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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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@@Fractured, @@Star Saber,  


He rushed frantically, his eyes were set on Bangcolt, the hospital specifcally. Tears blinded his vision but he pressed forward, tripping and twisting uncomfortably, almost falling, almost--he didn't though, his cargo was far to precious to let it fall. It was already in bad shape, it didn't need to be in any worse. 

After a rough hour of straight running he finally made it to Bagcolt. He let out a cry, "HELP, PLEASE SOME PONY, PLEASE, HELP! SOMEONE GET THE PRINCESSES'. GET THE DOCTORS, PLEASE!" Shining Armor shouted frantically. Trying to be as loud as possible, as he galloped faster and faster while he neared the hospital. But he was careful so his precious, and beloved cargo wouldn't fall. Never before had he gone through such psychiatric torment, such lengths that he had to endure, that he had to keep fighting when he was uncapable of doing so. 


He fell to his knees at the hospital entrance, still balancing himself upright. He cringed and his face twisted; the once white stallion was red as a cherry with his veins bulging, swelling like dimples. Prespiration covered his whole body and his muscles yearned for comfort but he couldn't relax them yet, even though they were strained, some even cramped. He managed to catch enough breath to turn to see a limp head hanging over his shoulder, "It's going to be ok, Cady--it has to be."



Vinyl and Octavia were home alone, snoring away, it had been a long 28 hours for them so they were amidst of taking a long, deserved break before they had to begin planning there next event. The Halloween Hoedown... Hosted inside the BangColt Arena itself, taking place no other day than, NightMare Night!

Edited by Tacoma


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Amethyst was almost in awe, never before had she heard an offer as such, even for a vast, loving world as Equestria, an offer or such kindness was nearly unheard of, especially to a stranger, Amethyst couldn't say in response--luckily, she didn't have to. Cloud Chaser continued the conversation, asking her for her name. Her eyes casually rolled up as she contemplated, "Guess It'd be best not to use a pseudonym." 

"Amethyst, Amethyst Star," She offered a light smile and extended her hoof frailly.   


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Amethyst was almost in awe, never before had she heard an offer as such, even for a vast, loving world as Equestria, an offer or such kindness was nearly unheard of, especially to a stranger, Amethyst couldn't say in response--luckily, she didn't have to. Cloud Chaser continued the conversation, asking her for her name. Her eyes casually rolled up as she contemplated, "Guess It'd be best not to use a pseudonym."

"Amethyst, Amethyst Star," She offered a light smile and extended her hoof frailly.   


Cloud Chaser smiled brightly at Amethyst's warming up to her. She took the mare's hoof in her own and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Amethyst!"


She looked around the street surrounding the two.

"I was going to go sign up for the arena," she explained, "and then head to my apartment, but I guess we can swap those around. You look in pretty bad shape, so we should get you somewhere to put your hooves up. Maybe something to eat as well."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie had hardly noticed, "Huh, not much of a question really, but, I guess it's better than something." She rubbed her chin with paw, pulling out the monocle and top hat yet again all the while staring at the sun. She then quickly thrashed back and forth, violently, discarding the monocle, top hat, and curious look. She forwarded the conversation, "SO! MY QUESTION!" She cheered, "What... is your... deepest--darkest--most horrifying--terrible--." She paused for dramatic intent. She made a 180 from Ash then, in a flash she turned around with a black cape covering her face like a wicked magician. 


"What is...YOUR WORST FEAR!?" She shouted, standing upright like she had done before back in Sugarcube Corner when the ponies were hiding from Zecora. Trying, really trying to give off a menacing impression but unlike before in Sugarcube Corner, lightning flashed behind her, followed by a loud boom of thunder. The sky went pitch black, only for a mere moment but even so, it was a lot for one pony to do. 


Pinkie turned and looked towards the panoramic view, "No it's not, I've done tons of things like this." She testified to the writer leaving him befuddled. 


"Wait, Pinkie? That's not how this works... you can't jus--."


Pinkie smacked her lips, "Well, I don't know about that, I'm doing it right now aren't I?" She blinked rapidly.


"This is irrational...Pinkie, just... Huh?"


"Ear Rash? I don't have an ear rash? Wait, do I have an ear rash?"

Jared slowly begins to back away from the keyboard... but fortunately he has long arms, allowing him to continue typing... #shortpeopleproblems

"Why do you speak your thoughts...?" 




"Jared-- Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?Jared? Jared? Jared? Jared?" 

  • Brohoof 2


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"He's right, you know," Talon muttered. "Celestia is not the sort of pony to fail on us, nor is she one who will ever get up trying. Not when it's important, and especially when it concerns her sister." He slithered back onto Moondacer's right shoulder. "Faith." he whispered in her ear. "Sometimes, it's all you need..."


"And sometimes, it's all you have," Moondancer muttered back in a mantra. She looked back at Ice Blizzard silently.


"...I'll try," she said with a small smile after a moment. "The princesses have never let us down before when it matters. So, maybe can I wait a little longer..." she said, looking at the amulet around her neck for a moment, before turning her attention back to Ice Blizzard. "I'll do what I can."





"My family..." Silver Spoon trailed off, then looked back at Jade plainly. "My mom and dad actually aren't around for any more than one or two days of the week. And when they are, they're either ignoring me, or giving me what I want without bothering to even ask how I am." She kept walking, again plainly, as if nothing had happened. "I don't hate them. I just need a break. A long break."





Applejack simply shrugged her shoulders. "I'll have to do that later, on my own time. The bar should be opening soon, and I don't think anypony wants to here the sound of nails and hammers, especially when they're fall down drunk." She gave Night Tracer a small smirk. "So, what are you going to do now that you're up? You staying here, or was there someplace you planned on going?"





"It's hereditary."

"What!" Diamond stepped back away from Screwball as if her body had been replaced by living flame. "You're lying! There's no way..."


"Oooooh... Don't you know there's always a way?" Screwball beamed proudly. "And why else would daddy spend so much time and energy on a pony that he doesn't care about? He's not trying to save me. He's looking for a cure for you." she finished, blinking at Diamond Tiara openly.


"But why wouldn't he tell me!" she shouted back suddenly. "Why would he even-"


"Keep it from you? His only daughter?" 


Diamond Tiara froze in retaliation.


"Nopony ever wants to tell ponies the things that matter. It seems to be a common theme." She tilted her head up, thinking, before she shrugged. "Oh well, so long as you know now. My work here is done," she beamed happily.


"Wait ,what?!" Diamond once again stalked up to her mother, reaching out to grab her. "You can't go-"


"Of course I can. After all..." Screwball began to fade into mist, disappearing completely as Diamond Tiara reached her. A ghostly voice echoed throughout the white room, burrowing into Diamond Tiara's ears.


"I was never really here in the first place..."


Back in the small scale office, Diamond Tiara woke up on the floor, covered in sweat and shaking heavily. Drawing her body in close to herself, she screamed.




@P-Jay@Orion Caelum

Nightingale flew above the buildings of Bangcolt, and she did so unabashedly. She had just pinched the jewel of her dreams and she had did it with absolute ease. She pulled a lazy spin through the air as she dropped down over to a nearby cafe; nothing could take this from her now.




Anette strolled out of the cafe, with a singular purpose in mind; to find Wilhelm. Her dolls floated in front of her this time, eager to get there as fast as they could. All except Nightmare, who hung back lazily, watching the area around him. 


He was the first to spot Nightingale. Anette stopped as she heard the mental link buzz, and turned her head, catching sight of the pegasus as she strolled into the cafe. She attempted to move away quickly, but as Nightingale caught sight of her out of the corner of her eye, she smiled with a mouthful of teeth, and Anette knew there'd be no escaping.


"I don't want to fight you..." she began, looking at her softly.

Edited by Fractured
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Ice smiled. Another day, and a nother pony he helped feel better. Things were starting to look up for him after all. He smirked, and put a hoof on her shoulder, "Ha-ha! There we go! There's the confidence we need. That's how we gotta be if we wanna stay on the positive side of things. I like that attitude, Moons. Keep it up." He let go of her, and stepped back, "I admire your willingness to stay strong. Trust me, by tomorrow, your roomates will be back here once again. Yes, roomates, not princesses. I know that's their official title, but ponies aren't defined by their titles."


He laughed a bit and looked down the street, "Welp. If you're feeling better, I guess I'll be heading out now. I'm gonna be on the lookout for our friends until they return," he started to trot off until he thought of something else, and walked back, "Oh, and one more thing. You're gonna be fine here still waiting won't ya? You sure you won't get lonely or anything?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@The Down Trotten@Star Saber


In the middle of the fight, Celestia paused, and time seemed to slow as she concentrated, searching for what was bothering her, and it wasn't long before she found it. It was something beyond the centipedes that worried her; it was the darkness that she felt creeping up in one particular ponies heart, beyond their ability to even notice. Celestia gritted her teeth silently, then, without word, began weaving a spell, concentrating hard despite the commotion.


"No fear is just as dangerous as too much fear. The heartless consume the careless ..." she muttered softly once she had finished. A portal of golden light opened up beneath the mare as she spoke, dragging her softly down through the floor and sending her to wherever she would call home. Celestia finished weaving the last pieces of the spell, and then let out a sigh; the energy that it had taken out of her had left her temporarily exhausted.


"I'm so sorry...Lektra..."




@The Down Trotten

The centipede let out a mix between between a hiss, a roar and a groan as Rhetoric Rash's body threw it off balance, and it fell over onto its side with a crash. Trixie came to her senses at the sound, and fired a pale, blue beam at the creature, shearing its top half off and leaving the bottom half to scurry away. Trixie stepped back with a rush of breath.


"You saved me..." she muttered heavily.

  • Brohoof 1
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“I… Understand.” The words left a bad taste in Eclipse’s mouth and he raised his own hoof too look at it. Even though it wasn’t outright stated; from what Nightmare Moon implied, he wasn’t real, just some memory from Luna’s past. However, did that matter? Whether he was real or just a memory he was still here for a reason. Still a question remained, “How long has it been, since we last met?”






“...Who...Who are you talking to?” Ash was most certainly confused at this point. He walked up behind Pinkie Pie and looked towards the direction she was staring. He didn’t see anything but rocks and mountainside. “...I don’t get it… who is this Jared?”




“Maverick huh? Nice name…” Fuse spoke enthusiastically after the strange green haired pony introduced himself. “Well I guess you already know who I am so I don’t have to bother introduce myself.”


“Noooope! You sure don’t, your reputation precedes you anyways.” Maverick said, still sporting his unnerving smile. Fuse did his best to ignore it.


“So… what is this place?” Fuse asked, taking another look around the inside of the building, was it… bigger on the inside?


“A sanctuary for the unsavory and more criminal elements. A place not monitored by the princess’s eyes and free of their tyranny.” Maverick went on, “A place only accessed by invitation. Invitations sent out by me to those I feel… would be a good fit here.”


“Heh… and what if someone were to blab about this place to the princesses?” Fuse asked with a chuckle.


“Well then. I’d have to kill them. For those last few words Maverick’s tone shifted to one that was undeniably threatening and his happy expression changed to one of deadly seriousness as he looked Fuse dead in the eyes. The pyrokinetic pony suddenly felt an undeniable and overwhelming presence overcome him. As if the very world around him suddenly collapsed into him. It instantly froze him in his tracks as he suddenly felt that his entire existence was at state.


Maverick began to eye Fuse’s injured bleeding ear with great interest and his serious expression faded away, the overwhelming presence that had been paralysing Fuse vanished and Maverick’s happy jovial persona returned, “Well well, that looks like it must sting. Take a seat at the bar; the tender will fix something up for that… and well; to commemorate your job well done and as my welcome to you. Drinks on the house tonight.”


Maverick led Fuse to the bar and sat him down while Fuse was still recovering from, whatever in Tartarus that was, “Well you enjoy yourself. I have an entertaining show I just have to go watch. Pleasure meeting you Mr. Fuse.”


Maverick left Fuse alone with the bartender, a rather, unassuming looking Unicorn. Fuse was just staring at nothing in particular with a dumbfounded look on his face. “What… in Tartarus was that?”


“I find it’s best not to ask questions.” The bartender responded, already mixing up some sort of concoction that did not look anything like a pleasant drink; after he was done he slid the cup of foul smelling liquid over to Fuse, “Drink up, then order something to wash down the taste.”


“That looks and smells completely fowl.” Fuse said poking the cup hesitantly.


“But it’ll clear that ear of yours up in no time.” The bartender responded; idly wiping down some mugs.


“Eeergh…” Fuse held his breath as he picked up and downed the cup quickly, figuring that if Maverick wanted him dead he’d probably already be. Finishing the concoction Fuse coughed and sputtered; it tasted even worse than it smelled, “Gunna need a whole bottle of vodka to wash that down.”


The bartender obliged and put a bottle down for Fuse, who immediately downed a good half of it. It only seemed to help with the aftertaste only a little. However the stinging pain in Fuse’s ear began to subside as it began to heal itself up. “...So… an alchemist bartender huh?”


“Something like that.”




@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“Yeah that’s probably going on my tombstone. ‘Here Lies Calibur, He Was Brave.’” Calibur grimly joked. However he held his tongue immediately after; a shift in the air caught his attention and the coat on the back of his neck stood on it’s ends. His instincts told him something was coming and he had enough experience to trust those instincts.


The light from his horn dimmed as he no longer focused on the simple light spell and instead switched to his telekinesis and drew his revolvers just as three horrible centipede-esque creatures emerged from the darkness. One of them was already upon him in the time it took Calibur to blink.


“Shoot!” Calibur exclaimed as the creature’s body attempted to wrap around him but the stallion dropped to the ground for the second time today and rolled underneath the coils; however this time, he had his magic which meant he had his weapons. As Calibur rolled underneath the creature he aimed his guns upwards and unloaded a barrage of bullets into the underside of the monster.

Edited by Star Saber
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<p><strong class="bbc">@@Fractured</strong>,<strong class="bbc">@@Star Saber</strong>,</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Rhetoric stumbled, a bit dazed, his hair standing on end. Bugs always gave him the willies, especially big ones. Hearing Trixie's gratitude he smiled briefly <span style="color: rgb(139, 69, 19);">"I think its more of a matter that we saved each other, thank you." </span>he took a deep breath and looked around for whatever monstrosity would attack them next. There had to be more right? There had to be more...</p>

<p> </p>

<p style="text-align: center;">----</p>

<p style="text-align: center;"> </p>

<p> Worms were one thing, inner daemons were another. For being pitch black, the former Queen of the Changelings looked rather pale. This darkness that she so loved in the past, so ran to in times of trouble, was now hostile, hell like, and cold. Worst of all was she had to fight it, she had to fight herself and her instincts.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Could she really use this darkness for a greater good if she wanted to be a creature of light? It was a frighting question, one that there was no answer to, and there was no time to go searching</p>

<p> </p>

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">"Lets keep moving, there are always more creatures in the darkness unseen."</span> how woefully cryptic yet it couldn't be more true. Her voice a bit more cold, and a bit more calculating then before, the shift was noticeable enough it could make one shiver  </p>

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"My family..." Silver Spoon trailed off, then looked back at Jade plainly. "My mom and dad actually aren't around for any more than one or two days of the week. And when they are, they're either ignoring me, or giving me what I want without bothering to even ask how I am." She kept walking, again plainly, as if nothing had happened. "I don't hate them. I just need a break. A long break."


Jade listened quietly, taking in Silver Spoon's words. Her face went plain as well, not exactly appreciating the behaviour of this filly's parents.

"I can understand," She answered, adding a single nod, "Just giving you what you want does not make them good parents. They need to be reliable, not just charitable."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Star Saber

Nightmare Moon looked at Eclipse patiently."A thousand moons ago, or even longer. I was asleep myself for quite some time, and time itself moves more slowly here than it does on the surface world. Doubtless, if you are here, then you've been here much longer," she said. She moved back a little ways from him, briefly taking in the empty view of the world around her. Her world.


"Things have changed since you were gone. Many new customs, and a whole world of different ponies. Even a night dedicated in the honor of the moon princess. But, still she is unhappy, and so, she sleeps," she said softly, sparing a brief glance at Luna. She looked up as well, smiling as the magic in the world suddenly diminished by one pony. One lost little light... she thought humorously,before turning her attention back to Eclipse


"Tell me, do you remember anything of your past?"




@Star Saber
The monster twitched and writhed it as the bullets struck it, tearing large holes clean through its side. It's other head lashed out, stinger flashing as it attempted to impale Calibur, but it stopped suddenly. A soft red glow surrounded it, before flames simply burst from its body, and it fell over, smoking heavily. On the other side of Calibur, Sunset Shimmer gave him a look of grim satisfaction. "I think we did it," she said with a smile.


@The Down Trotten,@Star Saber
Trixie looked over at Rhetoric Rash, giving him a tilted sideways glance. "No, you saved me. If you hadn't pushed that thing out of the way, I would've..." she stopped suddenly, letting the reality sink in, and she had to repress a shiver. It terrified her.


Why did you do it, though?" she asked curiously. "Not that i'm complaining, but... Why stick your neck out for me like that?"





Moondancer nodded at Ice Blizzard, and gave him a slightly bigger smile than before. "I was never in any danger in the first place, so I think i'll be alright. Besides, I got Talon with me, so i'm not really alone."

"She's right. I happen to be quite skilled at board games, as well as poetry readings,"Talon cut in, ignoring the groan that came from behind him. "I'm sure we'll find something to do to occupy the time. See you later, little pony," he said with a smirking tone.





Silver Spoon looked up at Jade, and shrugged again. "No, it's not. After getting enough toys and games to last me forever, I realized that no amount of bits can make you happy. You can just buy and buy until you get blue in the face, but it won't make you happy." she said with a sigh. "Now if only they could realize the same..."

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Ice smiled, "Alright then. Oh, and one last thing." He made an ice sculpture of Moondancer, and gave it to her, "Here ya go. A spitting likeness of yourself. I sometimes make sculptures for ponies who I meet and get to know. You, MD, are no different. And don't worry about it melting, because my sculpture art lasts longer than normal." He then made an Ice sculpture of Talon, and gave it to him, "..And for you."


He laughed, and began to walk away, "I hope to see you guys both again soon. See ya!" he shouted, as he walked off from the building. "Isn't that a relief. I think I may have helped another. I do hope they get back soon. Who knows, maybe they're fighting giant centipedes or some crap. Haha, oh what am I saying. That's not even possible," he thought as he continued walking.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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He twisted the blood from the rag into the sink and the sparse bit of wet blood dripped and trickled towards the drainage pipe. It smelled metallic, old metallic, like a withering hammer head. He stuck his tongue out and cringed, "That's-- Uh, Abhorrent." Night ran the rag under the cool water for a few seconds more before throwing it under the sink along with the other filth ridden cloths. 


Applejack then asked him what he was going to do now, "Well, I may just actually go back to sleep--Wait, no I can't. You said the bar was opening but--huh? You said you were going out with your frien--" Before Night could finish he looked over to the door, loud knocking enthralled the two ponies. 


Subsequently, the door creaked open and the brass bell above it rung, "RING!" Much like a bell on a little filly's scooter, it meant someone was coming through. And through somepony came--a meek, average sized mare walked through giggling. She was purple, all over; her coat was a deep, dark violet which was beautifully complimented by a lilac and lavender mane. 


Preceding her was a large, bulky stallion, with a golden yellow mane a eye catching red coat, and hardy laugh as well as gentle smile.


"Hey, we're closed." Night Tracer said.


Big Mac and Cheerilee looked at each other briefly before looking back up to the strange stallion, eyeing him peculiarly, then eyeballing his sister. "Oh, terribly sorry, we haven't met." Big Mac approached Night, offering his behemoth of a hoof. "I'm Applejack's brother and this is my partner, Cheerille." Cheerilee offered Night a warm smile as well. He smiled awkwardly in return. He could feel Applejack's vicariousness. It wasn't anything less than a dumbfounded, "Wow." 


Night Tracer wasn't paying attention, and completely forgot about the stallion and his welcoming mannerisms. 


Big Macintosh coughed lightly and cleared is throat in attempt to draw the aloof blue stallion's attention, "And you are?" He inquired.


Night Tracer blushed, "Oh sorry, I-- It's-- Um, I'm Night Tracer and I'm uh-- friend?" He made a face at Applejack, doubting his answer. Were they friends? Eh, he assumed but then again he wouldn't be too offended if she said no. 


@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie looked confused. "Oh you don't know? Hm, None of my friends seem to hear the voices either...Actually let me try something." She reached up into the sky, digging around like a kid in a toy chest.


Meanwhile, Jared was sitting in his Intro to Digital Technology. He stared at the computer, procrastinating on his schoolwork and lackadaisically writing a post for his one and only roleplay all the while listening to, "Victorious," by Panic at the Disco. Suddenly a portal opened above him but he didn't care enough to look up. 


Pinkie slowly slid her hooves down until they clasped around his head. His eyes widened and balls dropped as he whispered, "I need an adult."  Pinkie then pulled him up or down in her world. He screamed, but it was too late. No one could save him.


Ash stared awkwardly at Pinkie who was waving her hooves around like an idiot. Then again, I don't know who wouldn't. 

"A blind man."





Where was I? Oh yes--Then, suddenly, much to Ash's surprise. A monstrous, hideous figure appeared from the sky. The figure was screaming, "PINKIE WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL." Jared screamed as he hit the ground, toppling over Pinkie. 




"PINKIE, I'm not supposed to be here."





"Would you like to come on an adventure with us?" 


Jared face palmed, "Pinkie... that would redefine self insertion... to a whole new level?"


"Self Insertion, isn't that...?"


Jared eyes widened as he went to tackle Pinkie, "No... No it's not. Now Pinkie, I would absotivley love to abandon my future,  my life, my responsibilities, and my family and friends for this adventure. But I can't--." 


"Why not?"


"Well because... uh... Eh...um...beca--, I'd have to ask for the DM's approval..."


"Weren't you just promoted."


"Pinkie, that's abuse of power."


"OH, like that thing Celestia does?"




"Listen, I'm just you, ok? I'm what you make me..."


"That... isn't wrong..."


"It's ok! My mind is Full of buck too!" 


"I'll never see the end of this will I..." 

Edited by Tacoma


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Silver Spoon looked up at Jade, and shrugged again. "No, it's not. After getting enough toys and games to last me forever, I realized that no amount of bits can make you happy. You can just buy and buy until you get blue in the face, but it won't make you happy." she said with a sigh. "Now if only they could realize the same..."


Jade nodded again, looking down at the filly. "I totally agree, they must understand that the things you need and want are not always material."


She glanced ahead, blinking in thought. "I would like to help in some way, but I don't want to intrude in your family's business, you understand."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric was somewhat surprised by the question "Oh, well I promised you I would keep you alive, and if I can't keep my promises who am I?" he thought for a second more and decided he needed to add something else  Also your the closet thing I have to a friend." maybe one thing more "And I find you very interesting. Among a whole list of other things-" he was actually going to list a few of those other things but was promptly cut off


"Ahem, that is all well and good. Time is wasting, for now be happy to be alive. We still have to save Luna." Chrysalis wanted to get this done. The longer she linger here the more she knew she risked utter corruption, and after all the work she went through, she wasn't ready to make that sacrifice 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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