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Elements of Nature - 2


Element of Nature  

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Frost stood up in her cell, apparently regaining some of her previous personality.

"I might be alone, but I'm not tied up. What do you want?"


Garth greeted the new arrival.

"Hello, my name's Garth, founder of the Valkyrs. I take it you want to join?"

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Atom looked at Garth.

"Ah, yes. My name is Atom, and this is my brother, Cell."

He pointed a hoof at the floating bot.

"There was an accident a few years back, and I had to put his brain in this bot I built. It keeps his brain alive and healthy! Oh, and yes, I would very much like to join your organization!"

Cell gave approving beeps.

"Oh, and ello' there Dusty."

Edited by Derp2daherp
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PlasmaStorm looked at Frost with a smirk.

"So, how did you become a Element of Nature?"


Frost looked at him and sat down.

"Do you really think I'll answer that?"


Atom looked at Garth.

"Ah, yes. My name is Atom, and this is my brother, Cell."

He pointed a hoof at the floating bot.

"There was an accident a few years back, and I had to put his brain in this bot I built. It keeps his brain alive and healthy! Oh, and yes, I would very much like to join your organization!"

Cell gave approving beeps.

"Oh, and ello' there Dusty."


Garth looked at the two of them.

"I'm glad you're joining. I'll show you to your rooms when I get them worked out."

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"Oh thank you!"

He looked at Dusty.

"I tried, but I just can't seem to be able to do it! That's the only thing I was never able to get down. If you 'ad a laboratory then I might be able to give him a form of communication."

Edited by Derp2daherp
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(Matt, try speaking in past tense. Instead of walks -> walked. It's how most stories are written and the easiest by far.)

(Summary is up.) (Map will come soon.)


Garth looked at Atom.

"Tell Legacy to get you a lab if you want one, or make your room into one when you're given it."

He turned and walked over to Grey Ray.

"Another new member. Hello, the name's Garth."

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Legacy's shadow walked up behind Atom. (For all the new ones, she never leaves her room. Instead she creates replicas of herself and sends them off.)

"You want a lab in your room, correct?"


Garth chuckled.

"A lot of them are resting at the moment. We just returned from taking the first Element of Nature."

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(Use "~" around your dialogues please. And dialogues are in present tense while actions are in past. Sorry if it seems I'm trying to conform you to what I'm used to, but it makes it easier to read.)

"Yes, but I need to keep working until someone else can take over. You probably have never heard of them, but maybe the Elements of Harmony. Oh and which room do you want?"

Garth handed him a paper with the room setup. (Look at first post. I just put up a map.)


Legacy flicked her tail and the sound of shifting walls was heard in Atom's room.

"Your lab is set up. There will be an electrical outlet in there."


Frost didn't move as his hoof entered her cell.

"The griffin told me I wouldn't be hurt. Something tells me you don't want to get on his bad side.

She smirked.

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"Thank you."

A&C walked into their room to find a laboratory/bedroom.

"This is... Bewildering! Now, let's get you plugged in, shall we?"

Atom turned Cell's functioning off. He plugged the robot into a nearby outlet to let his batteries charge.

*May as well work on 'is speech.*

Atom then got to work.

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Frost screamed, loud enough to be heard upstairs.


Garth started to explain what the Elements of Nature were when he heard Frost scream.

He muttered to himself: "Already? I thought I wouldn't have to worry about her until later tomorrow..."

He flew down and opened the cell, grabbing Plasma.

"Plasma, really? You're already going to force her?"

Garth turned to Frost.

"If you don't tell us what we need to know, I'm going to let him do as he wants. Go ahead Plasma, ask your questions."


Legacy walked up to Matt and continued explaining what the Elements of Nature were. (Please refer to the first post in the first topic for the information. I don't feel like typing it up.)

Edited by Linguz
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Name: Larva


Species: Pegasus


Gender: Male


Personality: Keeps more to himself, only talks on an extent to those he trusts. Very imtimidating.


Specialty: A bat cutie mark


Description: Completely dark black cloat, blue mane and bright green eyes that could luminate a room. His voice has a deep intimidating tone, which could cause weak ponies to shiver.Larva was a strict vampire who will do anything for the greater good. Although he can have a major temper, he is a loyal ally. Along with his 5ft katana(forged by the last of his family) which he keeps on his side at all times, he seeks revenge of his lost ones with his master Miyu(a 114 year old vampire girl who has the appearance of a 13 year old girl who had also turned into a pony) he will do anythign to find her. Daisy was his sister, and he does not know of her death yet.

Here is a pic of what his human self looked like-


Posted Image



Other: Daisy's brother-

He has the ability of the kiss of life/death

(He can bring people back to life or kill them)


(He can summon anything from hell or that has perished.)

Abilty's: He can materialize into thin air


Room: Daisy's old room.




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