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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Blizzard had to dodge the attack and got a cut from it, and bled a little, "Woah! Ouch not bad bro. How about this?!" Blizzard ran up to Caliber and attempted for a punch square to his face, "Hiya! Whoops over here!" he had teleported to the side of him before he has swung and then made his move, "Take this!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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luckily, caliber ducked to dodge it in the first place, so when ice blizzard teleported and swung, it missed. he sweeped his leg, aiming to hit ice blizzard's knee, which he would follow up with a upwards slash. he had no worries about hurting him, these arena ponies have the tech to heal almost any injury, as long as said pony wasn't dead.


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Blizzard had been tripped up and was cut again on his body, "Uh-oh, ah!" Blizzard had landed on the ground and got up, "Nice one! Haha! I really like that attack bro," Blizzard then made an ice clone behind Caliber, "very good oh by the way watch you back.... :sneer: "

"I got him!" The clone said as he froze Caliber's hooves to the ground, "He's all yours sir!"


"Sliding Ice Kick!" Blizzard then slid and kicked at Caliber's hooves.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"eh!" caliber tensed up when his hooved were frozen, and the kick was painful. he managed to head-butt ice blizzard when he kicked him. hard. caliber knocked his sword against the ice, and broke it. he immediately attacked the clone behind him, shattering it with a slice to the neck. caliber looked back at ice blizzard, and grinned. "its time to stop gauging our power." he said simply, as he got into a peculiar stance, "time to get serious." he dashed at him, launching a combination of attacks from different styles.


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Blizzard had to regain his composure after taking a hit to the head like that, "*shakes head back and forth* Ok then!" Blizzard wanted time to charge for his D.I.N.E blast again, so he had to play it evasively. So he did nothing but dodge and basic blocking, "Missed me! By a nose! Evasion! Come on try again!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber was having no luck, so he upped the speed. but he was feeling...like he was in danger. he decided to jump back, and take a peek at ice blizzard's aura. 


and his eyes widened. 


it was huge! big enough to rival his own when he's using his full-strength dark magic!! he grinned. "ya planning a little something there, icey?" he asked.


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Blizzard pulled out his Rarity magazine once again as he was questioned, "Oh....nothing....*blood drops from nose*" He then thinks to himself, "I need some more time, about 7-10 minutes to be exact, I don't know how much longer I can keep up the bull crap but I gotta keep it up if I plan to win. And heh Caliber can't die, so if I use the D.I.N.E blast on him he'll just give it up." He then spoke out loud, "Come on bring it on! *puts magazine away* Come at me bro!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber smirked, and attacked way faster than before. "tut, tut. your lying, kid." he said, as he launched another series of strikes, way faster than his last assault. he was also fully using his 'way of the wanderer' style, which involved sword strikes mixed in with break-dancing. which is fairly hard to just straight up dodge. 'lets see just what ice blizzard's planning...maybe the D.I.N.E. blast?' caliber thought 


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Since Caliber's style was unmatched, Blizzard's dodging only helped him so much and he received more and more cuts on his body as Caliber attacked, "Ow, ow, ow. Sweet moves bro." Blizzard ran all the way to the other side of the arena to avoid Caliber once more, "Come on! Come on over here buddy! ;sneer: "

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber's eyes narrowed. now he knew ice blizzard was preparing for his attack. "skip right to the main event, eh?" he asked causally, "that just gives me an opportunity to fight without you fighting back. i mean, geez! at least send a clone top fight for you!" he attacked again, landing small cuts all around his body. he wasn't going easy anymore, he was fully aiming to make him pass out from blood loss.


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Blizzard kept evading as best as he could while still receiving a few cuts here and there, "Ha! I'd never make my clones fight for me unless I was helpless and had no other option, like being stuck in a damn box! :lol: But nope, and besides, adding clones wouldn't make this fight any easier!" Blizzard runs to opposite of stage again, "I'm over here! :muffins: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Orion Caelum

Anette and the dolls listened to the pegasi's words. Then, one by one, they moved into action. The first was Hero, who floated up towards Wilhelm. After staring at him for a second, he put his right hoof to his head, his best impression of an honorary salute, before turning around and moving back to Alice's side.


The next was Hearthrob, who decided to skip the ceremony and go straight for a hug. She figured out quite quickly that a waist hug was all but impossible, however, and so eventually settled on a simple hoofshake. She then too moved back to Alice's side, though she seemed a bit unsatisfied as she left.


The last was Glory. On hearing his words, she simply floated up closely to him, staring into his face as if trying to tell if he was lying. Then, ever so slowly, she began to reach out with her wings...


Before playfully pulling down Wilhelm's hat. After which, she joined the other dolls, seemingly satisfied.


The whole time, Anette sat and watched, first with fascination, then sympathy, then slight dread when Glory began to move. Now, as the last doll floated back to her, she was onto barely contained astonishment.


"Wow, you seemed to have impressed all of them. Even Glory, and she's a really tough sell!"

The doll gave her an odd look, to which Alice replied "What? It's true!" Then, she turned back to the pegasi.


"Anyways. Mr. Wilhelm, allow me to give you my ​assessment. I think... you're a good stallion. You seem to be honest, you're more than considerate, and you treat others with respect, even at times when i'm sure it must be difficult. You may have done some questionable things during your time, and I can't begin to know what they are. Honestly i'm not sure I want to know. But whatever you did, i'd like to think you did it with the best of intentions. Because I see somepony great in you," she said as she finished, eyes slightly misty and shining in the light of the hospital.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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caliber was now confused. couldn't ice blizzard fight hoof-to-hoof and charge his powers? this match was getting dull. caliber decided to stop, and analyze ice blizzard. "dont tell me your going to use the D.I.N.E. blast, are you?" caliber asked causally. "can you even use that, so soon after last time?"


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Blizzard decided to make it fun and charged while fighting with his hooves, "Sliding Kick!" he slid and kick at Caliber's hooves again, tripping him, "Haha! Actually yes i can, it's been two days since I last used that move, so I could use it again if I wanted. Come on, get up and fight!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber caught himself with his front hooves, and caught his sword with his foot. "sleight mist wasn't the only one training..." he said, as he started flipping about, his sword changing from his front hooves, to his back. all the while seemingly break-dancing.


(killerbee style)

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Blizzard was amazed, "Nice one.  :wacko: " Blizzard then tried out a new hoof style move, "Wrestling style!" Blizzard then put Caliber onto his own shoulders and strains, "Nnng woah man you're heavy  :o ! Body slam!" Blizzard then slammed Caliber onto the ground with whatever strength he had, "Yeah! Aah my arms hurt  a little but still! How ya like that one?  :comeatus: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber felt himself get lifted up. "wait, what the-" SLAM! caliber laid there for a couple of seconds, before flipping to his hooves. the sheer impact did a number on him, he was dizzy. but he managed to smile, and attack again, using the same unpredictable style.


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Blizzard got a few more cuts on his body due to the sheer unpredictability of Caliber's style, and bled a little more. "Ow! Pretty good, but lemme show you another new move of mine...my throw... :sneer: " Blizzard grabbed Caliber by the shoulders, knocked him so hard that he bounced into the air, jumped into the air, and backflip kicked him to the ground, "How ya like that?! :comeatus: "   


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Orion Caelum

Anette and the dolls listened to the pegasi's words. Then, one by one, they moved into action. The first was Hero, who floated up towards Wilhelm. After staring at him for a second, he put his right hoof to his head, his best impression of an honorary salute, before turning around and moving back to Alice's side.


The next was Hearthrob, who decided to skip the ceremony and go straight for a hug. She figured out quite quickly that a waist hug was all but impossible, however, and so eventually settled on a simple hoofshake. She then too moved back to Alice's side, though she seemed a bit unsatisfied as she left.


The last was Glory. On hearing his words, she simply floated up closely to him, staring into his face as if trying to tell if he was lying. Then, ever so slowly, she began to reach out with her wings...


Before playfully pulling down Wilhelm's hat. After which, she joined the other dolls, seemingly satisfied.


The whole time, Anette sat and watched, first with fascination, then sympathy, then slight dread when Glory began to move. Now, as the last doll floated back to her, she was onto barely contained astonishment.


"Wow, you seemed to have impressed all of them. Even Glory, and she's a really tough sell!"

The doll gave her an odd look, to which Alice replied "What? It's true!" Then, she turned back to the pegasi.


"Anyways. Mr. Wilhelm, allow me to give you my ​assessment. I think... you're a good stallion. You seem to be honest, you're more than considerate, and you treat others with respect, even at times when i'm sure it must be difficult. You may have done some questionable things during your time, and I can't begin to know what they are. Honestly i'm not sure I want to know. But whatever you did, i'd like to think you did it with the best of intentions. Because I see somepony great in you," she said as she finished, eyes slightly misty and shining in the light of the hospital.


Wilhelm bowed his head, slightly overcome by the situation. After a moment, he turned his head back up, and his eyes were slightly misty; behind them, however, was something haunted and menancholy. "Thank you. Thank you all for your respect and your praise, though I doubtless do not deserve it by half. But nevertheless, it is....relieving to know that I have ponies who can...." He waved a hoof in the air, the eloquent pegasus unable to fully explain what he was thinking for once. "Again, thank you." He recovered his previous smile, righted his fedora, corrected the red feather's slant, and turned to Annete. "Perhaps sometime soon you would return and we may converse again? Or, rather, next time I will visit you, if you wish. Under the care of the healers here, I will doubtless be up to fitness in the next few days. And, as always, atra gulia un ilian tauthr ono, un atra ono waise skoliro fra rauthr." 

Edited by Orion Caelum
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again, caliber felt himself get lifted into the air, and saw himself suddenly hurdeling to the ground. "crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap..." caliber just managed to stick ihs sord into the ground, to slow his fall. 



it still hurt, though. 


caliber looked up at ice blizzard. "well, now, why dont we get to the main event!" he said, as dark magic billowed out, covering him. "lets go!!" caliber streaked at him, faster than ever before.


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Blizzard was hit a lot more and bled some more. He was now somewhat scared and confident, "Uh-oh, nah I got this. Alright then, you want the mane event eh? You want mane? I'll show ya mane! Time to feel the chill bro? You ready?!" Blizzard jumped back as far as he could to get some room to charge his last bit of energy, "Are you ready?!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned, as he stared back, "whattaya think?! bring it!!" caliber raised his sword, ready to react. "but are you ready to feel the heat?!" caliber didnt know what he meant by that, but it sounded right. oh, well. maybe he should ask rune about that fire thing he did...


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@Orion Caelum

Anette cocked her head to the side, mirrored by Hero and Hearthrob; only Glory seemed to nod in understanding at his final words. Still, when he was finished, Anette beamed nonetheless.


"I would love to see you again. My dolls as well, though i'll have to bring Nightmare this time..." she said, putting her hoof under her chin in a worried concentration. She shrugged it off seconds later, once again becoming her cheerful self.


"No, i'm sure you'll make it work. You seem to have a way of bringing smile's to those who need them. Never give that up, Mr. Wilhelm." she said, giving him a small smile as if in proof.


Finally, she got up to depart,dolls trailing behind her. "Well, I should be going, then, you need your rest. If you get out early and you can't find me, send me a letter. Or, better yet, call Glory, it's faster. Goodbye Mr Wilhelm..." she said. After a momentary pause, she added, "...and thank you."


And with that, she left, setting sights for her apartment.

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Blizzard took a moment to laugh, "hahaha what? 'Feel the heat'? Dude last time I checked, your sword is only firey due to that enchantment you bought that one time.  :lol: But enough about that! :sneer: Time to get it stone cold brother!" Blizzard jumped into the air to perform his D.I.N.E blast the proper way, and his blood dripped from his body as he jumped, "It's time!!!" Blizzard covered his body in ice and made some arbitrary hoof movements before slamming them together, "DRY ICE NUCLEAR EXPLOSION DAMMIT!" And he launched the blast to the ground to blow it up, "REEEEAAAH!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber raised his sword, buffed the dark magic even more, and guarded. his just-about-unbreakable sword hit the D.I.N.E. blast, and time seemed to stop. caliber saw his sword bend a little. his eyes widened. that has never happened before. it exploded, but caliber held his ground. he felt his knees pop, and so did his elbows. 


when the blast was over, caliber looked at ice blizzard for a second. "well, looks like i haven't won, yet..." he said with a grin, falling to one knee. his dark magic had reached its time limit, he took the blast, and not to mention getting slammed a couple times, but he could see ice blizzard was wobbling. he grinned, knowing it'll be a tie.


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