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open Ashes of Iwo

Stone Cold Applejack

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/124944-ashes-of-iwo-signups/?p=3624176


"Up and over" Came the order from the skipper. As the order came up marines starting over the ship and climbed down to the awaiting LVTs that would take us to the island. Among them was me. Red Sage. A marine sergeant and leader of 2nd Squad. I started down the rope ladder and took a spot in a LVT. A few Corsairs flew overhead towards the island while naval destroyers continued to rain hell on the tiny black island. "No way any of them Japs could survive this" a marine next to me said, smiling at the bombardment. One more marine got into the LVT before it was full. The navy coxswain turned the LVT on and it churned to life and slowly started towards the tiny, black island.

Edited by Sgt. Applejack
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After slowly lower himself into the LVT Alamo keep a constant check on info coming to him from command, he didn't want his radio busted because he would be one of the few field radiomen to be on the LVT at landing if he and his fellow radiomen die, command would not be able to tell friendlies from enemies and would not be able to get a beachhead, "Well I hope this doesn't go to wrong, this war has already been hard enough, all them japs just try and hold wearin us down for some big attack, I know it!" Alamo thinks to himself, he checks to make sure his carbine is loaded and clean, but he knows by the end of the day it'l be the least of his worries, "Look like were ready."  Alamo says to a marine next to him

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Wilhelm merely shrugged, shouting to be heard over the wind and waves. "Eh, we're never ready for war. I know I'm certainly not." He gave a nervous smile and adjusted the rifle on his back, the early-morning sun glinting off the scope. "So, how'd you get into this hellhole? I was unfortunate enough to be drafted in '40 and sent here." He experimentally checked over his rifle and took the opportunity to adjust his glasses, which were knocked off kilter again by the next wave off the bow. Wilhelm cursed. "Damn waves. Anyway... Does anyone else here think it's a bit strange that the guns aren't firing? At Guadalcoltnal, they were blasting away at us the minute we landed at the beach. Before, even."

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Wilhelm merely shrugged, shouting to be heard over the wind and waves. "Eh, we're never ready for war. I know I'm certainly not." He gave a nervous smile and adjusted the rifle on his back, the early-morning sun glinting off the scope. "So, how'd you get into this hellhole? I was unfortunate enough to be drafted in '40 and sent here." He experimentally checked over his rifle and took the opportunity to adjust his glasses, which were knocked off kilter again by the next wave off the bow. Wilhelm cursed. "Damn waves. Anyway... Does anyone else here think it's a bit strange that the guns aren't firing? At Guadalcoltnal, they were blasting away at us the minute we landed at the beach. Before, even."

"I say all of em are dead." I answered. "Navy blasted em all to kingdom come. Ain't no way any of them could survive any of this." I was sure of myself. All of the enemy had to be dead. There was no way any of them could survive all of that shelling. However I still remained ready in case this was some kind of trap the Japs were pulling. The black sanded island got closer and closer as the LVT trudged along in the water. It wouldn't be much longer until it reached the beach and we set hoof on Iwo. "30 seconds!" The navy coxswain yelled to us over the sound of the waves.
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"I say all of em are dead." I answered. "Navy blasted em all to kingdom come. Ain't no way any of them could survive any of this." I was sure of myself. All of the enemy had to be dead. There was no way any of them could survive all of that shelling. However I still remained ready in case this was some kind of trap the Japs were pulling. The black sanded island got closer and closer as the LVT trudged along in the water. It wouldn't be much longer until it reached the beach and we set hoof on Iwo. "30 seconds!" The navy coxswain yelled to us over the sound of the waves.

I wanted to throw up. I'd seen war before. I'd fought in war. This time felt different though. I should have signed up for the army while I had the chance.


"I sure hope so... If that didn't kill 'um I don't know what will" Gun and some more gun maybe? These damn Japs are like cockroaches.


 I wondered how the boys fighting the krauts were doing. They've got to worse off than us. Sure they did. Damn. I forgot they gave us this plastic bag things for our guns. I really wanted to make sure my Springfield was working BEFORE we hit the beach.


I stood waiting out the longest thirty seconds of my life.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"20 seconds!" the navy coxswain rallied to us. I turned to one of the ponies within my squad. "Thread Line when we land. You and Joe set up the MG as quickly as possible. We'll cover the first wave as they advance inland in search of the enemy." He shook his head in approval. "Alright good."

"10 seconds!"

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"We won't be receiving to much support once we land ,command is worried about how many antiaircraft guns they got hidden in the jungle and they don't want to lose all their flyboys so were on our own!" Alamo says to the group around him. The waves were constantly rocking the boat, "I'm gonna be sick before we even reach land." Alamo said to himself

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Wilhelm swung his rifle easily off his shoulder and brought the scope across the bunkers, looking for signs of activity. He stepped onto the beach after the first wave had already stepped by, and began looking for a place to shelter with a practiced eye. "You know what's strange? There doesn't seem to be anyone the-" He never got to finish his sentence. As the first row of Marines was advancing, the machine guns opened up, tearing through the unprotected first line in a mileu of smoke, dust, screams, the endless clacking noise of ammunition belts, and the whining noise of bullets through the air. Wilhelm dove to the side, barely missing a stream of bullets tracking towards him, and took shelter behind a string of tank obstacles. Then, the mortars opened up as well.

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"Get down you bloody idiot!" Yelled Blaze, who followed Wilhelm out of the LVT. He ducked behind a rock before arming his Colt M1911, preparing to engage the enemy. With heavy machine gun fire whistling all around him, Blaze yelled out in hopes Sergeant Sage might hear him. "SARGE! WE NEED A PLAN!" Just as Blaze finished his sentence, a bullet pinged off the rock behind him, making him flinch. "The bastards are aiming for my tank!" 

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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"Well, of course they are," Wilhelm yelled back. "It's the quickest way to take out a flamethrower and everyone around him!" He fired a single shot, the bullet pinging off the concrete of a bunker and spurring another machine gun burst in their general direction. He pulled back the bolt and waited, adjusting upwards slightly.

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"Get down you bloody idiot!" Yelled Blaze, who followed Wilhelm out of the LVT. He ducked behind a rock before arming his Colt M1911, preparing to engage the enemy. With heavy machine gun fire whistling all around him, Blaze yelled out in hopes Sergeant Sage might hear him. "SARGE! WE NEED A PLAN!" Just as Blaze finished his sentence, a bullet pinged off the rock behind him, making him flinch. "The bastards are aiming for my tank!"

"Celestia damn fuckin Japs!" I yelled over the thunderous roar of machine gun fire and artillery shells exploding. "Joe you and Thread Line set that damn MG up!" I directed a hoof to the beachhead. "Blaze! You stay down! Remain in cover until we can get closer. One bullet in that thing and you're ass is the sun." I turned my attention to the rest of my squad. "Joe!" I hollered out to Joe, the machine gunner in our squad. "Provide covering fire while we try to move inland." I ordered.

"What am I supposed to shoot at?" he asked. The bunkers were pillboxes. They were hidden under natural elements and were hard to spot. "Just look for a flash. Shoot at it."

"2nd Squad move inland towards that crater. Blaze. With me." I got up and made a quick dash towards the crater with 2nd Squad right behind me. I rolled into the crater and picked up my Thompson and fired at a mound that had a flickering light pointing out of it. Obviously it was a Jap pillbox. I was soon joined by 2nd Squad as they opened fire on the pillbox. It wasn't during much. The rounds kept hitting the sides and the gun was still firing. We got down as the bullets from the Jap mg kicked up sand in front of us. "Red. This ain't workin." Soy Bean, another squadmate had to yell over the chaos going around us. "No shit." I looked to Blaze. "Blaze! Light em up!"

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With Sage's order ringing in his ears, Blaze primed his flamethrower. "I'm on it Sarge. COVER ME!" Galloping for his life, Blaze dashed from the rock over to where Sage was pinned down. Taking hold of his flamethrower, he fired a few rounds from his Colt to suppress the MG, allowing him to turn around and get in for the shot. "SEMPER FI MOTHERFUCKERS!" Roared Blaze, who proceeded to unleash a stream of red hot fury from his nozzle. Within seconds the pillbox was soaked with napalm, setting it and anyone inside alight. Blaze smiled almost wickedly as the sounds of screaming met his ears. "They're all yours Sarge. Happy hunting." Said Blaze, who ran back to cover to avoid getting blown up.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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"Command this is 2nd squad ,we have set ablaze a nest, number remaining is unknown at time, we'll will try to finish our objective of claiming a beachhead into their defenses!" Sarge,  when should we espect the beach to be ,captured the sooner it happens the sooner we get tanks and more support in!" Alamo yelled at his squad leader to be heard over the sound of nearby mg fire

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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"Good job Blaze. 2nd Squad move out. Regroup with 2nd battalion." The squad got out of the crater and ran past the burning pillbox. The artillery fire from Mt. Suribachi to the south was still going strong but the defenses on the beach were starting to thin out and were weakening. It wouldn't be long until they fell. I regrouped my squad with the rest of 2nd Battalion to help take the mountain. 2nd Battalion was part of the 28th Marines. It was their job to take Suribachi from the Japs and to hold it. It wasn't going to be an easy task but it needs to be done.

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Wilhelm pointed to the mountain. "So, do we have any intel on the artillery placements there? If so, we can split the squad and elements of the battalion up to take each artillery position instead of wading through the tunnels, which Celestia knows are full of traps."

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"I'm glad to have gotten off the beach but we got a long way to go before we take the island, now the arty pieces will be last of our problems ,we will have to work our way up to it from the beach, if you want to run on ahead of us into the tojo's traps be my guest, but right now we are foused on getting more support onto this island."

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"And in case you forget, we can't get anything up here better than a few ponies at a time because of said artillery. It'd be a lot easier to take the rest of the island with actual tank support." Wilhelm crossed his arms and turned to the sergeant. "Sage, what do you think?"

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“Not getting hit was like running through the rain and not getting wet.”


The last few seconds were a blur. I was lying stomach down in the sand behind a rock looking for any Japs through my Springfield's sight. Napalm got to them before I did though. I regrouped wit my squad, a bunch of strangers to me. At least it wasn't the beach.



"Tank support? I give 'um five minutes before they're either at the bottom of the sea or blown to bits. I don't think the Japs will wait around for us to let them show up either. We've got to keep on our toes and keep them on their toes... But that's just my opinion. What do you thin, Sarge?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"I say we listen to what command says. And command says we take this fuckin mountain." I said pointing at the Suribachi. "Now how we take it is up to Lieutenant Colonel Flurry." I listened in on Lt. Col. Snow Flurry's orders. "Make your to Suribachi and get up there and silence those fucking guns! The sooner you all done that the sooner we can take this piece of shit island!" He yelled furiously, Lt. Col. Flurry had a reputation throughout the ranks as having a temper. "Alright you heard em. Get to the mountain and silence those guns. These positions are heavily fortified. That's all I know about em." I didn't have a strategy planned out for how to take out those positions and it left me a little uneasy but when we got to that point I'd think of one. "Alright 2nd Battalion! Charge!" 2nd Battalion leaped up and started dashing through the open terrain, heading straight towards Suribachi.

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Wilhelm, meanwhile, organized a strategy mid-charge, and said it on the run. "So what if we bring up anti-tank weaponry-" he dodged a mortar explosion "-and we send a distracting force up the front-" he stepped into the cover of a convenient tank wreck and sent off a shot in the general direction of the Japanese, dropping one with a bullet through his head "-and then we take two forces armed with antitank weaponry up the sides and use them to fire directly into the slits of the bunkers? They should have time to aim if the distracting force does its job properly." He snapped the bolt back and fired again, with the result of yet another dead enemy.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Wilhelm nearly smacked his head into the tree. "Antitank weapons, by which I mean bazookas. They should be enough, coupled with grenades and flamethrowers." He moved up, taking shelter behind the carcass of a bunker, and fired again. This time he missed, and he cursed under his breath while reloading.

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"It's a good idea but Japs hate bazooka men as much as riflemen." I paused to snap off a few rounds from my Thompson. "And combine that with flamethrower units and you got a whole heap of dead marines. It's a good strategy but it'll cost to many lives." I fired off a few more rounds landing a few hits on a Jap officer. "The blowtorch and corkscrew method would be better. 2 marines with BARs provide cover while a flamethrower moves up to clear the enplacements out." I leaned and fired the remaining bullets in my clip before reloading.

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Wilhelm nodded, fired again, and snapped back the bolt of his rifle. One more soldier down, although the rest were mostly getting the hint and retreating to cover. "However, BAR clips are rather small. We may need four, alternating cover times so that there's no gap in their coverage."

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