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Drago Ryder

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When the android walked into the factory, it placed Dawn's cocoon in a cage that was heading for a area that was designated as the storage area for ponies and patrolled around the factory.


Tempest nodded slightly and towards where Aurora had pointed. He eventually made his was into the lab and set her on the table. "Yeah, you may want to do that. I'm not exactly experienced in this sort of thing." He said.

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She says, "Ok to remove the limbs twist the limb at its connection point counter clockwise a quarter turn and pull away. Don't worry about hurting me because i can't feel the limbs anymore. My wings will take more time. If we are in my lab there should be six limbs attached to arms. Grab the left fore leg and right hind leg. Tell me what does it look like now?"


As Tempest looks around the lab the place looks like it has been ransacked. He has the limbs from outside. The limbs she told him the location look like a version of magitek. However they all are in several pieces. This place looks like somepony trashed it looking for something.

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Cura was rather surprised at just how polite the mare was as she helped him. First by quickly picking more than enough berries that he would need for a day. Next, Lektra Bolt used her magic to construct a bucket out of what she called hard lightning, similar to that of the box from earlier. I got to admit, being able to materialize any object out of magic is a pretty good skill to have. Cura Breeze thought as he watched her magically gather the berries into the bucket before he could say anything. As he moved to grab the bucket, Lektra did make a valid point, they would probably be expecting them back at the castle. He was going to ask here how she knew could do all this when, using her robot companion, she took to the air. Note to self: make sure to properly thank her when I get back to the castle. Now about carrying this bucket...He couldn't carry it on his back as it would probably fall off with something to secure it, meaning he would fly it over. Unfurling his wings, he gave a cautionary flap, winching slightly in pain. Probably from my gash that still hasn't healed, though I'm just going to have to tough it out and just redress it when I get back.  Grabbing the bucket, which felt oddly cool and smooth, he slowly lifted himself into the air, taking off in the direction of the castle. It wouldn't take him long to get back.     

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora says, "What?! Check the six limbs on the arms at the back end of the room. Are they ok or not so?"


Aurora is panicking she can't seem to see around her. It means she lost her form of sight.


The six limbs were repairable. Lektra can see that something just pulled them till they snapped into three pieces each. There was four legs and two wings all in three pieces. Lektra can see where the Unicorn magic went into making them.


Tempest had Aurora's old limbs and Aurora is on a table waiting for Tempest to remove her fore leg and hind leg.

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Tempest put a hoove on Aurora's chest. "Calm down. We'll think of something." He said in a soothing tone. The bat pony then glanced at Lektra. "Do you think you can repair the limbs?" As he spoke, Tempest removed Aurora's damaged limbs from her body.As he worked, a plan for the next few days began to form in his mind.

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Aurora was completely blind now. Her heart rate was up there, as normal with any panicking pony.


Sparky also detects a very high Pegasus mana level within Aurora. Probably something having to do with her mother being a unicorn.


Aurora is thrashing on the table unable to get up.


"My exoframe, in the safe! I have to know, did they get in the safe! Pony Feathers, I have to check!"


After a bit she relaxes because of fatigue. She wore herself out.


Lektra and Tempest can hear her snoring lightly now. She passed out from her struggling.

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Clayton sighed as he watched the others fly off. "The one time I wish I was a pegesus, and it's during the bloody apocalypse." He muttered to himself as he galloped back towards the castle of the two sisters. Of course, it would take longer due to a inability to fly and by the end of it, the unicorn was nearly exhausted. Clayton then walked into the castle and sat at the bottom of the staircase.

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It shouldn't be hard and was easy to repair.


With the repairs done, Lektra can tell by the way these limbs are designed they are normally ment to be used as a set. They also seem to work with another more needed item.


On the far west wall was what looked to be a door with a standard locking system non advanced. It looks to be a simple combination system. It however doesn't look to have been touched.


This must be the safe Aurora mentioned. One would probably want to awaken Aurora to get the combination to the safe.

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Tempest noticed the safe and sighed slightly. "Looks like we need the combination from Aurora." He thought to himself. The bat pony then looked at Aurora and sat next to her. "Your exoframe should be in the safe, we just need to have the combination." He said, before walking towards the container. Being a guard had given him a bit of experience as a lock pick and from the looks of it, it would take an day at most.

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Aurora shifted as tempest said his words. Before he started heading to the safe she says, as if sleep Talking, "21 left. 32 right. 10 left. That should open it."


Aurora then was sleeping peacefully. She had given Tempest the combination to the safe's lock.

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Aurora looks around, awake now. She suddenly give a guttural growl at the mess of the place using her restored sight.


She goes over to the remaining four limbs, moving in a slightly diagonal way. She then shakes knocking her wings off. She then manipulates the wings into place.


once her wings are replaced, she goes over, bypassing Tempest, to the safe. She inputs the combination and the door slides open loudly, as if something tried to get into it but failed.


Inside was what looked to be a form of conversion system for turning ponies into machines.


She goes over to a council and manipulates the controls and the machine starts up.


Before anypony could stop her the door closes. A few odd sounds later the door opens and a metallic incased Aurora stands in the door. Her optional helmet retracted. She says, "My pack has a few more food packs. Take what you need to satisfy your hungers. I will eat then test this exoframe's systems."


She looks calmer now, but she has a very determined look on her face.


She says to Lektra, "What do you know about a mana matrix? This exoframe uses the core matrix within my chest to power it. I finally, thanks to the shocking I got from that serpent machine, have enough power to bring it to completion. The matrix was placed and shielded by my mother when I was first made 30% machine in order to survive. Now I will use it to save those I care for. If yall have a plan, I am all ears for it."


If anypony know the tales of Iron Mare, then they know exactly what she just did to herself.


She looks in every way except her head Like the enemy machine's Pegasus units. However there is six small gems in the chest making a five pointed star with a point in the center. Each gem has a different shape and seems to match the gem design shape, but not color, of the harmony stones in the tree bellow the castle.


As she lifts each fore leg and examines herself, all present can see a larger gem embeded in the palms of each hoof. They look similar to the design of Iron Mare's pulse weapons.


It can be said that her high mana reserves can now be fully utilized and used. From the neck down she now resembles her cutiemark.

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Tempest looked Aurora over and was honestly impressed. "I may have something. Basically, you bring one of us to one of the mech factories taking the role of a Pegasus drone. Of course, the pony you bring would have to pretend to be unconscious so as to not raise suspicion. Once inside, the group of two will have a role for each. The pony will look for Dawn while Aurora tries to find some weakness in the androids." As he spoke, the bat pony imagined how it would all play out and couldn't see any visible flaw. "We should try to get some rest, though."


Dawn woke up within the cocoon and groaned from the headache caused by the serum injected into her. The alicorn soon regained her bearing and a silent dread settled in her body. "Where am I?" She thought as her horn flies. The adhesive, unfortunately, didn't freeze as intended. "Looks like I'm stuck wherever I am until..." Dawn didn't finish the sentence as she remembered what had happened. A tear then rolled down her cheek as she shook in fear.

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Aurora says, "Only one problem. Each one has an identifier. My suit may look like them but it has one difference. I would technically be a new pegas model. The only way around it would be to allow MECH access within. Trust me that won't bode good, if I can't gain back control. MECH interlinks all units. It knows everything about each made. Me showing up with a pony doesn't mean I am apart of the system. How do we solve that?"

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Tempest sighed as he facehooved. "To be quite honest, I think you may have to uplink to the system. I can't think of anything else at this moment." The bat pony knew that there was no other way that he knew of, but it was worth the risk if it meant saving Dawn and finding a weakness.

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Aurora looks at Tempest with a look of disbelief and says, "Are you asking me to open myself up to the machines and let them have what important knowledge I have? It could mean the capture and conversion of Everypony and my promise broken forever."


She steps back into the safe, closing the door behind her. The safe is locked from the inside as a monitor lights up with the message, 'I need some time. It won't be long but I have to prepare for this. If needed I must take control again. I have an idea of how to entend the strength of my will to prevent the rewrite.'


It pauses for a bit before more words appear. 'I need the access module from a specialty type machine pony body. Code named Rainbow Dash or one of the others like it. I would be able to make a mask to shield me from complete control.'


Another pause, then activity on the monitor.


'This is for Lektra. In my saddlebags is a box containing the virus' form. It is a mind puzzle with an infinite loop to it. The puzzle has never been solved. I will need the pony to be captured keep that on them. As soon as I let them go, they need to make my receptors detect that item. It will give me a headache and confuse the system.'

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It didn't take Cura too long to fly back to the castle and as he flew through the main corridor he found it strangely empty. They're most likely in that lab that the cyber-mare mentioned earlier. I should probably meet up with them. He was reminded however of his more pressing problem as his stomach gave another growl. Yea, I'll find them after I eat a few of these berries, that is if I can find them in this massive place. Finally landing, he searched for a place where he could wash the berries, as they weren't exactly in the cleanest state, with the bucket held with one of his wings. After some time , he found what he was looking for. Rounding the corner into yet another hall, the second he discovered after leaving the main hall, he found a fountain made in the shape of what he assumed was one of the Royal Sisters, though any identifying features other than the wings and horn had worn away over time. It was still functional surprisingly as clean water still emerged from the nose of the statue and spilled onto the floor, forming a small pool around it. Wow, they must have really built these things to last. Quickly washing the berries in the pool, he began to eat. Slowly at first until his ravageious  hunger overtook him, causing him to devour almost half the bucket. Sitting aganist a broken pillar, his stomach now satisfied, another thought occurred to him. Just how long has it been since I've had a bath? Judging from the dried blood and dirt that coated him he judged that it had been far too long.

Rising back onto his hooves, Time to change that. Removing his tattered doctor's coat, bandages, and saddlebags, he slowly stepped into the pool. The water was refreshingly cool as he began scrubbing as hard as he could, he tried to remove as much of the grime and blood off of him as he could, taking special care around his gash as not to reopen it. After he felt that he had removed as much as he could he stepped out of the pool and, after shaking himself as dry as he could, proceeded to wash his doctor's coat to the best of his ability. Then opening his saddlebags, he used some of the supplies from the first aid kit to re-bandage his wound. Leaving his coat to dry on the pillar, he found it refreshing to finally be clean again. Almost makes me think none of this ever happened, almost. Putting his saddlebags back on he headed off in the direction he had come, thinking it would probably would be a good idea to find the others. That being that I can find them.    

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Tempest glanced at Lektra and nodded slightly. "Seems like a good idea." He said, trotting towards the exit of the lab. "We could use a new base, seeing as how that other android seemed to find us." Tempest then exited the lab and trotted up to the upper floors of the castle. He needed to find a way to clear his head of all of the rampaging emotions within it. "I will find you, Dawn." The bat pony then realized something that made him completely breakdown. They had no idea where Dawn had been taken. For all he knew, this could only be a suicide mission.

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Aurora came out a few moments later. She looks to Lektra And says, "It becomes infinitely looping when it is spun. It is simple enough but because of my omni-directional sight it can just be held and I will automatically look at it from all angles."


She taps the box and pulls it open. Inside the box is a very simple mana focusing puzzle that when spun becomes an infinite looping puzzle. The objective isn't to solve it but to keep from getting a headache. One would think not getting a headache is the key but Aurora has said she all ways gets a headache.


She then heads out to follow Tempest, after replacing the box around the puzzle.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Where are they... Cura had been searching for the lab the cyber-mare mentioned for at least a ten minutes. Giving a sigh of frustration as he once again found himself back in the main corridor. Leaning against one of the statue of princess Celestia, Cura gave a long yawn. They could have hidden this lab anywhere in this castle, though if I stay here one of them is bound to return. he thought sleepily as he closed his eyes, the adrenaline from the day's earlier events long gone, and gave another long yawn. Perhaps it would be better if I rested before meeting with them. After all, if I'm too tired to even pay much attention I can't be much help, can I? With that decided, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.  

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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When she taps the latch opening the door, cura hears movement just above him as one of Celestia's statue's chipped wings move down and a wall moves away revealing a hidden passage with aurora standing in it. From the neck down she now looks similar to the machines with a single difference being her six gem chest piece.


She looks to cura and smiles saying, "He sure is cute when he is sleeping."

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Tempest sighed as he began to meditate. It had been a while since he had and he figured that this was his best shot at clearing his mind. An astral projection floated out of the bat pony's body and flew through the air. "It's been a while since I could feel so free." He thought. The world then turned dark as the spirit plummeted through the air. Something was wrong and he knew it. When he looked down, he saw the remains of Canterlot. "No. This isn't real." He muttered to himself.

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As Tempest floated through the air, he could feel the despair of a pony not to far from him. Before he could react, he was pulled back into his body. His eyes shot open and the bat pony jumped into the air. "That was weird. I didn't think I could sense emotions on the astral plane." He thought to himself. Tempest then noticed that the sun was rising and went down to see Lektra. "My name is Tempest, by the way. I don't think I ever told you that." The bat pony then smiled slightly. He had a suspicion as to who's emotions he had felt and if he could determine where she was, everything would be just fine.

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As stray ray from the rising sun stuck Cura from his dreamless sleep, causing him to begin to stir. " Turn off that light Redheart." he muttered, giving a soft groan as he he tried to turn his head from the light of the sun. The sun however, had other ideas as it continued to shine until Cura sleepily opened his eyes, finding himself gazing at the broken ceiling of the castle, with each hole casting a ray of sunlight onto the ground. I guess back to the reality I suppose. Rising lazily to his hooves, he begin to stretch, starting with his wings then moving onto the rest of his body until he reached his hooves. Looking in his nearby vicinity, he spotted the rest of the berries he had gotten earlier. Moving over to it, he sat down and using his hoof, he started grabbing berries individually out of the bucket and putting in his mouth. He nearly choked however as he spotted the injured mare from last night, though she was nothing like how he remembered seeing her last night. Her entire body with the exception of her head was encased in metal, causing her to look almost eerily similar to that of the androids. In fact the only thing that set her apart from the machines was the small crystals in her chest, that glowed softly. She almost looked like the old iron mare comics he had read as a foal. Quickly swallowing the rest the berry, he promptly said, " Good morning to you miss. You look awfully different from last night."


Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Aurora says, "That's because I am now using my recently finished exoframe. If your wondering, I got the idea from some old comics I read as a foal. I loved Iron Mare's way of fighting and it works with my cyber specialization special purpose."


She looks around now fully adjusted to her new sight receptors. She says, "It is good to be able to fully see in such clarity again. I hate being blind. My name is Quantum Aurora. What is yours?"


She looks at Cura but as if she is just staring through him.


(BTW, her chest piece doesn't have a large glowing Crystal. It has several smaller ones in the shapes of the gems that are the elements of harmony. She doesn't have the elements. They just look like them.)

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Aurora quickly returned to her lab and got somethings. She returns with her saddlebags and a large but light looking pack. She says, "Yea, got everything I needed and closed the safe. Also they won't be able to get in my lab again. The wing switch no longer works."


She looks at the door as if making sure Everypony was out and then flicks a wing. The door closes.


She says, "genetic locking system. Only I can open this door now."


She then flaps her wings and her exoframe's thrusters prime to be used. She is now airborne.

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