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private The Elements


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Chrysteel knew she could hold all six of the other traits but the love she felt for those in need far outweighed the other six.


Her horn flares as she attempts to clean off the Pony with the scarf. She didn't like seeing a pony made a mockery of themselves.


She senses for the Hearts of those here, to feel that which is most charished by them. Be it for love or something else.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The princess took a good look at the newly arrived pony. She sure didn't look like an element of laughter.


"Welcome, my little pony. Thank you all for coming at such short notice. It has come to my attention that there have been some unusual activity happening across Equestria. Ponies have reported disturbances in schools across Canterlot. There have been reportings of hearing a mare singing in empty halls. This has become rather distressing to the foals and fillies and I believe something sinister may be at play. As the new Elements of Harmony, I'd like you all to investigate this matter and bring peace to our schools once again. Any questions?"

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"when do i get this gem off my sword?" caliber piped up. he had finished off the huge cake while everyone was distracted. yeah...he had a huge appetite. caliber wiped the chocolate off his lips, and stood up. "and are we gonna have to, like, become best friends?"


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Chrysteel says, "That may or may not be what is ment to be. Our desires hopes and dreams may or may not bring us together as such. I am certainly willing to give it a try."


Chrysteel knows she is the odd one out but still she wishes to hold true to herself and help others. She wishes not to see another Canterlot invasion. Her mother's choice of action is what is killing the hive. A friendship with ponies can yield what the hive needs and not through control and command.

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"New elements of Harmony?" Amber said breathlessly. Fear mounting, she looked frantically at the other ponies in the room--the other vessels chosen by the elements. Not one of them seemed as nervous or shocked as she was...in fact, they almost seemed bored. This made Amber even more nervous.

"What happened to the previous weilders of the elements?" She blurted out suddenly, trying keep her own emotions in check. Talking to the Princess was on thing, but being sent off on a potentially life-threatening quest was another. Amber approached the throne, shaking slightly. Endless thoughts buzzed about in her mind, back and forth. It was almost deafening. Amber shut her eyes pensively, then looked back up to her Princess.

"...And what has this school got to do with it...?" she said, now sounding more curious than frightened. "I thought the elements were for creating peace and harmony, not...fighting ghosts!" Amber Dust could hear the panic and frustration in her own voice, despite her attempts to surpress it. She stared into Celestia's eyes, searching them. Something strange was going on here, the unicorn thought. Her nerves dissipated, and gears began to turn in Amber's clever mind. Her eyes glinted madly at the thought of the adventure ahead of her.

"What exactly are you asking us to do?" she said.

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"We have reason to believe the elements are simply going through another cycle, changing its bearers." She smiled understanding at their predicament. "Trust me that this is no ghost. We believe something more sinister may be at play. Also a choir mare has gone missing, and we believe that these cases are related. As the new elements, you may be the only ponies with the power to stop whatever is plaguing these schools."

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Chrysteel bows respectfully and says, "I would be delighted to help a future ally. What is the name of this school? Also besides the choir mare going missing, is there any other event that may seem connected?"


Chrysteel enjoys her last Muffin. She had set with the cake the one she offered Celestia. She now stands ready to work with these beings and get this job done. She had cancelled a play date with Dinky, to find out she may be an element of harmony. She will make it up to Dinky later.

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"As far as we're concerned, there hasn't been any other case relating to the incident, however, it's safe to say that these two cases we have are surely related." Celestia looked concerned. She had mixed reviews for this little group. First of all, they didn't seem too eager to help except the changeling princess. Secondly, they didn't even looked concerned about the welfare of the Equestrians. "Any last questions before I send you all off to the Royal School of Music?" She asked.


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"Yes, I have a question!" Amber piped up, becoming frustrated once more. Catching the Princess's eye, she sheepishly composed herself.

"Er...your highness, what...what makes you believe that we are...capable of correcting this?" she said, choosing her words carefully. "I thought the elements of Harmony were for bringing peace to the land...and I thought their bearers had to represent said elements against all odds, not only seperately, but together as well? And I've never seen any of these other ponies before, so, how can we...?" she trailed off, looking desperately into the princess's eyes. Although Amber was an expert at imbuing others with hope, she was often more of a realist, herself, and couldn't help but feel like reality had made a mistake. She wasn't an element of Harmony...she couldn't be.

"...do you really have faith in us?" she said quietly.

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caliber piped up. "remember, when the mane-6 first used the elements of harmony, they barely knew each-other, too. only for a day, to be exact. but they were instant friends, and since they represented the elements so well, they were able to use the elements. whos to say we cant do the same?" caliber continued eating the cake.


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Sallie just blinked, hearing and meeting with a bunch of random ponies! Now they where the new Elements of Harmony? Sitting down and letting her bags slide to the floor of the scrolls and books lightly sliding out over the marble floor. Had some of these ponies gone mad? Now this changeling princess was saying she was good?


“WAIT JUST A TUCKEN MOMENT!” Sallie lashed out, pushing her glasses back up and standing up to her full height.


Stomping a hoof down, the Apple clan member narrow her eyes a bit which most ponies would back away in seeing, violet eyes flashing. “Who says I'm willing to be a element? I got a life and things to do back in the Empire! Also I'm for one not goen to trust a changelings even if shes having cake with the Solar princess!”


Laying back her ears flat to her wide skull, the mare looked right at Chrysteel with a steely gaze. Not caring to much, “I've put in a nuff in being a merc on the side in fighting the changeling...


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Starchase felt rather intimidated by the mare. It reminded him of the strict house masters back in school, standing at their full height, demanding respect.


"She's not a bad pony!" He tried to put his hoof down. One must always defend the honour of a lady, he believed, even if he was doing a poor job of it. He tried to sound as confidant as he could in the face of such a strong mare. "None of us chose to be bearers! Just because she's a changeling doesn't make her any less than us. We all have a right to be here, no less than the trees and the stars. Nobody likes to be judged by their looks! I doubt you'd like it if I nitpick about your appearance."


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caliber stopped eating the cake. "and to top it off," he looked at sallie. "you dont have a choice. the mere fact that the elements have chosen new bearers means danger is coming. and we've been selected to deal with it."  he said seriously. he got up, and walked slowly towards her. "and if you wanna protect ponies, then you have to deal with it." his eyes had darkened, and he wasn't concerned in the least about these new ponies. he stopped right in front of her. "so, we have to be friends. im caliber" he held out his hoof, and grinned. "Caliber, the Wanderer."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Chrysteel smiles seeing as one can look past appearances. She steps up, in a kind voice she says, "I can understand where your coming from. And I do have the basic appearance of a changeling. However let me show you something a changeling doesn't have."


She lifts slightly both wings to reveal a cutiemark of a heart surrounded by an evolution chrysalis before transparent feathered wings and a horn. She then says, "I am not entirely changeling. It is the reason I can go much longer then the other true breeds, without suffering love starvation."


She then also offers her hoof and says, "My name is Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis. If you wish to know anything about me I will open my heart to your mind. I will hide nothing. Until now only Dinky and Ditzy have been my friends. I hope that we can as well. It was Ditzy who taught me the meaning to the term Love of Friendship. She showed me what mother did was wrong by just being a true friend to me."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"I am Starchase from Canterlot, nice to meet you all. I hope we can all put aside our differences and be friends." He cooled down a bit. Trying his best to smile and be approachable.


"Please do try to get along, my little ponies." Princess Celestia pleaded. "The fate of Equestria could very well be in your hooves."


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She kept her strewn glare at Starchaser a bit, eyes level but her ears a bit laid back but it was best to stick to her guns for a bit. Perhaps just spilling out in her inner anger had not been a good call and Rune always had told her to get all facts before rushing into anything or choice. Yet a member of the Seeker Merc group never ran from any kind of fight...


“Much I don't care bout how I look kiddo, nitpick all yah want and I have heard it all.” Sallie said, keeping in her stance and leer, muscles flicking on her chest under her healthy coat with some dull scars in showing of the fur.


Turning to this Caliber fellow, she smiled in a leer like way, “Oh we have a choice, I can walk away and go home, as for you Miss. Chrysalis I'd be more careful in who you revel such info too. Rouge changelings still be in the lands and I don't think they would be be liken a princess or queen in working with their food. Had a nuff of fighting of your kind to know some of the culture...”


Remaking herself, the bookkeeper shifted her stance as it seemed every pony had lost a nail or two but she sensed a bit of something, “I'm Sallie Cinnamon Apple, part time chronicler, member of the Seeker merc group run by Rune. Also Miss.Celestia, I anit your pony...”


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Amber could feel herself clench up, frustrated that Celestia hadn't answered any of her questions. She hated being unprepared, and this lack of information certain left her with a feeling of dread. she didn't even know what element she was! The whole scenario felt less and less likely to succeed with each passing second. She looked up to Princess Celestia, who was smiling pleasantly as the ponies bickered. Surely this wasn't the way her ruler was meant to behave? Amber shut her eyes and let a long breath out through her nostrils, trying to calm herself down with her thoughts. It's an adventure, Amber, you love an adventure. So what if the world may be hanging in the balance--if an element really chose you, you can handle it. If Princess Celestia has faith in you, you should, too. Amber opened her eyes back up. Although the other ponies around her bickered and fought, Amber could not hear them.

Quietly, she pulled off her red scarf, revealing her element. She folded the scarf neatly and placed it in her saddlebag, buckling it shut. The gem on Amber's chest shone brightly with white light. She marched forward and looked up at her Princess, staring at her for a moment.

All of a sudden, Amber bowed deeply.

"I will fight for you, Princess," she said quietly. Then she turned to face the others.

"Our differences don't matter," she said flatly, a grave tone in her voice. "And they'll matter even less if we let this evil defeat us!" She let her eyes skim over the five other ponies. A new confidence emitted from Amber, and she felt herself become re-energized at the thought of adventure. The thought of fighting for her kingdom. A feeling of destiny swelled within her.

"Whether or not you want to be here doesn't matter anymore," she said. Pointing to her own element, she continued, "The dye has been cast, and I, for one, am not going to splash around here trying to undo what can't be undone!" She stomped a hoof on the marble ground. There was a sense of finality to her voice.

Edited by AmberDust
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"Yeah!" Starchase could almost feel a tear roll down his face. It reminded him of a rousing call to arms speech delivered perfectly, full of bravery and spirit. This was a sort of image he idolized. He could feel his heart beat courageously in his chest.

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caliber smirked at sallie. "no, you ignorant little girl. you really dont have a choice. if this new threat really does need the elements, then its either save equestria, or everything you know and love will be destroyed." he snickered. "or does family not mean that much to you?" he sighed, and went back to the cake. "but! we're supposed to be friends. so..." he started eating again.


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If Princess Celestia had doubts about the new group of elements, she didn't share them. She gave the gang the report files, wished them good luck and sent them on their merry way by flying chariot drawn by the pegasi of the royal guard who made extra special care to fly in formation and not scatter.


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Chrysteel looks to the others and then to herself. She watches as everything passed by. She looks to the others and says, "So these reports give us very little to go on. Hopefully we can solve this before it gets out of hoof. You all already know about a changeling's main lifeline, Love. It also functions to increase our magical and physical abilities. Hopefully we can work together to get this done. I hate forced friendships, probably as much as yall do, because it just doesn't feel right or natural. Hopefully, as time goes on, we do become friends."

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"yeah, sure, why not. as far as im concerned, we're already friends." caliber said absent-mindlessly. "but...i cant be the only one thinking this...just who are we gonna fight with these?" he pointed to his sword hilt, which had the gem. "and why cant the last bearers deal with it?"


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Amber nodded at the words of the Changeling princess. Forced friendships weren't friendships at all, really. This particular mare hated the dishonesty of the whole idea to the extent that it made her grimace just thinking about it. Although she was very curious about this apparent princess, she decided to reserve her questions for a more appropriate time. Then she looked towards the pony with the sword. What had happened to the previous bearers? The same question was on her mind this whole time, but she didn't dwell on it this time. There were more pressing matters.

Amber read carefully over the report for the nth time as the chariot pulled though the sky.

"Is everypony ready?" she asked the others, wind carrying her voice. There was some tension among them, and Amber meant to dispel it as soon as she could, for the better of everypony. She cleared her throat.

"This is certainly a morning unlike any other I've ever had," she said with a hesitant smirk. "Though, not one I'll soon forget..." she looked to Starchase with a sympathetic smile. Out of all the ponies, he had been the only one who seemed to avoid bickering and fighting with the others.

"I'm Amber, by the way," the mare added over the sound of the drivers' wings. "But I honestly don't know what element I am..." she looked curiously at her fellow bearers, wondering what qualities they might represent.

"What do you ponies think you are?" she asked.

Edited by AmberDust

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"i dunno...maybe honesty? loyalty? maybe even laughter? i guess we'll all find out when we fight the big-baddie." he took out his sword, which made a bell-like sound, and started polishing it. "welp, i guess 'imma give a little about myself...Caliber, the Wanderer. traveler of equestria, and 4th strongest swordpony in this country. i, well, wander equestria."


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Chrysteel says, "Though i bear the title princess, it is more of a form title then a actuall title. I am no longer apart of Hive Chrysalis. Many would say I am an exile."


She looks to the Mercenary pony and says, "I know about your group to a degree. I too have had to face my own kind. It comes with being an exile. Most of my own kind want me dead by Chrysalis' command."


She then looks all around at the group as a whole. She says, "We may have come from different aspects of life, but it seems fate has asked us to become the heroes of tomorrow. As for what element I am, I could be any. Even an element yet to be seen in known history."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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