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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Axton laughed, "Ahahah...relax littly lady," he said, "You're supposed to blow out the flame before you drink it." And with that, Axton blew on the rim of the glass, putting the flame out, and drank it. "Haha! That way you can tell your friends, 'Hey, I drank a shot that was on fire!' you know? Anything else you want me to show you?"


"Oh, I see," Jade muttered, watching as Axton extinguished the fire before drinking, "Equestrians have such interesting customs! I am impressed!"


As she took another sip of her drink, she tilted her head in thought of what she could see next. "Well, what else can you show me?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Oh, I see," Jade muttered, watching as Axton extinguished the fire before drinking, "Equestrians have such interesting customs! I am impressed!"


As she took another sip of her drink, she tilted her head in thought of what she could see next. "Well, what else can you show me?"

Axton snickered, "Well, there's actually a lot I can show you besides just drinks here. But this next one will be good." For the next drink he 'made' he added some baking soda and vinegar to his drink, causing it to fizz. "Look at this." He said before downing it.


"Be careful..." the voice in Axton's head said, "You better be lucky that the body disappears immediately after you removed the soul."





Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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My first day here, and there's an explosion,the princess shows up.... and yet strangely it all feels anti climatic. Here I am simply walking in the rain, looking for a place to lay my head. Rhetroic's thoughts were  interupted however by the strange sound of music. He had heard there was to be a concert tonight, but surely it would have been over by now?


Not careing if it was illogical, he followed the sweet sounds. His ears lead them to a house, as far as he could tell no different then any other builiding around. The music, rather loud now somehow made him feel even more lonely. Wanting to see where such lovely music was coming from he, feeling slightly guilty, peered in one of the window's.


He couldn't tell if they were young or just small but the muiscians seemed almost other worldly as they played, and seeing how his night was now very free, Rhetroic stopped and listened. His own private concert, with no one to share it with butthe rain.


Sitting at one side of the road, with his eyes closed, he listened Maybe, maybe I'll just fall asleep here....


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@The Down Trotten

The dolls had just finished the last of their musical piece, reciting the one that they had performed only a few hours before. Anette stomped her hooves emphatically, once again blown by the performance. However, she quickly became distracted as she witnessed somepony peeking in through her window. With a silent, unnecessary command, the dolls immediately stopped playing, taking their positions up on the shelves of the house. They would appear like lifeless, inert objects to anypony who looked at them.


That task completed, Anette slowly opened the door and peered outside, ignoring Glory's warning going off in her head to stay outside.


"Hey, you look a little lost." She smiled brilliantly at the stranger from under the eaves of the house as she left the door open, clearly an invitation for him to come in "You want to get out of the rain?"




@Mars Orbit

Silver Spoon was out walking, hoping for some candid shots as part of the Chatty Cathy's photography group, when she came across a couple of strange characters. Quickly deciding that they weren't dangerous, though, she decided to take the initiative, boldy walking up to them.


"Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to have seen anything weird or interesting happening out here, would you?

Rarity was busy working on la clochette belle when she heard a knock at the door. She walked over, pretty certain she already knew who would be knocking on her door in Bangcolt.


"Well, hello again, Ice Blizzard." She gave him a small smile, but it faded when she remembered exactly why he was here.


"Oh, all the modeling stuff! I totally forgot!" She began rushing around the room, desperately trying to put things together. Maybe they could still do this...

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, @Mars Orbit

Nightingale dodged the stick of butter at her with an errant toss of her head.


"Thanks, but maybe another time." She then flew off as quickly as she came. It was no fun taunting the crazy, and obviously these ponies were very crazy. Probably worse than she was.


Nightingale's actions were more dictated by daylight then anything else. In the daylight, her camoflauge was useless, and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Which meant, she needed an easier target, somepony who soft and innocent...


She found it relatively quickly, in a mare who looked as soft as a stick of butter. she didn't say much, just decided to float over her. Testing her.


"Hi." She looked down at the pegasus beneath her, that grin once again resurfacing in full.




Once AJ saw Night Tracer nod, she didn't need much more pressing. Walking over to the other side of the counter, she took him by the hoof and led him to the cellar, where they had talked before. She pulled up a barrel of cider for the both of them, and then sat down, eyeing him patiently. Waiting for him to speak.

He trembled as he sat down atop one of the barrels. Chills ran up his spine and darkness flooded his vision. Abysmal, endless paroxysm resided with him once again like a house guest who had over worm their welcome. He deeply exhaled and opened his eyes. His jaw drop to speak but nothing came out. He scoured in response. He was stiff, fearful and antsy. Three characteristics that didn't define his personality. Regardless of the situation, he still wasn't one to be scared. Perhaps, it hurt worse than he imagined it did.


He sat motionless. He didn't speak, he didn't blink, he hardly let out any breath. He did nothing. He couldn't. All his life he had dealt with trauma, suffering, loneliness, hate, crime, and loss. This was the first time he hadn't to worry about... Anything, in years. He was in some sort of way at peace. He thought he found a home, somewhere to rest. Somewhere he could close his eyes and not have to wake up to a hellish feeling.


In mere moments that was ripped away from him. It's one thing to hurt. It's another to be hurt. And a completely different to be hurt by those who were supposed to help you. There is no worse pain then being hurt by those who you love. You can take loads upon loads, barrels upon barrels of hate, pain, and suffering from those who mean nothing to you but you can take very little from those who mean everything to you.


Alas, something happened. A crystalline tear escaped from his eyes and rolled down his face. Another tear followed suit, then another, and another. Eventually tears just came rolling out onto his muzzle and they

dripped from it to the floor. It wouldn't take long before puddles began to congregate.


His body temperature rose but he felt cold. He shivered from the chills running down his spine; the chills were numbing his fore and back legs. He was practically immobile.


After several tears hit the floor and sniffles congested his sinuses, he finally squeaked out a few words. "I need to tell you some things that I've never told anyone before," he gulped. It was time someone knew. It was time he talked about it. "It's going to take time... An-and...not all at once but I ne-e-eed s-s-so-someone in my corner. Only C-Celestia knows if it will be you, but I need s-s-someone right now. And I didn't know where else t-t-t-to go." His teeth chattered and he stuttered multiple times while trying to choke out his thoughts.


He was unsure if Applejack would be there for him or not, but he had to invest a little faith in her. He was tired--, EXHAUSTED, from running from all his fears, all his past. He was done with his pain, his sorrow and angst. He just wanted to be ok. Soon enough he would be able to tell. But now, he had to wait.


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Axton snickered, "Well, there's actually a lot I can show you besides just drinks here. But this next one will be good." For the next drink he 'made' he added some baking soda and vinegar to his drink, causing it to fizz. "Look at this." He said before downing it.


"Be careful..." the voice in Axton's head said, "You better be lucky that the body disappears immediately after you removed the soul."





Jade watched with intrigue as Axton seemed to mix his own drink, making it into more of a fizzing volcano, before proceeding to drink it all in one.


She beamed and clapped her hooves. "Most impressive! I did not know Equestrians could be so creative with their food!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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His eyes shot open, and he couldn't help but blush a tad. Being caught in a rather private moment, and considering he had just been peering into the speaker's house, was rather emberessing. The question however had to be answered and as he rubbed his chin he began to answer "Well, I would lying to say I wouldn't Miss, but I have nothing to pay you for your kindness, and there has been dangerous things about tonight. I wouldn't trust random strangers if I were you." he looked up and say that somehow it was already daylight, and he sighed heavily, he had much to do today


He didn't want to refuse her hospility so he thought of a compromise "but if you prehaps have a pourch or a mud room. I would be most grateful if you'd allow me to shelter there for the nap, and by the time I wake you won't even know I was there I promise you. Or maybe even could you direct me to where one would register to become a fighter?"

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice smiled when Rarity answered the door. A pretty face always made him happy. Especially after a long night of partying, being stuck in a storage room, and investigating an explosion, Ice was really happy to see her. He casually walked inside, and felt a tad embarrassed about something that had been in his head for a while. "Uh...you don't have to say my full name if you don't want to," he said awkwardly, "My close friends call me 'Blizz' or just 'Ice' is fine....hehe...my name is kinda long..."


He blushed for a moment before walking inside. He cleared his throat before he said, "Ahem...so, uh...how are things going for you today?" He dodged a few flying pieces of fabric, "Woah. Hehe...can't wait to see what I'm gonna be modeling for you. What'll it be?" he asked confidently.

Jade watched with intrigue as Axton seemed to mix his own drink, making it into more of a fizzing volcano, before proceeding to drink it all in one.


She beamed and clapped her hooves. "Most impressive! I did not know Equestrians could be so creative with their food!"

Axton smiled. Never had he made somepony so happy. It made him happy, "Yeah. You know parents are always saying, 'Don't play with your food.' Well I beg to differ."


He smirked, "Now I have a question for you: What kind of stuff can you do with drinks where you come from?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton smiled. Never had he made somepony so happy. It made him happy, "Yeah. You know parents are always saying, 'Don't play with your food.' Well I beg to differ."


He smirked, "Now I have a question for you: What kind of stuff can you do with drinks where you come from?"


Jade perked up at Axton's question, her drink reminding her of one of her earliest training exercises.

"Here is something I can do," She attested.


She took her glass, and threw its contents up into the air, sending glistening yellow streams upward.

Almost like lightning, she leapt up and began retrieving her drink, swapping hooves and performing acrobatic manoeuvres when necessary.


She landed on the floor with the glass on her hoof, the final drop landing in the glass and sending a small ripple.

"How was that?" She chirped, taking a sip.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob,


Crash hadn't quite fallen asleep, and much to his chargin he was prevented from doing so when he heard a knock at the door, and some chatter. Grumbling he foreced himself to check what it was. His arrival was slightly awkward. still slightly groggy he hit his head into a wall and tripped


To tired to care to pick himself he just looked up and was getting concered that his eye site was getting worse . No pony in Equestria would wear a scarf like that "Ditzy I heard a knock...whose this...this...this stallion?"


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Jade perked up at Axton's question, her drink reminding her of one of her earliest training exercises.

"Here is something I can do," She attested.


She took her glass, and threw its contents up into the air, sending glistening yellow streams upward.

Almost like lightning, she leapt up and began retrieving her drink, swapping hooves and performing acrobatic manoeuvres when necessary.


She landed on the floor with the glass on her hoof, the final drop landing in the glass and sending a small ripple.

"How was that?" She chirped, taking a sip.

Axton slowly clapped his hooves in admirmation, "Not bad, not bad. Kinda fun, actually. Luckily this isn't a high-end place so we won't get thrown out so eaily. Haha!"


He then thought of something else, "How about this: Is there anything interesting that you'd normally mix in with your drink?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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rune was chuckling, when she suddenly stepped in front of him. "um, yeah, i had a great time here." he said, almost trying to get around her. "we should do this again sometime, vinyl."


he grinned, clapping her hoof with his own. "and im sure night'll knock it outta the park."

"Yeah, I bet he will," she smiled cheerfully. "Probably will smoke us ou--t of the... Park." She trailed off and scoured as she saw Night Tracer run out and leave in a storm. "Um; We might be performing one last time, bud." She chuckled nervously. "What the hell is going on right now?" She muttered. "First fireworks and now this...Strange..."


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Applejack didn't know if it was the right move to console Night Tracer, but she did it anyway. She reached over from her position on the barrel and hugged him.


"I told ya, whatever ya need, i'm here for ya." Having spoke her turn. She pulled away, finding a comfortable position on the cider barrel.


"And I think now, you need someone to talk to. And ah just...uh... happen to have a pair of ears." She chuckled nervously again.




@The Down Trotten

Anette mentally shrugged and rolled her eyes amusingly, even though outside, she held that same patient, wonderful smile. Why did ponies always have to be so difficult?


"I can take you to the Registration desk. And, there's a room in the back that you can use if you want to. No payment needed. But..." She gave a sideways tilt of the head. "I really would like to know what you're doing out alone, in the rain. Do you not have anywhere to go?"




Rarity, luckily, happened to have the ensemble ready to go. She pulled out the rack, and picked out one item in particular. A black buisness-suit, designed to fit a pony from the top down. Along with it, it also had a white inner vest and a gray bow-tie. The button in the middle was shaped like Rarity's cutie mark; a personal touch of hers.


"Just for stallions business suits. Because why shouldn't work be fashionable? Go ahead, try it on." She handed the suit to him, before pointing in the back to one of the fitting rooms.




Celestia and Sunset Shimmer were down in the kitchen, eating a surprisingly light breakfast for a princess. It consisted of little more than a fruit salad laid out in the center of the table for the two of them to choose from. Neither of them were in the process of eating, however; Sunset Shimmer stared at Celestia, eyes grave.


"So, that's whats been going on around here, huh?"


Celestia nodded curtly. "Among other things. But you have to promise-"


"Not to tell anypony. Yeah, I remember that part well enough. No worries about that one.I hardly know anypony here."


"Well then..." Celestia smiled, before placing her hooves on the front table and donning a temporarily serious look. She spoke in a loud voice, using a fraction of the royal we to great effect.


"I, Princess Solaris Ameterasu Celestia, now give you a royal command! You, Sunset Shimmer..."


Her voice grew softer, and she looked down at her former student, smiling gently.


"Are ordered to make some friends. We have enough to worry about this later, but friendship is something that can't wait." Sunset Shimmer rolled her eyes at Celestia's antics, but she smiled, and that was all the confirmation the princess needed.




Trixie had walked for who knows how long, but she had a guess; the sun was now rising steadily over the horizon, and it had been night when she started. Deep down inside she knew she should probably tell somepony about what had happened in the hall, probably Celestia. But, a combination of fatigue, stress, and her still being angry at the princess kept her from doing so. Instead, she decided that she would head home. She had some work to do.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Axton slowly clapped his hooves in admirmation, "Not bad, not bad. Kinda fun, actually. Luckily this isn't a high-end place so we won't get thrown out so eaily. Haha!"


He then thought of something else, "How about this: Is there anything interesting that you'd normally mix in with your drink?"


Jade beamed proudly at Axton's praise, taking another sip of her drink. She felt rather proud of herself, getting to show off what she had learned back home.


She blinked at his question, and tilted her head in thought. She never really put much thought into putting things into her drink.

"Well, sometimes my father would add some juice from a dragonfruit to his wine, if that counts."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard looked at the suit. It looked very...cool. It looked like something he would wear to a very formal event of some kind, and he couldn't resist trying it on, especially for Rarity. "Ok. Here we go..." he said as he went to the dressing room.

The tie on the suit was almos
t suffocatingly tight, but he figured businessponies wore this stuff all the time. "Here I come..." he said proudly, as he walked out and made a pose, "How do I loo--" he said in a high-pitched voice due to the tightness of it. He loosened the tie a bit, and made his pose again, "Ahem..that's better. I personally feel like a million bits in this thing. The tie is cool, the button is awesome, and the coloration is spot-on. You tell me, Rarity, how do I look?"



Jade beamed proudly at Axton's praise, taking another sip of her drink. She felt rather proud of herself, getting to show off what she had learned back home.


She blinked at his question, and tilted her head in thought. She never really put much thought into putting things into her drink.

"Well, sometimes my father would add some juice from a dragonfruit to his wine, if that counts."

Axton was confused, "Dragonfruit? What the heck is that? Is it fruit that you get from a dragon or something?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Unicorncob @The Down Trotten


The doctor let Ditzy embrace him. He blushed before bending over to kiss her on the forehead before proceeding to smile at her and unique eyes. He would of complimented her but their was some sort of lump in his throat that kept him from doing so. (Lump is either fear or cancer; your guy's choice)


"For you." He said while offering her both the chocolate and bouquet. He stepped back and offered a shy smile; "What do you think?"


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Anette mentally shrugged and rolled her eyes amusingly, even though outside, she held that same patient, wonderful smile. Why did ponies always have to be so difficult? "I can take you to the Registration desk. And, there's a room in the back that you can use if you want to. No payment needed. But..." She gave a sideways tilt of the head. "I really would like to know what you're doing out alone, in the rain. Do you not have anywhere to go?"


He thought about the question for a moment "Well, we all have a place to go Miss, its just getting there sometimes is the hard part... Sorry now isn't the time to be cryptic is it? No I really don't have a place to go, but then again I never set out with a place in mind. I heard once you become a fighter they give you a place to rest and what not. So I figured I would kill a few birds with one stone.


I would keep going, but I have a feeling you have more important things to get to, then a rambling vagabond, to  sum it up I came here to make a point and I go where ever I can make one... if that makes any sense." he must have been tried, his normal nonseniscal speech had become even more garbbled. Was he really up to challangeing the Princess, heck anyone today? Should he even try? As always there was no answer just his own mind to continuely think on the subject


Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Axton was confused, "Dragonfruit? What the heck is that? Is it fruit that you get from a dragon or something?"


Jade smiled and shook her head. "Not exactly, it is a fruit that grows native where I come from. It is named after its intensely spicy juice, and it may remind you of a dragon if you look like it!"


She perked up upon realising something, and reached into her bag to pull out a see-through bag, containing a small red fruit, bumps on it that look much like scales. "See?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He took a deep breath and tried to suck up the remaining tears. He cleared his throat and sat straight up, "I... I don't even know where to start, so, I guess we can work backwards." He explained his thought process, "I just recently, fell out with Luna... And I can't go back. Why?" He chuckled hysterically.


"Ponies make mistakes; I, most certainly but this was one I can forgive but never forget. So, whenever I think of her I think of my pain, my suffering, my hardships, my distrust I experienced and my betrayal. It's not her, I love her, but now, I can't. I will never be able to..." He trailed off sorrowfully before starting up again.


"She may be great... She may hold a place in my heart but... I think I jumped into something head first without realizing I was in a familiar place. I... I... Don't know what to do now, nor, do I know where to go... Could you help me?"


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The doctor let Ditzy embrace him. He blushed before bending over to kiss her on the forehead before proceeding to smile at her and unique eyes. He would of complimented her but their was some sort of lump in his throat that kept him from doing so. (Lump is either fear or cancer; your guy's choice)


"For you." He said while offering her both the chocolate and bouquet. He stepped back and offered a shy smile; "What do you think?"



Ditzy giggled from the kiss, cheeks flushing pink, and gave the Doctor a smile back. Her eyes weren't aligned, but she was looking right at him.


She gasped from the gifts, taking them in her forelegs. "Oh Doc, that's so sweet! I need to find a vase for these, thank you!"


@@The Down Trotten


She turned and saw that Crash had emerged from the couch, and grinned.

"Oh, morning Crash!" She beamed, then looked to the Doctor, "Doc, this is Crash! The pony who crashed through my window this morning." She looked back to Crash. "Crash, this is The Doctor!" She giggled, blushing again.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She turned and saw that Crash had emerged from the couch, and grinned.
@Flashy Sentry


Crash picked himself up and looked between Ditzy and this Doctor character. He may of had a hard head but he wasn't thick. There was two things fishy about this. One what kind of name was The Doctor, and two it was rather obvoius that they were an item and something was about to happen.


"Hello, um Doctor what, excatly?" he didn't want to come off as rude but there was just somethng off about this stallion and he didn't know how to feel about it "...Well I suppose it doesn't matter, it seems you two know each other." he looked at the gifts, then back at the two "I shall give you two some private time, I have a mess to clean up anyway." he nodded to the two of them and began to leave


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@, @@Unicorncob


Fluttershy began humming on her way home. She was dreadfully tired and humming seemed to keep her mind stimulated enough so she wouldn't crash and fall asleep while walking. 

Once she was almost home, a mare approached her with a kinky, rather ugly grin and greeted Fluttershy. Fluttershy didn't mind the hidiosity of said mare because she thought the real beauty was on the inside, not the atrotious, would make anyone die, outside. "Well hello there," She yawned. "How are you this morning?" 

@@Star Saber,



Ash seemed to have taken being woken up a bit harder than most of Pinkie's compatriots which she very often annoyed with similar gestures and acts. Perhaps he just hadn't gotten fully use to it. 

Instantaneously, Pinkie Pie pushed one of the symbols in front of her so it would deflect or at the very least stop the flames. 


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Fluttershy began humming on her way home. She was dreadfully tired and humming seemed to keep her mind stimulated enough so she wouldn't crash and fall asleep while walking. 


Once she was almost home, a mare approached her with a kinky, rather ugly grin and greeted Fluttershy. Fluttershy didn't mind the hidiosity of said mare because she thought the real beauty was on the inside, not the atrotious, would make anyone die, outside. "Well hello there," She yawned. "How are you this morning?" 



Strix perked up and noticed some...thing was approaching the pegasus. He watched carefully as the conversation began taking place.


He had no idea why but...he felt rather protective of that mare. He'd always thought ponies as wimps but...

"Nah, she patched me up for free, so the least I can do is stop her from getting killed," He mumbled to himself, keeping an eye on them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rarity had to herself steady to prevent herself from dancing up and down in glee. The suit was that good. Just as it should be; she had prepared it that way. And Rarity never did shoddy work. Ever.


"I think it looks absolutely fantastic. This is going to be absolutely perfect for my new line..."


She paused, before pushing the rack back with a sheepish grin.


"Unfortunately, it's all I have right now. Everything else is currently in the midst of design. I've been so much time into la clochette belle..." She trailed off, looking down at the bright blue crystal attached to her neck.




Applejack paused, thinking this over carefully. Naturally, the first thing she wanted to know was if Luna was okay as well, but she stuffed it in her pocket. She had a friend to help, and she didn't want to make this all worse by pointing out that fact. Right now, the best thing to do was be supportive, and help a friend anyway she could.


"If ya really need to...there's some beds in the back of the bar. Their clean, so don't having to worry about cleaning up. You can stay here until this blows over."


Having said, she tilted her hat back, obscuring her eyes.


"Now, as a supportive friend, I think the first thing ya need to do is get some sleep. Ponies think a lot better after a good night's rest, and with your mind cleared, you can figure out what you're going to do next. Okay?"




@The Down Trotten

Anette's head continued to tilt further to the side as Rhetoric Rash talked, slightly confused. She did, however, manage to pick out a few words, along with help from her dolls, and she gave him a sad smile.


"You know, I can tell just by looking at you; you're obviously tired, and in no condition to walk anywhere, let alone someplace as far as the registration desk. If you want, I can walk you there now, but you won't make it. It wouldn't hurt to sleep for an hour, now would it?"

She heard Glory's voice in the back of her head, screaming protest again, and she ignored it, much to the dolls anger. If Rhetoric was looking over at the shelf, he would notice the doll shaking slightly in fury.



Sunset Shimmer, surprisingly, actually didn't do much talking. This was her first day out in Bangcolt, and she wanted to take the scenic route, walking by buildings and taking note of everything around her. It was a combination of this and Trixie being distracted by a nearby walnut shop that let the two bump into each other.


Sunset Shimmer stumbled back at the same time Trixie did, as they had both crossed necks. They looked at each other, and something strange passed between them.


"Do I..." 

...Know you?"


They paused, looking at each other strangely, before the realization came to them both at the same time, voiced into form.




Sunset Shimmer stuck out a friendly hoof towards Trixie, however, figuring the unicorn was as good a place to start as any.


"Hi, i'm Sunset Shimmer."


Trixie, looked back at Sunset Shimmer, shrugged, and took the hoof.


"Trixie. Nice to meet you."


Sunset Shimmer absorbed the name, then looked up suddenly. Trixie?




Nightingale had picked this mare for two reasons. One the mare looked like an easy target, the kind that would break over a broken cookie; those were always the fun ones. Two... the mare was so beautiful that it drove Nightingale crazy.


Crazier, she thought as she floated above her. Every inch of her seemed to radiate an almost divine beauty, both outside and in. She was perfect, almost like a work of art. And Nightingale just had to destroy it, with a desire that she hadn't felt since she first picked up this craft.


"I'm doing fine, actually. Hey, what's your name?" She switched the subject, but she asked it calmly, with a peaceful smile on her face. The quiet before the storm.

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Blizzard was happy that Rarity was happy, but then noticed she looked sad. That was weird to Ice, "Hm? What's wrong? That invntion of hers is amazing. She shouldn't feel sad over it."


He walked over to her, and held her chin up with his hoof so he could face her, "Hey, don't be sad, Rarity. That uh...la clochette..is awesome. Don't feel bad about what you can't do, be proud of what you can do, and what you have done. Alright? Keep that pretty head of yours up."


Putting his hoof back to the floor, Ice then walked over to the dressing room, and took the suit off with a bit of struggle, "Ah! It's like I'm being constricted over here! Snake alert! Snake alert!" he shouted jokingly. He put the suit back on the rack without wrinkling or damaging it, "Haha! Just kidding. No snakes here! And, speaking of la clochette, do you think you wanna head over to that private fighting zone with me to practice now? Just follow me, and I'll take you there."



Jade smiled and shook her head. "Not exactly, it is a fruit that grows native where I come from. It is named after its intensely spicy juice, and it may remind you of a dragon if you look like it!"


She perked up upon realising something, and reached into her bag to pull out a see-through bag, containing a small red fruit, bumps on it that look much like scales. "See?"

Axton was interested by the fruit as he looked at it through the bag, "Not even Tartarus has fruit that looks like this. Interesting. So you mean to tell me, you put the juice from that in your wine?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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