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private A Quest into Tartarus (RP)


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Getting up and continuing behind the group, Sinusoid still feels pain ["crumpled" was a good word to describe] but ignores it. Good at evading physical fights, he had not been hit like that in several years, showing his obvious physical weakness. Overhearing Ice's comment on their location, he says, "We haven't traveled nearly long enough to be almost at the center of Tartarus, unless I'm missing something... What am I missing?"

I wrote this thing.

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Getting up and continuing behind the group, Sinusoid still feels pain ["crumpled" was a good word to describe] but ignores it. Good at evading physical fights, he had not been hit like that in several years, showing his obvious physical weakness. Overhearing Ice's comment on their location, he says, "We haven't traveled nearly long enough to be almost at the center of Tartarus, unless I'm missing something... What am I missing?"

Sinusoid? You seem to be in a bit of pain. Here take this. *Silver reaches into his armor and pulls out a small bag and gives him the bag. It had medicinal herbs in it*. When put together these herbs make a special medicine called vulnerary. They heal you if you're wounded.


Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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Sinusoid pushes the bag aside; "No, thanks; it was only a punch, nothing serious, and I would much rather that we save those for when we need them."


(I have nothing else to say, and I am just putting this here to pass the 200 character minimum: abcdef abcdef abcdef abcdef abcdef abcdef abcdef abcdef.)

I wrote this thing.

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Well if you're certain. You just seemed to be in alot of pain and like you were having trouble walking. *he put the bag away tucking it inside his armor.* Now then, is everpony present and accounted for? And what is your condition status? *he asked with concern*

The White Shinigami

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Blizz looked around in dismay, "Wow I wonder how long we've been down here." *Gets his watch from inventory* "Holy crap guys! It's been a day already and we still haven't found Celestia's relic! Don't give up, though we need to be vigilant." *Puts his ear to a wall and hears a thumping noise* "SS what is that?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm put a ear to the wall, and then a small meter. "Hm. I should guess.... No." His face paled slightly. "Remember that untold horrors bit, SS? Meet the Siege Worm." The tunneling noise got louder and louder until it drowned all sounds in the room. Wilhelm yelled at the top of his voice for everyone to get down, and dove out of the way. Then, the massive siege worm burst through the wall, fanged mouth churning and stony, bladed body undulating. Wilhelm raised his sword and got into an attack position.


OOC: Google "Siege Worm Civ BE" for what this is.

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Blizz was ready to go, "Guys I can get the worm with a controlled continuous straight blast of ice if you can buy me some time to charge it up!" *Starts charging himself up for an attack* "Keep it distracted for a bit while I prepare my attack, then when it's frozen, smash it to pieces ok?"

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Siege Worm! Back foul beast! *Silver shouted as he drew his sword pointing it at the monster* *Silver entered a stance putting his sword to his face charging a special attack. The blade glowed bright golden yellow with a fiery orange aura* Sword of Righteousness Empower!!! STAMPEDE STRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!! *Silver shouted as he ripped his sword through the worm's midsection and then jumping with a rising slash splitting the worm in half vertically too*

The White Shinigami

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OOC: Uh, I don't think you get the scale of what I'm talking about. A siege worm's head is around the same size as six Abrams tanks. With a decent amount of space left over. JUST THE HEAD.



The siege worm seemed to have a air of contempt about it as Silver's sword bit into its armor and stuck there. With a slight movement of its body, it threw him against a wall, nearly breaking every bone in SS's body.

Wilhelm, meanwhile, desperately searched for a weakness. "Wait. Waitwaitwait. Since it navigates by sonar....Sinu! We need some help over here!" He detailed his plan. "You use one of your spells at such a frequency that it bursts its eardrums. Then, we'll need to kill it in its only weak point-inside its mouth."

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizz joined in, "And while you guys do that, I'll start freezing it to get its attention! I'm ready to go, heeeeyyyahhhhh!!!!"



Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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*Sliver clutched his sword tightly barely nicking the worm as he got slammed against the wall but his armor protected him from the impact*

GWAH!!! That worm is really thick!!! *He put a hoof to his head feeling a bit dizzy for a moment seeing double* My armor was the only thing that kept my bones from being crushed just then...And the only reason why I'm not injured...I've really got to be more careful...But this next attack will finish it! *Silver put his sword to his face charging it up again with it glowing brightly* Sword of Righteousness!!! Give me strength!!! the blade ignited to a huge size like how Leon's sword in Kingdom Hearts does* *Silver lept into the air performing a massive overhead slash that was meant to cleave the worm in 2*  RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! RADIANT LIGHT STRIKE FORTH!!! DIVINE CONQUERER!!! *he shouted crashing the sword down onto the worm's head*

The White Shinigami

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The worm screamed as its armor yielded and its soft flesh was struck by the sword. The sword got about three-quarters of the way through the worm's head, but strangely, it was still able to function, admittedly with the loss of its mouth and powerful tentacles. It set up a screeching wail that sent everyone in the room without a helmet doubling over in pain, and its furious writhing threatened to collapse the tunnel around them, dooming them to fail the mission. Wilhelm, realizing this, grabbed Sinu, Ice, and Caliber, and shouted to Silver to follow them. He spread his wings, soaring over the Siege Worm's body as it slammed into the ceiling once again a minute before he passed. However, it caught the edge of his wing, cracking the bone. Wilhelm let out a agonizing scream and tumbled to the ground, spilling his cargo all over the ground. Cracks began to appear in the tunnel roof-it would not hold much longer.

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*after the hit landed Silver's blade returned to it's original size and state*

Inconceivable!!! I have never faced such a fearsome and ferocious beast before!!! *he then noticed his comrade Willhelm was wanting him to go a certain direction and followed him*

The White Shinigami

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@@Asbel Lhant

Blizz was concerned, "No pone left behind!", he thought. "Let's go! Get moving! On your hooves everypony! Don't stop moving and stay close!" As he skated Blizz tried to multitask and attempt to freeze the worm, he threw his freezerang with his mouth and hoped his shot was good. His freezerang hit the worm in 3 spots, somewhat slowing it down giving him and his allies some time. "Let's go! Let's go!" He said as he kept skating as fast as he could.

[Worm BGM]

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Fey was watching the party and the worm, sitting back a fair distance. "Looks like i can pop in and help... Maybe..." She looked around for a climbable surface and starts to climb with his daggers. Once he got above the worm after it cracking the ceiling. He took his dark bladed sword and drops down on top of it where its weak point is and stabs it deep inside it, drawing blood. He pulls it out quickly jumping out of the wound and dashes after the group before the tunnel collapses..


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Wilhelm was on the floor, attempting to clutch his wing, which was at a unnatural angle. He turned his head to the ceiling. "Come on, Celestia, a broken wing kills me? You.....should....go...to.." He didn't finish, due to his sudden fall out of consciousness. The blood slowly seeped from his wound as the dust from the tunnel collapse settled out of the air.

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizz did not feel like losing a pony, "No way Will! No pone left behind! Come on, we're all in this together. I'll carry you on my back if I have to, but you're not giving up on me! Come on I'll carry ya if that's ok with you." Blizz asked permission, because he didn't want Will to feel weird about it, but he wanted to hurry before they get ambushed.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm turned over and extended a hoof to Ice, smiling weakly. "I'd....appreciate....any...help..." As he moved, however, his side seemed to bulge for a second before a rib ripped through the flesh, and Wilhelm collapsed again.



that was all I have to sayyyyyyyy

jasw= d3-d uwuwjd a hanf auwuuwdh

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Ice! Quick! Give this to Willhelm! It will close his wound! *he said trying to hand the vulnerary to Ice as they ran while Ice was carrying Willhelm.* *Silver used his free hoof to cover his head with his impenetrable shield in order to block falling debris*

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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Blizzard had an idea, "I can't heal you, but with my powers I can numb your tissue so you won't feel pain." Blizz then knealt down to Will and cooled his body's tissue off so that he couldn't feel the pain there. "Ok now I'm gonna lift you onto my back and carry you 'till we can heal ya for real or get outta here." *Lifts Will onto his back* "Ok now I'm gonna move really slow, don't talk, just nod your head if you get me."

Ice! Quick! Give this to Willhelm! It would close his wound! *he said trying to hand the vulnerary to Ice as they ran while Ice was carrying Willhelm.* *Silver used his free hoof to cover his head with his impenetrable shield in order to block falling debris*

"Even better! Thanks SS!" Blizz then gives Will the healing product. "Are ya feelin' better Will?" Blizzard was worried a little, but was confident in SS's ideas so he didn't worry too much. Since he couldn't skate while carrying Will he ran on all fours until the falling debris ceased. "That was close are you feeling better now Will?" He awaited an answer from his injured friend.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm blinked slowly, and put a hand to the wound in his side, already closing. "That's...some...potent...herbs..." He smiled weakly and then tried to stand up, failing. He pushed himself up by one hoof, letting out a string of curses. "That'll take some...time....to...heal, I guess." He nodded to SS. "Good..job..packing those."

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@@Orion Caelum

"Hey, don't I get any recognition? I carried you on my back all through that kerfuffle of the caves crashing! I should at least get a thank you!" 

"Anyway, SS, are we getting any closer to the Princess's relic? It's been 2 days since we've been down here! We should be there soon right?!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm blinked slowly, and put a hand to the wound in his side, already closing. "That's...some...potent...herbs..." He smiled weakly and then tried to stand up, failing. He pushed himself up by one hoof, letting out a string of curses. "That'll take some...time....to...heal, I guess." He nodded to SS. "Good..job..packing those."

A true hero always helps a comrade in need! And well anypony in need! I am a knight born and bred for battle! And as such I must always be prepared for anything! Fortunately I still have some potions and things with me as well. If anypony is injured please do not hesitate to ask.


@@Orion Caelum

"Hey, don't I get any recognition? I carried you on my back all through that kerfuffle of the caves crashing! I should at least get a thank you!" 

"Anyway, SS, are we getting any closer to the Princess's relic? It's been 2 days since we've been down here! We should be there soon right?!"

Tartarus is a big place my friend. We will not know for awhile if we have reached the center or not.


The White Shinigami

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[i leave for two hours, and find 27 new posts, a few that I could actually respond to. Darn it. Again.]

Sinusoid stands in one spot, heavily shaking but otherwise unmoving, with almost comically scared eyes. After more than sixty seconds, he says faintly, "I'm sorry... I — I could have done something but... I've never... been more startled in my life. Whatever it is that happened to you —" It was quite obvious at this point that he could not compile his thoughts; "I could have prevented it..." And he then trails off again.

I wrote this thing.

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Wilhelm waved a hoof at a map he had dragged out of his saddlebag. "We..we're nearly there. Beyond this tunnel is a straight dropoff into the Eighth Circle. Problem is......we'll end up in midair. There's no...way down." Smiling slightly, he turned to Ice. "And thanks, by the way. I...I probably wouldn't have....made it." Then, Wilhelm turned to Sinu. "Nah, don't..beat yourself up...about it. Old Wil is hardier than that." 

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