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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Tyra simply smirked back at Caliber, stretching her neck and cracking it. "We shall see how it aids you."


She perked up and blinked as Luna got jabbed in the eye with a hoof. She trotted over to the alicorn.

"Are you well, princess?" She asked, looking rather concerned.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sleight Mist stood on the elevation, having barely reached it before the stage exploded. She hadn't been expecting this, and the metal hadn't done her any favors.  Of all the spikes to fall, one had happened to skin her leg in passing, and now stood embedded in the wall to her right. The other she now held in a barrier, "held" being loosely defined, as the edge had just barely cracked the barrier and was now inches from her eye. She dropped the barrier, metal clattering to the ground, before she heard Lektra Bolt's question; the dust floating in the air made anything else impossible.


"Just barely," she responded. "You're incredibly reckless, you know? Coming from me, that's saying something."


While talking, she flipped up three barriers, putting more energy into them to compress into a thinner, sharper form. Taking the best approximation of where Lektra Bolt was based off of her voice, she tossed the "spears" through the haze, and waited.


@Mars Orbit  @Unicorncob

Luna could have done many, many things to defend herself from the pony who had so foolishly assaulted her, and a particularly nasty thought involved turning him into a half-cat, half-field mouse mutant, and watching him eat himself. But she didn't have that kind of power on tap, since her and her sister had both decided after the last friendly duel that they should have their power vastly suppressed at all times, particularly for reasons like this. While her eye regenerated, damage simply vanishing off of her figure, she distantly wondered if any historians or geographers left alive knew the true story of Ghastly Gorge. Once upon a time, it hadn't existed. Then, a particularly ill-informed servant had made the mistake of waking her up during dawn instead of twilight, and she had lashed out in angry rage. Even that paled in comparison to her sister's reaction upon hearing it, however, which had been to accidentally turn the southern mountain ranges into the Flatlands. Times were still better back then, though, she thought, as the last of the damage undid itself. Finally she could see her "attacker."


"Skitz," she said flatly, gently moving his hoof away from her, for his own safety. "I fear I have no recollection of these bits which you claim I owe you. Would you care to remind us what was promised, and for what purposes?"

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"You are announcer. I make bet with announcer. I win bet. You owe bits. 20 bits." Skitz said. "You can't just do that." He lifted his hoof. "I will give you da pokes unless you pay me. You dont want da pokes." He held up a bag of bits. "Or you can just do a flip and we can forget all about that little debt."

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A random pillow flies towards Skitz and hits him softly in the face. Inax yawns and scratches his ear with his hind hoof. "Mmmm....oh look, a pillow just hit your face. Hope it didn't scratch or hurt anything." He picks up the pillow and hugs it. "Kind of fell out of bed and pop back here again."

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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"MY FAAAAAAACEEEEEEEE....." skitz feels his face "is fine" skitz grabbed Inax by the face. "But why? Are you a hobo?" "If so can I borrow some of your hobo gold? All hobos have hobo gold." Skitz let go of his inax's face "that leaves more questions. WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? WHY ARE CLOUDS WHITE AND WHY IS GRASS GREEN?!!?!"

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Inax is left with a blank face ._ . "I think I gave you brain damage all of a sudden." He backs away from Skitz. "Anypony have any schizo-pills for this pony o~ o" He shakes his head to wiggle off the tension on his cheeks. "And um...no I'm not a hobo? And I don't have any gold either :\"

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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Tyra could only slowly blink as she witnessed the events taking place before her. This Skitz pony was definitely a few fish short of a school.


"I am genuinely concerned for this pony," she admitted, staring at the stallion in question, "Does he need sleep? Shall I put him to sleep?" She asked, raising a hoof.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Skitz clears his throat "how...do...you...not...have....g-" skitz stopped "I just wanted your hobo gold." Skitz looked at inax "I need some food." Skitz continued to poke luna while talking to inax "Im not crazy im just" he puts on a bandana "a boss...big boss." He raised both hooves in the air "DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!"

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 @Mars Orbit @Unicorncob @Inax

Luna, observing Skitz's various reactions, and finding that he was poking at her once again, decided that the booth, while cramped, would still likely be more comfortable for viewing after all. She vanished in a flash of night blue light, leaving nothing behind but Skitz's promised bag of bits, and an equal promise to herself to swear off mortals for the rest the day.

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@@Chivalry Knight


caliber stared at the spot luna had vanished. "great job, skitz, ya scared her off..." he then turned to chivalry. "so, you wanna do the spar now? i can always just watch a replay of the match, here." he got up, and started to leave. "but first i need a bit to eat." he said, grinning, "you go ahead to the sparring arena, ill meet ya there!"


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"Hmm, didn't get to say hi to her. Meh, maybe next time." Inax lets out a sigh. "Skitz, you're silly =3= Now, we were schedule to fight right? Been waiting for a couple of days to finally fight you. Had to keep freezing time back home. Hope that machine keeps working." 

~Be yourself<3

Le awesome tunes 8| <3~



Me o3o: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/inax-neo-real-r8172

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@Orion Caelum

Though tears still streamed down her face, Anette tried her best to listen to Wilhelm's words, closing her eyes and listening. For a minute, there was hardly a movement or a sound from her, save the occasional chanting of "i'm sorry", before she opened her eyes.


"No, they aren't angry. They say that they just wanted to protect me. They thought I would never forgive myself for if I had done something serious to Electron Wave Storm out of anger, and I can't say that I argue with them."


She closed her eyes and listened for another second before continuing. "And they also say they don't want anything, except for me to stop beating myself up over this. I...can try," she said, wearing the ghost of a smile as she addressed both Wilhelm and the dolls. "Thank you."


Wilhelm finally relaxed noticeably, sitting back in his seat and going back to watching the match. Under his breath, too low for pretty much anyone to hear,  he said  "I simply don't want someone to make my mistakes. It's good that you won't be haunted by the ghosts of regrets past. It's good that I can help." Anything else he may have said was drowned by the sound of Lektra's arena-killing stunt, and after that, he was silent; the only sound coming from him the scratch of pencil on notebook and the occasional magical potential depletion equation. 

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Blizzard had noticed the princess leave and said goodbye and waved to her. Then he said to himself, "Dammit skitz, you had to make Luna leave. In the princess' time, you would have probably lost that arm or something. I don't know." Blizzard had jumped out of his seat and flailed his arms when he saw Lektra's attack, "Huh? Whahhaha WHAT? *heartbeat increases* holy sh-- *coughs* *gasps for air* Ahem, wow, that's uh, pretty nice. I gotta prep for my dea-- I mean fight." Blizzard then goes to the training grounds and starts punching a sandbag continuously.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Chivalry smiled and nodded, signaling that he would comply. He trotted down to the sparring arena and sat on a nearby bench. He guessed that Caliber might take a while so Chivalry decided to doze off. The hard structure that he laid upon wasn't quite the best place to grab a nap; However it would have to do for the time being.

Chivalry started to dream. It was not often that he would dream but when he did, it was always about his home in Killik. Sometimes his dream would be good but most times, the dreams would just torture him with memories of the invasion. 


"Alright Chivvy, you ready? I promise you, I will not go easy on you." A crimson red unicorn stands in front of a younger version of Chivalry. They both wield swords, and appear to be ready to battle. They both stand in the middle of a small sandy arena.

Chivalry smirks "This time Crimson, you're gonna be the one that goes down!" He says to the Crimson pony standing in front of him. Chivalry uses his magic to command his blade, his sword shoots towards Crimson, attempting to slice him. Crimson merely sways his blade in his mouth and deflects the oncoming attacks. He then darts towards Chivalry at blinding speeds, suddenly being at arm's reach. He then throws his blade in the air and uppercuts Chivalry right beneath his jaw. Chivalry shoots his head and body upwards, giving Crimson an opportunity to attack. An opportunity Crimson took advantage of, he quickly spun and bucked Chivalry in the stomach. Chivalry flew back and landed outside of the arena, the match was over quicker than it had begun; The winner was Crimson.

'Damn... I can't believe I lost again, he took me down quicker than before too. How could I be so weak?' Chivalry thinks to himself as he lays on the ground.

"Don't worry Chivvy, you'll get stronger as time passes. Trust me, as both your ally and your friend." Crimson says as he lends a hoof out to help out his downed friend.

Chivalry smiles and grabs his hoof.

~Dream End~

"Wah?! Ugh, guess I dosed off for a sec there." Chivalry said to himself as he sat up on the bench.

Edited by Chivalry Knight


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@@Chivalry Knight


caliber came back with enough food to feed ten ponies. "you ready, man?" he asked as he set the food down. "i wont go easy on ya!" caliber stood up on his hind legs, and unsheathed his sword with his left hoof. "here i come!" caliber dashed at him with speeds unnatural for a unicorn. he raised his sword, prepared to use a mixture of kendo and fencing.

Edited by PeytonJay


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@@Chivalry Knight, @,

Blizzard was at the sparring grounds and was continuously punching a sand bag, not too far from Caliber and Chivalry, "Come on dammit! I can't lose! I'm too cool! Gotta stay focused, keep my head in the game and fight with all I've got! Come on Hiya!" Blizzard punched the sandbag so hard that it flew into the air, "Not over yet!" He jumped into the air and cut the sandbag in two with an ice slash, "Take that!" He then lands on the ground with the sandbag pieces. "Whew hey, there's Caliber and Chivalry, lemme see what they can do." Blizzard made an ice chair to sit on and watched them both.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Chivalry noticed Blizzard in the distance, he seemed to be training on what appeared to be a sandbag of sorts. Well, at least it was a sandbag... Chivalry clapped his hooves in approvement to Blizzard's labours.

"Wow, that's some skill you've got there." Chivalry stated as he trotted over to Blizzard. "You use your spells very effectively, I'm impressed hehe." He smiled at Blizzard.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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caliber screeched to stop. he froze in place, waiting for chivalry knight to complete his talk with ice blizzard. although he was a little annoyed...


"take your time." he said quietly, "ill just wait here..."


he really didnt know what to make of that action. he really didnt.


he'll resume his running attack when chivalry was back.

Edited by PeytonJay


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@@Chivalry Knight@

Blizzard sheepishly looked up, "Hmm? Oh it's nothing really. Just a new technique I've been working on called 'air fighting'. I'm trying to perfect it, but it seems that I gotta use extra force *slams hooves together* on a REAL opponent if I wanna get them in the air so that I can do more moves like that. But, like I said, no big deal." Blizzard noticed a bunch of food nearby, "Is Calibro with you? On that guy would carry THAT much food around." And he saw Caliber.


"Oh shoot! I'm interrupting your practice! Go on ahead you two! Go ahead and practice away. :) "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Chivalry looked behind himself "Oh, you finally came? I didn't notice..." He said while smirking at Caliber. "Alright alright, lets get this started then shall we?" He unsheathes his blade using his magic. Bubbles suddenly flow out of Chivalry's horn. They begin to stick to multiple surfaces inside the arena.
He turns to look at Blizzard. "Hey you might wanna step out, don't want ya accidently touching any of those bubbles now. Hehe" He says to Blizzard. He then turns towards Caliber and awaits his opponent.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Blizzard then backs up from their part of the sparring grounds, and sits in an ice chair backwards on purpose, "Ok, now I'm gonna see what this new guy Chivalry is about with HIS sword. Maybe I'll fight him too....but first, let's see what this guy can do and how he can do it."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The room was once again coming alive as the dust settled, metal tentacles reaching at her from wherever it had previously landed. She began to dodge, with the skill of someone who had spent years wandering through dangerous situations and terrain.


When she saw a net come spinning at her as well, however, it dimly occurred to her that even she couldn't possibly dodge everything at once. So, conjuring up a sheet of five barriers, she chose to block the net, disrupting it as it came.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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After some wandering around the arena, Tyra found herself in the sparring area, seeing a few ponies go at it.

She grinned, happy to see so many warrior spirits in this place.


She decided she'd have to get herself warmed up, in case she was called upon to fight.

She spotted a lone training dummy and began beating her hooves on it, occasionally switching to her axe to slash at it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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caliber took note of the bubbles, and continued running at chivalry. "ready or not!" he jumped into the air, and decided to open up with his favorite attack. he spun vertically, his sword becoming a blur as it got closer to chivalry. 'lets see how he reacts to this.' caliber thought


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Blizzard left the area with Caliber and Chivalry, and went to where Tyra was, "Hey axe girl! Good moves you got there. I personally don't think I'd have a chance against you, even WITH my Variations because you're small AND powerful. I mean that in a good way, you can use that small size of yours to avoid attacks easier. You'd be almost untouchable!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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