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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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caliber's eyes narrowed. "then ill either a. get physically stronger, to swing harder. or b. enchant my sword. ah, wheres that rune kid when ya need him?" he had placed a rather generous amount of gems and bits on sleight mist. almost 800. "sleight, a lot of money rides on this..." he murmured.


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@@Orion Caelum,@,

Blizzard shrugged and said, "Those barriers were tough indeed, but they have nothing on my D.I.N.E blast. Ha! That was my saving grace in my match with her. Although she was kinda pissed at me as I limped back to the infirmary, so I had to stand up to her. I mean I almost lost my voice yelling at that girl, but I feel that I gotta get on her good side. *raises his grandpa's military book* And I think I know just how....*pats book*"


Rarity had finished Blizzard's scarf and took it to him in the stands, "Here you are Blizzard! Your scarf is ready! *levitates scarf to IB* I made it a lovely shade of blue and made it long enough for you to do your grapple move. Do you like it?  :D "


Blizzard held the scarf in his hooves and could barely speak his gratitude, "I...Love it! Thank you so much Rarity! *puts it around his neck* It's awesome! Thank you!"


"No problem darling.  :proud:  Now I must get back to my work." She then says to everyone near Blizzard, "If anypony needs me I shall be on the opposite side of the infirmary. Goodbye!" She said as she left to go back to her work.


Blizzard was blushing as he thought to himself, "Wow she's so wonderful! And this scarf is awesome! *sighs dreamily* Rarity is so lovely I can't even begin to think of what she'll make next."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Orion Caelum,@,

Blizzard shrugged and said, "Those barriers were tough indeed, but they have nothing on my D.I.N.E blast. Ha! That was my saving grace in my match with her. Although she was kinda pissed at me as I limped back to the infirmary, so I had to stand up to her. I mean I almost lost my voice yelling at that girl, but I feel that I gotta get on her good side. *raises his grandpa's military book* And I think I know just how....*pats book*"


Rarity had finished Blizzard's scarf and took it to him in the stands, "Here you are Blizzard! Your scarf is ready! *levitates scarf to IB* I made it a lovely shade of blue and made it long enough for you to do your grapple move. Do you like it?  :D "


Blizzard held the scarf in his hooves and could barely speak his gratitude, "I...Love it! Thank you so much Rarity! *puts it around his neck* It's awesome! Thank you!"


"No problem darling.  :proud:  Now I must get back to my work." She then says to everyone near Blizzard, "If anypony needs me I shall be on the opposite side of the infirmary. Goodbye!" She said as she left to go back to her work.


Blizzard was blushing as he thought to himself, "Wow she's so wonderful! And this scarf is awesome! *sighs dreamily* Rarity is so lovely I can't even begin to think of what she'll make next."


Wilhelm winked at Ice. "See? You're off to a good start. Next time, you'll actually want to go and talk to her instead of the other way around. Now, to the match..." Here, he was addressing everyone near him. "You see Lektra's expression? That right there is the expression I see in the mirror nearly every day; she's up to something. She's calculating. You can see it in the way she looks at the barriers and at Sleight; there's a difference between Maud Pie expressionless and carefully modulated expressioness."

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Wilhelm winked at Ice. "See? You're off to a good start. Next time, you'll actually want to go and talk to her instead of the other way around. Now, to the match..." Here, he was addressing everyone near him. "You see Lektra's expression? That right there is the expression I see in the mirror nearly every day; she's up to something. She's calculating. You can see it in the way she looks at the barriers and at Sleight; there's a difference between Maud Pie expressionless and carefully modulated expressioness."

Blizzard was confident, "Yeah! You're right Willy *hugs him and lets go* Thanks, you're right about that, but I still don't think I'll be hanging out with her as much as I hang with Caliber, simply because my inner child says 'scared of girls'. I can talk to her and maybe hang with her for a bit, but if I tried to hang with her everyday, I'd crack like an egg. :eww:


Though this scarf looks pretty good on me doesn't it? AND I can finally perfect my grapple move with it! I know what it's gonna be too! I'll fuse my powers with the scarf, and use it as like you know an ice tether? And freeze grab my opponent with it. It's pure genius. :comeatus:


Also, yeah I noticed Lektra, it looks like to me that she might win. That means trouble for me when I face her...god dammit I lost money on SM too. Oh well, she's pretty good but those explosives aren't exactly like Pinkie's party cannon. :please: "

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Sleight Mist saw Lektra Bolt push her attacks off and take to the air, and she rolled her eyes in exasperation.


"Because of course you can," she thought bitterly. She spotted the swords coming toward her and directed two more light red barriers out in front of her. Then, two barriers to a sword, she smashed them violently against the ensuing weapons. The negative energy reaction consumed both weapons in a hail of magical sparks, leaving her free to move.


Now, looking for an advantage, she spotted a rock elevation on the opposite side, and decided to make a quick dash for better ground. But not before tossing a stray unicorn beam at Lektra Bolt from the ground, hoping to slow down her movements.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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caliber had fallen silent, and intently watched the battle. or, lektra to be specific. he watched the way sparky flapped, her technique, as well as finding small errors. he grinned. it seemed he was still the best swordspony here. but those lightning katana's will be hard to block, let alone fight. if he thought right, then he cant get hit at all, lest he be shocked.



he remembered just how much money he put on this battle.


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Chivalry was walking down a hallway, just minding his own business. The blade strapped around his waist made slight metallic clinging sounds as he trotted. Suddenly a large gurgle could be heard from the depths of his very own stomach. He made a slight worried expression at his stomach and looked around.

"Aw man, I haven't had anything to eat all day. ~Yawn~, and I'm tired as heck as well." He said to no pony in particular.
 @@@Orion Caelum,
He trotted along in search for something to eat until he stumbled upon a couple of others talking about. He smiled an approached them without hesitation.

"Hey there, sorry to interrupt your conversation. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am hung- errr, i mean, my name is Chivalry Knight. I am hungry, you two wouldn't happen to have any extra food for me, would you?" He asks as politely as possible.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@@Chivalry Knight@@Orion Caelum,

Blizzard was happy to see a new face, "Hello there Chivalry! :D I'm ice Blizzard! And the cool guy's name is Willy. How ya doing? You say your hungry? Well I know the best place to eat that's juuuust near the arena wanna follow me and I'll take you there? BTW what's your skill? I have ice powers AND can use my hooves, but wait don't tell me....you're a swords pony? 3 Words: Caliber the Wanderer, the 4th best swordspony in Equestria and my best friend, he's good, you 2 should meet each other."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber took a break from watching the fight, to look at the new guy. he grinned when he saw the sword. "rank?" he asked, simply. "im a SS. im guessing your an A, or maybe S?" caliber didn't know what rank he was, he wasn't even sure this new guy would know what ranks were. which are given to the participants of ponies in the annual sword tournament.


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@,@@Chivalry Knight,

Blizzard saw Caliber get up, "Caliber, Chivalry. Chivalry, Caliber. *pats Caliber's back* THIS guy is THE best swordspony ever! I doubt you could beat him with your sword but hey, if you choose to fight him I wish you luck. Anyway, who's up for something to eat? The snack stand is oveeeeer there! *points hoof to stand*"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Chivalry was rather frazzled and confused and suddenly feeling... nervous. He suddenly jolted back from all of the attention and created a bubble barrier around himself as if it were sheer instinct. His nervous expression faded and quickly turned into an embarrassed expression.

"I, uh... I'm sorry about that. You all just kinda startled me and... Uh..." Chivalry was too embarrassed to finish any actual sentences.
He shook his head and took a second to calm down. He turned his head towards Caliber and mustered up a smile as best he could.
"Uhm, hi there, My name is Chivalry Knight, former Royal Guard to the Killikian Knights in the kingdom of Killik located in the far off regions of eastern Equestria. I'm not quite sure what a rank is though..." Chivalry said to Caliber.

He had just realized that his bubble barrier had been up this whole time. He quickly popped the bubble and small traces of energy reverted back into his horn. He smiled, awaiting their response.

Edited by Chivalry Knight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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caliber grinned. "we could spar real quick, i could probably determine what your rank is." he said, "but if you dont want to, thats fine." he turned back to the battle. "so...whats your sword made of?" he asked causally, "and my names caliber, as you heard." he glanced at his sword. 'buster, eh? and pretty good magic to boot...' he thought


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@@Chivalry Knight@

Blizzard apologized, "Whoops, sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm Ice Blizzard, but you can just call me IB or Blizz. Anyway, aren't we all hungry? Why don't we continue this talk over something to eat. Caliber is like a freakin' black hole for food because of his dark magic."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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'S-Spar, We just met and this guy already wants to fight... This place is officially amazing!' Chivalry thought to himself. He quickly thought about it and would definitely agree. Though he would at least answer the question first. "My sword? Just simple metals found underground in the desert, such as titanium and steel. Though I do have a friend who's sword is a beautiful, crimson red longsword made from things like Diamond and Gold and even Ruby's. Quite amazing worksmanship if I do say so myself. But mine is just a normal Killikian Knights sword, same as any." He smiled.

"Oh, and about that sparring thing. Sure, why not?" He turned to IB, "Sorry, eating can wait for now. I'm excited to find out how powerful I am according to rank, haha."

Edited by Chivalry Knight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@@Chivalry Knight@

Blizzard decided to go back, "Well as fun as that sounds Caliber, you two Excaliburs can go ahead without me. Based on what I've seen in that match with Lektra, I don't think I have a chance because of her electric properties, oh well. If I'm gonna lose, I might as well have fun while doing it! :muffins: I'm also gonna go visit SM after this fight anyway so see ya later guys!" Blizzard then goes back to his seat.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm, meanwhile, shunned conversation with the newbie, merely quietly observing him with a unnervingly appraising gaze. At the offer of food, he politely declined and then turned back to the fight, one eye on Sleight and the other keeping a close watch on Chivalry. While Wilhelm had enough time to log everything down to preferred gait of most of the other fighters, the newbie was an enigma, if a...temporary...one.



OOC: I'll be off for the night, and I'm going to have a rather erratic schedule for the next few days/two weeks,

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As Blizzard sat in his seat he couldn't help but wonder, "Hmm I kinda wanna go see Luna soon. I wonder how the moon princess is doing. She must get lonely up there in the announcer booth on her own. I really should go see her but after I fight Lektra."


Electron Wave Storm was still acting mean and ridiculous, "Those freaks will all see my true power when I Electron Wave Storm take the stage! AHAAAAHHAHHH!" 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"What? Are we acting out a play or something?" Inax takes a sip of French Vanilla cappuccino, the aroma filling up the air. He sits not too close to Electron. He coughed and shook his head, making his mane more messy, as he had just woken up from his slumber (from where ever he was sleeping). He was wearing his white hooded sweeter inside out "You said stage. So I was thinking we're doing some kind of drama or something, like Princess Bride." He waves a hoof in the air. "I call dibs as Wesley, who wants to be my Buttercup?" Inax giggles and blushes, sipping once more on his cappuccino. "Or if not, Inigo Montoya, ooo, that would be great."


You could only hear the wisp of air coming from what could have been a portal or some kind of magic from side of him, abruptly closing even before anypony saw it.

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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Electron was unimpressed, "For your information sidewinder, I'm gonna beat that idiot snowball AND get revenge on his stupid friends! Just you wait! There's a new badass elemental in town, and his name his....*flies into the air* ELECTRON WAVE STORM! And don't you forget it!" :baconmane: 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Inax's eyes were closed as he finishes his cappuccino. "Yup yup yup, live up your...goal thing or whatever." He stick out his tongue and pokes it with his hoof. "Dang it! I did burn my tongue, ugh!" He throws the empty cup away and sits down, getting comfortable. Inax looks at Electron. "Oh hey! Who are you again? o3o"

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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Electron repeats himself, "I'm Electron Wave Storm! The best elemental pony there has been or ever will be! And Once I take that loser snowball out, I'll then take on the next elemental...then the next one, and the next one...to become the most powerful elemental in Equestria! AHAHHAHA! You're not an elemental, so you serve no interest to me. Get outta my sight!" 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Elemental wha? They have those here in Equestria?" He skims over Electron. "Looks to me you're just a regular yellow, cutie-wootie, huggable snuggable pony to me. Or at least to me." Inax giggles. "Awww, man. Nah, who needs one single weather or element thingy anyway. I got my own secret...stuff, yah!. Just need..." He scavenges deep inside his left sweater pocket and pulls out a screwdriver and puts the handle in his mouth. "Yah, sceffdriffer."


He lifts his left front hoof up and places the tip of the screwdriver on it. About 2 inches away from his hoof, slightly hovering, he twists the tool with his teeth. Nothing is there, yet it seems something is being fitted in. "Jurf neef adjurfmenfs"

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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Electron laughed, "Hahahha! You're just as big of a freak as snowball and his friends! HAHA! Screwdriver?! What could a screwdriver possibly help you do?! That has to be one of the lamest, stupidest, and most foolish things I ever heard of! And your weak flank thinks your gonna fight here?! HA get real loser!" 

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Electricity flourish across his forehoof with each twist and drops the tool. Half his front hoof dissipates into a shining, silver cannon, the barrel away from Electron for safety. "Ah, there its is. Ha, I keep forgetting where to adjust it." Inax  picks up the screwdriver and adjusts it some more. "Horogramfs. Alwayfs makin' meh misff."

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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Electron laughed again, "Ha! You think THAT'S gonna win you a fight? Get real man, you're gonna have to have REAL skills in order to compete around here, where I come from, competition is no joke. You better bring your A game or else you'll go down as a laughing stock for eternity! HAHAH!" 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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