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open M.E.C.H (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Frostine can see that the armored bulky mare called Aurora is also protecting the dragon.


Aurora lifts off the ground letting out anther blast of her Delta-Destroyer. She then uses her strength servos to lift the dragon up and move towards the aid station. "We take her with us of course. Let's go!"

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If there were any other andorids left, they had fled Ponyville and were long gone. The sun was also setting, bringing with it the darkness of night.


Tempest groaned as he was lifted as his black aura drifted out of his armor. "G...Gale." He mumbled, barely audible. "D...Dawn.." The bat pony then went on to mutter several other names under his breath. They were all ponies who he wasn't strong enough to protect. The self inflicted guilt was tearing him apart and he felt himself slowly dying on the inside. "I'm sorry."

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Dashia set the Dragon down and listened. If her assumption about this one was correct.


She got before it and says, "Wakey wakey...Gale? A friend wants to say hi." Her alicorn buster retracts into the pack it came from and her helmet also retracts, revealing her head.

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Gale groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She slowly stood and looked at Aurora. "Wh...Who are you? Where... am I?" She asked, barely awake and scared. She then noticed the metal that surrounded her and froze, afraid of what she had done in this state.


Tempest heard a familiar voice through the darkness and his breathing grew more rigid. "No. Don't taunt me. Leave me alone." He muttered in reality as his body shook. To him, he was screaming and s tear trailed down his cheek. His heart rate was increasing and his body entered a cold sweat.


(For size reference, Gale is a night fury)

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Clayton muttered a curse under his breathe and set Tempest down on a unused medical bed in a separate room. He could tell that something was happening to him and whatever it was was slowly killing him. He didn't know what to do and sighed. "Tempest, none of this is your fault." He thought.

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  On 2015-05-07 at 12:56 PM, Drago Ryder said:

Gale groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She slowly stood and looked at Aurora. "Wh...Who are you? Where... am I?" She asked, barely awake and scared. She then noticed the metal that surrounded her and froze, afraid of what she had done in this state.


Tempest heard a familiar voice through the darkness and his breathing grew more rigid. "No. Don't taunt me. Leave me alone." He muttered in reality as his body shook. To him, he was screaming and s tear trailed down his cheek. His heart rate was increasing and his body entered a cold sweat.


(For size reference, Gale is a night fury)

"My name is Aurora. I am a friend of Tempest. We are in Ponyville. He calls you Gale, yes? He is inside and blames himself for what has happened to you. We don't know how he will take it but he needs you as you need him. We can keep the machines at bay for a while. If you can go to him. I think he will feel better knowing MECH no longer has you. You are free now."

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Gale looked at Aurora and nodded, before she told her about Tempest. "He's alive?" She asked, hopeful and was curious. "How is he? Is he hurt? Is something wrong?" There are so many question running through her head and she turned her attention to the metal. "Is... Is there any way to get rid of this?"


In his mind, Tempest didn't know how long he was out, but the one being that he could talk to wasn't talking back. He then put a hoof on the pendant of his necklace. "I don't deservd this. I don't deserve the friends I've made. Most every pony I know is dead and I don't know what to do." The bat pony then ripped off the necklace and threw it into the enclosing darknes. The bat pony then curled into a ball and shivered.

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Aurora says, "He is and is in need of your help. As for your metal form I am uncertain weather or not it can be reversed. Lektra would know more then I would about such things. Follow if you can. I will take you to him. He needs you Now more then ever. His features portray his failure. He feels he failed. I wish to see him smile again."


Aurora begins guiding Gale to Tempest. As she draws close she says, "Tempest, I know your unconscious but you should be able to hear me. Gale wishes to speak to you. She needs you as much as you need her. Listen to her and thrive."


She steps aside to let Gale get closer to Tempest. She points to his unconscious form on the medical table.

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Gale nodded slightly and she walked forward. She didn't look at Clayton and her full attention on Tempest. She didn't like the aura around him and nuzzled his leg. "Tempest, I'm here. I'm safe." The dragoness then gave a low purr and hoped that he would be fine. She was supposed to be there for him and the dragoness didn't know how far gone he was.


A faint light shone through the darkness within Tempest's mind and he looked up, curious to the new occurrence. The voice was pleasing to him and he felt drawn to it like a moth to a flame. The aura around him subsided back into his body and the only form of acknowledgement he could muster out was a low groan. 

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Clayton stood and went to stand next to Aurora. "Hope she's able to help. I knew Tempest before all of this started and he's never been like this." He said. "To be honest, this is one of the few times I've been scared in my life." The unicorn didn't know what was going on in his friend's mind, but he hoped that he got well. "We should talk to Lektra about trying to get the armor off of Dawn. Maybe she could just take it off or something." Clayton then shrugged.

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Aurora says, "Her name is Gale, not Dawn. Dawn is still in that city. Unless you know something about Dawn that I don't."


Aurora lets Gale do her thing. She watches what's going on and waits to see if Tempest recover. She feels that protecting them is her main priority.

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Clayton mental slaps himself and sighed. "Sorry about that. I meant to say Gale." He said. "With everything going on the past few days, I guess I was just not paying attention." The unicorn then sat near the door, but didn't say anything else. He prayed to whatever god there was that his friend would get through this with his mind in one piece.

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Aurora goes over to Lektra and says, "Maybe these can help you. They are what is left of my parents' research notes. It seems from this, that the main voluntary conversion system or original system was based on how I was given my new limbs. If you want, I can let you deep scan me to see how mother connected all the Magiteck within. Maybe that can help."


She stands there awaiting Lektra's answer.

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Gale sighed and nodded. "That makes sense." She muttered under her breathe. The dragoness then curled into a ball at the foot of Tempest's bed and closed her eyes. She doubted that she needed the rest due to the circumstances


As the voices and emotions continued to swirl in Tempest's head, the bat pony began to regain control of his thoughts. "What do you think will happen when all of this is over. Nothing will change." A voice echoed before it was silenced. "Everyone you know is dead. There is no hope." said another before it to was pushed into the darkest recesses of his mind. It would be a long fight, but he was slowly gaining a foothold.

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While Lektra was scanning her she steps over to Tempest. She says, "I may not know what your going through in your head, but remember if your in trouble there will always be thise willing to help you. I am here for you Tempest. We are allies and friends. Let our light of friendship be your strength. Both Gale and myself are here. Come back to us Tempest."


She places a hoof on him. Despite its metallic form it is warm to the touch. A pulse of something floods through it. A light encases Aurora and filters into the room. "I am Quantum Aurora. I am your friend. Let my light shine to bring you home. We are waiting for you. Dawn still needs us. We can and will save her. Now, wake up and defend your friends!"


From what Lektra can tell Aurora is tapping the true extent of her matrix core. Another feeling can also be detected. A perents' love and a friendship unbound. Its light is flowing with her power.


What is physically seen is that her suit has truely changed color. The colors now perfectly match her natural colors. (Techno Suit sinc 100%.)

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Tempest felt warmth spread through his body as the light within his mind grew brighter. "It's time for me to come back." He thought. "I know who I am. I am Tempest Sol, Luna's personal guard, wielder of the aura, keeper of Xena, and a soldier. I will do my duty." The bat pony then felt himself return to his body and shifted his left forearm. He then gave a low groan as his eyes slowly opened.

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Aurora looks to Tempest and says, "In form she isn't her, but in mind she is her. Gale sleeps at your hooves."


Aurora gives him time for things to catch up to him. She recounts for him what happened after he was hit over the head by an EP type. She smiles knowing he is now able to save his friend Dawn.

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Tempest's vision was blurred as light shone into his eyes for the first time in hours, but that didn't exactly last long. He then sat up on the bed and a smile slowly spread across his muzzle. "I lost myself for a bit there, but I thank you for bringing me back."  The bat pony then looked at Gale and placed a hoof on her metal armor. "I will find a way to fix this. I don't know how, but I will."

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"Give most of the credit to Gale. I had to force a reboot by calling to her. You needed her as much as she needed you. You both helped eachother."


Aurora goes outside and monitors the main city. She knows her suit has a foreign object attached to it. But ignores it. She is scanning the current area and near by areas for moving enemies. 'I think I will use all vision types just to make sure.'

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Clayton smiled slightly and decided that it would be best if he left the room. "At least Tempest is back to his good ole self again." He said, before looking out the window. He couldn't begain to imagine what his friend might've been going through, but he hoped that it wouldnt happen again. They couldn't afford to lose one of the strongest members of the team.

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Tempest sighed as he laid a hoof on Gale's head and smiled gently. "I guess some things never change." He said. The bat pony then lifted his other hoof and a small aura sphere formed, giving off a black light. "Then again, it's sort of always been like that, hasn't it." The sphere then dissolved into a gas and drifted into the cracks of Gale's armor. It was a simple gift of power and hopefully it would come in useful later on. The bat pony then looked out the window and felt his body relax.

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Cura had quickly followed one of my unicorn companions as he magically lifted the bat pony into the shattered entrance of the aid station, with one wooden door shattered, pieces scattered along the ground,while another hung plastered to the side, barely on its hinges. Making sure that the unicorn properly placed the bat pony on one of the empty hospital beds that littered the hallways, Cura pushed the bed into the nearest room he could find. Cura quickly discovered it to be one of the old patient recovery rooms as he stepped through the entrance. The room was in far from in good condition as various cracks were visible along the walls and ceiling. Two windows were also on the opposite side of the room, though they were boarded up, with only a small amount of light filtering through the gaps in the boards. If that wasn't enough, a dirt and grime laid in a thick layer over everything in the room. It'll do. Ignoring that however, Cura placed the Bat pony on the opposite side of the room and after checking over him once more, looking for a change in his condition. Finding him stable, Cura quickly left the room thinking to himself, Now that I have him stabilized I have to get as much supplies out of here as possible before the androids come back in force. The supply closet should have everything I need.  Turing onto a flight of stairs, Cura trotted upwards, heading towards the supply closet located  in the middle of the second floor. However, the hallway was a mess. Overturned wheelchairs were scattered around the hallway with fallen I.V. stands barring Cura from his goal. Slowly, Cura began to make his way though the destruction, focusing solely on the reaching the closet lest the memories of this place once again resurface. It was only Lektra's question that caused him to pause. Turning back towards her he stated, " If there's any food left it should back downstairs near the mess area. Just look for a sign back in the entrance, it should point you in the right direction.Though be careful, this hospital was already abandoned before the bots and all of this hasn't done much to help."

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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