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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Alright, you don't know how much I appreciate that, she can be real uptight sometimes but she is a hell of a friend and I'd drink to her name any day of the week, She has my back, she just doesn't always show it." She explained, commemorating Rune, "And you're alright yourself Rune, and as far as your song, I'd be up for going again. Whatever you want to throwdown, I'm ready." She grinned crazily while twirling her shot cup in her hoof, rolling it down her forelegs and bouncing it around as if it were a basketball. 


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rune smiled, and caught the shot glass in midair. "careful, now, you might drop it."


he laughed a little, as he continued. "and ill admit, im having a little trouble coming up with a song. its gotta be nyan-dancable to, but at the same time, its gotta be...well, more like octavia's taste. any ideas?"


he was sipping from his water glass, again.


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Fluttershy blushed and her voice suddenly shrunk from what little volume it had to a minuscule amount being vaguely audible, "Oh... well, um, uh. I, uh... never really thought about it..." She then began to ponder other ponies opinions of her which frightened her. She became slightly paranoid and insecure, she knew her friends had her back but what about the citizens of both Ponyville or Bangcolt. She had always been concerned of other ponies opinions but never before had she really stopped and made an effort into thinking about it.  


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Tyra stood motionless, aside from her laboured breathing between her teeth and through her nose. She had made the impact, her axe blade cut into Lorec's body and caused him to bleed.

She could tell her friend was hurt, and she felt a twinge of regret for causing such pain, but it would be an insult to both of them if she held back at all.


She tried to pull the blade out, but the minotaur's iron grip, combined with his still-formidable strength, actually made it quite the challenge.

Still shaken from the pain felt of the axe in his side, he only tightened his grip upon Tyra's axe. He let her slowly pull the axe blade out, only

To leave a gaping wound that was bleeding profusely below his ribcage. He slowly turned his head to Tyra, and disturbingly enough, had a wide grin on his face. Right into the beast's trap. He held on to the axe, refusing to allow Tyra to pull it away.


" you know Tyra... A predator that has had it's claws taken away and its teeth ripped out... CEASES TO BE A PREDATOR! "


It was then that the goldish-brown aura flared up immediately around Lorec. Veins all over his body, particularly his upper quarters, started to bulge as if pumping waterfalls of blood throughout his entire body. The very sinews of his horrendously scarred hide seem to almost fail at containing the sheer muscle mass within his body. With Herculean effort, Lorec attempted to lift Tyra and her axe off of the ground as one in an explosive motion!

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Still shaken from the pain felt of the axe in his side, he only tightened his grip upon Tyra's axe. He let her slowly pull the axe blade out, only

To leave a gaping wound that was bleeding profusely below his ribcage. He slowly turned his head to Tyra, and disturbingly enough, had a wide grin on his face. Right into the beast's trap. He held on to the axe, refusing to allow Tyra to pull it away.


" you know Tyra... A predator that has had it's claws taken away and its teeth ripped out... CEASES TO BE A PREDATOR! "


It was then that the goldish-brown aura flared up immediately around Lorec. Veins all over his body, particularly his upper quarters, started to bulge as if pumping waterfalls of blood throughout his entire body. The very sinews of his horrendously scarred hide seem to almost fail at containing the sheer muscle mass within his body. With Herculean effort, Lorec attempted to lift Tyra and her axe off of the ground as one in an explosive motion!


Tyra felt her axe slowly exit Lorec's side, leaving a gaping gash in its place. She kept trying to tug herself away, but there was no chance; Lorec's grip was far too strong.


She felt herself being lifted by his sheer strength, dangling in the air with her jaw locked on the handle still.

"Nngh!" She grunted, wriggling her legs and trying to get her hooves on the hilt.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra felt her axe slowly exit Lorec's side, leaving a gaping gash in its place. She kept trying to tug herself away, but there was no chance; Lorec's grip was far too strong.


She felt herself being lifted by his sheer strength, dangling in the air with her jaw locked on the handle still.

"Nngh!" She grunted, wriggling her legs and trying to get her hooves on the hilt.

It was then that Lorec had lifted Tyra and her axe into the air, and left his zweihander planted as he grabbed his end of the axe handle with his other hand, as well.


Still lifting her upward, he then started to thrash about violently, attempting to swing the axe in all manner of directions, as if he were trying to shoo a fly away from his food. It was evident that he was trying to disarm Tyra, and send her flying away as he would keep the weapon. Ever so chaotically, he kept on swinging the axe in a frenzy, trying to get her off of it.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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It was then that Lorec had lifted Tyra and her axe into the air, and left his zweihander planted as he grabbed his end of the axe handle with his other hand, as well.


Still lifting her upward, he then started to thrash about violently, attempting to swing the axe in all manner of directions, as if he were trying to shoo a fly away from his food. It was evident that he was trying to disarm Tyra, and send her flying away as he would keep the weapon. Ever so chaotically, he kept on swinging the axe in a frenzy, trying to get her off of it.


Tyra dangled helplessly in the air, jaw locked onto the handle of her axe that Lorec had an iron grip on. No matter how hard she tugged and pulled, there was no escaping the minotaur warrior.

"I will not be bested so easily," She growled defiantly, still fuelled with a fiery confidence that she could succeed along with giving Lorec the satisfaction he craved.


The minotaur began to thrash about, violently swinging the axe through the air and her along with it. She kept her tight grip on it as long as she could.

Unfortunately, she had not met a being with such strength as Lorec before, and it send her flying into the wall, crashing and causing a cracked indent before collapsing to the ground. She groaned, her side screaming with pain as she struggled onto her hooves, glaring at the minotaur still gripping onto her ancestral weapon.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“Eh?!” Calibur jumped a bit, he hadn’t heard the other mare approach him and was a bit surprised. He quickly put away the picture he was holding and turned towards the mare. He didn’t recognise her at all which wasn’t partially a bad thing. “Heh… sorry about that. You snuck up on me. How can I help you?”

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie listened intently to Ash as he spoke with great pride and a hint of disappointment. She sensed that he was the way he was so he wouldn't be frowned upon back home. No fierce, ravenous warrior such as a dragon would be caught dead befriending, much less chatting it up with a pony. 


"Ashie, you don't have to hide your feelings. You have thick scales, that should keep them safe anyway." She gleamed with a tiny chortle following. Pinkie was serious but couldn't cut her light and optimistic town as it was a part of her. Much like an infant that clings onto his or her mother so it would be able to nuture. "You may seek approval from your past but you won't always get that Ashie... I know more than the typical pink pony would on the topic. I pinkie promise." She stated still trying to hold a tiny yet serious smile. 


"While looking for approval from your past, you miss what's around you. So many friends, so many new ponies, so many places to go. Ashie, you live around ponies. You'll have to learn and work with them, won't you? And isn't just super duper better to not only work with them but enjoy them? It's bound to be better, Ashie. Just give it a chance." She wasn;t smiling wide or beaming like usual but she was giving Ash a look of comfort. Her light blue eyes fell softly upon his as she tried to comfort him and get him to see that Equestria had so much to offer. He'd just have to be more open minded about it. 


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Trixie shook her head; Aknor had misunderstood what she had said. Technically, the school had been nothing but fair to her, though she only understood that now. What mattered most to her at that time was an entirely different issue.


"No, that's not it. When I got to the school, I got in; I even made it work for a few years. But eventually, they just grew higher than I could personally manage, that's all. They went somewhere I couldn't go."


Which was, technically, to be the elite batch of highest level unicorns, eventually making it into the most prestigious places in Equestria, and, possibly, to be under the wing of Celestia herself. She could have been a student of royalty, and she let it slide. But, it didn't matter now. None of it mattered now.


"Maybe it was for the best, though. I'll never be as powerful or as talented at magic as somepony like Twilight Sparkle, and I know that now. It's not my destiny." she finished, calmly taking a sip of water.





Even in the middle of the storm, that one word sounded off perfectly clear in Diamond Tiara's head, as if she had already been struck by lightning herself. Silver Spoon. She would would tell her to calm down and think this out. She would come up with a clever plan to make her feel better. At the very least...she would tell her to get her flank out of this storm, and stop trying to get herself killed. Okay, maybe not quite like that.


Still, that did little to solve the pain, and the ugly knowledge of who she was. She let out a sigh as she looked at Ice Blizzard through the ice dome.


"You're wrong. I'll never be good enough. But, i'm ready to go back inside," she stated flatly, wishing for the whole world that she could lie to herself like she could everypony else.




Celestia decided to pretend she didn't hear the comment about Trixie, and instead focused on the question. It was hardly a fair one; she loved all of her students equally, even the ones that went bad. Choosing between them was almost impossible.


Instead, she decided to sidle around the question to avoid having to answer it directly. That way, no feelings were hurt. Simple.


"Well, there's so many to choose from. Galaxy, Silver Swirl, Night Shine, Sunset Shimmer. Twilight Sparkle. All of them were excellent students, and some of most nearest and dearest ponies to me. I could never pick between them," she said with a small smile. She hoped it would be a good enough answer. Sure, she sounded like a mother, but... come to think of it, that was exactly how she felt.




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer jumped back as the stallion did; she didn't mean to startle him. As a matter of fact, she didn't want to startle anypony; she wanted her visit here to be as quick and painless as possible. But, considering what she was about to do...


"Um, Hi, i'm Sunset Shimmer. Sorry to interrupt, but I got a little lost around here. I'm looking..."


She took a deep sigh; even the name gave her anxiety.


"I'm looking for Princess Celestia," she said with a rush. "Do you know where she might be?"




Terra hadn't taken her eyes off of Zenru for a second, and continued to stare at him with sadness. Maybe that was something she would have done a while ago, but now, she didn't have the energy. She was too old for it now.


"I've spent a lifetime learning my lessons, the same lesson. It's why i'm out here in the first place; because I know the same thing will happen if I come back. I have nothing to look forward to."

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Blizzard saw the opportunity after another bolt of lightning struck. He counted the seconds, "1...2...3....Now!"


He disengaged the ice shield, and ran over to Diamond Tiara. He picked her up, and ran with her back inside. He put her in a chair, and looked for towels. However, there was only one, so he gave it to DT, "Here. Dry off with this."


Something within him made him want to tell her she was crazy for running out into a storm. But she was just a kid, so he didn't want to make her even more angry. And to avoid risking her running outside again, he had to sit and think to himself for a moment.


"What does a girl like this like? What can I do so that she won't run away again? I mean, she hasn't gotten any recognition from her dad, and feels as though she's the only pony in the world. Wow....I don't really know what to say..."


He sat down on the floor, and started to read from his book, and spoke, "I got a question for you. If you were offered 3 wishes for anything you wanted, what would they be and why?"


He figured that such a vague question would actually land him with the answer he was looking for from her.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Diamond Tiara placed her namesake on a box beside her while she dried herself off with the towel. She was tired and frazzled, not to mention disheveled), but she still tried to think about the question that Ice Blizzard had asked her. It was a way to pass the time, at least.


"Let's see... I guess my first wish would be to always have Silver Spoon by my side, wherever I go. Then... I guess me, her and my dad would take a vacation together, somewhere where we didn't have to worry about work and stupid blank flanks. And, I guess mom can come too. Finally..."


She paused, not really having another answer. It was really all she wanted...


"I don't know. I guess, have milkshakes together? I can't think of anything..."

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Blizzard was interested. This filly didn't seem so bad. She actually seemed nice. He figured he might as well answer his own question, "Well for me, my first would be my crush and I to always love each other. Second would be, to restore my hometown to its greatness of what it was, centuries ago."


He also had no idea what else he could want, "I guess I'd save my last wish for an emergency."


He grew a smirk, "Hey, you like to play pranks on ponies?" He figured that since she was a kid, that she'd love a good dose of pranking.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Uh,I guess?" She figured she liked pranks, if you could call the things that she did to the CMC pranks. She didn't know how or why that applied here, but she figured Ice Blizzard had a plan.


"I mean, I guess I like to play games and prank ponies. But, it's not something I do all that often. It is kind of fun, though," she admitted. At least, It made up for more than a few of her worse days to make fun at the CMC's expense. Some things never got old.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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“Princess Celestia huh? I didn’t even know she was here in Bangcolt; figure she would avoid the place due to its reputation.” Calibur said, a little surprised at the idea, “Unfortunately I don’t think I can help you miss. I’m not really familiar with this city, Only got here this evening myself. I could help you look if you’d like.”

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"My apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable, Fluttershy," he said before taking a sip of water and continuing, "Me personally, I don't really uphold the value of the opinions of others. Especially negative ones. But anyway, have you ever met any animal that was just impossible for you to control?"


Blizzard's smirk grew wider, "Hehehe...I always loved a good prank or three when I was younger. In fact, I still do it to this day. Yeah sometimes, I do get in trouble, but fun times never get old."


He started to go into drama mode, "For example, I loved water balloons when I was younger, and I still do. So what I used to do," he began as he made and ice sculpture of himself and Caliber as colts holding water balloons, "My best friend Caliber, and I would take water balloons, and throw them at ponies from my secret treehouse." He said as he made an ice sculpture of the treehouse he used to play in, "And my best friend Caliber, and I would throw them at everypony who was stupid enough to pass by our territory!"


He made a whistling noise, similar to a dropping projectile, "Whoooo....splash! Haha! And we'd laugh our butts off at how much we messed up everypony's hair and paintings. We were so good, that we never got in trouble."


"Heey, do you ever consider teaming up, and playing pranks with your friend Silver Spoon? Take it from a guy who's played double-team pranks on ponies. Fool. Proof. Fun. In fact, I could give you some pranking tips if you're interested. In my professional opinion, playing pranks is a good way to relieve stress from work. So if you ever feel tired or bogged down from your newspaper, just play some pranks and have a laugh. You know what I'm sayin'?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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LS was still just cruising along a few feet behin RD when she realized thy were getting really close to the forest. 'Uh oh, this means we only have half the race left!' She thought to herself. 'Cmon LS, faster!' She told herself. She picked up a little more speed so she was almost right beside RD.

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Both Rainbow Dash and Lightning Strike were a good distance away from Lightning Dust. She was far behind, but not in her eyes. In her eyes, was cockiness as well as pride. The thrill was lukewarm, she was about to make it hot. She smirked and throtttled, within in milliseconds she was only inches behind Lightning Strike.


She wasn't going to stop or move, it would risk her chances of winning. Lgihtning Dust nudge the rear end of Lightning Strike, creating some distance between her and the ground. Immediately after initiating contact, Lightning flew under her competitor. She jolted forward creating distance between her and the amateur.


She grinned brusquely as she didn't give a damn about her competitors. She would be alright if Lightning Strike fell and broke a wng. It wouldn't be Lightning Dust's fault that they couldn't keep up.


Returning from her dip and being uncomfortably close to the ground. Lightning Dust submerged by Rainbow Dash's torso. Lightning gave her a fierce smile that simply told Dash, "You're going down." And she meant it, as she throttled forward, not looking bakc to see if Lightning Strike had been shaken off or even hurt. Honestly, she didn't care. Which would always make her one bail of hay short of a full set.


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"What the......" She said as she looked down, she was surprised to see the other Pegasus fly beneath her and go past her. "Isn't that kind of cheating?" She asked the Pegasus. 'I have to get past her' she thought to herself, then flew a little faster. 'I don't know if this other Pegasus is friendly or not......because she seems really competitive' she thought to herself

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@Star Saber

Truth be told, Sunset Shimmer had no idea where Princess Celestia was, so the answer was a resounding yes. She was also secretly thrilled at the thought of making a new friend here, so it was a win-win in this situation.


"Could you please? It's my first time being here tonight, and i'm kinda..."

She stopped, realizing that she had forgot something. Something that was probably important.


"Um, sorry. Do you have a name...?"





Rainbow Dash felt the energy finally travel down her to legs, which meant she was ready. She could do...the Sonic Rainboom. It was something that was sure to put on a show, and probably win her the race. Two things she definitely loved doing more than anything.


But, she already knew she could win; that much had been obvious from the start. What she wanted, though, was a competition, and to make a new friend. So, she kept it in, though the energy tingled under her skin like electricity, begging to be released.


She still wasn't out of this race, though, and it looked like she had some competition. Lightning Dust.

"You've got to be kidding," she yelled back at her technical rival. "I'm going to leave you so hard in my dust, you're going to be spitting out rainbows for eternity. Swear on it!"

She yelled over her back at Lightning Strike, too, not sure how she was doing. She wanted to make sure she wasn't too behind, as well.


"Are you alright back there? You keeping up?"




Really, there was never time when Diamond Tiara took breaks. There were moments when she had free time(which is when she picked on the CMC), but whenever she had a job or something to do, she always stuck to it until it was finished. Goofing off at your job was for losers and blank-flanks.


"Uh, sure, i'll keep that in mind. I'd never thought you'd be the type of pony to play pranks," she said distractedly. She was still attempting to dry herself off with the towel, and to little success. She looked and felt like she had just been put through a washing machine.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Blizzard nodded, "Yeah. When I'm not trying to be a hero and I need a break, I just have myself a laugh...or two, or three...or ten. Hahaha!" He laughed casually, as he made the ice sculptures disappear, "Everypony needs to let loose and be themselves. And myself is me being silly!" He said as he started juggling a few ice spheres. He certainly has gotten better since last time he tried juggling.


He started to think of something else worth mentioning, as he stopped juggling and made the spheres disappear, "Hey, I remember you saying something about your mom a moment ago. Would you like to tell me about her? Your family seems very interesting, and of course I mean besides being rich. You seem to come from a bloodline of financially amazing ponies, so I kinda wanna know more. So, yeah, what's your mom like? Does she have a business too?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Fluttershy found comfort in knowing Kevin didn't care about the opinions of others; in addition, to finding comfort that he wouldn't crticize her. But that didn't make Fluttershy feel much better. She was still nervous and inaudible as her cheeks turned a light red and she rapidly tapped her hoof against the floor. "Um, well uh," was her response, as she choked to get out her words.



Night Tracer understood Celestia's position, not one he had been in before but one he most definitely understood. He didn't mind not receiveing an answer, in fact, he couldn't imagine himself decding upon a matter as such, "That's fine, I understand," he comforted. "It's your question, is it not?" He inquired to Celestia while lifting an empty glass to drink. He then noticed it's lack of a hydrogen and oxyen blend in addition to a nearby waiter or waitress, who still hadn't taken their order. 


"I'll have to tell Tavey and Vinyl to up their service as it is not very good," he thought to himself. Then to think if Celestia could read his thoughts just as Luna could stalk dreams. Who knew? Perhaps he'd ask next question. 


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Diamond Tiara didn't react at all to Ice Blizzard's question; there was barely a change in movement as she continued to towel herself off. However, her entire body began shaking slightly, as if she had been caught out in the rain again.


"My mom doesn't have a business. She's not even a part of this family. She's been stuck in a mental facility somewhere in Ponyville since I was a foal, and everypony likes to pretend she doesn't exist. Even my father."


She stopped toweling herself off, then, staring blankly at a small spot in front of her.


"But, she's there, no matter how much they cover it up. Ponies try to pretend otherwise, but I hear the rumors. About the crazy old mare that snapped after she had her kids and tried to kill her husband. Or me. Or all of us. And sometimes, I even catch my dad staring at her picture, and there are tears in his eye, but he won't tell me why. And nopony thinks I notice these things."


She continued to stare at that one spot, but the shivering increased, becoming heavy enough to be visible.


"I hate her. I don't even care if the rumors are true, and I don't care who she is or what she looks like. Ever since I was born, she's done nothing but steal my dad's money, hurt his reputation, and make him miserable, and I hate her for it. I bucking hate her."


She emphasized the word with raw hatred before she calmed down again. The shivering lessened, but her eyes still remained where they were.


"The only reason I even call her my mom and pretend I like her is because of my dad. Because I know he still loves her, and because I know it makes him happy to think that I do too, like we're all this big perfect family or something. But we're not, and I just wish she would go away. I don't ever want to see her in my life. Ever."


Diamond Tiara emphasized the word again, although with much less anger then before. She then slowly reached for her namesake, placing it back on her head carefully before quietly beginning to towel off again.

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Blizzard was astonished. He never EVER figured that a little girl could have gone through so much. And it suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks, "Mother of Celestia.....this girl is something else. No wonder she acts the way she is. No wonder she's not as friendly as most of the other foals I've met. How do I even....?"


He was stuck in a trance for a moment before regaining his focus, "Wow. I know almost exactly how you feel. My father was a low-down scumbag who left me and my mom when I was younger. I know I've said it already, but I feel as though I can relate to you in the aspect of being brought up with one parent. To be perfectly honest, I hate my dad, no, he's not even my dad, but anyway, if I saw that motherbucker again, I'd punch the daylights out of him. Stupid ass left? Then he better stay gone."


He sighed, "But my mom on the other hoof, she's the only pony whom I have left in this world as far as family. And I'd be devastated if something happened to her. What's interesting, is that my mom seems happy most of the time, but she hardly ever has any time to see or talk to me due to how much she travels around Equestria to sell jewels. In fact, she just left from visiting me, but she wasn't exactly how I remembered her. She always seems...defeated, not having somepony in her life. Which is why, she' so hard on me to find somepony I love, I guess."


He walked over to the window near DT and looked outside, "You know, it seems as though we have something in common: We both have grown up with only one parent. But from my experiences, it seems as though that only the tougher ponies can grow up stably with one parent. And you seem like one of those tough ponies to me."


He turned his head to her, and explained, "And by that I mean, tough in here..." he said while putting a hoof over his heart, "...and here," he said while pointing his hoof to his head. "Heh. You're alright, Diamond Tiara. You're alright." He said with a smile.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara felt many, many things, and being alright was not one of them. But, she didn't feel bad either. This was the first time she had ever gotten this stuff off of her chest, and it actually felt almost...good. Almost.


"Thanks." she said flatly; using the words genuinely felt strange on her tongue, like she was swallowing snakes. "And, I guess it's not that bad being in here with you. I mean, most ponies won't listen to me like you do, because I don't always have the best attitude sometimes. Either that, or they're scared of me. They think i'm going to go crazy, like my mother did..."


She double checked to make sure her tiara was on right, moving it back forth until it fit perfectly. 


"So thanks, I guess. For listening. And being nice to me."

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