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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Night Tracer was left alone backstage, he waited to get on and sing whatever he could muster up, but suddenly a figure appeared before him. Tall, blue and with a lusturous mane of stars; Princess Luna.

Before he could speak, Princess Luna spoke in a very concerned voice in which he responded to, "What is it?" He asked with a glint of concern in his eyes as he stepped forward so he could be right next to her to comfort her whenever she did speak. 


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Jade snorted at Axton's name for her, and followed him down the street. She was not much of a drinker, but this would be a good chance to get to know this new stallion.

Plus she wanted to prove she could hold her liquor.


She looked back at her sword upon hearing the question.

"My parents gave it to me as a gift for finishing my training," She answered, with a fond smile, "It is my prized possession. As is this hat."

Axton was interested in the mare's sword. It looked like a very good weapon, and it was something she held close to her, "Interesting. Do you think you could tell me what it's made of?"


Weaponry was an interesting topic to Axton. Especially weapon composition.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Applejack checked him over briefly with her eyes, just to make sure he wasn't really carrying anything. It didn't take her long to be satisfied, although it was slightly tempered by the fact that this pony apparently wasn't a shaker. Still, it was nice to show manners; Applejack put on a smile and loosened up a little.


"Nice to meet ya, Fuse!" She gave a nod instead of the obligatory shake, then decided she might as well start some light conversation.


"So, you just came from outside. It was the weirdest thing that happened; somepony set off fireworks in the middle of the night. Crazy, right?" She gave a small grin;  with the ponies in this town, anything was possible.





@The Down Trotten

Celestia looked closely at Rhetoric. Once again, he seemed suspicious, but he didn't appear to be lying. Maybe he was just nervous, she thought as she drew her eyes away from him. She did often have that effect on ponies.


She turned to inspect more rubble while talking openly.


"You're right; this wasn't an accident. This rubble has been destroyed and scattered, but its parted differently then it would have been had it been a lightning strike or natural process. And the chemicals I can detect around here aren't natural either, not at this place and time. Which means somepony set this up, though I do not know who, or for what purpose..." She began to draw off into thought, a veritable list of potential candidates running through her head...




@Star Saber@The Down Trotten

Sunset Shimmer's body deflated; he was right. She'd been putting this off for years now, too twisted to care for the first few, then too ashamed.. Now, now was different, though; she was here, and she needed to do this.


One step...

What is she going to think of me?


Two steps...

What if she hates me?


Three steps...

What if it's worse. What if...



What if she doesn't?


Sunset Shimmer took another step forward... but she didn't need to. She was directly in front of her of her already. Celestia turned, curious to see why yet another pony had bumped into her... and stared blankly back at her. Sunset Shimmer tried to meet her gaze, but failed miserably; she just looked down at the ground, feeling like an ant under a magnifying glass.





As Night Tracer's gaze met her's, Luna felt small, despite their size difference. Some small part of her wanted to crawl away and hide, out of the fear of knowing what was coming. But, Luna shrugged that particularly part of her off, because she needed to get this over with... whether she wanted to or not. She spoke calmly and with purpose, although her usually loud voice was kept at a room level.


"Night Tracer... your secrets are ours. The journal, all the knowledge of the past that you kept to yourself... we have read it." She paused having to choke through every word. Looking down, she still couldn't read his expression.


"Please...do not hate us." It wasn't a command that came from her, or even a suggestion. It was a plea, and in that moment, Luna wasn't actually sure who she was talking to.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@, @@The Down Trotten, @@Star Saber,

Ice hadn't heard a word anyone else said. He was too busy as he rummaged through the wreckage of the monument, until he came across, "Well, well, well..." He walked over to the princcess and immediately showed her some of the leftover ashes, "Take a look, Celly. Now, at first I noticed that the flames seemed like fireworks. Then, I started looking through all the ashes, and I noticed they looked a lot like the ashes leftover from the fireworks that one were to use on...say a day of celebration..."


He continued to ramble as if it was only him and Celestia there, due to not noticing anyone else's presence, "So anyway, the one thing I've always read on the back of the box of fireworks...is magnesium. A flammable periodic element burning at a temperature of 5,610 degrees. And because of that high ignition temperature, this fire was H-O-T hot! This also explains why the flames weren't put out so easily by the rain alone. Now all that's left to figure out is who did this."


Putting the magnesium ashes in a bag, he continued, "We gotta find out who did this, where he/she is, and why. Because the way I see it, if we keep having intense fires like this, then we're gonna have a serious issue with buildings being burnt down left and right with no way to put out the flames until said building is totaled."


Once he finished rambling, he finally noticed a few other ponies that were already talking to Celestia, and felt embarrassed, "Oh..I uh...sorry for uh...interrupting...I'll just....be over here...." He awkwardly walked back to where he was before he "entered" the conversation.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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“Heh, probably just some kids that got their hooves on some sparklers. Maybe it was some pony’s birthday? I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Fuse lied, although one would barely be able to tell. It wasn’t his first time using this excuse, no reason to make ponies suspicious right? “So Miss Jack, what makes a pretty mare such as yourself open shop in a cespool like Bangcolt?”




@, @,


“Atta go girl.” Calibur muttered to himself and smiled as he saw Sunset overcome her hesitation and approach Celestia. Also with that out of the way the bounty hunter could move onto the more important matter; that pile of rubble. However before he could go an investigate himself, a blue earth pony began to speak of his findings. Caliber approached this pony after his explanation and he moved back from the group.


“Impressive detective work there.” Caliber said to the blue pony as he approached, “However if you’re right about all that. Then I unfortunately know who’s responsible for this… flashy act of vandalism.”

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With his head to the ground still. he heard various chatter, and even caught the princesses hoofs moving. He stood there, not quite sure if the Princess was done with him yet. He couldn't help but to look up by this point. 


As he was going to ask if he was still needed he notice the Princess and another pony, who he swore seemed familiar, maybe it was just him, were stuck in a staring contest. From where he was standing he could feel the awkward, apparently whomever the pony was, well was special. That, or Rhetoric judgement of situation was just crap.


He stood there a bit more not sure what to do. Maybe he could help with the investigation? After all his skills of deduction weren't that bad... But when he listened to yet another pony (who seemed to know the princess, at least enough to address her by name). The kind of knowledge he was spouting was far more then Rhetoric could hope to know about the subject at hoof.


As he stood there  and listened, yet another pony arrived, catching up to the blue stallion he mentioned that he actually knew who caused the explosion. Well there went the idea of being able to help. The only thing making him feel apart of the scene in general was the princess. But with her back to him, and this mystery pony here, he had a feeling her highness didn't really need him anymore. 


​He sighedStory of my life, I show up for a few moments then everyone finds out they didn't need me. He stayed for one more long drawn out minute then simply decided that if the Princess really thought his opinion important or thought he was a threat she'd send the royal guard after him.


He silently walked away, not wanting to be an awkward add on to a situation he was never asked to be a part of. Besides it was late, a pony had to sleep right? Maybe there a park bench I could sleep on or under, the rain doesn't seem to want to let up 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Axton was interested in the mare's sword. It looked like a very good weapon, and it was something she held close to her, "Interesting. Do you think you could tell me what it's made of?"


Weaponry was an interesting topic to Axton. Especially weapon composition.

"I am not exactly certain, to be honest," Jade admitted, using a wing to unveil the sword and show it to Axton. Its silver blade gleamed brilliantly, the raindrops falling on it simply sliding off its grooves and edges without fail.


"My father told me that it is made of star metal, and that it was crafted centuries ago with a dragon's fire," She explained, then let out a soft chuckle, "Though, he may have just said that to see the look on my face. Though it has served me well, it does not break, or even chip."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Star Saber

Well, Applejack didn't think it was that much of a cesspool. Some of the ponies and other beings here were actually quite docile. She casually caught a cup that had been tossed with enormous speed from somewhere in the back, placing it down on the table unharmed with a quick motion.


"Ya'll try that again, y'all can get the hoof out of my bar!" She shouted with intensity, and the scuffle in the back seemed to cease. She turned back to Fuse, smiling again.


"No particular reason. Just the princesses thought we should be here, and all. This is the biggest event that's happened in a while for Equestria, and us being the elements of harmony, we attract some attention, so they stuck us here. That's all." She stared at him, confidently; that was the honest truth. At least, the truth he needed to hear, anyways.




"Princess Celestia, I..." Sunset Shimmer began to talk rapidly, but Celestia suddenly flipped out her wing, silencing her. 


"There is no need to speak. There is nothing you can say." She spoke a little coldly, causing Sunset Shimmer to flinch in response. Celestia seemingly ignored it, turning back to the rubble and looking out over it.


"Tell me; what can you detect here?"


Sunset Shimmer felt the urge to crawl off, but she fought it, as well as the building urge to cry. She had expected this much. She slowly lit up her horn, and it didn't take her long to find what was responsible. She used these all the time back in the...other world.


"Magnesium. Potassium. Chlorine. Zinc. And some other trace chemicals. This is from fireworks, or something similar. Something like this would be powerful, pony made, and it wouldn't go out in the rain. Not easily."


She finished, and Celestia simply nodded her approval. But, Sunset Shimmer didn't feel proud; she felt like she'd rather be anywhere else...




@The Down Trotten

It was late, but it wasn't too late, and they still had someone they were waiting for. So, while Anette's dolls waited, they played. Glory's piano, Heartthrob's harp, and Hero's violin, while Nightmare sat back and watched silently; even he was caught up in the music. A miniature symphony rang out in the air outside the building...

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"great hustle, class, we made a lot of progress today." violet smiled as her little class of colts, fillies, and grown ponies alike exited her dojo.


she had thought why not? after all, she is making good money, along with teaching the next generation martial arts. this generation, too, but thats irrelevant.


...she decided that she'll visit caliber. its been a while since they've even sparred. she started to trot in the general direction of his house, enjoying the brisk air.


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@, @@Star Saber,

Blizzard continued to look through the rubble until he heard Calibur say something, "Thanks. I my family and I have had encounters with flammable substances. I've even read a few books on how stuff gets burned and what fires are made of. You mean you know who caused this?"


A cocky grin grew across his face, "Well for some odd reason it seems as thought it's been night forever. But I'm like, 'eh, why sleep when you can go around investigating wierd crap'. Now here's one thing I noticed: this fire is fresh. That means that this was recent. Obviously because of the 'ka-boom!' that we heard half an hour ago.."


He gathered a few ashes in his hoof and showed them to Calibur, and spoke loud enough for Celestia to hear as well, "But this is the interesting part...because this fire and these ashes are fresh, we can easily predict that whoever caused this fie is still around for two reasons: 1. This was too quick of a fire for a dude to have already left town by now. And 2. This wasn't just some old prank. By blowing up something like a monument, this dude was obviously trying to make a statement for himself. Usually, ponies who try to make statements for themselves, generally want attention. Therefore, I can also tell that whoever this is won't be leaving Bangcolt anytime soon."


To help himself think, he did a pony version of a "handstand", and from his perspective, Calibur was upside-down, "Now this is the fun part! Because this bastard is more than likely staying here, that gives us more opportunities to bust his ass! Haha! So if one were to try and hunt this guy down, that'd be the best thing to do."


After losing his balance, he fell over onto his back, "Ow..oh, and another thing...if I went looking for this dude, I'd start at a place where I could 'celebrate' the 'perfect crime'," putting emphasis on his words with air quotes, "I'd start at the bar and work my war down to you know like the casino, uh uh uh, the many shops that are around here, the training grounds, and other places. What do you think, dude?" he asked Calibur. The whole time he had spoken loud enough for Celelstia and Sunset to hear, in case the could get anything from his info.

"I am not exactly certain, to be honest," Jade admitted, using a wing to unveil the sword and show it to Axton. Its silver blade gleamed brilliantly, the raindrops falling on it simply sliding off its grooves and edges without fail.


"My father told me that it is made of star metal, and that it was crafted centuries ago with a dragon's fire," She explained, then let out a soft chuckle, "Though, he may have just said that to see the look on my face. Though it has served me well, it does not break, or even chip."

Axton wondered about whether or not that was true. Could a sword be forged from a dragon's flame? Was that even possible? Or was it just a fake. He considered how well the sword was against him in battle, "Well considering how good that sword was against me in a fight, it's certainly a possibility. I don't know about my weaponry though. The soulkeeper never told me what it was made of, but he did say that it was forged from Tartarian flames."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton wondered about whether or not that was true. Could a sword be forged from a dragon's flame? Was that even possible? Or was it just a fake. He considered how well the sword was against him in battle, "Well considering how good that sword was against me in a fight, it's certainly a possibility. I don't know about my weaponry though. The soulkeeper never told me what it was made of, but he did say that it was forged from Tartarian flames."


"Thank you," Jade smiled, appreciating the compliment, then took a look at Axton's scythe, "I have never seen such a scythe before. I would not be surprised if it was forged in the bowels of Tartarus itself."


"Your spear is also quite a well-crafted weapon," She praised, looking toward it, "Where did you get it?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra felt Lorec ease up on the deadlock, and automatically, she began to as well. Was it respect, or was she truly spent? Either way, the clash was over.


She saw as Lorec kept looking ahead, past her. She turned her head and saw a pair of stones protruding from the ground. Gravestones.


It made sense now. Those two graves must belong to those who were important to him.


She watched as he trudged past her, toward the graves. She limped after him, not to attack, but to hear an explanation.


Lorec had been dragging himself through sheer force of will in order to complete what should have been a short journey to the graves. His left arm dangled almost unaturally to his side, swinging back and forth once more in a macabre motion of twisted flesh and broken bone. His right arm, bleeding almost as badly as the other, would also be hanging lifelessly, had he not been dragging his zweihander on the ground.


Slowly, he stopped, and looked over his shoulder towards Tyra, eyes no longer glowing, and his scars no longer exuding the radiant, golden light that they had been just moments before. His face was one of empty stoicism, almost as if he were not even truly conscious at this point. It was then, with a slight quiver in his voice, that he spoke...


" But it was, that the beast who came from Saduaris would return to the site of his greatest failure, to reconcile with his beloved son, wife, and honored compatriots anually. While this was a show of love and reminiscence from him, it was also his way of punishing himself for not being mighty enough to guard those he held dearest. The dishonor, the loneliness, and the anguish would bring forth a desire to become strong enough to protect the stray cub that he had taken as a daughter, as well as those who had accepted him into their brood as one of their own..."


Lorec then turned away from Tyra again, and began the slow death march to the graves, but not before his next, declarative statement.


" it is by myself that I wish to convene with my family, Tyra. And when that is done... I shall have two strikes left to deliver. Only one, shall be meant for you. And by overcoming this one strike...You shall become a legend, and a savior. I suggest that you save your strength.... For when that time comes."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec had been dragging himself through sheer force of will in order to complete what should have been a short journey to the graves. His left arm dangled almost unaturally to his side, swinging back and forth once more in a macabre motion of twisted flesh and broken bone. His right arm, bleeding almost as badly as the other, would also be hanging lifelessly, had he not been dragging his zweihander on the ground.


Slowly, he stopped, and looked over his shoulder towards Tyra, eyes no longer glowing, and his scars no longer exuding the radiant, golden light that they had been just moments before. His face was one of empty stoicism, almost as if he were not even truly conscious at this point. It was then, with a slight quiver in his voice, that he spoke...


" But it was, that the beast who came from Saduaris would return to the site of his greatest failure, to reconcile with his beloved son, wife, and honored compatriots anually. While this was a show of love and reminiscence from him, it was also his way of punishing himself for not being mighty enough to guard those he held dearest. The dishonor, the loneliness, and the anguish would bring forth a desire to become strong enough to protect the stray cub that he had taken as a daughter, as well as those who had accepted him into their brood as one of their own..."


Lorec then turned away from Tyra again, and began the slow death march to the graves, but not before his next, declarative statement.


" it is by myself that I wish to convene with my family, Tyra. And when that is done... I shall have two strikes left to deliver. Only one, shall be meant for you. And by overcoming this one strike...You shall become a legend, and a savior. I suggest that you save your strength.... For when that time comes."


Tyra listened, above her laboured panting and gasping, as she sat down again. She hung on every word.


She managed a wide-eyed look of realisation upon hearing his story, and whose graves these were. She understood now.


He wanted to be alone with his wife and son, before continuing the fight. She managed a nod.

"Of course," She panted, swallowing some air and holding a hoof to her broken ribs, "Take as much time as you need. ...please."


The last part really hung on her. If she managed to overcome one more attack, she would become a legend?

A tiny sliver of adrenaline flew through her body at that thought.

Though, why a saviour...?

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Vera was intrigued by the fight, but truthfully had been getting bored over the course of the last few minutes. So much so, that she had literally fallen asleep in her chair next to Kazas. She was having a very bad dream, and was tossing and turning in her chair, visibly uncomfortable, and started talking in her sleep, "N-No...please.....I'll do better next time.....please....another chance.....no....please!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Celestia overheard the conversation, and she couldn't help but smile to herself; he was doing a good job.


"Very well concluded, Ice Blizzard. Now I believe this task should be a lot easier. You will be looking for a pony within the vicinity who has the aformentioned chemical compounds on their person, and when you do, I give you and your friend the full permission of the Princess of Equestria to apprehend them. I will also send guards out to search. But first..."


She looked at Sunset Shimmer, who averted her gaze, instead finding the broken ground and debris much more interesting.


"We must talk privately."


She draped a wing over her former student, and without a word, they teleported off into the night.




Sleight Mist dealt the final blow. As she dropped, spinning, from a rooftop, a blade of water of water sharp enough to cut stone ripped itself through the air towards her brother, and he couldn't avoid it in time. He only just managed to save himself being cleaved in half by turning rapidly to the side, and even then, he lost a good deal of skin off of his hide. He glowered angrily at her as she landed perfectly on the ground in front of him.


But, then he gave a sigh of composure, and his face was once again as mirthful as ever.


"Well, that was certainly fun. And unexpected. Maybe you are more than Mother's spawn." That elicited another growl from her, and she rushed to attack again, intent on finishing it this time. Before she could however, her brother pulled one last trick. Water exploded up in a hyper expansive bubble before shooting out towards her, and she had to freeze the wall in order to prevent herself from being smashed into a nearby building. By the time she had done that, though, he was gone.


Sleight Mist stood stock still, before suddenly giving a shout of rage, causing all of the water around her to jump suddenly from raw magic. By the time it splashed down, Sleight Mist was gone too, heading back towards Caliber's house, though for what, she didn't know at the moment.

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by now, violet was nearing his house. she was hoping to have a nice talk with her long time friend, maybe share a few stories, perhaps even a spar...


she stepped up to his door, and was about to open it when she saw a mare that was seemingly in a bad mood approaching. "hello!" she said cheerfully, waving from caliber's door. 


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@@Star Saber,

Blizzard was now on his own with Calibur next to the pile of rubble. He as no idea what to do next besides maybe attempting to capture whoever did this, "Well, it looks like Celly has appointed you and me as temporary Agents. Sounds fun. Hopefully we'll catch that guy, but like I said, start at the bar, then the casino, and work your way down. Alright? Cool."


He gave Calibur a friendly nudge to the shoulder, "I'm tired right now, though. But if you need my help, just shout the name, 'Ice Blizzard' at the fighter's apartment registration desk. A guy who plays with fire may need somepony to help him cool off. Get it? Eh? Eh?" Laughing at his own terrible pun, Ice asked a question, "Who are you, by the way? I don't think I've met ya! Name's Icesius Blizzard: Cryokinetic Earth Pony. And you are?" he asked, holding out his hoof to shake.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mars continued to walk in the rain. "The rain won't let up, eh, Marcus" the bunny nodded in agreement then poked Mars' head. "What's wrong" Marcus pointed towards a figure digging a hole. "What the heck is that? Go find somewhere to hide. I'll call you when it's safe." The bunny jumped off of Mars' back and into some bushes. "Hey! You okay!?" Mars called out.

"Mars? Is that you?" The figure said.

I know that voice anywhere Mars thought to himself "Skitz!? What are you doing out here?!"

"Just storing my waffles for winter."

"That plan sounds like you didn't think it out entirely. What happens when the dirt touches the waffles?" Mars said back.

Skitz replied with "they get dirty and I make new ones."

"......ok, yeah sure let's go with that. Do you know somepony that can fix the door?" Mars said.

"102.7 Kiss FM!! This is a message from the waffles."

"You scare me sometimes. I'm gonna leave. You're welcome to come with me if you're all done here."

"yeah I'm not really doing anything anyway." Skitz said while climbing out of the hole.

"But what about the hole you just dug?"

"Look. We can spend all day...or night...maybe...discussing holes or we can go fix the door."

"...sure, yeah. Marcus! It's safe!" Just then the bunny jumped back on Mars' back and Mars started walking with Skitz.

  • Brohoof 2
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“Elements of Harmony eh? Yeah I remember hearing that that legend wasn’t just a legend. Well color me surprised; I never thought I’d be served drinks from a damn near celebrity.” Fuse chuckled, still waiting on that drink; however he had to admit, this small talk was… enjoyable. However in the back of his mind something told him, that there was a possibility the two of them might be at odds one day. A real shame, he was starting to like this mare.






This pony sure liked to talk a lot, maybe a bit too much. Earth Ponies with magic powers are a rare breed; so the name Ice Blizzard immediately registered in Calibur’s mind; interesting that there’d be two elemental powered Earth Ponies roaming Bangcolt. This Ice individual had a meager bounty for his capture alive… not worthwhile enough to start an incidence over it right now.


“The name is Calibur.” He took Ice’s offer for a hoof shake, “As for the pony responsible, who I believe is a pony who goes by the name Gunpowder Fuse, likely used some kind of explosive device keyed to some sort of timer. However he was likely somewhere nearby to watch it explode… fireworks are definitely his M.O.”


“He’s also an Earth Pony that seems to have access to unnatural powers; Pyrokinesis a stark contrast to yours.” Calibur asked this last line with a tone of suspicion. “You wouldn’t happen to have any connection with him?”

Edited by Star Saber
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@@Star Saber,

Ice thought for a moment, "Interesting. I know a guy named Caliber too. And Gunpowder Fuse? Earth Pony with fire powers? Nah. Never heard of him. Question: How do you know who this guy is so easily? What are you Magnum P.I.?" he laughed at his own sarcasm, "But seriously, are you an officer of some kind? What's the deal?"


He started to get nervous, "Oh no....please don't tell me this guy knows about what I did a few years ago....It was only one...j-just one...th-the hole in the Canterlot Castle wall wasn't that big right?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer stood by her as he trembled in fear. He couldn't believe his ears... He invested trust, love and care into Luna and she stuck a kinfe in his back. He wanted to back away from her but he couldn't as he was staring her in the eye. They were no longer bright, vibrant and curious. They were sorrowful, lost and confused. She knew she had messed up, and so had Night Tracer.

He put a hoof on her shoulder and propped himself up to embrace around her. His unkempt chest hair was against  hers which was much more sleek and tidy. He rest his head behind hers so sshe could not see his face and he couldn't see hers. He couldn't bare to look at it. A fae that once brought him joy and gave him strength now reminded him of faces he would never forget... screams that he could never unhear... and relentless pain that would never disappear. 

A tear slipped from his eye and down his muzzle; funny... you can't just laugh at the some joke, agaiin and again and again, but why can you keep crying over the same thing again and again? He stood their eyes closed, sobbing. He was paralyzed, much like that night he sat their on the stairs...



Night Tracer and his grandfather were upstairs, sitting atop the stairwel listening to his parents yell at each other.

"I wasn''t the one out in the bar bringing mares home to buck in the lviing rooom!"

"Why would you bring them home, you were already doing it with your boss and girflfriends at work!"

"You get the hell off my back you scum, Let me do whatever the buck I'm going to do with my life."

"And I can't?"

"We're Bucking married! You can't go out bucking other mares. You bucking dipshit."

"Dipshit? That's a new one. Quite a compliment coming from a secretary whore!"

"At least I can hold a job."

"How about your mouth?"

"You know wha--"

Night Tracer sat their leaning on his grandfather's side as herubbed his hoof on his head, "It's going to be alright, don't you worry. They'll work it out." He spoke softly.

"Ok, Pawpaw." Night Trace replied longingly for the fight to stop. And apparently, his sister wanted it to stop to. As she began crying from her room.

His grandather peered behind himself and listened to the crying. He waited a bit before reacting. "I'll be right back. Got to make sure your baby sis is alright, ok?"

"Yes, sir pawpaw." He montonously spoke, with a dreary tone. It seemed like he had said the same thing again and again and again. And spoke in the same exact way, again and again and again.

After a minute or so, the yelling intensified while curiosity overwhelemed Night Tracer and without his Grandfather to prevent him from investigating he walked down the stairs just so he could see his father and mother, still, going at it.

After not even 15 seconds he saw something absolutely horrific. Something he had never really noticed but his father hit his mother across the face with his hoof. He was relentless; he didn't hold back.

She began cryiing, so did Night Tracer but he cried quietly so he still wasn't noticed by his parents.

"STOP CRYING!" His father yelled angrily.

"GO TO HELL!" She scramed back.

Continually she told her to stop crying, he demanded her to stop crying. But she did more and more. He knocked her onto her back and grabbed a knife beside him on a counter top. Once more, he demanded that she stop wailing. But she didn't.

Night Tracer stood in shock as he watched his father. Tears ran down his face and chills down his spine. He screamed for him to stop but he was traumatized. He yelled and pitched a fit but not a sound came out as he was seemingly scared stiff.

His father had wanted his mother to stop crying, and so he decided he was. He snapped. And in no more than a moment the floor was covered in a pool of blood... she laid there...she had stopped... but the crying hadn't.

He dropped the knife at her side and begaan sobbing uncontrollably. Yelling at her dead body in addition to yelling at himself.

Night Tracer stood in fear, still sobbing uncontrollably... His grandfather was upstairs and parents living the worst degree of hell. Tears of pain, angst, anger and sadness had made puddles around him. For this was the first time, Night Tracer was truly alone...

He shuddered... as more tears began to fall. Eventually, after what seemed to be a long while, he pulled away. And looked her in the eyes before saying, "Hate you...? I could never... but, I hate myself... for ever loving you." He embraced her yet again and kissed her off of impulse. About four seconds later he bbroke the kiss before looking her in the eyes one more time and dashing towards the door... into the dark, stormy night. The rain would hide his tears and wash away his pain or so he hoped so he couldn't feel so ashamed...


"I fell for you so strong.
To me you truly belonged.
Trust I could once more;
Disregarded the signs and opened my door
Splendor--, sought by pain. Love--, seeked by hate.
Stupidity--, buried in shame.
For I hang my head and wipe my tears.
The whistles of the winds can describe to me my fears.
But, at the end of the day the wolves still howl, the waves still crash.
Ignorant is the child, lost is mother. Blinded is the lover, lost is the game.
I may not see tomorrow, but at least I'll always be able to remember today."


(Yet again... very rushed, sorry.)
Edited by Flashy Sentry
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"Yeah, sometimes all through the night and into the mornings just to make sure every detail of what I've made is just perfect." He was dedicated to his work. The better the product, the more they'd come back for more. "The nights can be straining but its all worth it when you're left with a happy client. You meet a broad variety of people in this buisness. Mainly people needing cart repairs or soliders needing armor fixes. Because of my talent I can do the job almost twice as fast as any other blacksmith I've ever met." He stopped and pondered about his current project. "Of course I'm not saying I'm the best, I've just not met one better than me yet." He said with a grin. He saw a waiter walking past and notioned him over, whispered something to the waiter who nodded and walked off to another customer. He looked outside into the night sky, "Its getting pretty late, I think I'm going to head back home and get some sleep. I think I have a match tomorrow... This evening has been unique and it's been a joy meeting you Trixie and I hope we can stay in touch." He got up and put his half half of the bill and a bit more on the table and walked towards the door and headed off home to get some sleep. It had been an odd day for him to say the least, he'd recap the day after the fight tomorrow he decided as he arrived home, locked up and went to sleep.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Thank you," Jade smiled, appreciating the compliment, then took a look at Axton's scythe, "I have never seen such a scythe before. I would not be surprised if it was forged in the bowels of Tartarus itself."


"Your spear is also quite a well-crafted weapon," She praised, looking toward it, "Where did you get it?"

Axton looked fondly at his spear and tried to get the words out, "Well...this belonged to my dad before he was...yeah. Pretty much all I have left of my parents, so I keep it very close. My dad was a blacksmith so he used to make weapons. Unfortunately...finding this after they were.....is what started my....crimes..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Sleight Mist's record scratched as she saw the new mare walking up to Caliber's door. The one she had never seen before. The one that he had never mentioned. But, it not like she was a jealous pony anyway. No, the ice forming in sheets from the rainwater on the sidewalk as she walked was little more than a freak coincidence.


Still, remarkably, she managed to remain calm and composed while approaching the strange mare, although the end result was a deathly calm, perfectly pleasant voice, one that could barely be heard over the rain. For those who knew Sleight Mist, they would much rather prefer she be shouting right now.


"Hi. My name's Sleight Mist. I'm here to visit my boyfriend." She walked up the mare, smiling peaceably. "And who might you be?"




@Star Saber

Applejack? A celebrity? Sounded strange. And uppity. She didn't like it one bit.


"Yep, we're real. But I ain't no celebrity. I don't understand why anypony would want to be; no privacy, no time to yourself, no time to your kin ponies chasing you down all the time. I think i'm perfectly fine right here, being myself. Just plain Applejack."


She finally remembered that Fuse had happened to order something. It took her a minute, but she managed to whip him up his order. The froth made for a beautiful sight as it slid across the table towards Fuse; it almost brought a tear to her eye.


"One apple cider, just like ya ordered."




@Mars Orbit

Nightingale had sat down from the building in order to watch the fight, but now that it had finished, she was left with little to do. That all changed, though, as she heard a strange noise, and caught an even stranger sight.


Naturally, she flew down over the two pegasi and the rabbit; introductions were only proper, after all. She walked on the building beside them, talking loud enough for them to hear, even over the rain.


"Well, aren't you stallions a couple of strange characters?"




Trixie looked off towards the door as Aknor went; it had been a pleasant conversation, if not a little sparse for her taste. But, her attention was quickly stolen by other matters. Specifically, that of the Moon Princess, who stood stock still, in the center of the hall, darkness radiating from her body and writhing about on the floor and air around her like a living weapon.


"Princess...?" Trixie asked cautiously. She edged over to her, not sure of the nature or intent of the darkness that was spreading from her. But, if Luna heard her, she gave no indication.


"Princess..." Trixie stated it this time, as she got slightly closer to Luna, just close enough to hear the words coming out of her mouth.


"You were right all along...I should have trusted you from the start. I should've never..."


"Princess!" Trixie finally decided to yell her name this time, loudly. Luna reacted as if she'd been shocked; the tentacles vanished into the floor, dispersing as if they'd never been there. But, she still wasn't looking at Trixie; she spoke as if she were talking to someone that had long since left.


"I'm so sorry."


With those words, darkness pooled out from under the floor, pulling Luna in slowly. She sank for several agonizing seconds, until at last the shadows closed over her head. And just like that, Luna was gone, leaving Trixie standing next to an empty floor in the hall.




@Orion Caelum

Anette was outstretched hoof was suddenly taken back as looked over to see darkness shooting out of the floor, filling the air with an inky blackness. She gave Wilhelm a quick peck on the cheek.


"Sorry, looks like our date might be canceled. Again."


Having said that, she galloped over to the source of the confusion. But, groups of other ponies had already gathered over there by the time she made it to the center of the hall, and she couldn't see over them. By the time she had managed to make her way up to the front, whatever it was had disappeared, leaving one blue unicorn standing still by herself, in disbelief, it seemed.


"What just happened...?" she spoke out loud. But, her words seemed to fall on deaf ears; it looked like everypony knew exactly as much as she did: nothing.





Rain Shadow paused in her moment with Lektra as darkness filled up the room, making it hard to see. Luckily, changeling eyes were a little more complex than a ponies. Rain Shadow shot up, heading above the chandelier, and when she thought no one was looking, shifted forms.


Now, as Click, she could see better, and despite now having a hard, exoskeleton based body again, her jaw still managed to drop. It was the princess, and it looked like she was having a fit. One thing was for certain; this was nothing but trouble. She shifted forms again, turning back into her pony body, before edging out of the room and slipping silently out into the open air...




Celestia and Sunset Shimmer had both ended up teleporting into the princesses private room. It was beautiful; a luxurious writing desk with large, expansive cabinets, a velvet bed with curtains to match and a few couches, and even a large, beautiful window designed to face the sun. But, Sunset Shimmer ignored all of that. Her focus was on Celestia, who looked down at her silently, unbearably.


"Celestia, I..." She began quickly, hoping to end this and get her feelings out, but Celestia flicked out a single wing, silencing her.


"Sunset Shimmer, like I said before, there is no need to speak, no need to make up excuses. Listen to me as I say these words; there is nothing you can say. Nothing that you can do..." She still looked down at her student, cold and impartially. But, in one deft motion, it changed; she suddenly dropped to her knees, wrapping up her former student in both wings and drawing her closer.



"That would ever make me stop caring about you. Ever." Tears suddenly began to spill down her face as she held onto Sunset Shimmer, who, despite herself, was tearing up too. This had been what she had been expecting. This is what she had been afraid of.


"I'm so sorry, Celestia. I'm so sorry..." She finally got out the words as she returned the hug, burying herself into the side of Celestia's neck. "All of those years I was gone, I was so angry, all I wanted to do was hurt you,like i'd been hurt. But, I was wrong, I know that now. And i'm so, so..." She couldn't take the weight of her own guilt; she dropped to the ground as well, tears now falling from her eyes and onto the floor below. Celestia's reaction was simple; she placed her head over her students neck now, using her wings to somehow pull her in even more.



"There is nothing you can do. For years, i'd been waiting for you to come back, just so we could have this moment. Just so I could tell you i'm sorry, for neglecting you, and for hurting you. But, all is forgiven, if you'll forgive me...my princess." 



Sunset Shimmer didn't need to hear anymore, and she didn't respond, as suddenly the floodgates burst and she wept openly, sobbing into Celestia's side. Celestia, head still draped over her side, didn't say anything, only held her, as the night stretched on endlessly...

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Axton looked fondly at his spear and tried to get the words out, "Well...this belonged to my dad before he was...yeah. Pretty much all I have left of my parents, so I keep it very close. My dad was a blacksmith so he used to make weapons. Unfortunately...finding this after they were.....is what started my....crimes..."


Jade nodded once, and put a hoof to Axton's shoulder once again.

"I am sorry," She said, totally straight, "Your father was certainly a talented craftspony, to have created such a weapon."


She offered a smile beneath her hat. "I am sure that they are looking down from the Higher Plain with fondness at your new path in life."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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