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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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First Battle! 


Caliber the Wanderer vs. Electron Wave Storm


Caliber walked down the hallway towards the arena. he and some other pony got into a beef lately. luckily, theres this place where ponies can legally fight. he walked onto a stage. it was simple enough, just a flat arena. there was a audience, betting on who would win, and others just watching. caliber saw electron walk onto the stage as well.


a loudspeaker can be heard: "Fillys and gentlecolts! here we have the first ever gladiator arena battle!! in that corner, we have Caliber, the Wanderer! skilled enough to be titled 4th strongest swordspony in equestria!!" applause can be heard. "and in the other corner, we have Electron Wave Storm! This particular pony is the first ever pegasus to master thunder magic! The match will be set between ponyville and the everfree forest!"  the arena morphed into the said location. "where will the fight go? you'll have to wait to find out! Are the fighters ready? Set? Go!!"


caliber un-sheathed his sword, and dashed at electron, who was about a hundred yards away. "here i come!!"



(to our OCs, it'll seem like they really are there, instead if in an arena. but the audience can still be heard)

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 2


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Electron was ready, "Haha! Bring it on sword pony! Lightning fast teleport! Electrostatic shock wave!" He punched his hoof to the ground, and waves of high voltage electricity flowed all along the floor, "Ha! unavoidable! You can't dodge that one since you don't have wings loser!" He said as he flaunted his wings.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber grinned as he saw the shockwave coming. timing it out, at the last second, he stuck the tip of the sword into the ground. using it like a pole vault, he did a somersault over the ground, and used a little bit of magic to propel himself towards electron. he raised his sword, and slashed downwards. "take this!"


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Electron was cocky so he didn't see the attack and was hit, "Aah! Mmmm you're a tough one, better up my game and get serious for this. Bouncy electricity ball!" Electron threw a bouncing ball of electricity at Caliber that didn't have a set bouncing patter, so timing wasn't gonna work this time, "Get some!"

Electron vs. Caliber BGM:


Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber saw the ball bouncing towards him. thinking fast, he threw his sword at it. the ball stopped with the sword in it. caliber ran over to it, jumped over it, grabbing his sword handle along the way, and directed the ball of lightning back at electron. he was shocked pretty bad, but not so much. "right back at ya!" he yelled as he "threw" the ball at him.


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Electron saw what Caliber had done and had to think fast, "Uh....uh. Aha! Thunder spin!" Electron flew in the air at pony height and began to spin with his forelegs out (like Luigi's Luigi Cyclone from Smash bros), "Mix it up and.......Delta Shock!" He had mix up the ball Caliber had reflected and shot out 3 rays of electricity in a triangle shape (Delta=Triangle), "Beat that you skunked tailed swordspony!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber saw the lightning strikes. time for something new. again, he threw his sword at electron, but the lightning conducted it. since the lightning was attracted to his sword, he was able to safely run past it,and jump towards electon. jumping up at him, he landed a rather firm blow on his face. distracted, electron's lightning disappeared. caliber's sword dropped to the ground. caliber picked up his sword. "skunk tail? that's one i haven't heard before!" he pointed his sword at electron. "give it up, you're way outta you're league." the crowd had started chanting for caliber. electron hadn't even scratched him yet! it almost seemed like the battle was over. but caliber knew better. if this guy really was on par with ice blizzard, its clear the battle wont be won just like that.


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Electron was on the ground and bleeding, "Ugh...hehe. You son of a gun! I'm gonna--" As soon as he stood up, his wings snapped and he collapsed, "Oh fu*@ me, you win this one skunk tail. But I swear I will be back Dammit! Do you hear me?! I will be baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!"

OOC: Do something to send EWS flying out of the arena.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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the announcer was back. "and it appears electron has accepted defeat!! too bad, we were expecting more of a fight..." the pressing of a button can be heard, and the ground at electron's feet was suddenly lauched upwards, propeling him outta the arena. "and it seems Caliber, the Wanderer is the first winner! this also makes him the first champion! well, thats it everypony! be sure to come back tomorrow!"


(i decided to have a champion system. so ponies can see whos currently the strongest)


2nd Battle! Green Edge vs. Lorec

"Fillys and gentlecolts, welcome to the 2nd gladiator's arena!!" the loudspeaker boomed. "this time, we have Green Edge, a pony who has come into possesion of a rather unique sword! and his opponent is the first non-pony contestant! Lorec!! a beast of a Minotaur, standing a head above his brethren!!" even more applause. "this match will be witnessed by our current champion, of course. caliber, who do you think will win?!" a small voice replaced the loud one. "i think lorec will win." caliber said simply. "you may be right! and you may be wrong! only time will tell! this arena is..." random beeps are heard. "Sweet Apple Acres!!" the arena morphed. "OK! are the fighters ready? set? GO!!!" a buzzer is heard.

Edited by Peytonjay
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Upon hearing the buzzer Green sized up lorec and Flew high into the sky and stayed there hovering glowing brighter and brighter as he charged his lightning. He knew this battle would be a difficult one as it was his first against a minotaur of that size with strength of that level. He started whistling as if to psyche lorec out.

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@@Mars Orbit


Lorec stared his opponent down, contemplating all possibilities that this battlefield brought. On one hand, he was grounded, and with all of the trees around him, he would be hard-pressed to swing his zweihander, let alone even draw it in such close quarters. But then again, the earth beneath him would never betray, and neither would his fists. He would call upon Viruden's power if absolutely need be, but would perfer to end this with his fists. While Lorec was grounded, the trees would make sure to hinder Green Edge's flight paths. And Lorec, being a hunter, was right at home in this area. Forests were his domain. Where he hunted. Where he would live, if he had no responsibilities in the first place. But that was enough thinking. It was time to do battle.


Lorec raised his bandaged fists, waving a ' come on ' motion to Green Edge. If Lorec could control this match mentally and emotionally, he may very well come out on top. He stayed silent. Drilling his opponent with Dark, goldish-brown eyes.



The trees, being the tallest things in the vicinity, would probably act as lightning rods. Lorec would bank some hope on this, moving slowly until the Pegasus decided to strike. The Pegasus could tire himself out for all Lorec cared.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green threw his blade missing lorec by an inch cutting down a small number of trees but just enough to where he could fly as high as he needed to in order to do what he needed to do green was no longer whistling as he realized the minotaur he was fighting was far too experienced to lose emotionally. He stared down lorec and said " neither of us are leaving here with everything we came in with." As if he knew how it would end

Edited by Mars orbit
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Green threw his blade missing lorec by an inch cutting down a small number of trees but just enough to where he could fly as high as he needed to in order to do what he needed to do green was no longer whistling as he realized the minotaur he was fighting was far too experienced to lose emotionally. He stared down lorec and said " neither of us are leaving here with everything we came in with." As if he knew how it would end[/quoteI]



Lorec simply snorted. If this pony wouldn't come down to fight and wished stay in the air to throw down lightning upon his head from the high heavens, so be it. But Lorec would rather him hurry up than waste his time. He simply looked up, and said one very simple sentence.


" Shut up, and fight. "


For him wasting his time with mere talk, Lorec would spare no punches. If he wanted to stay up there, Lorec would simply have to bring him down to his level. Lorec knelt over, and picked up a small stone. This pony wasn't a slouch, being able to cut down trees in a single blow. But he lacked subtlety. Lorec now had a slight gauge on Green Edge's personality. That of Syuren. He smiled to himself, as he knew what that meant. He looked up, took aim for Green Edge, and threw the stone at almost blinding speed! And he would continue to do so, if Green Edge wanted to stay up there. Lorec would knock him out of the sky before this day was done. Now bladeless, Green Edge would have no choice but to dodge and interrupt his charge, thus making his only option to come into close quarters with Lorec, or admit to being defeated by thrown rocks.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green let loose a small bolt which started a small fire he then landed and took cover behind a tree on the other side of the arena where the fire hadn't got to yet he knew that this minotaur would only have to throw a few punches to break something so he kept his distance.

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Green let loose a small bolt which started a small fire he then landed and took cover behind a tree on the other side of the arena where the fire hadn't got to yet he knew that this minotaur would only have to throw a few punches to break something so he kept his distance.


Lorec snorted again. Fire. A nice touch, he thought. But that Pegasus had made a fatal mistake by hiding in the woods. Even still, Lorec would grant him a reprieve. For now, it was time to focus on the forest fire. Lorec wouldn't allow that to happen again, and he most certainly would not lose his advantage. It was time to call upon Viruden's power to shift the Earth. Lorec ran to the area that the fire had been started, and knelt about 50 feet away from it, placing his palm on the ground. His eyes started to glow a goldish-brown. An aura of the same color appearing around him. Viruden, the soul in his sword, had a strong distaste for destruction of nature, even if it was fake, and so did Lorec. Lorec, using his gift to shift the Earth, immediately punched the ground. The resulting force was incredible. The ground splintered, and the burning trees were seemingly engulfed in what was now a pit. Using even more of the power, Lorec then proceeded to bury the burning trees in their bowl shaped resting place by using the dirt at the edges of the pit. The fire was not only contained, but put out. And Lorec still had plenty of more juice where that came from.


Chances are, Green Edge could feel the vibrations coming from that far away. Lorec didn't care, as usual. He would just wait this pony out, keeping eyes on the skies, and picking up more pebbles. If he even tried that tactic again, Lorec would snipe him out of the air with stones. Lorec's ability to evolve and adapt would be what would help him win. Disable all opponent stratagems and leave them no choice but to fight. Such was his way.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green had no choice but to get his sword back the very arena was In his opponents favor so instead of shooting his lightning he channeled it to his wings and dashed to his sword so he at least could protect himself. He flew low as to not be hit by a speeding rock. His sword was near enough so it wouldn't take long to get, but if he was seen it could go bad fast.

Edited by Mars orbit
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Green had no choice but to get his sword back the very arena was In his opponents favor so instead of shooting his lightning he channeled it to his wings and dashed to his sword so he at least could protect himself. He flew low as to not be hit by a speeding rock. His sword was near enough so it wouldn't take long to get, but if he was seen it could go bad fast.


Lorec looked upward, noticing birds flying upward. They were being disturbed by something heading his way fast, flying low enough with just the right amount of speed to startle them. Green Edge was coming in his direction. And for what, his sword? Green Edge had thrown it at Lorec and took a few trees down earlier. Not to mention that his weapon had been in the vicinity of the fire, so most likely, it was by chance that it was buried and his was a fools errand. Perfect. Lorec thought of a simple, yet perfect trap for this speeding Pegasus, a concept that had helped him take down the same type of opponent as before. With his speed and direction, considering how fast birds were flying out of their nests, he would be there in seconds. Lorec smiled. Time to end this.



He knelt down and started to channel Viruden's power. One Earth-shift was okay. But with how large this one would be, it might cost a little more life-force energy than he cared to part with. But in the end, ending this as quickly as possible was his goal. His eyes glowing bright brownish-gold and his veins pactically doubling in size due to the stress, he released the energy into the earth with both fists smashing into the ground. Then, an earthquake. Within a moment, a massive, thick wall of earth rose from

The ground. Solid rock, way high and excessively wide. That pony was traveling to low to fly above, and too fast to slow down. He would probably end up smacking the wall and end up knocking himself out, hopefully. If he didn't, however, the slow-down would take a lot of energy, and Lorec would take advantage.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green saw a gigantic wall appear out of the ground. He had one way of slowing down, but this would be horrible he shot the remaining charge of his lightning into the forest and started a huge fire. Now moving slower but to fast to land. He dropped altitude entirely and slid hoping he wouldn't hit the wall first either way it would hurt less than hitting at full speed. He slammed wing first into the wall completely shattering any metal on it and injuring it slightly. He would now be slower in the air but faster on the ground because the half his excess weight is gone.

Edited by Mars orbit
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Green saw a gigantic wall appear out of the ground. He had one way of slowing down, but this would be horrible he shot the remaining charge of his lightning into the forest and started a huge fire. Now moving slower but to fast to land. He dropped altitude entirely and slid hoping he wouldn't hit the wall first either way it would hurt less than hitting at full speed. He slammed wing first into the wall completely shattering any metal on it and injuring it slightly. He would now be slower in the air but faster on the ground because the half his excess weight is gone.




Lorec would waste absolutely no time in getting to work. Seeing Green Edge slam into

The wall wings first almost made him cringe. Almost. Being about 15ft away from where Green Edge ' landed ', he gave a cold, stoic stare as he closed in, running with fists braced, hoping to get at least some challenge out of this. At this point, the fire held no sway over Lorec's tactics now. It was a ground war now, and it would stay that way if Lorec had any say in it. Closing the gap quickly, Lorec started to take mighty swings at Green Edge. Punches in bunches, just like his father taught. His aim was to incapacitate edge quickly and non lethally, but he had no problems if he accidentally broke a rib.... Or five.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green ducked a few but took a full uppercut to the face he wouldn't let it end this quick not while he could move. He shot one bolt directly at lorec's eye. And another where he hoped his sword would be metal is metal and metal is a lightning rod. He would have 2 weak shots or one strong shot left and he tried distance himself from his giant opponent

Edited by Mars orbit
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Green ducked a few but took a full uppercut to the face he wouldn't let it end this quick not while he could move. He shot one bolt directly at lorec's eye. And another where he hoped his sword would be metal is metal and metal is a lightning rod. He would have 2 weak shots or one strong shot.



Lorec reeled back from being shot in the eye. He let out a mighty roar of agony, and grasped at it. The uppercut he landed was sure to have rattled Green's skull. His right eye was forced shut and bleeding. It was unknown if he'd ever have use of it again. When he reeled back, the second shot, fired at the pommel of his sword which he carried over his shoulder and across his back, missed due to Lorec reeling in pain and convulsing and swinging wildly.


But one thing was for certain. You don't anger a Minotaur when you have no escape. Especially one that is bearing down upon upon you, is a giant among even his own, and has fought many conflicts. At this point, pure adrenaline was rushing through his veins. Through force of emotion, Viruden's power flowing through him From the sword. He charged at Green Edge, not going for a punch, but instead grabbing him and slamming him on the ground brutally, face first. Lorec then proceeded to punch him In the kidney from behind, effectively delivering a deliberate strike. On his face and stomach with a Minotaur bearing down on him, it was essentially over. Lorec smashed Green Edge's face into the ground again and kept him pinned. His hand even bigger than Edge's skull.


" Listen. You took my eye. But I'm feeling generous. Give up, and I'll let you go. If you charge a lightning attack and do it again, I'll know before it shoots. Try ANYTHING funny, and I WILL crush your skull. You've wasted enough of my time."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec reeled back from being shot in the eye. He let out a mighty roar of agony, and grasped at it. The uppercut he landed was sure to have rattled Green's skull. His right eye was forced shut and bleeding. It was unknown if he'd ever have use of it again. When he reeled back, the second shot, fired at the pommel of his sword which he carried over his shoulder and across his back, missed due to Lorec reeling in pain and convulsing and swinging wildly.

But one thing was for certain. You don't anger a Minotaur when you have no escape. Especially one that is bearing down upon upon you, is a giant among even his own, and has fought many conflicts. At this point, pure adrenaline was rushing through his veins. Through force of emotion, Viruden's power flowing through him From the sword. He charged at Green Edge, not going for a punch, but instead grabbing him and slamming him on the ground brutally, face first. Lorec then proceeded to punch him In the kidney from behind, effectively delivering a deliberate strike. On his face and stomach with a Minotaur bearing down on him, it was essentially over. Lorec smashed Green Edge's face into the ground again and kept him pinned. His hand even bigger than Edge's skull.

" Listen. You took my eye. But I'm feeling generous. Give up, and I'll let you go. If you charge a lightning attack and do it again, I'll know before it shoots. Try ANYTHING funny, and I WILL crush your skull. You've wasted enough of my time."

Green knew this would either be his first lost fight or his last fight ever... He was smarter than to die over an arena fight. "Fine" he said quietly under his breath. "I dont want you to be banned" "I did what I was hoping to accomplish..." "I will have a rematch one day..." Edited by Mars orbit
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Green knew this would either be his first lost fight or his last fight ever... He raised the one wing that still had some metal on it and yelled "SHUT UP AND FIGHT!!!" while stabbing at lorecs face repeatedly with enough force to go through the huge monsters head entirely.

Lorec simply nodded, and got off. He offered a hand to the pony, eye terribly injured.


" and you will have it someday. But only after you've attained experience. You're still young. And I'll admit, you have me much more trouble than I expected."



The sword on Lorec's back resonated, a brownish-gold aura, and then it faded, as if it were approving of the battle.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Green walked over to where he saw the lightning hit his sword with a limp grabbed his sword and walked slowy out of the arena. He realized during the fight he lost his hat. "HEY! LOREC!" He said in a shaky voice. "YOU OWE ME A HAT!" He saw the face of the minotaur he just finished being pummeled by and said "NEVERMIND!"

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"...AND LOREC TAKES THE CAKE!!" the loudspeaker boomed. ​"LOOKS LIKE CALIBER WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIS PREDICTION!" a small voice came on. "as expected, the other was clearly more experienced." "AND WHAT A CRAZY FIGHT THAT WAS!! THE WINNER OF THE 2ND GLADIATORS ARENA IS LOREC KRIN!!!" 


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