the whole city into one, then they probably have some way of disposing such large quantities of whatever waste comes out of it. We could use one of the pipes and sneak inside the factory. A group of three could do that while Midnight and Gale take me and probably another pony to the front gates."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Clayton sighed as he sat on a chair in front of a window on the top floor of the med center. He had been on guard for any androids that might take the chance of returning and sighed. "Something isn't right about all of this?" The unicorn thought as he stood and headed downstairs. He had noticed that the others had gathered as soon as he entered the room and facehooved. "Ok, what did I miss?"

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"The sewer idea ain't bad, though I'm not sure if Gale would fit through one of the pipes. She's not a baby. But your suit is very much made for sneaking Tempest. You could turn completely invisible for twenty minutes at a time, though thermal sensors would still pick you up." I explained as I did some calculations on the size of Gale. She was much bigger than us, and bigger still than Aurora's Alicorn Buster mode.


At this point Clayton showed up. "Oh, hi Clayton. We were just discussing plans to save Dawn. How do you feel about pretending to be a captive?"

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Aurora's Alicorn buster mode disengages and it is the standard armor she is now in with the quick change pack of the alicorn buster on her back. It took about 30 seconds to fully disengage Alicorn Buster mode.


Aurora says, "It takes 30 seconds yo engage and disengage the Alicorn Buster Armor. If I am to use is again during a fight I will need that long of a stall from whoever is with me."


She is now much smaller. About the size of an average mare. Before she was the size of Luna.

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Clayton shrugged slightly and smirked. "Wouldn't be the most dangerous situation I've been in, so I don't mind." He said. "Somepony will have to carry my scythe, though. I know a bit of magic, but this is my main weapon." The unicorn then put a hoof on the weapon on his back for a bit of emphasis and to make sure that it was still there.

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Tempest thought for a few moments about what Lektra had said. "Ok. I'll go for the sewers. I should be able to sneak past them. As for thermal sensors, I don't know about those. I could try lowering my core temperature with the suit. I'll have to test that out." The bat pony then shrugged. "So, while I sneak in, Gale and Midnight basically take all of you into Canterlot, pretending to be captives?"

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Cura had quite a few concerns about as he heard the plan take shape. Taking advantage of the momentary pause, he voiced his concerns, " All of these ideas sound great and all but I think we may have overlooked quite a few problems here.First," he turned to the bat pony, " how exactly are you going find the right pipe and even presuming you do, how safe are they. For all we know they could be pouring acid down those pipes." his voice filling with rising skepticism, he turned to address the others, " If you plan to have us play as captives, how are we going to sneak in our equipment, if we're going to at all? It's not like they're going to believe you captured us if we come armed to the teeth. Lastly, do we all realize this may only work once? I doubt M.E.C.H. is going to fall for this twice."

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Well I personally have only ever been to the library in Canterlot, so we would need sompony to scout ahead. The Stealth Armor would probably be good at that. I personally haven't ever explored the city, recently or ever." I paused to think about the weapons.


"That's a good point about the weapons Cura. I could try remembering if I ever made an illusion generator in the process of making Tempest's armor, but if I had it would be back in the Vault and wouldn't have much of a radius. Probably would be best to just attach them to each weapon to make the weapon invisible. Other than that, I have no clue how to hide weapons. Clayton has five of my Magitek guns as well." I pondered on this for a second as I ran over the database of items I'd made.


"You really think an attack like this would only work once? They can't predict everything." I ended with that as I continued to look through the database to see if I had made an illusion generator device.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tempest nodded slightly and looked out the window. "I guess I could scout ahead. We should head out, though." He said, as he activated the armor. The bat pony then headed downstair and looked out the door. When he couldn't see or detect any androids, he walked forward with stealth in mind.

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Aurora says, "umm...how about an illusion field. It won't detect easily. It should cover all the party's weapons and they would think anything a pony has is ineffective against them. They have a massive superiority complex. They think themselves superior to all other life forms."

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I floated after Tempest on my jets with Sparky strapped to my back. We could probably come up with a plan on the fly, or if not there's always the direct approach.


I'd finally found the entry of a separate illusion generator. "Oh, I did make small illusion generator devices. The problem is they're back at my house in the Vault." I wasn't sure if anypony wanted to go back to my house to get them.


"Failing that, does anyone know an illusion spell that could hide the weapons?" I hoped someone did cause my talent was magic based machines, not many different spells. "Failing even that, if we could find a spellbook I could probably learn to cast the spell outright. But where would one find a spellbook to learn the spell we need, anyway?"

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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